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postgres=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 12.2 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44), 64-bit
(1 row)


postgres=# select pg_is_in_recovery();
(1 row)


  1. postgres=# \l
  2. List of databases
  3. Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges
  4. -----------+----------+----------+------------+------------+-----------------------
  5. itpuxdb | itpux | UTF8 | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
  6. postgres | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
  7. template0 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/postgres +
  8. | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
  9. template1 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/postgres +
  10. | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
  11. (4 rows)


  1. postgres=# select datname,age(datfrozenxid),pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(datname)) from pg_database;
  2. datname | age | pg_size_pretty
  3. -----------+-----+----------------
  4. postgres | 14 | 7953 kB
  5. itpuxdb | 14 | 7817 kB
  6. template1 | 14 | 7809 kB
  7. template0 | 14 | 7809 kB
  8. (4 rows)


  1. postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE installed_version is not null;
  2. name | default_version | installed_version | comment
  3. ---------+-----------------+-------------------+------------------------------
  4. plpgsql | 1.0 | 1.0 | PL/pgSQL procedural language
  5. (1 row)


  1. postgres=# select datname,blks_hit::numeric,blks_read,round(blks_hit::numeric / (blks_read + blks_hit ),3) as ratio from pg_stat_database where datname not like 'template%' and (blks_read + blks_hit) >0;
  2. datname | blks_hit | blks_read | ratio
  3. ----------+----------+-----------+-------
  4. postgres | 2662 | 141 | 0.950
  5. (1 row)


  1. postgres=# select * from pg_stat_database;
  2. datid | datname | numbackends | xact_commit | xact_rollback | blks_read | blks_hit | tup_returned | tup_fetched | tup_inserted | tup_updated | tup_deleted | conflicts | temp_files | temp _bytes | deadlocks | checksum_failures | checksum_last_failure | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | stats_reset
  3. -------+-----------+-------------+-------------+---------------+-----------+----------+--------------+-------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+-----------+------------+------------+-----------+-------------------+-----------------------+---------------+----------------+-------------------------------
  4. 0 | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11 | 366 | 168 | 80 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | 0 | 2023-03-03 05:43:08.633307+00
  5. 13593 | postgres | 1 | 43 | 0 | 179 | 2956 | 23316 | 1133 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | 0 | 2023-03-03 05:43:08.633225+00
  6. 16385 | itpuxdb | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | 0 |
  7. 1 | template1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | 0 |
  8. 13592 | template0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | 0 | 0 |
  9. (5 rows)


  1. postgres=# SELECT spcname AS "Name",pg_size_pretty(pg_tablespace_size(spcname)) as "Tbs_size",
  2. postgres-# pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(spcowner) AS "Owner",
  3. postgres-# pg_catalog.pg_tablespace_location(oid) AS "Location"
  4. postgres-# FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace ORDER BY 1;
  5. Name | Tbs_size | Owner | Location
  6. ------------+----------+----------+----------
  7. pg_default | 31 MB | postgres |
  8. pg_global | 623 kB | postgres |
  9. (2 rows)


  1. postgres=# select * from pg_stat_progress_vacuum;
  2. pid | datid | datname | relid | phase | heap_blks_total | heap_blks_scanned | heap_blks_vacuumed | index_vacuum_count | max_dead_tuples | num_dead_tuples
  3. -----+-------+---------+-------+-------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------------+-----------------
  4. (0 rows)


  1. postgres=# select * from pg_prepared_xacts;
  2. transaction | gid | prepared | owner | database
  3. -------------+-----+----------+-------+----------
  4. (0 rows)
  5. pg_prepared_xacts显示那些当前准备好进行两阶段提交的事务的信息
  6. pg_prepared_xacts为每个预备事务包含一行。如果事务提交或者回滚, 则删除该条记录。


  1. postgres=# select * from pg_stat_archiver;
  2. archived_count | last_archived_wal | last_archived_time | failed_count | last_failed_wal | last_failed_time | stats_reset
  3. ----------------+-------------------+--------------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------------------
  4. 0 | | | 0 | | | 2023-03-03 05:42:48.20582+00
  5. (1 row)


  1. postgres=# SELECT (100 * checkpoints_req) / case when (checkpoints_timed + checkpoints_req)=0 then 1000000000000000 else (checkpoints_timed + checkpoints_req) end AS checkpoints_req_pct,
  2. postgres-# pg_size_pretty(buffers_checkpoint * block_size / case when (checkpoints_timed + checkpoints_req)=0 then 1000000000000000 else (checkpoints_timed + checkpoints_req) end) AS avg_checkpoint_write,
  3. postgres-# pg_size_pretty(block_size * (buffers_checkpoint + buffers_clean + buffers_backend)) AS total_written,
  4. postgres-# 100 * buffers_checkpoint / (case when (buffers_checkpoint + buffers_clean + buffers_backend)=0 then 1000000000000000 else (buffers_checkpoint + buffers_clean + buffers_backend) end ) AS checkpoint_write_pct,
  5. postgres-# 100 * buffers_backend / (case when (buffers_checkpoint + buffers_clean + buffers_backend)=0 then 1000000000000000 else (buffers_checkpoint + buffers_clean + buffers_backend) end ) AS backend_write_pct,*
  6. postgres-# FROM pg_stat_bgwriter,(SELECT cast(current_setting('block_size') AS integer) AS block_size) AS bs;
  7. checkpoints_req_pct | avg_checkpoint_write | total_written | checkpoint_write_pct | backend_write_pct | checkpoints_timed | checkpoints_req | checkpoint_write_time | checkpoint_sync_time |
  8. buffers_checkpoint | buffers_clean | maxwritten_clean | buffers_backend | buffers_backend_fsync | buffers_alloc | stats_reset | block_size
  9. ---------------------+----------------------+---------------+----------------------+-------------------+-------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+----------------------+
  10. --------------------+---------------+------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+---------------+-------------------------------+------------
  11. 0 | 0 bytes | 0 bytes | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
  12. 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 69 | 2023-03-04 01:17:34.812342+00 | 8192
  13. (1 row)


  1. postgres=# select locktype,database,relation,virtualtransaction,pid,mode from pg_locks where not granted;
  2. locktype | database | relation | virtualtransaction | pid | mode
  3. ----------+----------+----------+--------------------+-----+------
  4. (0 rows)


  1. postgres=# select * from pg_stat_replication;
  2. pid | usesysid | usename | application_name | client_addr | client_hostname | client_port | backend_start | backend_xmin | state | sent_lsn | write_lsn | flush_lsn | replay_lsn | write_lag | flush_lag | replay_lag | sync_priority | sync_state | reply_time
  3. -----+----------+---------+------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+---------------+--------------+-------+----------+-----------+-----------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------+---------------+------------+------------
  4. (0 rows)


  1. postgres=# SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE NOT pid=pg_backend_pid();
  2. count
  3. -------
  4. 5
  5. (1 row)
  6. postgres=# select datname,usename ,state,count(1) from pg_stat_activity WHERE NOT pid=pg_backend_pid() group by datname,usename,state;
  7. datname | usename | state | count
  8. ---------+----------+-------+-------
  9. | | | 4
  10. | postgres | | 1
  11. (2 rows)


  1. 只有安装了pg_stat_statements扩展查看才可以查看,否则提示表不存在。
  2. SELECT calls, total_time, rows, 100.0 * shared_blks_hit /nullif(shared_blks_hit + shared_blks_read, 0) AS hit_percent,substr(query,1,25) FROM pg_stat_statements ORDER BY total_time DESC LIMIT 5;
  3. 默认情况下,查不到任何内容,并提示:table doesnot exits;


  1. postgres=# SELECT bl.pid AS blocked_pid, a.usename AS blocked_user, kl.pid AS blocking_pid, ka.usename AS blocking_user, a.query AS blocked_statement
  2. postgres-# FROM pg_locks bl JOIN pg_stat_activity a ON a.pid = bl.pid JOIN pg_locks kl ON kl.transactionid = bl.transactionid AND kl.pid != bl.pid
  3. postgres-# JOIN pg_stat_activity ka ON ka.pid = kl.pid WHERE NOT bl.granted;
  4. blocked_pid | blocked_user | blocking_pid | blocking_user | blocked_statement
  5. -------------+--------------+--------------+---------------+-------------------
  6. (0 rows)


  1. postgres=# show all;
  2. name | setting | description
  3. ----------------------------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. ----------------
  5. allow_system_table_mods | off | Allows modifications of the structure of system tables.
  6. application_name | psql | Sets the application name to be reported in statistics and logs.
  7. archive_cleanup_command | | Sets the shell command that will be executed at every restart point.
  8. archive_command | (disabled) | Sets the shell command that will be called to archive a WAL file.
  9. archive_mode | off | Allows archiving of WAL files using archive_command.
  10. archive_timeout | 0 | Forces a switch to the next WAL file if a new file has not been started within N seconds.
  11. array_nulls | on | Enable input of NULL elements in arrays.
  12. authentication_timeout | 1min | Sets the maximum allowed time to complete client authentication.
  13. autovacuum | on | Starts the autovacuum subprocess.
  14. autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor | 0.1 | Number of tuple inserts, updates, or deletes prior to analyze as a fraction of reltuples.
  15. autovacuum_analyze_threshold | 50 | Minimum number of tuple inserts, updates, or deletes prior to analyze.
  16. autovacuum_freeze_max_age | 200000000 | Age at which to autovacuum a table to prevent transaction ID wraparound.
  17. autovacuum_max_workers | 3 | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running autovacuum worker processes.
  18. autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age | 400000000 | Multixact age at which to autovacuum a table to prevent multixact wraparound.
  19. autovacuum_naptime | 1min | Time to sleep between autovacuum runs.
  20. autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay | 2ms | Vacuum cost delay in milliseconds, for autovacuum.
  21. autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit | -1 | Vacuum cost amount available before napping, for autovacuum.
  22. autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor | 0.2 | Number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum as a fraction of reltuples.
  23. autovacuum_vacuum_threshold | 50 | Minimum number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum.
  24. autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | Sets the maximum memory to be used by each autovacuum worker process.
  25. backend_flush_after | 0 | Number of pages after which previously performed writes are flushed to disk.
  26. backslash_quote | safe_encoding | Sets whether "\'" is allowed in string literals.
  27. bgwriter_delay | 200ms | Background writer sleep time between rounds.
  28. bgwriter_flush_after | 512kB | Number of pages after which previously performed writes are flushed to disk.
  29. bgwriter_lru_maxpages | 100 | Background writer maximum number of LRU pages to flush per round.
  30. bgwriter_lru_multiplier | 2 | Multiple of the average buffer usage to free per round.
  31. block_size | 8192 | Shows the size of a disk block.
  32. bonjour | off | Enables advertising the server via Bonjour.
  33. bonjour_name | | Sets the Bonjour service name.
  34. bytea_output | hex | Sets the output format for bytea.
  35. check_function_bodies | on | Check function bodies during CREATE FUNCTION.
  36. checkpoint_completion_target | 0.5 | Time spent flushing dirty buffers during checkpoint, as fraction of checkpoint interval.
  37. checkpoint_flush_after | 256kB | Number of pages after which previously performed writes are flushed to disk.
  38. checkpoint_timeout | 5min | Sets the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints.
  39. checkpoint_warning | 30s | Enables warnings if checkpoint segments are filled more frequently than this.
  40. client_encoding | UTF8 | Sets the client's character set encoding.
  41. client_min_messages | notice | Sets the message levels that are sent to the client.
  42. cluster_name | | Sets the name of the cluster, which is included in the process title.
  43. commit_delay | 0 | Sets the delay in microseconds between transaction commit and flushing WAL to disk.
  44. commit_siblings | 5 | Sets the minimum concurrent open transactions before performing commit_delay.
  45. config_file | /postgresql/pgdata/postgresql.conf | Sets the server's main configuration file.
  46. constraint_exclusion | partition | Enables the planner to use constraints to optimize queries.
  47. cpu_index_tuple_cost | 0.005 | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of processing each index entry during an index scan.
  48. cpu_operator_cost | 0.0025 | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of processing each operator or function call.
  49. cpu_tuple_cost | 0.01 | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of processing each tuple (row).
  50. cursor_tuple_fraction | 0.1 | Sets the planner's estimate of the fraction of a cursor's rows that will be retrieved.
  51. data_checksums | off | Shows whether data checksums are turned on for this cluster.
  52. data_directory | /postgresql/pgdata | Sets the server's data directory.
  53. data_directory_mode | 0700 | Mode of the data directory.
  54. data_sync_retry | off | Whether to continue running after a failure to sync data files.
  55. DateStyle | ISO, MDY | Sets the display format for date and time values.
  56. db_user_namespace | off | Enables per-database user names.
  57. deadlock_timeout | 1s | Sets the time to wait on a lock before checking for deadlock.
  58. debug_assertions | off | Shows whether the running server has assertion checks enabled.
  59. debug_pretty_print | on | Indents parse and plan tree displays.
  60. debug_print_parse | off | Logs each query's parse tree.
  61. debug_print_plan | off | Logs each query's execution plan.
  62. debug_print_rewritten | off | Logs each query's rewritten parse tree.
  63. default_statistics_target | 100 | Sets the default statistics target.
  64. default_table_access_method | heap | Sets the default table access method for new tables.
  65. default_tablespace | | Sets the default tablespace to create tables and indexes in.
  66. default_text_search_config | pg_catalog.simple | Sets default text search configuration.
  67. default_transaction_deferrable | off | Sets the default deferrable status of new transactions.
  68. default_transaction_isolation | read committed | Sets the transaction isolation level of each new transaction.
  69. default_transaction_read_only | off | Sets the default read-only status of new transactions.
  70. dynamic_library_path | $libdir | Sets the path for dynamically loadable modules.
  71. dynamic_shared_memory_type | posix | Selects the dynamic shared memory implementation used.
  72. effective_cache_size | 4GB | Sets the planner's assumption about the total size of the data caches.
  73. effective_io_concurrency | 1 | Number of simultaneous requests that can be handled efficiently by the disk subsystem.
  74. enable_bitmapscan | on | Enables the planner's use of bitmap-scan plans.
  75. enable_gathermerge | on | Enables the planner's use of gather merge plans.
  76. enable_hashagg | on | Enables the planner's use of hashed aggregation plans.
  77. enable_hashjoin | on | Enables the planner's use of hash join plans.
  78. enable_indexonlyscan | on | Enables the planner's use of index-only-scan plans.
  79. enable_indexscan | on | Enables the planner's use of index-scan plans.
  80. enable_material | on | Enables the planner's use of materialization.
  81. enable_mergejoin | on | Enables the planner's use of merge join plans.
  82. enable_nestloop | on | Enables the planner's use of nested-loop join plans.
  83. enable_parallel_append | on | Enables the planner's use of parallel append plans.
  84. enable_parallel_hash | on | Enables the planner's use of parallel hash plans.
  85. enable_partition_pruning | on | Enables plan-time and run-time partition pruning.
  86. enable_partitionwise_aggregate | off | Enables partitionwise aggregation and grouping.
  87. enable_partitionwise_join | off | Enables partitionwise join.
  88. enable_seqscan | on | Enables the planner's use of sequential-scan plans.
  89. enable_sort | on | Enables the planner's use of explicit sort steps.
  90. enable_tidscan | on | Enables the planner's use of TID scan plans.
  91. escape_string_warning | on | Warn about backslash escapes in ordinary string literals.
  92. event_source | PostgreSQL | Sets the application name used to identify PostgreSQL messages in the event log.
  93. exit_on_error | off | Terminate session on any error.
  94. external_pid_file | | Writes the postmaster PID to the specified file.
  95. extra_float_digits | 1 | Sets the number of digits displayed for floating-point values.
  96. force_parallel_mode | off | Forces use of parallel query facilities.
  97. from_collapse_limit | 8 | Sets the FROM-list size beyond which subqueries are not collapsed.
  98. fsync | on | Forces synchronization of updates to disk.
  99. full_page_writes | on | Writes full pages to WAL when first modified after a checkpoint.
  100. geqo | on | Enables genetic query optimization.
  101. geqo_effort | 5 | GEQO: effort is used to set the default for other GEQO parameters.
  102. geqo_generations | 0 | GEQO: number of iterations of the algorithm.
  103. geqo_pool_size | 0 | GEQO: number of individuals in the population.
  104. geqo_seed | 0 | GEQO: seed for random path selection.
  105. geqo_selection_bias | 2 | GEQO: selective pressure within the population.
  106. geqo_threshold | 12 | Sets the threshold of FROM items beyond which GEQO is used.
  107. gin_fuzzy_search_limit | 0 | Sets the maximum allowed result for exact search by GIN.
  108. gin_pending_list_limit | 4MB | Sets the maximum size of the pending list for GIN index.
  109. hba_file | /postgresql/pgdata/pg_hba.conf | Sets the server's "hba" configuration file.
  110. hot_standby | on | Allows connections and queries during recovery.
  111. hot_standby_feedback | off | Allows feedback from a hot standby to the primary that will avoid query conflicts.
  112. huge_pages | try | Use of huge pages on Linux or Windows.
  113. ident_file | /postgresql/pgdata/pg_ident.conf | Sets the server's "ident" configuration file.
  114. idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 0 | Sets the maximum allowed duration of any idling transaction.
  115. ignore_checksum_failure | off | Continues processing after a checksum failure.
  116. ignore_system_indexes | off | Disables reading from system indexes.
  117. integer_datetimes | on | Datetimes are integer based.
  118. IntervalStyle | postgres | Sets the display format for interval values.
  119. jit | on | Allow JIT compilation.
  120. jit_above_cost | 100000 | Perform JIT compilation if query is more expensive.
  121. jit_debugging_support | off | Register JIT compiled function with debugger.
  122. jit_dump_bitcode | off | Write out LLVM bitcode to facilitate JIT debugging.
  123. jit_expressions | on | Allow JIT compilation of expressions.
  124. jit_inline_above_cost | 500000 | Perform JIT inlining if query is more expensive.
  125. jit_optimize_above_cost | 500000 | Optimize JITed functions if query is more expensive.
  126. jit_profiling_support | off | Register JIT compiled function with perf profiler.
  127. jit_provider | llvmjit | JIT provider to use.
  128. jit_tuple_deforming | on | Allow JIT compilation of tuple deforming.
  129. join_collapse_limit | 8 | Sets the FROM-list size beyond which JOIN constructs are not flattened.
  130. krb_caseins_users | off | Sets whether Kerberos and GSSAPI user names should be treated as case-insensitive.
  131. krb_server_keyfile | | Sets the location of the Kerberos server key file.
  132. lc_collate | en_US.utf8 | Shows the collation order locale.
  133. lc_ctype | en_US.utf8 | Shows the character classification and case conversion locale.
  134. lc_messages | | Sets the language in which messages are displayed.
  135. lc_monetary | C | Sets the locale for formatting monetary amounts.
  136. lc_numeric | C | Sets the locale for formatting numbers.
  137. lc_time | C | Sets the locale for formatting date and time values.
  138. listen_addresses | * | Sets the host name or IP address(es) to listen to.
  139. lo_compat_privileges | off | Enables backward compatibility mode for privilege checks on large objects.
  140. local_preload_libraries | | Lists unprivileged shared libraries to preload into each backend.
  141. lock_timeout | 0 | Sets the maximum allowed duration of any wait for a lock.
  142. log_autovacuum_min_duration | -1 | Sets the minimum execution time above which autovacuum actions will be logged.
  143. log_checkpoints | off | Logs each checkpoint.
  144. log_connections | off | Logs each successful connection.
  145. log_destination | stderr | Sets the destination for server log output.
  146. log_directory | pg_log | Sets the destination directory for log files.
  147. log_disconnections | off | Logs end of a session, including duration.
  148. log_duration | off | Logs the duration of each completed SQL statement.
  149. log_error_verbosity | default | Sets the verbosity of logged messages.
  150. log_executor_stats | off | Writes executor performance statistics to the server log.
  151. log_file_mode | 0600 | Sets the file permissions for log files.
  152. log_filename | postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log | Sets the file name pattern for log files.
  153. log_hostname | off | Logs the host name in the connection logs.
  154. log_line_prefix | %m [%p] | Controls information prefixed to each log line.
  155. log_lock_waits | off | Logs long lock waits.
  156. log_min_duration_statement | -1 | Sets the minimum execution time above which statements will be logged.
  157. log_min_error_statement | error | Causes all statements generating error at or above this level to be logged.
  158. log_min_messages | warning | Sets the message levels that are logged.
  159. log_parser_stats | off | Writes parser performance statistics to the server log.
  160. log_planner_stats | off | Writes planner performance statistics to the server log.
  161. log_replication_commands | off | Logs each replication command.
  162. log_rotation_age | 1d | Automatic log file rotation will occur after N minutes.
  163. log_rotation_size | 10MB | Automatic log file rotation will occur after N kilobytes.
  164. log_statement | none | Sets the type of statements logged.
  165. log_statement_stats | off | Writes cumulative performance statistics to the server log.
  166. log_temp_files | -1 | Log the use of temporary files larger than this number of kilobytes.
  167. log_timezone | GMT | Sets the time zone to use in log messages.
  168. log_transaction_sample_rate | 0 | Set the fraction of transactions to log for new transactions.
  169. log_truncate_on_rotation | on | Truncate existing log files of same name during log rotation.
  170. logging_collector | on | Start a subprocess to capture stderr output and/or csvlogs into log files.
  171. maintenance_work_mem | 64MB | Sets the maximum memory to be used for maintenance operations.
  172. max_connections | 500 | Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections.
  173. max_files_per_process | 1000 | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously open files for each server process.
  174. max_function_args | 100 | Shows the maximum number of function arguments.
  175. max_identifier_length | 63 | Shows the maximum identifier length.
  176. max_index_keys | 32 | Shows the maximum number of index keys.
  177. max_locks_per_transaction | 64 | Sets the maximum number of locks per transaction.
  178. max_logical_replication_workers | 4 | Maximum number of logical replication worker processes.
  179. max_parallel_maintenance_workers | 2 | Sets the maximum number of parallel processes per maintenance operation.
  180. max_parallel_workers | 8 | Sets the maximum number of parallel workers that can be active at one time.
  181. max_parallel_workers_per_gather | 2 | Sets the maximum number of parallel processes per executor node.
  182. max_pred_locks_per_page | 2 | Sets the maximum number of predicate-locked tuples per page.
  183. max_pred_locks_per_relation | -2 | Sets the maximum number of predicate-locked pages and tuples per relation.
  184. max_pred_locks_per_transaction | 64 | Sets the maximum number of predicate locks per transaction.
  185. max_prepared_transactions | 0 | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously prepared transactions.
  186. max_replication_slots | 10 | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously defined replication slots.
  187. max_stack_depth | 2MB | Sets the maximum stack depth, in kilobytes.
  188. max_standby_archive_delay | 30s | Sets the maximum delay before canceling queries when a hot standby server is processing archived WAL data.
  189. max_standby_streaming_delay | 30s | Sets the maximum delay before canceling queries when a hot standby server is processing streamed WAL data.
  190. max_sync_workers_per_subscription | 2 | Maximum number of table synchronization workers per subscription.
  191. max_wal_senders | 10 | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running WAL sender processes.
  192. max_wal_size | 1GB | Sets the WAL size that triggers a checkpoint.
  193. max_worker_processes | 8 | Maximum number of concurrent worker processes.
  194. min_parallel_index_scan_size | 512kB | Sets the minimum amount of index data for a parallel scan.
  195. min_parallel_table_scan_size | 8MB | Sets the minimum amount of table data for a parallel scan.
  196. min_wal_size | 80MB | Sets the minimum size to shrink the WAL to.
  197. old_snapshot_threshold | -1 | Time before a snapshot is too old to read pages changed after the snapshot was taken.
  198. operator_precedence_warning | off | Emit a warning for constructs that changed meaning since PostgreSQL 9.4.
  199. parallel_leader_participation | on | Controls whether Gather and Gather Merge also run subplans.
  200. parallel_setup_cost | 1000 | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of starting up worker processes for parallel query.
  201. parallel_tuple_cost | 0.1 | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of passing each tuple (row) from worker to master backend.
  202. password_encryption | md5 | Encrypt passwords.
  203. plan_cache_mode | auto | Controls the planner's selection of custom or generic plan.
  204. port | 5432 | Sets the TCP port the server listens on.
  205. post_auth_delay | 0 | Waits N seconds on connection startup after authentication.
  206. pre_auth_delay | 0 | Waits N seconds on connection startup before authentication.
  207. primary_conninfo | | Sets the connection string to be used to connect to the sending server.
  208. primary_slot_name | | Sets the name of the replication slot to use on the sending server.
  209. promote_trigger_file | | Specifies a file name whose presence ends recovery in the standby.
  210. quote_all_identifiers | off | When generating SQL fragments, quote all identifiers.
  211. random_page_cost | 4 | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of a nonsequentially fetched disk page.
  212. recovery_end_command | | Sets the shell command that will be executed once at the end of recovery.
  213. recovery_min_apply_delay | 0 | Sets the minimum delay for applying changes during recovery.
  214. recovery_target | | Set to "immediate" to end recovery as soon as a consistent state is reached.
  215. recovery_target_action | pause | Sets the action to perform upon reaching the recovery target.
  216. recovery_target_inclusive | on | Sets whether to include or exclude transaction with recovery target.
  217. recovery_target_lsn | | Sets the LSN of the write-ahead log location up to which recovery will proceed.
  218. recovery_target_name | | Sets the named restore point up to which recovery will proceed.
  219. recovery_target_time | | Sets the time stamp up to which recovery will proceed.
  220. recovery_target_timeline | latest | Specifies the timeline to recover into.
  221. recovery_target_xid | | Sets the transaction ID up to which recovery will proceed.
  222. restart_after_crash | on | Reinitialize server after backend crash.
  223. restore_command | | Sets the shell command that will retrieve an archived WAL file.
  224. row_security | on | Enable row security.
  225. search_path | "$user", public | Sets the schema search order for names that are not schema-qualified.
  226. segment_size | 1GB | Shows the number of pages per disk file.
  227. seq_page_cost | 1 | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of a sequentially fetched disk page.
  228. server_encoding | UTF8 | Sets the server (database) character set encoding.
  229. server_version | 12.2 | Shows the server version.
  230. server_version_num | 120002 | Shows the server version as an integer.
  231. session_preload_libraries | | Lists shared libraries to preload into each backend.
  232. session_replication_role | origin | Sets the session's behavior for triggers and rewrite rules.
  233. shared_buffers | 1GB | Sets the number of shared memory buffers used by the server.
  234. shared_memory_type | mmap | Selects the shared memory implementation used for the main shared memory region.
  235. shared_preload_libraries | | Lists shared libraries to preload into server.
  236. ssl | off | Enables SSL connections.
  237. ssl_ca_file | | Location of the SSL certificate authority file.
  238. ssl_cert_file | server.crt | Location of the SSL server certificate file.
  239. ssl_ciphers | none | Sets the list of allowed SSL ciphers.
  240. ssl_crl_file | | Location of the SSL certificate revocation list file.
  241. ssl_dh_params_file | | Location of the SSL DH parameters file.
  242. ssl_ecdh_curve | none | Sets the curve to use for ECDH.
  243. ssl_key_file | server.key | Location of the SSL server private key file.
  244. ssl_library | | Name of the SSL library.
  245. ssl_max_protocol_version | | Sets the maximum SSL/TLS protocol version to use.
  246. ssl_min_protocol_version | TLSv1 | Sets the minimum SSL/TLS protocol version to use.
  247. ssl_passphrase_command | | Command to obtain passphrases for SSL.
  248. ssl_passphrase_command_supports_reload | off | Also use ssl_passphrase_command during server reload.
  249. ssl_prefer_server_ciphers | on | Give priority to server ciphersuite order.
  250. standard_conforming_strings | on | Causes '...' strings to treat backslashes literally.
  251. statement_timeout | 0 | Sets the maximum allowed duration of any statement.
  252. stats_temp_directory | pg_stat_tmp | Writes temporary statistics files to the specified directory.
  253. superuser_reserved_connections | 3 | Sets the number of connection slots reserved for superusers.
  254. synchronize_seqscans | on | Enable synchronized sequential scans.
  255. synchronous_commit | on | Sets the current transaction''s synchronization level.
  256. synchronous_standby_names | | Number of synchronous standbys and list of names of potential synchronous ones.
  257. syslog_facility | local0 | Sets the syslog "facility" to be used when syslog enabled.
  258. syslog_ident | postgres | Sets the program name used to identify PostgreSQL messages in syslog.
  259. syslog_sequence_numbers | on | Add sequence number to syslog messages to avoid duplicate suppression.
  260. syslog_split_messages | on | Split messages sent to syslog by lines and to fit into 1024 bytes.
  261. tcp_keepalives_count | 0 | Maximum number of TCP keepalive retransmits.
  262. tcp_keepalives_idle | 0 | Time between issuing TCP keepalives.
  263. tcp_keepalives_interval | 0 | Time between TCP keepalive retransmits.
  264. tcp_user_timeout | 0 | TCP user timeout.
  265. temp_buffers | 8MB | Sets the maximum number of temporary buffers used by each session.
  266. temp_file_limit | -1 | Limits the total size of all temporary files used by each process.
  267. temp_tablespaces | | Sets the tablespace(s) to use for temporary tables and sort files.
  268. TimeZone | GMT | Sets the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps.
  269. timezone_abbreviations | Default | Selects a file of time zone abbreviations.
  270. trace_notify | off | Generates debugging output for LISTEN and NOTIFY.
  271. trace_recovery_messages | log | Enables logging of recovery-related debugging information.
  272. trace_sort | off | Emit information about resource usage in sorting.
  273. track_activities | on | Collects information about executing commands.
  274. track_activity_query_size | 1kB | Sets the size reserved for pg_stat_activity.query, in bytes.
  275. track_commit_timestamp | off | Collects transaction commit time.
  276. track_counts | on | Collects statistics on database activity.
  277. track_functions | none | Collects function-level statistics on database activity.
  278. track_io_timing | off | Collects timing statistics for database I/O activity.
  279. transaction_deferrable | off | Whether to defer a read-only serializable transaction until it can be executed with no possible serialization failures.
  280. transaction_isolation | read committed | Sets the current transaction''s isolation level.
  281. transaction_read_only | off | Sets the current transaction''s read-only status.
  282. transform_null_equals | off | Treats "expr=NULL" as "expr IS NULL".
  283. unix_socket_directories | /tmp | Sets the directories where Unix-domain sockets will be created.
  284. unix_socket_group | | Sets the owning group of the Unix-domain socket.
  285. unix_socket_permissions | 0777 | Sets the access permissions of the Unix-domain socket.
  286. update_process_title | on | Updates the process title to show the active SQL command.
  287. vacuum_cleanup_index_scale_factor | 0.1 | Number of tuple inserts prior to index cleanup as a fraction of reltuples.
  288. vacuum_cost_delay | 0 | Vacuum cost delay in milliseconds.
  289. vacuum_cost_limit | 200 | Vacuum cost amount available before napping.
  290. vacuum_cost_page_dirty | 20 | Vacuum cost for a page dirtied by vacuum.
  291. vacuum_cost_page_hit | 1 | Vacuum cost for a page found in the buffer cache.
  292. vacuum_cost_page_miss | 10 | Vacuum cost for a page not found in the buffer cache.
  293. vacuum_defer_cleanup_age | 0 | Number of transactions by which VACUUM and HOT cleanup should be deferred, if any.
  294. vacuum_freeze_min_age | 50000000 | Minimum age at which VACUUM should freeze a table row.
  295. vacuum_freeze_table_age | 150000000 | Age at which VACUUM should scan whole table to freeze tuples.
  296. vacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age | 5000000 | Minimum age at which VACUUM should freeze a MultiXactId in a table row.
  297. vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age | 150000000 | Multixact age at which VACUUM should scan whole table to freeze tuples.
  298. wal_block_size | 8192 | Shows the block size in the write ahead log.
  299. wal_buffers | 16MB | Sets the number of disk-page buffers in shared memory for WAL.
  300. wal_compression | off | Compresses full-page writes written in WAL file.
  301. wal_consistency_checking | | Sets the WAL resource managers for which WAL consistency checks are done.
  302. wal_init_zero | on | Writes zeroes to new WAL files before first use.
  303. wal_keep_segments | 0 | Sets the number of WAL files held for standby servers.
  304. wal_level | replica | Set the level of information written to the WAL.
  305. wal_log_hints | off | Writes full pages to WAL when first modified after a checkpoint, even for a non-critical modifications.
  306. wal_receiver_status_interval | 10s | Sets the maximum interval between WAL receiver status reports to the sending server.
  307. wal_receiver_timeout | 1min | Sets the maximum wait time to receive data from the sending server.
  308. wal_recycle | on | Recycles WAL files by renaming them.
  309. wal_retrieve_retry_interval | 5s | Sets the time to wait before retrying to retrieve WAL after a failed attempt.
  310. wal_segment_size | 16MB | Shows the size of write ahead log segments.
  311. wal_sender_timeout | 1min | Sets the maximum time to wait for WAL replication.
  312. wal_sync_method | fdatasync | Selects the method used for forcing WAL updates to disk.
  313. wal_writer_delay | 200ms | Time between WAL flushes performed in the WAL writer.
  314. wal_writer_flush_after | 1MB | Amount of WAL written out by WAL writer that triggers a flush.
  315. work_mem | 4MB | Sets the maximum memory to be used for query workspaces.
  316. xmlbinary | base64 | Sets how binary values are to be encoded in XML.
  317. xmloption | content | Sets whether XML data in implicit parsing and serialization operations is to be considered as documents or content fragments.
  318. zero_damaged_pages | off | Continues processing past damaged page headers.
  319. (314 rows)


  1. postgres=# select name,setting,unit,source,pending_restart from pg_settings
  2. postgres-# where name in ('archive_mode','archive_command','data_directory','max_connections','superuser_reserved_connections','shared_buffers','work_mem','maintenance_work_mem','max_wal_size','min_wal_size','effective_cache_size','wal_level','wal_keep_segments','log_min_duration_statement');
  3. name | setting | unit | source | pending_restart
  4. --------------------------------+--------------------+------+--------------------+-----------------
  5. archive_command | (disabled) | | default | f
  6. archive_mode | off | | default | f
  7. data_directory | /postgresql/pgdata | | override | f
  8. effective_cache_size | 524288 | 8kB | default | f
  9. log_min_duration_statement | -1 | ms | default | f
  10. maintenance_work_mem | 65536 | kB | default | f
  11. max_connections | 500 | | configuration file | f
  12. max_wal_size | 1024 | MB | configuration file | f
  13. min_wal_size | 80 | MB | configuration file | f
  14. shared_buffers | 131072 | 8kB | configuration file | f
  15. superuser_reserved_connections | 3 | | default | f
  16. wal_keep_segments | 0 | | default | f
  17. wal_level | replica | | default | f
  18. work_mem | 4096 | kB | default | f
  19. (14 rows)


  1. postgres=# show log_directory;
  2. log_directory
  3. ---------------
  4. pg_log
  5. (1 row)
  6. postgres=# show log_filename;
  7. log_filename
  8. --------------------------------
  9. postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log
  10. (1 row)
  11. postgres=#
  12. postgres=#
  13. postgres=# show logging_collector;
  14. logging_collector
  15. -------------------
  16. on
  17. (1 row)

