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《高级英语II》_reading the novel again when she was thirty, _____

reading the novel again when she was thirty, ______ the minor characters

题目:There was a river with a small town on either side of it. The towns were linked by a bridge.

  One day, a hole appeared in the bridge. Both towns agreed that the hole should be mended. However, disagreement came up as to who should mend it. Each town thought that it had a better reason for the other to mend the hole. The town on the right bank said that it was at the end of the road, so the left-bank town should mend the hole. The town on the left bank, on the other hand, insisted that all the traffic came to the right-bank town, so it was in their interest to mend the bridge.

The quarrel went on and on, and so did the hole. The more it went on, the more the hostility between the two towns grew.

One day a man fell into the hole and broke his leg. People from both towns questioned him closely about whether he was walking from the right bank to the left or from the left bank to the right, in order to decide which town should be blamed for the accident. But he could not remember, since he got drunk that night.

  Some time later, a car was crossing the bridge and broke an axle(轴)because of the hole. Neither town paid any attention to the accident, as the traveler was not going from one to the other, but was merely passing through. The angry traveler got out of the car and asked why the hole was not mended.

On hearing the reason, he declared, “I’ll buy this hole. Who’s the owner? ”

  Both towns at once declared that they owned the hole.

“One or the other, whoever owns the hole must prove it. ”

  “How shall we prove it? ”asked both sides.

  “That’s simple. Only the owner of the hole has the right to mend it. I’ll buy the hole from whoever mends the bridge. ”

  People from both towns rushed to do the job while the traveler smoked a cigar and his driver changed the axle. They mended the bridge in no time and asked for the money for the hole.

  “What hole? ”The traveler looked surprised. “I can’t see any hole. I’ve been looking for a hole for several years now. I’m prepared to pay a good price for it, but there’s no hole here. Are you pulling my leg or what? ”

  He got into his car and drove off.

题目:      Scientists  have searched for many years for a method to tell whether a volcano(火山)explosion will be small or large. Now, four scientists say they have discovered something in lava(熔岩)that will help do this. They did the research on Mount Unzen on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu.

       Mount Unzen exploded in November, 1990. Since then, more explosions have killed 43people and destroyed the homes of more than 2,000 others. The volcano is still active today.

The scientists say the lava of the volcano contains high level of an element(成份),which is a sign of the presence of the lava from deep in the earth, not from the surface. They say it shows that the lava coming directly from inside the earth is connected with huge explosions instead of smaller ones.

  The scientists examined the lava from 18 explosions of Mount Unzen that took place during many thousands of years. They also studied the lava from other volcanoes in the area that are older than Mount Unzen. The lava studied came from both large and small explosions. The scientists found that large explosions contained more of the element than small ones. The scientists say if they had known this two years earlier, they could have warned the people living in the area near Mount Unzen and saved many lives.

题目:I think it will be more ________ in the long run to use our water power.

题目:The people of that area are poor even ______. When the place is hit by a flood, they will be _______.

题目:The situation will be really _______ if there is corruption without indignation.

题目:Congress is trying very hard to ________ the power of the president.

题目:Their refusal to sign the international treaty was ______d by many countries in the world.

题目:The policeman _____ his arm and forced him to follow.

题目:Suddenly the music stopped()

题目:After one year only a few students remained ______ in English.

题目:The real act of discovery is _________ in finding new lands, _______ in seeing with new eyes.

题目:In spite of the _______ drought which hit the northern part of our country last year, we still managed to have a good harvest on the whole.

题目:A person who drinks alcohol in spite of the fact that it results in loss of health, job, or good relationships with family, friends is said _______ from alcoholism.


题目:I think we could probably ________ those air-raid shelters we dug during the "Cultural Revolutiion", turning them into storerooms or something.

题目:______ we develop a new kind of car, air pollution will become even more dangerous.

题目:I hear you ______ stamps. For me it is much more interesting to ______ ancient coins.

题目:Some economists take it as a matter of ________ that equality and prosperity donˊt go together.

题目:You should not take her ________ when she said that she wished she were dead.

题目:He ______ that he would bring the criminal to justice.

题目:Suddenly the music stopped ______.

题目:The iron bridge was destroyed in the earthquake. It is now just a heap of ______ metal.


题目:I havenˊt made up my mind yet whether I should study law or finance. What would you _______?

题目:I guess Iˊd better go to bed. Iˊm _______ tired.

题目:The Prime Minister walked onto the platform and seated herself in a chair, ______ to answer questions.

题目:There was something ________ the manˊs voice that sounded familiar.


题目:Books, magazines and toys were ______ all over the floor.

题目:Any project that required an investment ________ 50 million yuan was subject to the approval of the central government.

题目:I have not taken too many elective _______ this semester because I want to concentrate on my English.

题目:At the conference, they promised to write ____ the debts of some of the most underdeveloped countries.

题目:Any ______ could get nervous under those circumstances.

题目:The economies of our two countries are highly _________.

题目:I would rather write my book report now ____ leave it until later.

题目:I regard him() my best friend, to whom I can talk my heart out whenever I need advice and support.

题目:Not until the year 1980, the only link between the two villages was a ______ road.

题目:I still donˊt see how we can survive under the ______ conditions on Mars.

题目:______ the people directly involved in the tourist industry may benefit,others may find that they are worse off.

题目:The University consists ______ five schools and twenty-five departments.


题目:If Galileo should refuse to ________ that his belief was wrong, he might be burned alive.

题目:My first reaction ()his idea was that it was irrelevant to the problem under study

题目:Some people even _______ to kill all the goats in order to prevent furthur soil erosion.

题目:People who are endowed with such great talents are usually _________.


题目:Often the black slaves were sold to different masters, thus husband and wife, and parents and children were _________, often never to meet again.

题目:Each year, thousands of square kilometers of land suffers from ______ erosion.

题目:One chapter of the book is devoted to the _______ meeting of the two leaders.

题目:moisten 翻译

题目:"Long time no see" sounds like a ______ translation of the Chinese expression “好久不见”.

题目:At the meeting people made quite a few __________ remarks about the studentsˊ performance.

题目:If the worldˊs supply of fuel ________ evenly distributed, there ________ be a sufficient amount everywhere for present use.

题目:Galileo was forced to ______ his belief that the Earth moved around the Sun.



题目:Xiˊan is one of the most important ______ cities in our cuntry. It was the capital of many dynasties in anciet times.


题目:Their movements were ________ to that small area.

题目:When we die we return to the ________ of the earth.

题目:She was quite a lively ________ in our school.

题目:She had to()round to speak to me

题目:The boy really believes that there are ________ hidden among them. He must have read too much science fiction.


题目:He has been trying to _______ me in the last few days.

题目:I was beginning to lose hope when my father came in and patted me on the shoulder. He _____ me that I could do it.

题目:The sets of instructions or programs which must be put into a computer ________ it can be used are called software.

题目:Unless we take immediate measures, this terrible disease may()quickly all over the country

题目:We must try to _______ them from abusing their power.

题目:He was caught ________ the speed limit and got a ticket.

题目:It was clear that his English was very _________.

题目:Only by united opposition _______ world terrorism.

题目:Some scientists think that trial-and-error methods help to show how intelligent ______.

题目:He ______ everything I wrote in the article.

题目:It is really a great achievement how that ratio of _______ people has increased in recent years.

题目:It has never occurred to me that men can have _____ cancer too.


题目:It’s a general rule that the jury should consist of () people.

题目:No one _______ finds life worth living --- he has to make it worth living.

题目:Growth means change and change involves risks, ______ from the known to the unknown.

题目:He is interested in __________ money and fame. Every day he is either busy making money or busy ______ important.

题目:Dush had fallen.She could not make ______ who it was at the distance.

题目:The general _______ the ultimatum into pieces. " We will never surrender!" he shouted.

题目:_____ in the Arctic can be just as valid to a man whose car has broken down in a blizzard in Britain.

题目:Jealousy is completely _________ to her.

题目:A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous, and then dismissed as trivial, ________ finally it becomes what everybody knows.

题目:In a sense, national power rests ______ the educational level of its people.

题目:I was shocked to hear him ______ at other people when he turned his ankle in the basketball game yesterday.

题目:Vegetables should be eaten while they are young and tender; they taste better, and many of them have more protective food value then than they ________ when they get too mature.

题目:The outcome of the war is _____. The question is what will happen after the war is won.

题目:I have never seen a worse boss than he is. He is always _________ his employees.

题目:Based _______ my experience, it is extremely hard to shake off our prejudices.

题目:Globalization or no globalization, I will live on my own ________.


题目:The students are ________ to read at least four or five dozen books in the original in the first three years.

题目:Those Shang Dynasty bronzes exhibited at the Boston Art Museum were ______ for twenty million US dollars.

题目:The door was made of very hard wood. They could only crack it, but they could not ______ it.

题目:Until he took off his glasses _________.

题目:There is a more ________ way of disposing of garbage.

题目:Heˊs been my _______ friend ever since our primary school days.

题目:One early symptom of heart trouble is an acute pain in the _______.


题目:A good reader can tell the difference between words that sound ________, and know ________ to use them.

题目:______ criticism is important for the development of literature.


题目:He will be _______ to turn _______ her for help. They are not even on speaking terms.

题目:Cancer is no longer considered a ______ disease.

题目:You canˊt reject _________, can you?

题目:Many men still have this _____ attitude towards women. They believe taht womenˊs proper domain is in the kitchen.

题目:years ago we could only _______ cars with imported parts. Now we are designing and producing our own models.


题目:I know you are a very generous person. But you have to be careful because somebody may try to ________ your generosity.

题目:___________, women are better able to handle stress than men.

题目:If we can take that strategic position we will hold the enemy _______.

题目:This building was not ______ against fire.

题目:Simply because he doesnˊt agree with you doesnˊt mean he is your _______ enemy.

题目:Did you hear what he said? It sounded like a _______.

题目:_________ a TV program is a success or not much depends on its M.C..

题目:We have done everything to ______ that teh experiment will be a success.

题目:The beauty of this essay consists ______ the simplicity of the style.

题目:Itˊs true that there is a lot of meat in a chicken _______, but it is rather tasteless.

题目:Doctors advise us to _______ using too many antibiotics. It is much wiser to try to prevent diseases.

题目:Sex is not a dirty word. Problem in our ______ relationship should be discussed openly.

题目:Have you ever found yourself in a situation ________ you have to make a very difficult choice between things of equal importance?

题目:It is now quite fashionable to write() novels, but some writers don’t seem to respect the facts.

题目:On this issue, peopleˊs opinions are _______.

题目:Dusk had fallen. She could not make() who it was at that distance.

题目:He felt honored to meet _____Professor Wang.

题目:The success of any business, _________, can only be achieved in the face of intense competition from other companies.

题目:Professor Drake _____ his hand into the jar and brought out a fish for me to look at and he asked me to keep it ______, saying that whoever does not know how to take care of a specimen is not fit to be a scientist.

题目:We have only _______ time. We must hurry.

题目:I think you have to learn to use the computer. I donˊt see how anyone can _________ it.

题目:Some of my friends _______ me to step down and give young teachers a chance.

题目:In recent years, high-tech equipment ________ of causing the greatly increased cost of medical care.

题目:The power of a nation consists ______ the moral strength of its people.


题目:Unless we take immediate measures, this terrible disease may ______ quickly all over the country.

题目:It is easy to pay lip service to the idea of equality for women, but in practice this is often _______.

题目:Would-be restaurant owners often fail to carefully consider the competition from other restaurants, ______ informal.

题目:Advertising first became important in the last 15th century, ________ the merchants of the rapidly growing cities and towns needed a way to tell people ______ their goods could be bought.

题目:The man was ________ for air. He _______ a fish out of water.




题目:She had to ______ round to speak to me.

题目:Now I would like to ________ a toast for the successful cooperation of our two companies.



题目:Different ________ views often reflect the different _______ interests of different areas.

题目:I donˊt want anything fancy. I just want an _______ car.

题目:Reading the novel again when she was thirty, _______ the minor characters were better portrayed than the main ones.


题目:I agree that we cannot make a hasty decision. Letˊs talk it _______.

题目:The old man strolled to the beach, ________.

题目:He knew that it was no time for despair. So he got a grip ______ himself and plunged on.

题目:I did not evenknow what they were quarreling about, but he suddenly ______ me, _______ that it was all my fault.

题目:I really was greatly impressed by her performance today. She ________ herself.

题目:It did sound ______ to me. I had never heard the language before.

题目:The refusal to sign the international treaty was()by many countries in the world.

题目:The city had only _______ swimming pool, but without _______ admission fee, the pool was poorly maintained.

题目:He is a controversial person, but his science fiction books are _______.

题目:He _______ the old manˊs absent-mindedness and cheated him out of all his money.

题目:First-year physics courses are supposed to teach students ________ write a lab report.

题目:You can make many good friends when you travel to ________countries.

题目:_________ for a Christmas gift for my sister, a nice hat caught my eye.

题目:We must support each other because we are fighting for the same __________.

题目:If inflation continues to rise at the present rate, ten percent of the population _________ hard to make ends meet.

题目:One day he killed a boy() full view of about thirty people, but he was not even brought to trial .

题目:Eventually the empire ______ into many small nations.

题目:I am often astonished () my own stupidity. Many things that I used to conceive as evident truths turned out to be false.

题目:He _____ a rope out of torn sheet and climbed out of the window.

题目:I hear that he has very strong backing from a powerful _________.



题目:One possible _____of studentsˊ deteriorating health is the heavy _________ requirement.


题目:Donˊt disturb her. She needs some time to ______ her thoughts for the talk she is going to give this afternoon.

题目:She lost her sense of direction, and instead of heading toward the city, she discovered that she was actually heading ______ from it.

题目:You canˊt be too careful about these things. I strongly ________ that you go to the hospital for a CT test.

题目:The book is _________ into three parts.

题目:It was quite obvious that the boss was trying to ___________ the pretty young secretary.

题目:In the area where Wang Lung, his father and his fatherˊs father had lived ________ there were famines once in five years.

题目:She is always complaining __________ something. It _________ my nerves.

题目:A _______ may have to make many hard decisions in life.

题目:My brother said that he didn’t want to check()a hotel. He preferred to camp out.

题目:We have a long way to go ________ we can invent truly intelligent machines.


题目:Sometimes things just have to take a natural _______. You have to wait patiently until conditions are ripe for changes.

题目:Itˊs interesting how fashions change. There was a time when bound feet were considered very ______ for women in China.

题目:She specializes in the study of human _________ behavior.

题目:I _____ my bad luck. I _____ day I met the drug dealer.

题目:My father would take up a handful of ________, smell it, and let it run through his fingers. "There is nothing on _______ that smells so good," he used to say.

题目:_________ we will be __________ compete with the worldˊs strangest football team in a few yearsˊtime.

题目:She quickly hid the note in her ______.

题目:We donˊt need to send people to ______ taxes any more. All can be done electronically.


题目:Corruption will not vanish ______. We have to combat it firmly. Otherwise it will be Cheng Kejie ______ again.

题目:A _______ talk is too long for school kids.

题目:Even though we may not notice them, computers are all around us and affect manyn parts of our ________ life.


题目:It turned out that the project required two billion yuan more than ________.

题目:Great care is being taken to preserve these ________ buildings.

题目:Leonardo da Vinci __________ caged birds in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.

题目:North America is incredibly rich, _______ there are huge areas of poor land.

题目:The young woman ________ at the head of the procession was a gold medal winner at the recent Olympic Games.


题目:I can ______ you that if you follow my advice your blood pressure will be back to normal soon.

题目:Due to human weakness, we all tend to _______ the power we have in our hands.

题目:If you want to understand how it happened, you will have to put it in the _____ context.

题目:It is a general rule that the jury should consist of ________ people.

题目:You will find the book worth reading. I can _____ you.

题目:We still have half an hour left. We must __________ the time.

题目:She used to go to the nearby wood to ______ mushrooms.

题目:She ______ that position in the company, and she felt that she was qualified. In fact, ______, she was overqualified.

题目:We need a _________ party to settle this matter.

题目:Galileoˊs opponents found an excuse to have him _____ from the University of Pisa.

题目:I donˊt believe your dad is over fifty. He looks _______ forty.

题目:If you go beyond this speed _____, you will be given a ticket.

题目:At this rate, China may _______ the United States in total GDP by 2020 and become the top economy in the world.

题目:Young people look for variety, challenge and opportunity ________ reward in their future lives.

题目:I resented ________ like that and I went to complain _________ the manager. The manager apologized for the inconvenience but said that they had no other choice.


题目:In those days, buses, schools, restaurants and hotels were all _________.

题目:She was hit on _____ head by a bottle thrown from an upstairs window.

题目:It is estimated that the number of Taiwanese now living and working in Shanghai has _______ half a million.

题目:She paused and took stock() her situation.

题目:The application was blank except for _______ Michael had filled in his name.

题目:During wartime, freedom of the press is often seriously _______.

题目:The idea of camping () in this weather did not quite appeal to my daughter.

题目:The water soon reached his ______. He knew that he did not have much time left.


题目:In some airports people fly toy eagles to _______ other birds so as to make the planes safe.

题目:As a senior professor she should have known better _______ to get involved in such a scandal.

题目:Ma Yingchu welcomed any scientific debate, but he refused to bow to any power and ______ his theory.

题目:The writerˊs son, however, was uninterested in the _______ career.

题目:Even many Nobel Prize winners in economics admit that we know too little about ______ affairs.


题目:This university has a very high _______ in China.

题目:In the work of the plice, much depends on _______ a sixth sense for trouble.

题目:__________ use of credit cards as __________ replacement for casj is becoming increasingly common.

题目:He did everything possible to _______ some support for his decision to ______ more money for his favorite project.

题目:The decision as to how much money should go to education is()vital important.

题目:_________ I had the money, I would not buy such an expensive thing.

题目:A secret meeting was arranged for him to see a high-ranking political ________.

题目:You have to ______ the manure evenly over the floor.

题目:The professor is highly _______ about your paper.

题目:He said that he could not live under the same roof with somebody who is always disagreeing with him. I knew it amounted to a _______.

题目:In basketball, it is hard to find somebody who can ______ that man.

题目:Until recently the opportunities for criminal activities on the Internet have been low. However, the volume of business done on the Internet is growing rapidly, as people order books and other products and make money transactions. All this is creating temptations for hackers(黑客)。

题目:Oxford and Cambridge differ from the rest of the universities in Great Britain in many important respects, but resemble each other quite closely.

题目:The growth of Liu Yongxing’s animal-feed business has made him China’s richest man, according to rankings published recently by Forbes magazine. With an estimated net worth of US$1 billion, the 53-year-old entrepreneur and his Shanghai-based Hope Group are symbols of the new China.

题目:Like many lovers of books, Mary and her husband, Richard Goldman, seldom walked past a bookstore without stopping to look inside. They often talked of opening their own store one day. 

题目:      They started by talking to bookstore owners and researching the industry. “We knew it had to be a specialty store because we couldn’t match the big chains dollar for dollar,” says Mary. One figure caught her attention: She’d read somewhere that roughly 20 percent of books sold were mysteries (推理小说), and many buyers spent more than $300 a year on books. She and Richard were themselves mystery readers. 

题目:For any Englishman, there can never be any discussion as to who is the world’s greatest writer. Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him: that of William Shakespeare(莎士比亚). Every Englishman has some knowledge of his work. All of us use words and phrases from Shakespeare’s writings that have become a part of the English-speaking people.

题目:Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, made full use of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English; Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand!There is probably no better way for a foreigner (or an Englishman!) to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare uses it. Such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners), even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since Shakespeare’s day.

