王成,腾讯云研发工程师,Kubernetes contributor,从事数据库产品容器化、资源管控等工作,关注 Kubernetes、Go、云原生领域。
进入 K8s 的世界,会发现有很多方便扩展的 Interface,包括 CSI, CNI, CRI 等,将这些接口抽象出来,是为了更好的提供开放、扩展、规范等能力。
K8s 持久化存储经历了从 in-tree Volume 到 CSI Plugin(out-of-tree) 的迁移,一方面是为了将 K8s 核心主干代码与 Volume 相关代码解耦,便于更好的维护;另一方面则是为了方便各大云厂商实现统一的接口,提供个性化的云存储能力,以期达到云存储生态圈的开放共赢。
本文将从持久卷 PV 的 创建(Create)、附着(Attach)、分离(Detach)、挂载(Mount)、卸载(Unmount)、删除(Delete) 等核心生命周期,对 CSI 实现机制进行了解析。
Term | Definition |
CSI | Container Storage Interface. |
CNI | Container Network Interface. |
CRI | Container Runtime Interface. |
PV | Persistent Volume. |
PVC | Persistent Volume Claim. |
StorageClass | Defined by provisioner(i.e. Storage Provider), to assemble Volume parameters as a resource object. |
Volume | A unit of storage that will be made available inside of a CO-managed container, via the CSI. |
Block Volume | A volume that will appear as a block device inside the container. |
Mounted Volume | A volume that will be mounted using the specified file system and appear as a directory inside the container. |
CO | Container Orchestration system, communicates with Plugins using CSI service RPCs. |
SP | Storage Provider, the vendor of a CSI plugin implementation. |
RPC | Remote Procedure Call. |
Node | A host where the user workload will be running, uniquely identifiable from the perspective of a Plugin by a node ID. |
Plugin | Aka “plugin implementation”, a gRPC endpoint that implements the CSI Services. |
Plugin Supervisor | Process that governs the lifecycle of a Plugin, MAY be the CO. |
Workload | The atomic unit of "work" scheduled by a CO. This MAY be a container or a collection of containers. |
本文及后续相关文章都基于 K8s v1.22
PV 创建核心流程:
创建 Pod,根据 PodSpec.Volumes
创建 Volume;PVController
监听到 PV informer,添加相关 Annotation(如 pv.kubernetes.io/provisioned-by),调谐实现 PVC/PV 的绑定(Bound);StorageClass.volumeBindingMode
则等待 Pod 调度到 Node 成功后再进行 PV 创建,Immediate
则立即调用 PV 创建逻辑,无需等待 Pod 调度;external-provisioner
监听到 PV informer, 调用 RPC-CreateVolume 创建 Volume;AttachDetachController
将已经绑定(Bound) 成功的 PVC/PV,经过 InTreeToCSITranslator 转换器,由 CSIPlugin 内部逻辑实现 VolumeAttachment
监听到 VolumeAttachment informer,调用 RPC-ControllerPublishVolume 实现 AttachVolume;kubelet
reconcile 持续调谐:通过判断 controllerAttachDetachEnabled || PluginIsAttachable
及当前 Volume 状态进行 AttachVolume/MountVolume,最终实现将 Volume 挂载到 Pod 指定目录中,供 Container 使用;CSI(Container Storage Interface) 是由来自 Kubernetes、Mesos、Docker 等社区 member 联合制定的一个行业标准接口规范(
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