而待引用文章的bib格式引文我们则会到一些网站,大概率是Google Scholar上复制,一个很严重的问题是Google Scholar上很多都是错误的格式,这里举几个非常常见例子:
对于第一个问题,如果一个会议在一篇文章的参考文献中出现不同的表达形式,对于一些审稿人而言,会觉得杂乱无章。一般而言,我们会选取CVPR 或 Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 或是其简写形式,注意这边的‘C’ ,‘C’, ‘V’, ‘P’, 'R’是大写的。
第二个问题,由于NeurIPS本身是会议,所以Google Scholar上大部分bib格式的引文确实是错误的。
第四个问题,正确的写法应该是:Title = {Microsoft {COCO}: Common objects in context},对于一些专有名词,因保留其原有书写方式,常见的有 COCO, ViT, ImageNet 等。
在给出一些书写的参考之前先说一下这个问题的意义。说实话我第一次听到这个问题的时候也觉得完全没有必要浪费这个时间改这些,很多很好的文章也或多或少存在这样的问题。另一方面,除了ICLR之外,很多会议论文的page也很难找。所以,只能说,在自己的文章没有那么出彩的时候,不要再因为这些小问题降低一些审稿人的预期分数了。以Kaiming He大佬的文章为例吧,参考文献中的细节处理的非常到位(当然有些很统一的没有加page)
@string{CVPR = "{Proc. IEEE Conf. Comp. Vis. Patt. Recogn.}"}
Title = {Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition},
Author = {Kaiming He and Xiangyu Zhang and Shaoqing Ren and Jian Sun},
booktitle = CVPR,
Year = {2016},
pages = {770-778},
@string{NIPS = "{Advances in Neural Inf. Process. Syst.}"}
title = {Attention is all you need},
author = {Vaswani, Ashish and Shazeer, Noam and Parmar, Niki and Uszkoreit, Jakob and Jones, Llion and Gomez, Aidan N and Kaiser, {\L}ukasz and Polosukhin, Illia},
booktitle = NIPS,
pages = {5998-6008},
year = {2017},
@string{ACCV = "{Proc. Asian Conf. Comp. Vis.}"}
@string{CVPR = "{Proc. IEEE Conf. Comp. Vis. Patt. Recogn.}"}
@string{ECCV = "{Proc. Eur. Conf. Comp. Vis.}"}
@string{WACV = "{Proc. Winter Conf. Applications of Comp. Vis.}"}
@string{BMVC = "{Proc. British Machine Vis. Conf.}"}
@string{ICCV = "{Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comp. Vis.}"}
@string{VLDB = "{Proc. Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases}"}
@string{ICIP = "{Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Process.}"}
@string{ICPR = "{Proc. Int. Conf. Patt. Recogn.}"}
@string{ICML = "{Proc. Int. Conf. Mach. Learn.}"}
@string{ICLR = "{Proc. Int. Conf. Learn. Representations}"}
@string{IJCAI = "{Proc. Int. Joint Conf. Artificial Intell.}"}
@string{AAAI = "{Proc. Conf. AAAI}"}
@string{AISTATS = "{Proc. Int. Conf. Artificial Intell. \& Stat.}"}
@string{NIPS = "{Advances in Neural Inf. Process. Syst.}"}
@string{KDD = "{Proc. {ACM SIGKDD} Int. Conf. Knowledge Discovery \& Data Mining}"}
@string{MOD = "{Proc. {ACM SIGMOD} Int. Conf. Management of Data}"}
@string{ICM = "{Proc. {ACM} Int. Conf. Multimedia}"}
@string{CIKM = "Proc. {ACM} Int. Conf. Information \& Knowledge Management"}
@string{ACL = "{Proc. Conf. Association for Computational Linguistics}"}
@string{EACL = "{Proc. Conf. of European Chapter of Association for Computational Linguistics}"}
@string{NAACL = "{Proc. Conf. of North American Chapter of Association for Computational Linguistics}"}
@string{EMNLP = "{Proc. Conf. Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}"}
@string{CoNLL = "{Proc. Conf. Computational Natural Language Learning}"}
@string{JMLR = "{J. Mach. Learn. Res.}"}
@string{JAIR = "{J. Arti. Intell. Res.}"}
@string{ML = "{Mach. Learn.}"}
@string{MS = "{Management Sci.}"}
@string{PR = "{Pattern Recogn.}"}
@string{TAC = "{{IEEE} Trans. Autom. Control}"}
@string{TCSVT = "{{IEEE} Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol.}"}
@string{TSP = "{{IEEE} Trans. Signal Process.}"}
@string{TSTSP = "{{IEEE} J. Sel. Topics Signal Process.}"}
@string{TIT = "{{IEEE} Trans. Inf. Theory}"}
@string{TKDE = "{{IEEE} Trans. Knowl. Data Eng.}"}
@string{TNN = "{{IEEE} Trans. Neural Netw.}"}
@string{TNNLS = "{{IEEE} Trans. Neural Netw. \& Learn. Syst.}"}
@string{TIP = "{{IEEE} Trans. Image Process.}"}
@string{TMM = "{{IEEE} Trans. Multimedia}"}
@string{JRA = "{{IEEE} J. Robot. Autom.}"}
@string{TPAMI = "{{IEEE} Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell.}"}
@string{TRA = "{{IEEE} Trans. Robot. Autom.}"}
@string{TRO = "{{IEEE} Trans. Robot.}"}
@string{TSMC = "{{IEEE} Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern.}"}
@string{TSMCA = "{{IEEE} Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. {A}}"}
@string{TSMCB = "{{IEEE} Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. {B}}"}
@string{TSMCC = "{{IEEE} Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. {C}}"}
@string{IJCV = "{Int. J. Comput. Vision}"}
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