GDAL 是一个很强大的可以读取很多格式 的带有GIS信息的栅格型图像。前阵子项目中需要读取遥感图像,并显示到QT界面,由于遥感图像一般很大,所以采取新开一个读图线程的方式来读取,防止界面假死。下面是代码共享,测试通过读取500MB的24000*24000像素GeoTiff图并在QT的QGraphicsView中显示。
环境:VS2005+SP1, Qt 4.6.0, GDAL 1.6.2
文件:commontoolfunctions.h, gdalimagereaderthread.h, gdalimagereaderthread.cpp
- /*
- * 工具函数:网上找来的根据两点的经纬度坐标计算两个点的大地距离。
- */
- #include <math.h>
- #define EARTH_RADIUS 6378.137
- #define MY_PI 3.14159265358979
- #define LB_CONVERT_TO_RAD(d) (d * MY_PI / 180.0)
- /*
- * 输入经纬度坐标,单位'度'。
- * 返回值单位为公里。
- * code from google maps. 近似值.
- */
- double CalcDistanceByLB(double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2)
- {
- double radLat1 = LB_CONVERT_TO_RAD(lat1);
- double radLat2 = LB_CONVERT_TO_RAD(lat2);
- double a = radLat1 - radLat2;
- double b = LB_CONVERT_TO_RAD(lng1) - LB_CONVERT_TO_RAD(lng2);
- double s = 2 * asin(sqrt(pow(sin(a/2),2) + cos(radLat1)*cos(radLat2)*pow(sin(b/2),2)));
- s = s * EARTH_RADIUS;
- return s;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * QT线程类:使用GDAL读取图像文件并转为QImage的线程。
- * 创建:MulinB
- * 日期:2010-1-8
- * 上次修改: 2010-06-20
- */
- #include <QThread>
- #include <gdal_priv.h> //for GDAL
- class QImage;
- class RSI_MapCanvas;
- class RSI_ImageReaderThread : public QThread
- {
- public:
- RSI_ImageReaderThread(RSI_MapCanvas* pCanvas);
- ~RSI_ImageReaderThread();
- public:
- void ReadFile(const QString& imageFileName); //使用该函数读取文件
- protected:
- void run(); //线程函数
- private:
- RSI_MapCanvas* m_pCanvas;
- QString m_imageFileName;
- private:
- //GDAL读取图像文件时的临时变量
- GDALRasterBand* m_pBand_GDAL_;
- int m_nXSize_GDAL_;
- int m_nYSize_GDAL_;
- void* m_pDataBufStart_GDAL_;
- int m_nBufXSize_GDAL_;
- int m_nBufYSize_GDAL_;
- GDALDataType m_eBufDataType_GDAL_;
- int m_nBufPixSpace_GDAL_;
- int m_nBufLineSpace_GDAL_;
- private:
- {
- RSI_IMG_DRIVER_UNDEF = 0, //未定义的打开方式
- RSI_USE_OPENCV, //使用opencv
- };
- private:
- //将图像宽度字节数32位对齐
- inline int Get32bitAlignedWidthBytes(int nImgPixWidth, int nBytesPerPix);
- //GDAL buffer 转 QImage
- QImage* CvtGDALBufferToGrayQImage(uchar* &pafScanblock, int nImgSizeX, int nImgSizeY, GDALDataType pixType);
- //将非8位的灰度图转换为8位灰度图
- template <class T>
- void CvtImgDataTo8bitGrayImg(T* pOrigData, int nImgSizeX, int nImgSizeXAligned32bit, int nImgSizeY, uchar* pNew8bitImgBuf, int nNewImgSizeXAligned32bit, T maxVal, T minVal);
- };
- /*
- * QT线程类:使用GDAL读取图像文件并转为QImage的线程。
- * 创建:MulinB
- * 日期:2010-1-8
- * 上次修改: 2010-06-20
- * TODO: 1.图像分辨率转换计算貌似有问题...
- 2.代码比较乱,没时间整理...囧...
- */
- #include "GDALImageReaderThread.h"
- #include "iplimagetoqimage.h" //for IplImage converting to QImage
- #include "commontoolfunctions.h" //for calculate distance by LB
- #include <cv.h> //for OpenCV
- #include <highgui.h> //for OpenCV
- #include <limits.h> //for INT_MAX, INT_MIN, ...
- #include <float.h> //for FLT_MAX, FLT_MIN, ...
- QMutex G_imageReadMutex;
- QWaitCondition G_imageReadComplete;
- RSI_ImageReaderThread::RSI_ImageReaderThread(RSI_MapCanvas* pCanvas)
- : m_pCanvas(pCanvas)
- {
- }
- RSI_ImageReaderThread::~RSI_ImageReaderThread()
- {
- }
- //线程函数
- void RSI_ImageReaderThread::run()
- {
- //这里只将GDAL最费时的RasterIO()函数作为新线程
- /*
- GDALRasterBand::RasterIO() parameters:
- eRWFlag Either GF_Read to read a region of data, or GT_Write to write a region of data.
- nXOff The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side.
- nYOff The line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top.
- nXSize The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels.
- nYSize The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines.
- pData The buffer into which the data should be read, or from which it should be written. This buffer must contain at least nBufXSize * nBufYSize words of type eBufType. It is organized in left to right, top to bottom pixel order. Spacing is controlled by the nPixelSpace, and nLineSpace parameters.
- nBufXSize the width of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written.
- nBufYSize the height of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written.
- eBufType the type of the pixel values in the pData data buffer. The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the GDALRasterBand data type as needed.
- nPixelSpace The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in pData to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted (0) the size of the datatype eBufType is used.
- nLineSpace The byte offset from the start of one scanline in pData to the start of the next. If defaulted the size of the datatype eBufType * nBufXSize is used.
- */
- G_imageReadMutex.lock();
- m_pBand_GDAL_->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, 0,
- m_nXSize_GDAL_, m_nYSize_GDAL_,
- m_pDataBufStart_GDAL_,
- m_nBufXSize_GDAL_, m_nBufYSize_GDAL_,
- m_eBufDataType_GDAL_,
- m_nBufPixSpace_GDAL_,
- m_nBufLineSpace_GDAL_);
- //G_imageReadComplete.wakeAll();
- G_imageReadMutex.unlock();
- }
- //读图函数:使用GDAL和OpenCV读取图像文件
- void RSI_ImageReaderThread::ReadFile(const QString& imageFileName)
- {
- m_imageFileName = imageFileName;
- if (m_imageFileName.isEmpty() || m_pCanvas == NULL)
- return;
- //选择打开图像的驱动方式: GDAL or OpenCV
- const QString strOpenCV = tr("OpenCV");
- const QString strGDAL = tr("GDAL");
- IMG_OPEN_DRIVER_T eOpenDriverType;
- QStringList items; //for input dialog
- items << strOpenCV << strGDAL;
- int curDriverItemIdx = 0;
- //先根据扩展名推荐打开方式
- QString fileExtName = m_imageFileName.right(3).toLower();
- if (fileExtName == QString("bmp")
- || fileExtName == QString("png")
- || fileExtName == QString("jpg")
- || fileExtName == QString("peg")
- || fileExtName == QString("jpe")
- || fileExtName == QString("ppm")
- || fileExtName == QString("pbm")
- || fileExtName == QString("pgm"))
- {
- //如果是常用格式,推荐使用OpenCV打开: (*.bmp *.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.jpe *.ppm *.pgm *.pbm)
- eOpenDriverType = RSI_USE_OPENCV; //根据扩展名来推荐使用哪种打开方式
- curDriverItemIdx = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- eOpenDriverType = RSI_USE_GDAL;
- curDriverItemIdx = 1;
- }
- //弹出对话框让用户选择使用哪种驱动方式打开图像
- bool dlgOk;
- QString itemSel = QInputDialog::getItem(m_pCanvas, tr("Please select..."),
- tr("Driver for image opener:"), items, curDriverItemIdx, false, &dlgOk);
- if (dlgOk && !itemSel.isEmpty())
- {
- if (itemSel == strOpenCV)
- {
- eOpenDriverType = RSI_USE_OPENCV;
- }
- else if (itemSel == strGDAL)
- {
- eOpenDriverType = RSI_USE_GDAL;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- //进度条
- int progressBarValue = 2;
- QProgressDialog progress(tr("Reading image file..."), tr("Abort"), 0, 100, m_pCanvas);
- QProgressBar prgBar(&progress);
- prgBar.setTextVisible(false); //不显示百分比
- progress.setBar(&prgBar);
- progress.setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal);
- progress.setCancelButton(NULL);
- progress.setWindowTitle(tr("Please wait...")); // 标题
- progress.setValue(progressBarValue);
- //use GDAL and OpenCV open image files
- if (eOpenDriverType == RSI_USE_OPENCV)
- {
- //打开图像文件
- IplImage* pIplImg = NULL; //声明IplImage指针
- if ((pIplImg = cvLoadImage(m_imageFileName.toStdString().c_str(), 1)) == 0) //使用OpenCV highgui打开图像文件
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(m_pCanvas, tr("Failed"), tr("Open Image File Failed!"), tr("OK"));
- return;
- }
- //读取图像信息
- QString rsiFileInfo; //图像信息
- QString tempStr;
- tempStr = tr("Size is %1 x %2 x [%3(bits) x %4(channels)]/n")
- .arg(pIplImg->width)
- .arg(pIplImg->height)
- .arg(pIplImg->depth)
- .arg(pIplImg->nChannels);
- rsiFileInfo += tempStr;
- //显示
- uchar* imageDataBuffer = NULL;
- QImage* pQImage = IplImageToQImage(pIplImg, &imageDataBuffer); //转换成QImage
- //创建图层
- RSI_ImageLayer* pImageLayer = new RSI_ImageLayer(*pQImage);
- pImageLayer->setLayerName(m_imageFileName);
- pImageLayer->setImageLayerInfo(rsiFileInfo);
- pImageLayer->setBufferToBeFree(imageDataBuffer); //记录到m_bufferToBeFree中,待关闭图像时释放buffer内存
- pImageLayer->setVisible(false); //默认不显示
- pImageLayer->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, false);
- m_pCanvas->AddImageLayer(pImageLayer);
- //释放临时内存
- cvReleaseImage(&pIplImg);
- delete pQImage;
- goto _READ_IMAGE_FILE_OVER; //读取完毕直接返回
- }
- else if (eOpenDriverType == RSI_USE_GDAL)
- {
- //如果是遥感图像格式,则使用GDAL打开
- GDALAllRegister();
- GDALDataset* poDataset; //GDAL数据集
- poDataset = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen(m_imageFileName.toStdString().c_str(), GA_ReadOnly);
- if( poDataset == NULL )
- {
- //QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("Failed"), tr("GDAL Open Image File Failed!"), tr("OK"));
- return;
- }
- //读取遥感图像信息
- QString rsiFileInfo; //遥感图像信息
- QString tempStr;
- tempStr = tr("GDAL Driver: %1/%2/n")
- .arg(QString(poDataset->GetDriver()->GetDescription()))
- .arg(QString(poDataset->GetDriver()->GetMetadataItem(GDAL_DMD_LONGNAME)));
- rsiFileInfo += tempStr;
- tempStr = tr("Size is %1 x %2 x %3(bands)/n")
- .arg(poDataset->GetRasterXSize())
- .arg(poDataset->GetRasterYSize())
- .arg(poDataset->GetRasterCount());
- rsiFileInfo += tempStr;
- /*
- 地理参考坐标系统:
- The returned string defines the projection coordinate system of the image in OpenGIS WKT format.
- */
- double adfGeoTransform[6];
- QString prjRefStr(poDataset->GetProjectionRef());
- if (prjRefStr.isEmpty())
- {
- prjRefStr = tr("none"); //如果此字段为空,那么投影方式可能是GCPs
- }
- else //非空时才读取仿射变换信息
- {
- tempStr = tr("Projection(WKT format) is '%1'/n").arg(prjRefStr);
- rsiFileInfo += tempStr;
- //非空时才读取仿射变换信息
- /*
- 仿射地理变换信息:
- adfGeoTransform[0] // top left x
- adfGeoTransform[1] // w-e pixel resolution
- adfGeoTransform[2] // rotation, 0 if image is "north up"
- adfGeoTransform[3] // top left y
- adfGeoTransform[4] // rotation, 0 if image is "north up"
- adfGeoTransform[5] // n-s pixel resolution
- 计算某一点的地理坐标可以如下计算:
- Xgeo = GT(0) + Xpixel*GT(1) + Yline*GT(2)
- Ygeo = GT(3) + Xpixel*GT(4) + Yline*GT(5)
- */
- poDataset->GetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform );
- tempStr = tr("Origin Cords = (%1,%2)/n")
- .arg(adfGeoTransform[0], 0, 'f', 6)
- .arg(adfGeoTransform[3], 0, 'f', 6);
- rsiFileInfo += tempStr;
- tempStr = tr("Pixel Size(degrees) = (%1,%2)/n")
- .arg(adfGeoTransform[1], 0, 'f', 6)
- .arg(adfGeoTransform[5], 0, 'f', 6);
- rsiFileInfo += tempStr;
- }
- //读取GCPs投影方式
- QString prjGCPStr(poDataset->GetGCPProjection());
- if (prjGCPStr.isEmpty())
- {
- prjGCPStr = tr("none");
- }
- else
- {
- tempStr = tr("GCPs Prj is '%1'/n").arg(prjGCPStr);
- rsiFileInfo += tempStr;
- int nGCPs = poDataset->GetGCPCount(); //获得GCP控制点的个数
- const GDAL_GCP* pGCPs = poDataset->GetGCPs(); //获得GCP控制点
- tempStr = tr("Number of GCPs: %1/n").arg(nGCPs);
- rsiFileInfo += tempStr;
- //由GCPs获得仿射变换参数
- GDALGCPsToGeoTransform( nGCPs, pGCPs, adfGeoTransform, TRUE );
- tempStr = tr("Origin Cords = (%1,%2)/n")
- .arg(adfGeoTransform[0], 0, 'f', 6)
- .arg(adfGeoTransform[3], 0, 'f', 6);
- rsiFileInfo += tempStr;
- tempStr = tr("Pixel Size(degrees) = (%1,%2)/n")
- .arg(adfGeoTransform[1], 0, 'f', 6)
- .arg(adfGeoTransform[5], 0, 'f', 6);
- rsiFileInfo += tempStr;
- }
- //根据adfGeoTransform计算每个像素代表多少米距离
- double oriCordL = adfGeoTransform[0];
- double oriCordB = adfGeoTransform[3];
- double tempL, tempB;
- GDALApplyGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform, 100, 0, &tempL, &tempB); //计算(100,0)像素处的L,B坐标
- double tempDist = CalcDistanceByLB(oriCordL, oriCordB, tempL, tempB);
- double xMeterPerPix = tempDist * 1000.0 / 100.0; //单位为米
- GDALApplyGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform, 0, 100, &tempL, &tempB); //计算(0,100)像素处的L,B坐标
- tempDist = CalcDistanceByLB(oriCordL, oriCordB, tempL, tempB);
- double yMeterPerPix = tempDist * 1000.0 / 100.0; //单位为米
- tempStr = tr("Pixel Size(meters) = (%1,%2)/n")
- .arg(xMeterPerPix, 0, 'f', 6)
- .arg(yMeterPerPix, 0, 'f', 6);
- rsiFileInfo += tempStr;
- //读取图像大小
- int nBandCount = poDataset->GetRasterCount();
- int nImgSizeX = poDataset->GetRasterXSize();
- int nImgSizeY = poDataset->GetRasterYSize();
- //读取图像数据点类型
- GDALRasterBand* preBand = poDataset->GetRasterBand(1); //预读取遥感的第一个波段
- GDALDataType prePixType = preBand->GetRasterDataType();
- int prePixSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize(prePixType) / 8; //GDALGetDataTypeSize得到的是bit
- if (nBandCount >= 3 && prePixSize == 1) //多于3个波段的图像给用户选择是否合并前三个波段用RGB显示
- {
- //QMessageBox::StandardButton userAnswer = QMessageBox::Yes;
- QMessageBox::StandardButton userAnswer = QMessageBox::question(m_pCanvas,
- tr("Choose image show format"),
- tr("%1 bands detected!/nWill you show it in RGB color format using the first three bands?").arg(nBandCount),
- QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No);
- if (userAnswer == QMessageBox::Yes)
- {
- //--------将前三个波段组合成RGB颜色显示, 使用QImage::Format_RGB32格式显示---------
- uchar* pafScanblock = (uchar*)malloc(4*(nImgSizeX)*(nImgSizeY)); //Format_RGB32每个像素4个字节: RGBA
- //assert(pafScanblock != NULL);
- if (pafScanblock == NULL)
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(m_pCanvas, tr("Failed"), tr("Open Image File Failed! Out of memory!"), tr("OK"));
- delete poDataset; //关闭数据集
- }
- memset(pafScanblock, 0x00, 4*(nImgSizeX)*(nImgSizeY));
- //读取图像
- for (int nB=0; nB<nBandCount; nB++)
- {
- GDALRasterBand* poBand = poDataset->GetRasterBand(nB+1); //遥感的一个波段
- assert(poBand != NULL);
- GDALDataType pixType = poBand->GetRasterDataType();
- int pixSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize(pixType) / 8; //GDALGetDataTypeSize得到的是bit
- assert(pixSize == 1); //彩色图的每个通道的size应该是1个字节
- //用RasterIO()读取图像数据
- //poBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, 0, nImgSizeX, nImgSizeY,
- // pafScanblock+nB, nImgSizeX, nImgSizeY, pixType, 4, 0);
- G_imageReadMutex.lock();
- m_pBand_GDAL_ = poBand;
- m_nXSize_GDAL_ = nImgSizeX;
- m_nYSize_GDAL_ = nImgSizeY;
- m_pDataBufStart_GDAL_ = pafScanblock+nB; //注意!
- m_nBufXSize_GDAL_ = nImgSizeX;
- m_nBufYSize_GDAL_ = nImgSizeY;
- m_eBufDataType_GDAL_ = pixType;
- m_nBufPixSpace_GDAL_ = 4; //注意!
- m_nBufLineSpace_GDAL_ = 0;
- start(); //开始新线程
- G_imageReadMutex.unlock();
- while (this->isRunning())
- {
- progressBarValue += 8;
- progress.setValue(progressBarValue % 100);
- QThread::msleep(1000); //注意:这里是让主线程sleep,而不是新线程
- }
- //G_imageReadComplete.wait(&G_imageReadMutex);
- //progressBarValue += 20;
- //progress.setValue(progressBarValue % 100);
- //G_imageReadMutex.unlock();
- }
- //组合成彩色QImage
- QImage* pQImage = NULL;
- pQImage = new QImage(pafScanblock, nImgSizeX, nImgSizeY, QImage::Format_RGB32); //注意:QImage: each scanline of data in the image must also be 32-bit aligned
- //assert(pQImage != NULL);
- if (pQImage == NULL)
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(m_pCanvas, tr("Failed"), tr("Open Image File Failed! Out of memory!"), tr("OK"));
- free(pafScanblock);
- delete poDataset; //关闭数据集
- }
- //创建图层
- RSI_ImageLayer* pImageLayer = new RSI_ImageLayer(*pQImage);
- if (pImageLayer == NULL)
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(m_pCanvas, tr("Failed"), tr("Open Image File Failed! Out of memory!"), tr("OK"));
- free(pafScanblock);
- delete pQImage;
- delete poDataset; //关闭数据集
- }
- pImageLayer->setLayerName(tr("3 bands composited color image") + QString("(") + m_imageFileName + QString(")"));
- pImageLayer->setImageLayerInfo(rsiFileInfo);
- pImageLayer->setGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform);
- pImageLayer->setResolutionX(xMeterPerPix);
- pImageLayer->setResolutionY(yMeterPerPix);
- pImageLayer->setBufferToBeFree(pafScanblock); //记录到m_bufferToBeFree中,待关闭图像时释放buffer内存
- pImageLayer->setVisible(false); //默认不显示
- pImageLayer->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, false);
- m_pCanvas->AddImageLayer(pImageLayer);
- //释放临时对象
- delete pQImage;
- delete poDataset; //关闭数据集
- goto _READ_IMAGE_FILE_OVER; //读取完毕直接返回
- }
- }
- //------------按照波段分别读取,每个波段显示成一个灰度图-------------
- //读取图像
- for (int nB=0; nB<nBandCount; nB++)
- {
- GDALRasterBand* poBand = poDataset->GetRasterBand(nB+1); //遥感的一个波段
- assert(poBand != NULL);
- GDALDataType pixType = poBand->GetRasterDataType();
- int pixSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize(pixType) / 8; //GDALGetDataTypeSize得到的是bit
- //注意:QImage: each scanline of data in the image must also be 32-bit aligned
- int nImgSizeXAligned32bit = Get32bitAlignedWidthBytes(nImgSizeX, pixSize) / pixSize; //对齐后的像素宽度
- uchar* pafScanblock = (uchar*)malloc(pixSize*(nImgSizeXAligned32bit)*(nImgSizeY));
- //assert(pafScanblock != NULL);
- if (pafScanblock == NULL)
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(m_pCanvas, tr("Failed"), tr("Open Image File Failed! Out of memory!"), tr("OK"));
- delete poDataset; //关闭数据集
- }
- //用RasterIO()读取图像数据
- //poBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, 0, nImgSizeX, nImgSizeY,
- // pafScanblock, nImgSizeXAligned32bit, nImgSizeY, pixType, 0, 0);
- G_imageReadMutex.lock();
- m_pBand_GDAL_ = poBand;
- m_nXSize_GDAL_ = nImgSizeX;
- m_nYSize_GDAL_ = nImgSizeY;
- m_pDataBufStart_GDAL_ = pafScanblock;
- m_nBufXSize_GDAL_ = nImgSizeXAligned32bit;
- m_nBufYSize_GDAL_ = nImgSizeY;
- m_eBufDataType_GDAL_ = pixType;
- m_nBufPixSpace_GDAL_ = 0;
- m_nBufLineSpace_GDAL_ = 0;
- start(); //开始新线程
- G_imageReadMutex.unlock();
- while (this->isRunning())
- {
- progressBarValue += 8;
- progress.setValue(progressBarValue % 100);
- QThread::msleep(1000); //注意:这里是让主线程sleep,而不是新线程
- }
- //G_imageReadComplete.wait(&G_imageReadMutex);
- //progressBarValue += 20;
- //progress.setValue(progressBarValue % 100);
- //G_imageReadMutex.unlock();
- //转化为QImage
- QImage* pQImage = CvtGDALBufferToGrayQImage(pafScanblock, nImgSizeX, nImgSizeY, pixType);
- if (pQImage == NULL)
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(m_pCanvas, tr("Failed"), tr("Open Image File Failed! Out of memory!"), tr("OK"));
- free(pafScanblock);
- delete poDataset; //关闭数据集
- }
- //创建图层
- RSI_ImageLayer* pImageLayer = new RSI_ImageLayer(*pQImage);
- if (pImageLayer == NULL)
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(m_pCanvas, tr("Failed"), tr("Open Image File Failed! Out of memory!"), tr("OK"));
- free(pafScanblock);
- delete pQImage;
- delete poDataset; //关闭数据集
- }
- pImageLayer->setLayerName(tr("band") + QString("%1").arg(nB+1) + tr(": pixel type = ") + QString(GDALGetDataTypeName(pixType)) + QString("(") + QString("%1").arg(pixSize) + tr(" bytes)"));
- pImageLayer->setImageLayerInfo(rsiFileInfo);
- pImageLayer->setGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform);
- pImageLayer->setResolutionX(xMeterPerPix);
- pImageLayer->setResolutionY(yMeterPerPix);
- pImageLayer->setBufferToBeFree(pafScanblock); //记录到m_bufferToBeFree中,待关闭图像时释放buffer内存
- pImageLayer->setVisible(false); //默认不显示
- pImageLayer->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, false);
- m_pCanvas->AddImageLayer(pImageLayer);
- //释放临时对象
- delete pQImage;
- }
- delete poDataset; //关闭数据集
- goto _READ_IMAGE_FILE_OVER; //读取完毕直接返回
- } //end if eOpenDriverType
- return;
- }
- //将图像宽度字节数32位对齐,返回对齐后的字节数
- int RSI_ImageReaderThread::Get32bitAlignedWidthBytes(int nImgPixWidth, int nBytesPerPix)
- {
- return ((nImgPixWidth*nBytesPerPix/4) + (((nImgPixWidth*nBytesPerPix)%4)==0 ? 0 : 1)) * 4;
- }
- //GDAL buffer 转 QImage
- QImage* RSI_ImageReaderThread::CvtGDALBufferToGrayQImage(uchar* &pafScanblock, int nImgSizeX, int nImgSizeY, GDALDataType pixType)
- {
- //准备颜色表
- QVector<QRgb> vcolorTable;
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- {
- vcolorTable.push_back(qRgb(i, i, i));
- }
- int pixSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize(pixType) / 8;
- int nImgSizeXAligned32bit = Get32bitAlignedWidthBytes(nImgSizeX, pixSize) / pixSize; //对齐后的像素宽度
- int nNewImgSizeXAligned32bit = Get32bitAlignedWidthBytes(nImgSizeX, 1);
- //根据pixType转换
- if (pixType == GDT_Byte)
- {
- //do nothing
- }
- else //add by baolc, 2010-06-10
- {
- //将16位数据转为8位灰度显示
- uchar* pNew_pafScanblock_8bit = (uchar*)malloc(nNewImgSizeXAligned32bit * nImgSizeY);
- if (pNew_pafScanblock_8bit == NULL)
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(m_pCanvas, tr("Failed"), tr("Open Image File Failed! Out of memory!"), tr("OK"));
- return NULL;
- }
- if (pixType == GDT_UInt16)
- {
- CvtImgDataTo8bitGrayImg<ushort>((ushort*)pafScanblock, nImgSizeX, nImgSizeXAligned32bit, nImgSizeY,
- pNew_pafScanblock_8bit, nNewImgSizeXAligned32bit, USHRT_MAX, 0);
- }
- else if (pixType == GDT_Int16)
- {
- CvtImgDataTo8bitGrayImg<short>((short*)pafScanblock, nImgSizeX, nImgSizeXAligned32bit, nImgSizeY,
- pNew_pafScanblock_8bit, nNewImgSizeXAligned32bit, SHRT_MAX, SHRT_MIN);
- }
- else if (pixType == GDT_UInt32)
- {
- CvtImgDataTo8bitGrayImg<int>((int*)pafScanblock, nImgSizeX, nImgSizeXAligned32bit, nImgSizeY,
- pNew_pafScanblock_8bit, nNewImgSizeXAligned32bit, UINT_MAX, 0);
- }
- else if (pixType == GDT_Int32)
- {
- CvtImgDataTo8bitGrayImg<unsigned int>((unsigned int*)pafScanblock, nImgSizeX, nImgSizeXAligned32bit, nImgSizeY,
- pNew_pafScanblock_8bit, nNewImgSizeXAligned32bit, INT_MAX, INT_MIN);
- }
- else if (pixType == GDT_Float32)
- {
- CvtImgDataTo8bitGrayImg<float>((float*)pafScanblock, nImgSizeX, nImgSizeXAligned32bit, nImgSizeY,
- pNew_pafScanblock_8bit, nNewImgSizeXAligned32bit, FLT_MAX, FLT_MIN);
- }
- else if (pixType == GDT_Float64)
- {
- CvtImgDataTo8bitGrayImg<double>((double*)pafScanblock, nImgSizeX, nImgSizeXAligned32bit, nImgSizeY,
- pNew_pafScanblock_8bit, nNewImgSizeXAligned32bit, DBL_MAX, DBL_MIN);
- }
- free(pafScanblock); //释放原来的内存
- pafScanblock = pNew_pafScanblock_8bit; //指向新内存,注意,因为参数传进来是引用,所以可以改变其指向
- }
- QImage* pQImage = new QImage(pafScanblock, nImgSizeX, nImgSizeY, QImage::Format_Indexed8); //注意:QImage: each scanline of data in the image must also be 32-bit aligned
- if (pQImage == NULL)
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(m_pCanvas, tr("Failed"), tr("Open Image File Failed! Out of memory!"), tr("OK"));
- }
- else
- {
- pQImage->setColorTable(vcolorTable);
- }
- return pQImage;
- }
- //将非8位的灰度图转换为8位灰度图
- template <class T>
- void RSI_ImageReaderThread::CvtImgDataTo8bitGrayImg(T* pOrigData, int nImgSizeX, int nImgSizeXAligned32bit, int nImgSizeY, uchar* pNew8bitImgBuf, int nNewImgSizeXAligned32bit, T maxVal, T minVal)
- {
- int oldIdxPos = 0;
- int newIdxPos = 0;
- T minPixVal = maxVal;
- T maxPixVal = minVal;
- T curPixVal;
- //找到最大值和最小值
- for (int niY=0; niY<nImgSizeY; niY++)
- {
- for (int niX=0; niX<nImgSizeX; niX++)
- {
- oldIdxPos = niY * nImgSizeXAligned32bit + niX;
- curPixVal = pOrigData[oldIdxPos];
- if (curPixVal > maxPixVal)
- maxPixVal = curPixVal;
- if (curPixVal < minPixVal)
- minPixVal = curPixVal;
- }
- }
- //根据最大值最小值进行归一化
- double pixValRange = maxPixVal - minPixVal;
- if (pixValRange == 0)
- pixValRange = 1;
- for (int niY=0; niY<nImgSizeY; niY++)
- {
- for (int niX=0; niX<nImgSizeX; niX++)
- {
- oldIdxPos = niY * nImgSizeXAligned32bit + niX;
- newIdxPos = niY * nNewImgSizeXAligned32bit + niX;
- curPixVal = pOrigData[oldIdxPos];
- pNew8bitImgBuf[newIdxPos] = (uchar)((curPixVal - minPixVal) / pixValRange * 255);
- }
- }
- }
GDAL Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
图像大小: 24000 X 24000 X 1(波段)
GCPs投影方式: GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.2572235630016,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
GCP个数: 4
图像左上角坐标: (116.906446, 36.204771)
像素跨度(经纬度): (0.000031, -0.000022)
像素跨度(米): (3.486195, 1.279424)
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