详细了解戳 trax
trax库是google开源的一个深度学习代码库,基于tensorflow, jax实现了主流的深度学习模型。市场上有这么多开源的深度学习模型实现库,为什么还要搞个trax呢?它的特点就是聚焦端到端的深度学习模型,主打的就是实现简洁,好理解。当然也可以用它来实现自己的模型,CPU、TPU、GPU都能支持,选择trax的源代码, 当然也是因为google对模型的实现正确性更有保证(这一点很重要,对于初学者,看到错误的实现不一定能识别出来)。
这里上经典的tranformer架构图看一下,如下图,这个PositionEncoding在Encoder与Decoder的输入端都有使用,从图上看是PositionEncoding的输出与输入相加后做为Encoder-block与Decoder-block的输入, 实际的实现又是怎么做的呢?继续往下看。。。
看一下原论文:Attention is all you need, 给出了以下两个公式:
其中pos表示序列的位置,i代表维度(指嵌入维度,tranformer的嵌入维度是512,即dmodel是512,i的取值范围是0<= 2i < 2i + 1 <= 512, 这也就符合论文中说的函数波长从2π 到 10000 · 2π)。
从这个公式可以看出第0和1个嵌入维度位置函数周期是相同的,一个使用sin, 一个使用cos; 类推,第2,3个嵌入维度周期也是相同,波长按指数级扩大一些。。。
位置信息处理都有哪些方法呢?看一下new bing的回答,可以参考一下:
- def Transformer(input_vocab_size,
- output_vocab_size=None,
- d_model=D_MODEL,
- d_ff=D_FF,
- n_encoder_layers=N_LAYERS,
- n_decoder_layers=N_LAYERS,
- n_heads=N_HEADS,
- dropout=DROPOUT_RATE,
- dropout_shared_axes=DROPOUT_SHARED_AXES,
- mode=MODE,
- ff_activation=FF_ACTIVATION_TYPE):
- # Avoid 'predict' mode in encoder, since encoder doesn't run stepwise.
- encoder_mode = 'eval' if mode == 'predict' else mode
- # Share embedding weights if no separate output vocab size.
- in_embedder = tl.Embedding(input_vocab_size, d_model)
- if output_vocab_size is None:
- out_embedder = in_embedder
- output_vocab_size = input_vocab_size
- else:
- out_embedder = tl.Embedding(output_vocab_size, d_model)
- def _Dropout():
- return tl.Dropout(rate=dropout, shared_axes=dropout_shared_axes, mode=mode)
- def _EncBlock():
- return _EncoderBlock(d_model, d_ff, n_heads, dropout, dropout_shared_axes,
- mode, ff_activation)
- def _Encoder():
- encoder = tl.Serial(
- in_embedder,
- _Dropout(),
- # 这是编码器的位置编码层
- tl.PositionalEncoding(max_len=max_len, mode=encoder_mode),
- [_EncBlock() for _ in range(n_encoder_layers)],
- tl.LayerNorm(),
- )
- return tl.Cache(encoder) if mode == 'predict' else encoder
- def _EncDecBlock():
- return _EncoderDecoderBlock(d_model, d_ff, n_heads, dropout,
- dropout_shared_axes, mode, ff_activation)
- # Input to model is encoder-side tokens and decoder-side tokens: tok_d, tok_e
- # Model output is decoder-side vectors and decoder-side tokens: vec_d tok_d
- return tl.Serial(
- tl.Select([0, 1, 1]), # Copies decoder tokens for use in loss.
- # Encode.
- tl.Branch([], tl.PaddingMask()), # tok_e masks tok_d tok_d
- _Encoder(),
- # Decode.
- tl.Select([2, 1, 0]), # Re-orders inputs: tok_d masks vec_e .....
- tl.ShiftRight(mode=mode), # 预测时直接返回x
- out_embedder,
- _Dropout(),
- # 这是解码器的位置编码层
- tl.PositionalEncoding(max_len=max_len, mode=mode),
- tl.Branch([], tl.EncoderDecoderMask()), # vec_d masks_e masks vec_e tok_d ..... .....
- [_EncDecBlock() for _ in range(n_decoder_layers)],
- tl.LayerNorm(),
- tl.Select([0], n_in=3), # Drops masks and encoding vectors.
- # Map vectors to match output vocab size.
- tl.Dense(output_vocab_size),
- )
模型所有的层都放在一个tl.Serial组合器内,根据return语句上方注释可以看到,模型的输入是两个token序列,一个是编码器的输入tok_e, 一个是解码器的输入tok_d, tok_e和tok_d可以放在一个元组里一起输入给模型,它们形状都是(batch, seq_length)(tl.Serial接受一个张量或一个元组/列表作为输入,参数在Serial的各层传递是按stack方式处理的,这一点有点奇葩,没有接触过的很容易掉坑里)。
tok_d,tok_e在经过词嵌入层处理后,会进行一次Dropout处理,然后进入位置编码层PositionEncodeing处理。下面看PositionEncodeing的源代码, 它包括两部分:初始化和调用,初始化的代码如下:
- def init_weights_and_state(self, input_signature):
- """Randomly initializes the positional encoding vectors.
- Args:
- input_signature: :py:class:`ShapeDtype` instance characterizing the input
- this layer should compute on.
- """
- d_feature = input_signature.shape[-1]
- if self._d_feature is not None:
- d_feature = self._d_feature
- # 初始化一个保存位置编码的矩阵,形状(seq_length, d_feature)
- pe = np.zeros((self._max_len, d_feature), dtype=np.float32)
- # 序列位置数组position, (seq_length, 1)
- position = np.arange(0, self._max_len)[:, np.newaxis]
- # 嵌入维度位置数组div_term, 形状(d_feature/2, ), 是一个一维数组
- div_term = np.exp(
- np.arange(0, d_feature, 2) * -(np.log(10000.0) / d_feature))
- # 填充位置编码矩阵嵌入维度偶数下标位置的数据, position * div_term得到形状(seq_length, d_feature/2)的矩阵
- pe[:, 0::2] = np.sin(position * div_term)
- # 嵌入维度奇数下标位置的数据
- pe[:, 1::2] = np.cos(position * div_term) # [self._max_len, d_feature]
- if self._use_bfloat16:
- pe = pe.astype(jnp.bfloat16)
- w = jnp.array(pe) # Trainable parameters, initialized above.
- if self._d_feature is not None:
- ff = init.GlorotUniformInitializer()(
- (d_feature, input_signature.shape[-1]), self.rng)
- self.weights = w, ff
- else:
- self.weights = w
- if self._mode == 'predict':
- self.state = jnp.zeros((), dtype=jnp.int32)
在计算pos/(10000^(2i/dmodel))时, 分成了两部分计算:pos和1/(10000^(2i/dmodel))
- def forward(self, inputs):
- """Returns the input activations, with added positional information."""
- weights = self.weights
- if self._d_feature is not None:
- weights, ff = weights
- weights = jnp.dot(weights[:inputs.shape[1], :], ff)
- if len(weights.shape) < 3: # old checkpoints have 1 in first dim already
- # 初始化时weight是(len, d_feature)形态的, 这里给它加了一个batch维度, 即第0维
- weights = weights[None, :, :] # [1, self._max_len, d_feature]
- if self._mode != 'predict':
- # 模型训练跑的分支
- x = inputs
- symbol_size = jnp.shape(x)[1]
- if self._mode != 'train' or self._start_from_zero_prob >= 1.0:
- # 指定从0位置开始或非训练模式,如eval模式, 从位置0取symbol_size个序列作为位置编码数据
- px = weights[:, :symbol_size, :]
- else:
- # 随机从位置0开始取位置编码数据
- rng1, rng2 = fastmath.random.split(self.rng, 2)
- start = fastmath.random.randint(rng1, (), 0, self._max_offset_to_add)
- start_from_zero = fastmath.random.uniform(rng2, (), jnp.float32, 0, 1)
- start = jnp.where(start_from_zero < self._start_from_zero_prob,
- jnp.zeros((), dtype=jnp.int32), start)
- px = fastmath.dynamic_slice_in_dim(weights, start, symbol_size,
- axis=1)
- # dropout规则处理
- if self._dropout == 0:
- return x + px
- else:
- noise_shape = list(px.shape)
- for dim in self._dropout_broadcast_dims:
- noise_shape[dim] = 1
- keep_prob = 1.0 - self._dropout
- keep = fastmath.random.bernoulli(self.rng, keep_prob,
- tuple(noise_shape))
- multiplier = keep.astype(x.dtype) / keep_prob
- return x + px * multiplier
- else:
- # 模型预测跑的分支
- if self._dropout != 0:
- raise ValueError(f'In predict mode, but dropout rate '
- f'({self._dropout}) is not zero.')
- # State in this class is only used for fast inference. In that case,
- # the model is called with consecutive elements position-by-position.
- # This positional encoding layer stores the index of the current
- # position and increments it on each call.
- # 根据输入序列形状,从weight取一个相同开关的位置编码矩阵相加
- emb = fastmath.dynamic_slice_in_dim(
- weights, self.state, inputs.shape[1], axis=1)
- self.state += inputs.shape[1]
- return inputs + emb
看代码可以看出这个PositionEncoding层是需要初始化的,不初始化,forward函数是会报错的,因为weight不初始化是一个空tuple, 没有shape属性, if len(weights.shape) < 3: 这个判断会出错, 但是在模型的定义中并没有看到初始化的代码?这个问题后面有时间再看看,有兴趣的也可以自己分析一下,如果有答案,也欢迎留言讨论。
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