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【雷达成像】合成孔径雷达RD成像算法matlab仿真_systemvue sar成像

systemvue sar成像

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function F=sinc_interp(sig_ar1,Kv_R,d_Kv)%sinc_interp complete standard sinc interplation%   sig_ar1 : the matrix of raw data%   Kv_R : the matrix of RCM%   d_Kv:  the resolution in interplation axis[Na,Nr]=size(sig_ar1);%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%// STOLT MATRIX // %%%%%%%%%sinc_matrix=[-0.003 0.010 -0.024 0.062 0.993 -0.054 0.021 -0.009;             -0.007 0.021 -0.049 0.131 0.973 -0.098 0.040 -0.017;             -0.012 0.032 -0.075 0.207 0.941 -0.134 0.055 -0.023;             -0.016 0.043 -0.101 0.287 0.896 -0.160 0.066 -0.027;             -0.020 0.054 -0.125 0.371 0.841 -0.176 0.074 -0.030;             -0.024 0.063 -0.147 0.457 0.776 -0.185 0.078 -0.031;             -0.027 0.071 -0.165 0.542 0.703 -0.185 0.079 -0.031;             -0.030 0.076 -0.178 0.625 0.625 -0.178 0.076 -0.030;             -0.031 0.079 -0.185 0.703 0.542 -0.165 0.071 -0.027;             -0.031 0.078 -0.185 0.776 0.457 -0.147 0.063 -0.024;             -0.030 0.074 -0.176 0.841 0.371 -0.125 0.054 -0.020;             -0.027 0.066 -0.160 0.896 0.287 -0.101 0.043 -0.016;             -0.023 0.055 -0.134 0.941 0.207 -0.075 0.032 -0.012;             -0.017 0.040 -0.098 0.973 0.131 -0.049 0.021 -0.007;             -0.009 0.021 -0.054 0.993 0.062 -0.024 0.010 -0.003;             -0.000 0.000 -0.000 1.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000];interp_len=8;F=zeros(Na,Nr,'single');         % initialize F(kx,ky) array for interpolationF1=zeros(Na,Nr+interp_len,'single');down_r=interp_len/2+1;up_r=down_r+Nr-1;sig_ar2=zeros(Na,Nr+interp_len,'single');sig_ar2(:,down_r:up_r)=sig_ar1;Kv_R1=zeros(Na,Nr+interp_len,'single');Kv_R1(:,down_r:up_r)=Kv_R;%%        % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % new interploation % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %for m=1:Na                      % for each k loop    for n=down_r:up_r        icKX=ceil(Kv_R1(m,n)/d_Kv)+n;  % closest grid point in KX domain        if(~((icKX>=down_r)&&(icKX<=up_r)))            continue;        end        interp_n_stolt=(icKX-4):1:(icKX+3);        cKX=(icKX-n)*d_Kv;            % and its KX value        res_Kz=-(Kv_R1(m,n)-cKX);        row_idx=round(res_Kz/d_Kv*16);        if(row_idx == 0)            F1(m,n)= sig_ar2(m,icKX);            continue;        end        F1(m,n)=sum(sig_ar2(m,interp_n_stolt).*sinc_matrix(row_idx,:));    endend % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % new interploation % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %F=F1(:,down_r:up_r);clear F1 Kv_R1 sig_ar2;

3 仿真结果

4 参考文献

[1]黄峣, 尹春雷, 程潇. 合成孔径雷达成像RD算法仿真实验[J]. 兵器装备工程学报, 2014, 35(5):109-111.



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