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C++之A*算法的简单实现_c++ a*算法

c++ a*算法













  • 搜索区域(The Search Area):图中的搜索区域被划分为了简单的二维数组,数组每个元素对应一个小方格,当然我们也可以将区域等分成是五角星,矩形等,通常将一个单位的中心点称之为搜索区域节点(Node)。  
  • 开放列表(Open List):我们将路径规划过程中待检测的节点存放于Open List中,而已检测过的格子则存放于Close List中。
  • 父节点(parent):在路径规划中用于回溯的节点,开发时可考虑为双向链表结构中的父结点指针。
  • 路径排序(Path Sorting):具体往哪个节点移动由以下公式确定:F(n) = G + H 。G代表的是从初始位置A沿着已生成的路径到指定待检测格子的移动开销。H指定待测格子到目标节点B的估计移动开销。
  • 启发函数(Heuristics Function):H为启发函数,也被认为是一种试探,由于在找到唯一路径前,我们不确定在前面会出现什么障碍物,因此用了一种计算H的算法,具体根据实际场景决定。在我们简化的模型中,H采用的是传统的曼哈顿距离(Manhattan Distance),也就是横纵向走的距离之和。


F= G + H + W


    只算直线距离 并且 无视障碍 即为曼哈顿距离

每走一步 都计算 周围能走的点的F值  并存到数组中 并入树
找出数组中f值最小的点  走上去
循环继续 遇到终点 循环结束   


  1. int open_list;//一个记录下所有被考虑来寻找最短路径的格子
  2. int close_list; //一个记录下不会再被考虑的格子
  3. typedef struct point{
  4. bool Is_Wall;
  5. struct point* father;//父节点
  6. int G;// 表示从起点 A 移动到网格上指定方格的移动耗费 (上下左右,还可沿斜方向移动)
  7. int old_G;//旧G 第一次:从起点 A 直接移动到 A 四周方格的移动耗费 ;上次更新得到的G
  8. int new_G; //新G 从起点 A 经过当前搜索中心点到其四周指定点的移动耗费
  9. int H;//表示从指定的方格移动到终点 B 的预计耗费 (H 有很多计算方法, 这里我们设定只可以上下左右移动)
  10. int F=G+H;//表示该点的总耗费
  11. }Point;
  12. point* start_point;
  13. point* end_point;
  14. point* min_point;
  15. point* now_point;


  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <vector>//动态数组
  3. using namespace std;
  4. #define ROWS 10
  5. #define COLS 10
  6. //直线代价
  7. #define ZXDJ 10
  8. //斜线代价
  9. #define XXDJ 14
  10. enum direct{ p_up, p_down, p_left, p_right,
  11. p_lup, p_ldown, p_rup, p_rdown };
  12. //存下标
  13. struct MyPoint{
  14. int row;
  15. int col;
  16. int f;
  17. int g;
  18. int h;
  19. };
  20. //树的节点类型
  21. struct treeNode
  22. {
  23. MyPoint pos;
  24. vector<treeNode*> child;
  25. treeNode* pParent;
  26. };
  27. //创建树节点
  28. treeNode* createTreeNode(int row, int col);
  29. //计算h值并返回
  30. int getH(MyPoint pos, MyPoint endPos);
  31. int main(){
  32. int map[ROWS][COLS] = {
  33. { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
  34. { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
  35. { 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
  36. { 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
  37. { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
  38. { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
  39. { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
  40. { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
  41. { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
  42. { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
  43. };
  44. //标记每个点是否走过
  45. bool pathMap[ROWS][COLS] = { 0 };//0 没有走过 false 1 true 走过
  46. MyPoint begPos = { 1, 1 };
  47. MyPoint endPos = { 6, 7 };
  48. //标记起点走过
  49. pathMap[begPos.row][begPos.col] = true;
  50. //准备一颗树
  51. treeNode* pRoot = NULL;
  52. //起点入树
  53. pRoot = createTreeNode(begPos.row, begPos.col);
  54. vector<treeNode*> buff;//准备一个数组
  55. bool isFindEnd = false;
  56. treeNode* current = pRoot;
  57. vector<treeNode*>::iterator it;
  58. vector<treeNode*>::iterator itMin;
  59. while (1){
  60. //1 把当前点周围能走的点找出来
  61. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
  62. treeNode* pChild = createTreeNode(current->pos.row,
  63. current->pos.col);
  64. switch (i){
  65. case p_up:
  66. pChild->pos.row--;
  67. pChild->pos.g += ZXDJ;
  68. break;
  69. case p_down:
  70. pChild->pos.row++;
  71. pChild->pos.g += ZXDJ;
  72. break;
  73. case p_left:
  74. pChild->pos.col--;
  75. pChild->pos.g += ZXDJ;
  76. break;
  77. case p_right:
  78. pChild->pos.col++;
  79. pChild->pos.g += ZXDJ;
  80. break;
  81. case p_lup:
  82. pChild->pos.col--;
  83. pChild->pos.row--;
  84. pChild->pos.g += XXDJ;
  85. break;
  86. case p_ldown:
  87. pChild->pos.col--;
  88. pChild->pos.row++;
  89. pChild->pos.g += XXDJ;
  90. break;
  91. case p_rup:
  92. pChild->pos.col++;
  93. pChild->pos.row--;
  94. pChild->pos.g += XXDJ;
  95. break;
  96. case p_rdown:
  97. pChild->pos.col++;
  98. pChild->pos.row++;
  99. pChild->pos.g += XXDJ;
  100. break;
  101. }
  102. //2 判断能不能走
  103. if (map[pChild->pos.row][pChild->pos.col] != 1 && //不是障碍物
  104. pathMap[pChild->pos.row][pChild->pos.col] == false
  105. ){//能走
  106. //的计算出f值 入树,存入数组
  107. pChild->pos.h = getH(pChild->pos, endPos);
  108. pChild->pos.f = pChild->pos.g + pChild->pos.h;
  109. //入树
  110. current->child.push_back(pChild);
  111. pChild->pParent = current;
  112. //存入数组
  113. buff.push_back(pChild);
  114. }
  115. else{//不能走
  116. //delete pChild;
  117. }
  118. }
  119. //3 找出数组中f值最小的点,走上去
  120. itMin = buff.begin();//假设第一个的f值最小
  121. for (it = buff.begin(); it != buff.end(); it++){
  122. itMin =( ( (*it)->pos.f < (*itMin)->pos.f ) ? it : itMin );
  123. }
  124. //走上去
  125. current = *itMin;
  126. //标记走过
  127. pathMap[current->pos.row][current->pos.col] = true;
  128. //从数组中删掉
  129. buff.erase(itMin);
  130. //4 判断是否找到终点了
  131. if (current->pos.row == endPos.row &&
  132. current->pos.col == endPos.col){
  133. isFindEnd = true;
  134. break;
  135. }
  136. //5 判断数组是否为空 为空说明都试过了找不到终点
  137. if (0 == buff.size()) break;
  138. }
  139. if (isFindEnd){
  140. printf("找到终点了!\n");
  141. while (current){
  142. printf("(%d,%d)", current->pos.row, current->pos.col);
  143. current = current->pParent;
  144. }
  145. printf("\n");
  146. }
  147. while (1);
  148. return 0;
  149. }
  150. //创建树节点
  151. treeNode* createTreeNode(int row,int col){
  152. treeNode* pNew = new treeNode;//开内存
  153. memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(treeNode));//全部赋值为NULL
  154. pNew->pos.row = row;
  155. pNew->pos.col = col;
  156. return pNew;
  157. }
  158. //计算h值并返回
  159. int getH(MyPoint pos, MyPoint endPos){
  160. int x = ((pos.col>endPos.col)?(pos.col-endPos.col):(endPos.col-pos.col));
  161. int y = ((pos.row>endPos.row) ? (pos.row - endPos.row) : (endPos.row - pos.row));
  162. return ZXDJ*(x + y);
  163. }
  1. //转载 https://blog.csdn.net/dujuancao11/article/details/109749219?ops_request_misc=%257B%2522request%255Fid%2522%253A%2522166081157616780366520908%2522%252C%2522scm%2522%253A%252220140713.130102334..%2522%257D&request_id=166081157616780366520908&biz_id=0&utm_medium=distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-blog-2~all~top_positive~default-1-109749219-null-null.142^v41^pc_rank_v36,185^v2^control&utm_term=A*%E7%AE%97%E6%B3%95&spm=1018.2226.3001.4187
  2. import time,sys
  3. from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialogButtonBox,QDialog,QMainWindow,QGridLayout,QTextEdit,QLineEdit,QWidget, QMessageBox, QApplication,QLabel,QPushButton,QHBoxLayout,QVBoxLayout
  4. from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt,QTimer,QObject,pyqtSignal,QBasicTimer
  5. from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter, QColor, QFont,QPen
  6. import json
  7. class config:
  8. WIDTH=20#地图列数
  9. HEIGHT=20#地图行数
  10. blockLength=30#绘制画面时每一个节点方块的边长
  11. class point:#点类(每一个唯一坐标只有对应的一个实例)
  12. _list=[]#储存所有的point类实例
  13. _tag=True#标记最新创建的实例是否为_list中的已有的实例,True表示不是已有实例
  14. def __new__(cls,x,y):#重写new方法实现对于同样的坐标只有唯一的一个实例
  15. for i in point._list:
  16. if i.x==x and i.y==y:
  17. point._tag=False
  18. return i
  19. nt=super(point,cls).__new__(cls)
  20. point._list.append(nt)
  21. return nt
  22. def __init__(self,x,y):
  23. if point._tag:
  24. self.x=x
  25. self.y=y
  26. self.father=None
  27. self.F=0#当前点的评分 F=G+H
  28. self.G=0#起点到当前节点所花费的消耗
  29. self.cost=0#父节点到此节点的消耗
  30. else:
  31. point._tag=True
  32. @classmethod
  33. def clear(cls):#clear方法,每次搜索结束后,将所有点数据清除,以便进行下一次搜索的时候点数据不会冲突。
  34. point._list=[]
  35. def __eq__(self,T):#重写==运算以便实现point类的in运算
  36. if type(self)==type(T):
  37. return (self.x,self.y)==(T.x,T.y)
  38. else:
  39. return False
  40. def __str__(self):
  41. return'(%d,%d)[F=%d,G=%d,cost=%d][father:(%s)]'%(self.x,self.y,self.F,self.G,self.cost,str((self.father.x,self.father.y)) if self.father!=None else 'null')
  42. class A_Search:#核心部分,寻路类
  43. def __init__(self,arg_start,arg_end,arg_map):
  44. self.start=arg_start#储存此次搜索的开始点
  45. self.end=arg_end#储存此次搜索的目的点
  46. self.Map=arg_map#一个二维数组,为此次搜索的地图引用
  47. self.open=[]#开放列表:储存即将被搜索的节点
  48. self.close=[]#关闭列表:储存已经搜索过的节点
  49. self.result=[]#当计算完成后,将最终得到的路径写入到此属性中
  50. self.count=0#记录此次搜索所搜索过的节点数
  51. self.useTime=0#记录此次搜索花费的时间--在此演示中无意义,因为process方法变成了一个逐步处理的生成器,统计时间无意义。
  52. #开始进行初始数据处理
  53. self.open.append(arg_start)
  54. def cal_F(self,loc):
  55. print('计算值:',loc)
  56. G=loc.father.G+loc.cost
  57. H=self.getEstimate(loc)
  58. F=G+H
  59. print("F=%d G=%d H=%d"%(F,G,H))
  60. return {'G':G,'H':H,'F':F}
  61. def F_Min(self):#搜索open列表中F值最小的点并将其返回,同时判断open列表是否为空,为空则代表搜索失败
  62. if len(self.open)<=0:
  63. return None
  64. t=self.open[0]
  65. for i in self.open:
  66. if i.F<t.F:
  67. t=i
  68. return t
  69. def getAroundPoint(self,loc):#获取指定点周围所有可通行的点,并将其对应的移动消耗进行赋值。
  70. l=[(loc.x,loc.y+1,10),(loc.x+1,loc.y+1,14),(loc.x+1,loc.y,10),(loc.x+1,loc.y-1,14),(loc.x,loc.y-1,10),(loc.x-1,loc.y-1,14),(loc.x-1,loc.y,10),(loc.x-1,loc.y+1,14)]
  71. for i in l[::-1]:
  72. if i[0]<0 or i[0]>=config.HEIGHT or i[1]<0 or i[1]>=config.WIDTH:
  73. l.remove(i)
  74. nl=[]
  75. for i in l:
  76. if self.Map[i[0]][i[1]]==0:
  77. nt=point(i[0],i[1])
  78. nt.cost=i[2]
  79. nl.append(nt)
  80. return nl
  81. def addToOpen(self,l,father):#此次判断的点周围的可通行点加入到open列表中,如此点已经在open列表中则对其进行判断,如果此次路径得到的F值较之之前的F值更小,则将其父节点更新为此次判断的点,同时更新F、G值。
  82. for i in l:
  83. if i not in self.open:
  84. if i not in self.close:
  85. i.father=father
  86. self.open.append(i)
  87. r=self.cal_F(i)
  88. i.G=r['G']
  89. i.F=r['F']
  90. else:
  91. tf=i.father
  92. i.father=father
  93. r=self.cal_F(i)
  94. if i.F>r['F']:
  95. i.G=r['G']
  96. i.F=r['F']
  97. # i.father=father
  98. else:
  99. i.father=tf
  100. def getEstimate(self,loc):#H :从点loc移动到终点的预估花费
  101. return (abs(loc.x-self.end.x)+abs(loc.y-self.end.y))*10
  102. def DisplayPath(self):#在此演示中无意义
  103. print('搜索花费的时间:%.2fs.迭代次数%d,路径长度:%d'%(self.useTime,self.count,len(self.result)))
  104. if self.result!=None:
  105. for i in self.result:
  106. self.Map[i.x][i.y]=8
  107. for i in self.Map:
  108. for j in i:
  109. if j==0:
  110. print('%s'%'□',end='')
  111. elif j==1:
  112. print('%s'%'▽',end='')
  113. elif j==8:
  114. print('%s'%'★',end='')
  115. print('')
  116. else:
  117. print('搜索失败,无可通行路径')
  118. def process(self):#使用yield将process方法变成一个生成器,可以逐步的对搜索过程进行处理并返回关键数据
  119. while True:
  120. self.count+=1
  121. tar=self.F_Min()#先获取open列表中F值最低的点tar
  122. if tar==None:
  123. self.result=None
  124. self.count=-1
  125. break
  126. else:
  127. aroundP=self.getAroundPoint(tar)#获取tar周围的可用点列表aroundP
  128. self.addToOpen(aroundP,tar)#把aroundP加入到open列表中并更新F值以及设定父节点
  129. self.open.remove(tar)#将tar从open列表中移除
  130. self.close.append(tar)#已经迭代过的节点tar放入close列表中
  131. if self.end in self.open:#判断终点是否已经处于open列表中
  132. e=self.end
  133. self.result.append(e)
  134. while True:
  135. e=e.father
  136. if e==None:
  137. break
  138. self.result.append(e)
  139. yield (tar,self.open,self.close)
  140. break
  141. # self.repaint()
  142. # print('返回')
  143. yield (tar,self.open,self.close)
  144. time.sleep(5)#暂停
  145. self.useTime=time2-time1
  146. class GameBoard(QMainWindow):#可视化类,pyqt5进行编写。
  147. def __init__(self):
  148. print('初始化地图...')
  149. self.Map=[]
  150. for i in range(config.HEIGHT):
  151. col=[]
  152. for j in range(config.WIDTH):
  153. col.append(0)
  154. self.Map.append(col)
  155. self.startPoint=None
  156. self.endPoint=None
  157. self.search=None
  158. self.centerTimer=None
  159. self.yi=None
  160. self.special=None
  161. self.displayFlush=False
  162. super().__init__()
  163. print('初始化UI...')
  164. self.initUI()
  165. def initUI(self):
  166. #开始初始化UI部分
  167. #创建UI控件
  168. self.label_tips=QLabel("<p style='color:green'>使用说明:</p>右键单击格子选定起始点,左键格子选定格子为墙壁或删除墙壁。\n<p style='color:green'>颜色说明:</p>\n黄色代表起点,绿色代表终点,黑色代表墙壁,红色代表待搜索的open列表,灰色代表已搜索过的close列表,蓝色代表当前搜索到的路径",self)
  169. self.label_display=QLabel("",self)
  170. self.button_start=QPushButton("开始搜索",self)
  171. self.button_clearSE=QPushButton("重选起始点",self)
  172. self.button_clearWall=QPushButton("清空地图墙壁",self)
  173. self.button_saveMap=QPushButton("保存地图",self)
  174. self.button_loadMap=QPushButton("加载地图",self)
  175. #设置控件属性
  176. self.label_tips.setWordWrap(True)
  177. self.label_display.setWordWrap(True)
  178. #设置控件样式
  179. self.label_display.setStyleSheet("border:1px solid black")
  180. self.label_display.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft)
  181. self.label_display.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop)
  182. #设置控件的尺寸和位置
  183. self.label_tips.resize(200,150)
  184. self.button_saveMap.resize(80,30)
  185. self.button_loadMap.resize(80,30)
  186. self.label_display.resize(200,300)
  187. self.label_tips.move(100+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,0)
  188. self.label_display.move(100+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,400)
  189. self.button_start.move(100+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,200)
  190. self.button_clearSE.move(100+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,250)
  191. self.button_clearWall.move(100+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,300)
  192. self.button_saveMap.move(100+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,350)
  193. self.button_loadMap.move(200+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,350)
  194. #给控件绑定事件
  195. self.button_start.clicked.connect(self.button_StartEvent)
  196. self.button_clearSE.clicked.connect(self.button_Clear)
  197. self.button_clearWall.clicked.connect(self.button_Clear)
  198. self.button_saveMap.clicked.connect(self.button_SaveMap)
  199. self.button_loadMap.clicked.connect(self.button_LoadMap)
  200. #UI初始化完成
  201. self.setGeometry(0, 0, 150+(config.WIDTH*config.blockLength-config.blockLength)+200, 150+(config.HEIGHT*config.blockLength-config.blockLength))
  202. self.setMinimumSize(150+(config.WIDTH*config.blockLength-config.blockLength)+200, 150+(config.HEIGHT*config.blockLength-config.blockLength))
  203. self.setMaximumSize(150+(config.WIDTH*config.blockLength-config.blockLength)+200, 150+(config.HEIGHT*config.blockLength-config.blockLength))
  204. self.setWindowTitle('A*搜索')
  205. self.show()
  206. def addDisplayText(self,text):
  207. if self.displayFlush:
  208. self.label_display.setText(text+'\n')
  209. self.displayFlush=False
  210. else:
  211. self.label_display.setText(self.label_display.text()+text+'\n')
  212. def mousePressEvent(self,event):
  213. x,y=event.x()-50,event.y()-50
  214. x=x//config.blockLength
  215. y=y//config.blockLength
  216. if x>=0 and x<config.WIDTH and y>=0 and y<config.HEIGHT:
  217. if event.button()==Qt.LeftButton:
  218. if (x,y)!=self.startPoint and (x,y)!=self.endPoint:
  219. self.Map[y][x]=(1 if self.Map[y][x]==0 else 0)
  220. if event.button()==Qt.RightButton:
  221. if self.Map[y][x]==0:
  222. if self.startPoint==None:
  223. self.startPoint=(x,y)
  224. self.addDisplayText('添加了一个起点:(%d,%d)'%(x,y))
  225. elif self.endPoint==None and self.startPoint!=(x,y):
  226. self.endPoint=(x,y)
  227. self.addDisplayText('添加了一个终点:(%d,%d)'%(x,y))
  228. self.repaint()
  229. def button_StartEvent(self):
  230. sender=self.sender()
  231. print(sender)
  232. if self.startPoint!=None and self.endPoint!=None:
  233. if self.centerTimer==None:
  234. self.centerTimer=QBasicTimer()
  235. self.button_start.setEnabled(False)
  236. self.button_clearSE.setEnabled(False)
  237. self.button_clearWall.setEnabled(False)
  238. self.centerTimer.start(200,self)
  239. self.search=A_Search(point(self.startPoint[1],self.startPoint[0]),point(self.endPoint[1],self.endPoint[0]),self.Map)
  240. self.yi=self.search.process()
  241. self.addDisplayText('开始进行搜索')
  242. def button_SaveMap(self):
  243. with open('map.txt','w') as f:
  244. f.write(json.dumps(self.Map))
  245. self.addDisplayText('地图保存成功-->map.txt')
  246. # else:
  247. # self.addDisplayText('地图保存失败')
  248. def button_LoadMap(self):
  249. try:
  250. with open('map.txt','r') as f:
  251. self.Map=json.loads(f.read())
  252. config.HEIGHT=len(self.Map)
  253. config.WIDTH=len(self.Map[0])
  254. self.addDisplayText('地图加载成功')
  255. self.repaint()
  256. except Exception as e:
  257. print('失败',e,type(e))
  258. if type(e)==FileNotFoundError:
  259. self.addDisplayText('地图加载失败:地图文件不存在')
  260. elif type(e)==json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
  261. self.addDisplayText('地图加载失败:错误的地图文件')
  262. def button_Clear(self):
  263. sender=self.sender()
  264. print(self.button_clearSE,type(self.button_clearSE))
  265. if sender==self.button_clearSE:
  266. self.startPoint=None
  267. self.endPoint=None
  268. self.repaint()
  269. self.addDisplayText('清空起始点')
  270. elif sender==self.button_clearWall:
  271. for i in range(len(self.Map)):
  272. for j in range(len(self.Map[i])):
  273. self.Map[i][j]=0
  274. self.repaint()
  275. self.addDisplayText('清空所有墙壁')
  276. def paintEvent(self, event):
  277. qp = QPainter()
  278. qp.begin(self)
  279. self.drawBoard(event,qp)
  280. qp.end()
  281. def drawBoard(self, event, qp):
  282. self.drawMap(qp)
  283. def drawMap(self,qp):#画面绘制方法,每次地图有所改动都将重绘
  284. time1=time.time()
  285. if self.search!=None:
  286. if self.special!=None:
  287. e=self.special[0]
  288. path=[e]
  289. while True:
  290. e=e.father
  291. if e!=None:
  292. path.append(e)
  293. else:
  294. break
  295. else:
  296. path=None
  297. pen=QPen(QColor(0,0,0),1,Qt.SolidLine)
  298. qp.setPen(pen)
  299. for i in range(len(self.Map)):
  300. for j in range(len(self.Map[i])):
  301. wordTag=False
  302. if i==self.search.start.x and j==self.search.start.y:
  303. qp.setBrush(QColor(255,255,0))
  304. elif i==self.search.end.x and j==self.search.end.y:
  305. qp.setBrush(QColor(100,200,50))
  306. else:
  307. if self.Map[i][j]==0:
  308. tagx=True
  309. if path:
  310. for k in path:
  311. if k.x==i and k.y==j:
  312. tagx=False
  313. qp.setBrush(QColor(0,100,255))
  314. if tagx:
  315. if self.special!=None:
  316. if i==self.special[0].x and j==self.special[0].y:
  317. qp.setBrush(QColor(0,255,0))
  318. else:
  319. tag=True
  320. for k in self.special[1]:
  321. if k.x==i and k.y==j:
  322. tag=False
  323. wordTag=True
  324. word=str(k.F)
  325. qp.setBrush(QColor(150,0,0))
  326. break
  327. else:
  328. qp.setBrush(QColor(220,220,220))
  329. if tag:
  330. for k in self.special[2]:
  331. if k.x==i and k.y==j:
  332. qp.setBrush(QColor(150,150,150))
  333. break
  334. else:
  335. qp.setBrush(QColor(220,220,220))
  336. else:
  337. qp.setBrush(QColor(220,220,220))
  338. elif self.Map[i][j]==1:
  339. qp.setBrush(QColor(0,0,0))
  340. else:
  341. qp.setBrush(QColor(255,0,0))
  342. qp.drawRect(50+j*config.blockLength,50+i*config.blockLength,config.blockLength,config.blockLength)
  343. if wordTag:
  344. qp.setFont(QFont('楷体',5,QFont.Light))
  345. qp.drawText(50+10+j*config.blockLength,50+10+i*config.blockLength,word)
  346. wordTag=False
  347. #time.sleep(20)
  348. else:
  349. for i in range(len(self.Map)):
  350. for j in range(len(self.Map[i])):
  351. if (j,i)==self.startPoint:
  352. qp.setBrush(QColor(255,255,0))
  353. elif (j,i)==self.endPoint:
  354. qp.setBrush(QColor(100,200,50))
  355. else:
  356. if self.Map[i][j]==0:
  357. qp.setBrush(QColor(220,220,220))
  358. elif self.Map[i][j]==1:
  359. qp.setBrush(QColor(0,0,0))
  360. else:
  361. qp.setBrush(QColor(255,0,0))
  362. qp.drawRect(50+j*config.blockLength,50+i*config.blockLength,config.blockLength,config.blockLength)
  363. time2=time.time()
  364. #time.sleep(20)
  365. # print('绘制时间:',time2-time1)
  366. def timerEvent(self,e):
  367. try:
  368. data=next(self.yi)
  369. except Exception as e:
  370. self.addDisplayText('搜索结束:')
  371. print('搜索结束!')
  372. if self.search.result==None:
  373. self.addDisplayText('未找到可行路径')
  374. print('搜索结束!')
  375. else:
  376. self.addDisplayText('总计搜索节点数:%d'%self.search.count)
  377. self.addDisplayText('最终路径长度:%d'%len(self.search.result))
  378. self.centerTimer.stop()
  379. self.search=None
  380. self.yi=None
  381. self.special=None
  382. point.clear()
  383. self.button_start.setEnabled(True)
  384. self.button_clearSE.setEnabled(True)
  385. self.button_clearWall.setEnabled(True)
  386. self.displayFlush=True
  387. else:
  388. self.special=data
  389. self.repaint()
  390. if __name__ == '__main__':
  391. app = QApplication(sys.argv)
  392. ex = GameBoard()
  393. sys.exit(app.exec_())


  1. import pygame
  2. import sys
  3. import math
  4. from tkinter import *
  5. from tkinter import ttk
  6. from tkinter import messagebox
  7. import os
  8. screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,800))
  9. class spot:
  10. def __init__(self,x,y):
  11. #坐标
  12. self.i = x
  13. self.j = y
  14. #分数
  15. self.f = 0
  16. self.g = 0
  17. self.h = 0
  18. #父节点
  19. self.previous = None
  20. #是不是障碍
  21. self.obs = False
  22. #选择状态
  23. self.closed = False
  24. #权
  25. self.value = 1
  26. #相邻节点
  27. self.neighbors = []
  28. def show(self,color,st):
  29. if self.closed == False:
  30. pygame.draw.rect(screen,color,(self.i*w,self.j*h,w,h),st)
  31. pygame.display.update()
  32. def path(self,color,st):
  33. pygame.draw.rect(screen,color,(self.i*w,self.j*h,w,h),st)
  34. pygame.display.update()
  35. def addNeighbors(self):
  36. i = self.i
  37. j = self.j
  38. if i < rows-1 and grid[i+1][j].obs == False:
  39. self.neighbors.append(grid[i+1][j])
  40. if i > 0 and grid[i-1][j].obs == False:
  41. self.neighbors.append(grid[i-1][j])
  42. if j < cols-1 and grid[i][j+1].obs == False:
  43. self.neighbors.append(grid[i][j+1])
  44. if j > 0 and grid[i][j-1].obs == False:
  45. self.neighbors.append(grid[i][j-1])
  46. #行列数
  47. cols = 50
  48. rows = 50
  49. #颜色
  50. red = (255,0,0)
  51. green = (0,255,0)
  52. blue = (0,0,255)
  53. grey = (220,220,220)
  54. #格子长宽
  55. w = 800/cols
  56. h = 800/rows
  57. #父节点列表
  58. cameFrom = []
  59. #创建节点
  60. grid = [0 for i in range(cols)]
  61. for i in range(cols):
  62. grid[i] = [0 for i in range(rows)]
  63. for i in range(rows):
  64. for j in range(cols):
  65. grid[i][j] = spot(i,j)
  66. #默认起点、终点
  67. start = grid[5][5]
  68. end = grid[7][19]
  69. #画界面
  70. for i in range(rows):
  71. for j in range(cols):
  72. grid[i][j].show((255,255,255),1)
  73. #画围墙
  74. for i in range(rows):
  75. grid[i][0].show(grey,0)
  76. grid[i][cols-1].show(grey,0)
  77. grid[0][i].show(grey,0)
  78. grid[cols-1][i].show(grey,0)
  79. grid[i][0].show(grey,0)
  80. grid[i][cols-1].show(grey,0)
  81. grid[0][i].show(grey,0)
  82. grid[cols-1][i].show(grey,0)
  83. grid[i][0].obs = True
  84. grid[i][cols-1].obs = True
  85. grid[0][i].obs = True
  86. grid[cols-1][i].obs = True
  87. grid[i][0].obs = True
  88. grid[i][cols-1].obs = True
  89. grid[0][i].obs = True
  90. grid[cols-1][i].obs = True
  91. def onsubmit():
  92. global start
  93. global end
  94. st = startBox.get().split(',')
  95. ed = endBox.get().split(',')
  96. start = grid[int(st[0])][int(st[1])]
  97. end = grid[int(ed[0])][int(ed[1])]
  98. window.quit()
  99. window.destroy()
  100. #输入界面
  101. window = Tk()
  102. window.title('请输入')
  103. label_1 = Label(window,text = '起点坐标(x,y): ')
  104. startBox = Entry(window)
  105. label_2 = Label(window,text = '终点坐标(x,y): ')
  106. endBox = Entry(window)
  107. var = IntVar()
  108. showPath = ttk.Checkbutton(window,text = '显示每一步',onvalue=1,offvalue=0,variable=var)
  109. submit = Button(window,text='提交',command=onsubmit)
  110. #布局
  111. label_1.grid(row = 0,column = 0,pady = 3)
  112. label_2.grid(row = 1,column = 0,pady = 3)
  113. startBox.grid(row = 0,column = 1,pady = 3)
  114. endBox.grid(row = 1,column = 1,pady = 3)
  115. showPath.grid(columnspan = 2,row = 2)
  116. submit.grid(columnspan = 2,row = 3)
  117. #启动输入界面
  118. mainloop()
  119. #两个表
  120. openSet = [start]
  121. closeSet = []
  122. #显示起点终点
  123. start.show((255,8,127),0)
  124. end.show((255,8,127),0)
  125. #监听鼠标位置
  126. def mousePress(x):
  127. t = x[0]
  128. w = x[1]
  129. #判断在第几个格子
  130. g1 = t//(800//cols)
  131. g2 = w//(800//rows)
  132. #设置障碍
  133. set_obs = grid[g1][g2]
  134. if set_obs != start and set_obs!= end:
  135. set_obs.obs = True
  136. set_obs.show(grey,0)
  137. #画障碍
  138. loop = True
  139. while loop:
  140. ev = pygame.event.poll()
  141. if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
  142. try:
  143. pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
  144. mousePress(pos)
  145. except AttributeError:
  146. pass
  147. if ev.type == pygame.QUIT:
  148. pygame.quit()
  149. elif ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
  150. if ev.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
  151. loop = False
  152. #画好障碍后,初始邻接节点列表
  153. for i in range(rows):
  154. for j in range(cols):
  155. grid[i][j].addNeighbors()
  156. #启发式方法
  157. def heurisitic(n,e):
  158. d = math.sqrt((n.i - e.i)**2 + (n.j - e.j)**2)
  159. return d
  160. def main():
  161. #openSet初始化时已经包含起点
  162. #从中选择f分数最小的
  163. if(len(openSet) > 0):
  164. lowestIndex = 0
  165. for i in range(len(openSet)):
  166. if(openSet[i].f < openSet[lowestIndex].f):
  167. lowestIndex = i
  168. #对当前节点操作
  169. current = openSet[lowestIndex]
  170. #找到 打印路径
  171. if current == end:
  172. temp = current.f
  173. while current != start:
  174. current.closed = False
  175. current.show(blue, 0)
  176. current = current.previous
  177. end.show(red, 0)
  178. Tk().wm_withdraw()
  179. result = messagebox.askokcancel('Program Finished', ('The program finished, the shortest distance \n to the path is ' + str(temp) + ' blocks away, \n would you like to re run the program?'))
  180. if result == True:
  181. os.execl(sys.executable,sys.executable, *sys.argv)
  182. else:
  183. ag = True
  184. while ag:
  185. ev = pygame.event.get()
  186. for event in ev:
  187. if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
  188. ag = False
  189. break
  190. pygame.quit()
  191. openSet.pop(lowestIndex)
  192. closeSet.append(current)
  193. neighbors = current.neighbors
  194. for i in range(len(neighbors)):
  195. neighbor = neighbors[i]
  196. if neighbor not in closeSet:
  197. tmpG = current.g + current.value
  198. if neighbor in openSet:
  199. if neighbor.g > tmpG:
  200. neighbor.g = tmpG
  201. neighbor.previous = current
  202. else:
  203. neighbor.g = tmpG
  204. openSet.append(neighbor)
  205. neighbor.previous = current
  206. neighbor.h = heurisitic(neighbor,end)
  207. neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h
  208. if var.get():
  209. for i in range(len(openSet)):
  210. openSet[i].show(green,0)
  211. for i in range(len(closeSet)):
  212. if closeSet[i] != start:
  213. closeSet[i].show(red,0)
  214. current.closed = True
  215. while True:
  216. ev = pygame.event.poll()
  217. if ev.type == pygame.QUIT:
  218. pygame.quit()
  219. main()


