软件配置管理(SCM,Source Control Manage)是“系统化地定义软件项目工作和处理变化,以使项目保持其完整性”的实践活动。SCM关注程序的需求、源码、文档和测试数据等所有项目相关的产物。配置管理策略将决定如何管理项目中发生的一切变化。因此,它记录了你的系统以及应用程序的演进过程。另外,它也是对团队成员协作方式的管理。
尽管分布式版本管理工具Git近几年在开源社区或开发组织形式分散的去中心化团队协作中飞速发展如火如荼,但是企业或公司级别的项目开发是相对集中的工作模式,对时间和协作效率的要求比较高 ,目前大多数仍在采用CVS/SVN这样的中央集控版本控制工具,由团队成员共同维护公司的中心版本,便于统筹开发发布管理。
从事软件开发几年了,目前日常的SCM,Windows下使用TortoiseSVN,Mac下交叉使用SyncroSVN和subversion命令行。本文系统介绍一下subversion的二进制工具包(binUtils)构成以及Windows/Mac下常见的SVN GUI客户端,以期备忘。
Subversion is developed as a project of the Apache Software Foundation, and as such is part of a rich community of developers and users.
Our Vision
Subversion exists to be universally recognized and adopted as an open-source, centralized version control system characterized by its reliability as a safe haven for valuable data; the simplicity of its model and usage; and its ability to support the needs of a wide variety of users and projects, from individuals to large-scale enterprise operations.
Subversion简称SVN,是当前占据主导的版本控制系统,它取代早前流行的CVS(Concurrent Version System)。SVN作为新一代的版本控制工具,不仅可以管理程序源代码,也可以应用于其他协作管理数据的工作:例如使用Subversion来合作写乐谱、共同作图。
在终端命令行中运行“svn --version”可查看当前安装的svn的版本号;通过“svn --help/-h/help/?”可以查看svn帮助,后可跟具体subcommand查询其帮助。
svn is the official command-line client of Subversion. Its functionality is offered via a collection of task-specific subcommands.
svn子命令集(subcommands)提供了客户端命令行支持,支持的子命令(Available subcommands)包括:checkout (co)、log/status(stat, st)、add/delete (del, remove, rm)、diff (di)/patch、revert、commit (ci)、merge/mergeinfo、resolve/resolved。
通过'svn <subcommand> --help(-h)'或'svn--help/-h/help/? <subcommand>'可查看具体子命令的usage(for help on a specific subcommand),例如通过"svn checkout --help"查看svn checkout命令用法。
下文中的svn subcommand一般要指定WC_PATH,或先cd进入某个Working Copy(Versioned Directory)才能有效执行!
svnversion— Summarize the local revision(s) of a working copy.
svnversion命令用于获取本地工作拷贝(Working Copy)的当前版本号(revision),同“svn info”获取的Revision。
svnadmin: create Subversion repositories and perform several maintenance operations on those repositories.
svnlook:svnlook is a tool for examining the various revisions and transactions (which are revisions in the making) in a repository.
svndumpfilter:svndumpfilter provides a very particular brand of useful functionality—the ability to quickly and easily modify streams of Subversion repositoryhistory data by acting as a path-based filter.
svnrdump:The svnrdump program is essentially just network-aware flavors of the svnadmin dump and svnadmin load subcommands, rolled up into a separate program.
svnsync:The svnsync program provides all the functionality required for maintaining a read-only mirror of a Subversion repository. The program really has one job—to transfer one repository's versioned history into another repository.
svnserve—Serve Subversion repositories via Subversion's custom network protocol.
svnserve daemon是一个轻量级的服务,使用自定义的协议通过TCP/IP与客户端通讯。客户端通过svn:// 或者svn+ssh:// 开始的URL访问svnserve服务器。
svnmucc— Perform one or more Subversion repository URL-based ACTIONs, committing the result as a (single) new revision.
TortoiseSVN is a really easy to use Revision control /version control / source control software for Windows. It is based on Apache™ Subversion (SVN)®; TortoiseSVN provides a nice and easy user interface for Subversion.
Since it's not an integration for a specific IDE like Visual Studio, Eclipse or others, you can use it with whatever development tools you like, and with any type of file.
TortoiseSVN与Windows 外壳无缝集成(例如资源管理器上下文菜单),通过用户界面(GUI)收集客户输入,进程名为TortoiseProc.exe。所有的用户输入都通过参数/command:abcd指定给TortoiseProc,其中abcd是必须的命令名。如果你希望使用原生的subversion命令行工具,则可从官方下载Subversion客户端命令行工具包。
《TortoiseSVN中文手册(Subversion 1.8)》
VisualSVN makes your life easier with a reliable plug-in that integrates Subversion seamlessly with Visual Studio.
VisualSVN是一个Visual Studio插件,将Subversion和TortoiseSVN无缝集成到Visual Studio。
We provide a standalone command line Subversion package for Windows. The installer contains all command line tools (svn, svnadmin, svnsync, svnserve, svnmucc, etc.) but no application bindings nor Apache modules.
SlickSVN只是提供了一套Windows平台的subversion工具包(svn,svnadmin, svnsync, svnserve, svnmucc, etc.),不含界面。
Mac OS X系统自带Apache™ Subversion®客户端命令行工具包在终端输入 whereis svn 可查看系统的svn安装在哪里:
- ~ $ whereis svn
- /usr/bin/svn
目录下的svn工具包(svn*)实际上是 Xcode Command Line Tools 的 shims or wrapper executables,真正的工具包实体在Xcode.app里面:
- ~ $ xcrun -f svn
- /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/svn
在终端输入svn --version
- ~ $ svn --version
- svn, version 1.7.20 (r1667490)
- compiled Aug 17 2015, 15:24:52
- Copyright (C) 2014 The Apache Software Foundation.
在~/.subversion/config中配置diff-cmd/diff3-cmd/merge-tool-cmd可指定diff_program/diff3_program/merge_command作为svn diff/merge的第三方(External)工具。
可从WANdisco Download Subversion Binaries网站页面填写个人信息提交下载申请,然后WANdisco会向邮箱中发送download链接,点击即可下载最新subversion的 pkg 格式安装包。
WANdisco下载的subversion pkg程序默认安装到/opt/subversion目录:
- ~ $ cd /opt/subversion/bin
- /opt/subversion/bin $ ls
- svn svnadmin svndumpfilter svnlook svnrdump svnsync
- svn-tools svnbench svnfsfs svnmucc svnserve svnversion
在Shell Terminal中輸入“export PATH=/opt/subversion/bin:$PATH”命令来追加新装subversion的bin路径到PATH中,但是该方法设置的PATH只对当前Shell窗口有效,新建Shell窗口的svn命令还是指向系统的svn binUtils。
建议在 Mac 下使用 brew 安装管理软件,brew 将安装的 subversion 软链到/usr/local/bin/ 目录,而该目录已经追加到 PATH 之首,省去了诸多麻烦步骤,还方便卸载。
文件中添加用户级环境变量,当bash shell以login方式执行时,会读取此文件,且该文件仅仅执行一次。
- ~ $ cat .bash_profile
- cat: .bash_profile: No such file or directory
编辑,输入export PATH=/opt/subversion/bin:$PATH
- ~ $ touch .bash_profile
- ~ $ vi .bash_profile
- ~ $ cat .bash_profile
- export PATH=/opt/subversion/bin:$PATH
- ~ $ source .bash_profile
在当前终端窗口或新建终端tab窗口,重新输入svn --version
- ~ $ svn --version
- svn, version 1.9.1 (r1698128)
- compiled Aug 28 2015, 15:51:18 on x86_64-apple-darwin14.0.0
- Copyright (C) 2015 The Apache Software Foundation.
注意:如果设置了默认Shell为非bash(例如 zsh),可以执行 source ~/.bash_profile 导入PATH,也可以 Shell | 新建命令(⇧⌘N)/bin/bash 新建bash窗口(或者执行chsh -s /bin/bash切换回bash)。
更新svn后,cd到旧版svn控制的工程,输入svn info
提示需要svn upgrade
- ~/path/to/svn_working_copy $ svn info
- svn: E155036: Please see the 'svn upgrade' command
- svn: E155036: The working copy at '~/path/to/svn_working_copy' is too old (format 29) to work with client version '1.9.1 (r1698128)' (expects format 31). You need to upgrade the working copy first.
执行一下svn upgrade
命令,升级当前svn working copy,即可使用最新的svn管理版本控制。
在工程进行upgrade后,重新使用Xcode打开工程,发现Xcode Source Control(可在Xcode Preferences中Enable Source Control)自带的旧版svn已经不能再检测出代码变更。我们需要手动替换Xcode Command Line Tools自带的旧版svn工具包。
目录,输入ls svn*
- ~ $ cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin
- /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin $ ls svn*
- svn svnadmin svndumpfilter svnlook svnrdump svnserve svnsync svnversion
接下来调用sudo mv
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin $ sudo mv svn svn.org
依次备份其他七个文件,然后通过ln -s
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin $ sudo ln -s /opt/subversion/bin/svn* ./
重启Xcode,即可正常Check Remote Repository Status,检测出变更。
~ $ defaults write com.apple.Xcode XCSubversionToolPath /opt/subversion/bin
FSFSis the name of a Subversion filesystem implementation, an alternative to the original Berkeley DB-based implementation.
《Xcode5 SVN配置使用办法》《剖析Collabnet Subversion集成》《Xcode自带Source Control Manager(SCM)以及SnapShots用法简介》
《Introducing Xcode SourceControl》《Understanding Source Control in Xcode》
《Update SVN-Client in XCode (and OSX if you like)》《using SVN 1.8.3 with Xcode 5》
《Xcode自带SVN客户端升级》《升级MacOS X 和 Xcode的SVN到最新版本》
SmartSVN(Windows| Mac OS X | Linux)
The world's most popular, cross-platformgraphical client for Subversion.
SmartSVN is a graphical Subversion (SVN) client that enables developers to work faster and smarter with intuitive features and a user-friendly interface. Developers are able to view the state of a project at a glance with the use of visual indicators rather than a text-based interface, which speeds progress and reduces conflicts.
WANdisco SmartSVN功能相当完善,尤其对分支合并支持的很好。
Syncro SVN(Windows| Mac OS X | Linux)
Syncro SVN Client has been designed to offer powerful actions while keeping the interface as clean and simple as possible. Whether you are new to version control or you are a power user, Syncro SVN Client will give you the best tools to get up and running in no time.
Cornerstone:the ultimate Subversion app.Only for Mac.
Versions offers the best way to work with Subversion on the Mac. Thanks to its clear-cut approach, you'll hit the ground running.
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