var code = “f795c631-3f60-45cf-9e23-00043406c993”
sudo apt-get install csh gfortran m4 build-essential
Ubuntu "E: Unable to locate package"错误解决办法:
Unable to locate package:无法找到包。解决办法:执行命令:sudo apt-get update更新一下apt-get
Linux sudo命令以系统管理者的身份执行指令,也就是说,经由 sudo 所执行的指令就好像是 root 亲自执行。
使用权限:在 /etc/sudoers 中有出现的使用者。
2.system environment test
it is very important to have a gfortran compiler,as well as gcc and cpp.
if you have these installed ,you should be given a path for the location of each.
which [文件...]
Linux which命令用于查找文件。
3.check your gcc version. it is recommend using version 4.4.0 or later.
gcc —version
4.Create a new , clean directory called Build_WRF, and another one called TESTS
mkdir Build_WRF TESTS
Linux mkdir(英文全拼:make directory)命令用于创建目录。
5.Download the tar file that contains the test into the TESTS directory and unpack the tar file.
the tar file can be found at:
Linux cd(英文全拼:change directory)命令用于切换当前工作目录。
其中 dirName 表示法可为绝对路径或相对路径。若目录名称省略,则变换至使用者的 home 目录 (也就是刚 login 时所在的目录)。
另外,~ 也表示为 home 目录 的意思, . 则是表示目前所在的目录, … 则表示目前目录位置的上一层目录。
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial/compile_tutorial/tar_files/Fortran_C_tests.tar
$ wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/nagios/nagios-3.2.1.tar.gz
$ wget -O taglist.zip http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=7701
tar -xvf Fortran_C_tests.tar
there are 7 tests available,so start at the top and run through them,one at a time.
test1 :Fixed format fortran test.
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ gfortran TEST_1_fortran_only_fixed.f
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ ./a.out
SUCCESS test 1 fortran only fixed format
test2 :Free format fortran
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ gfortran TEST_2_fortran_only_free.f90
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ ./a.out
Assume Fortran 2003: has FLUSH, ALLOCATABLE derived type, and ISO C Binding
SUCCESS test 2 fortran only free format
test2 :C.
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ gcc TEST_3_c_only.c
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ ./a.out
SUCCESS test 3 C only
test4:Fortran calling a C function (the gcc and gfortran have different defaults, so is necessary to force both to always use 64 bit [-m64]when combining them).
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ gcc -c -m64 TEST_4_fortran+c_c.c
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ gfortran -c -m64 TEST_4_fortran+c_f.f90
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ gfortran -m64 TEST_4_fortran+c_f.o TEST_4_fortran+c_c.o
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ ./a.out
C function called by Fortran
Values are xx = 2.00 and ii = 1
SUCCESS test 4 fortran calling c
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ csh TEST_csh.csh
SUCCESS csh test
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ ./TEST_perl.pl
SUCCESS perl test
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ ./TEST_sh.sh
SUCCESS sh test
cd ..
1.Building Libraries
Before getting started, you need to make another directory. Goinside your Build_WRF directory called LIBRARIES.
ls -ltr
Linux ls(英文全拼:list files)命令用于显示指定工作目录下之内容(列出目前工作目录所含之文件及子目录)。
xiaomo@ubuntu:~$ cd Build_WRF/
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF$ mkdir LIBRARIES
2.Depending on the type of run you wish to make, there are various libraries that should be installed. Go inside your LIBRARIES directory and then download all 5 tar files.
Mpich library.
The tar file can be found at:
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF$ cd LIBRARIES
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnlineTutorial/compile_tutorial/tar_files/mpich-3.0.4.tar.gz
Netcdf library.
The tar file can be found at:
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnlineTutorial/compile_tutorial/tar_files/netcdf-4.1.3.tar.gz
Jasper library.
The tar file can be found at:
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnlineTutorial/compile_tutorial/tar_files/jasper-1.900.1.tar.gz
libpng library.
The tar file can be found at:
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnlineTutorial/compile_tutorial/tar_files/libpng-1.2.50.tar.gz
Zlib library.
The tar file can be found at:
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnlineTutorial/compile_tutorial/tar_files/zlib-1.2.7.tar.gz
it is important to note that these libraries must all be installed with the same compilers as will be used to install WRF and WPS.
Configuring NetCDF library: this library is always necessary!
Modify the .bashrc file in the home directory of current user to set the environment variables.
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
At the bottom of the .bashrc file add these lines so that they will be set for future logins
# WRF environment variables
export DIR=/home/xiaomo/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES这里添自己的位置
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
export FC=gfortran
export CFLAGS=-m64
export F77=gfortran
export FFLAGS=-m64
Then source the .bashrc file to make these settings active for current session.
source ~/.bashrc
Unpack the netcdf-4.1.3.tar.gz file.
tar -zxvf netcdf-4.1.3.tar.gz
Go inside the netcdf-4.1.3d directory and run the configure script with the parameters presented,then run make and make install.
进入netcdf-4.1.3d目录,并使用显示的参数运行configure脚本,然后运行make和make install。
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES$ cd netcdf-4.1.3/
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/netcdf-4.1.3$ ./configure --prefix=$DIR/netcdf --disable-dap --disable-netcdf-4 --disable-shared
make install
Modify again the .bashrc file and set two new environment variables at the bottom. The source the file to make these settings active for current session.
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/netcdf-4.1.3$ sudo nano ~/.bashrc
在打开窗口输入:export PATH=$DIR/netcdf/bin:$PATH
export NETCDF=$DIR/netcdf
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/netcdf-4.1.3$ source ~/.bashrc
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/netcdf-4.1.3$ cd ..
Configuring MPICH library:This library is necessary if you are planning to build WRF in parallel.If your machine does not have more than 1 procssor, or if you have noneed to run WRF with multipleprocessors, you can skip installing MPICH.
Assuming all the “export” commands were already issured while setting up NetCDF,you can continue on to install MPICH,issuing each of the following commands.
tar -zxvf mpich-3.0.4.tar.gz
cd mpich-3.0.4/
./configure --prefix=$DIR/mpich
make install
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
在打开窗口输入:export PATH=$DIR/mpich/bin:$PATH
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/mpich-3.0.4$ source ~/.bashrc
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/mpich-3.0.4$ cd ..
Configuring zlib: This is a compression library necessary for compiling WPS (specifically ungrib)with GRIB2 capability.
Assuming all the “export” commands from the NetCDF install are already set,you can move on to to the commands to install zlib.
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
在打开窗口输入:export LDFLAGS=-L$DIR/grib2/lib
export CPPFLAGS=-I$DIR/grib2/include
source ~/.bashrc
tar -zxvf zlib-1.2.7.tar.gz
cd zlib-1.2.7/
./configure --prefix=$DIR/grib2
make install
cd ..
Configuring libpng:This is a compression library necessary for compiling WPS (specifically ungrib)with GRIB2 capability.
Assuming all the “export” commands from the NetCDF install are already set,you can move on to to the commands to install libpng.
tar -zxvf libpng-1.2.50.tar.gz
cd libpng-1.2.50/
./configure --prefix=$DIR/grib2
make install
cd ..
Configuring JasPer:This is a compression library necessary for compiling WPS (specifically ungrib)with GRIB2 capability.
Assuming all the “export” commands from the NetCDF install are already set, you can move on to to the commands to install jasper.
tar -zxvf jasper-1.900.1.tar.gz
cd jasper-1.900.1/
./configure --prefix=$DIR/grib2
make install
cd ..
1.Libraries compatibility tests
Once the target machine is able to make small Fortran and C executables(what was verified in the System Environment Tests video),and after the NetCDF and MPI libraries section),to emulate the WRF code’s behavior ,two additional small tests are required. It is necessery to verify that the libraries are able to work with the compilers that are to be used for the WPS and WRF builds.
Move to TESTS directory, download the tar file that contans these tests and unpack it.
The tar file can be found at:
tar -xvf Fortran_C_NETCDF_MPI_tests.tar
There are 2 tests.
Test 1: Fortran + C + NetCDF
The NetCDF-only test requires the include file from the NetCDF package be in this directory. Copy the NetCDF include here and compile the Fortran and C codes for the purpose of this test(the -c option says to not try to build an executable).
为此复制NetCDF include并编译Fortran和C代码(此-c选项表示不要尝试生成可执行文件)。
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ cp ${NETCDF}/include/netcdf.inc .
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ gfortran -c 01_fortran+c+netcdf_f.f
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ gcc -c 01_fortran+c+netcdf_c.c
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ gfortran 01_fortran+c+netcdf_f.o 01_fortran+c+netcdf_c.o -L${NETCDF}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ ./a.out
C function called by Fortran
Values are xx = 2.00 and ii = 1
SUCCESS test 1 fortran + c + netcdf
Linux cp(英文全拼:copy file)命令主要用于复制文件或目录。
Test 2: Fortran + C + NetCDF + MPI
The NetCDF+MPI test requires include files from both of these packages be in this directory, but the MPI scripts automatically make the mpif.h file available without assistance, so no need to copy that one. Copy the netCDF include file here and note that the MPI executables mpif90 and mpicc are used when compiling. Issure the following commands:
NetCDF + MPI测试要求将这两个软件包中的包含文件都放在此目录中,但是MPI脚本无需帮助即可自动使mpif.h文件可用,因此无需复制该文件。
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ cp ${NETCDF}/include/netcdf.inc .
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ mpif90 -c 02_fortran+c+netcdf+mpi_f.f
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ mpicc -c 02_fortran+c+netcdf+mpi_c.c
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ mpif90 02_fortran+c+netcdf+mpi_f.o 02_fortran+c+netcdf+mpi_c.o -L${NETCDF}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/TESTS$ mpirun ./a.out
C function called by Fortran
Values are xx = 2.00 and ii = 1
status = 2
SUCCESS test 2 fortran + c + netcdf + mpi
1.Building WRF
After ensuring that all libraries are compatible with the compilers you can now prepare to build WRF.If you do not already have a WRF tar file, move to your Build_WRF directory, download that file and unpack it. Then go into the WRF directory and create a configuration file for your computer and compiler.
确保所有库与编译器兼容后,您现在可以准备构建WRF。如果您还没有WRF tar文件,请移至Build_WRF目录,下载该文件并解压缩。
The tar file can be found at:
cd Build_WRF
tar -zxvf WRFV4.0.TAR.gz ***#(小技巧,文件名不需要输全,输入头几个字母,按下Tab键,会自动补齐)*** xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF$ cd WRF/ xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/WRF$ ./configure checking for perl5... no checking for perl... found /usr/bin/perl (perl) Will use NETCDF in dir: /home/lmc/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/netcdf HDF5 not set in environment. Will configure WRF for use without. PHDF5 not set in environment. Will configure WRF for use without. Will use 'time' to report timing information $JASPERLIB or $JASPERINC not found in environment, configuring to build without grib2 I/O... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please select from among the following Linux x86_64 options: 1. (serial) 2. (smpar) 3. (dmpar) 4. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/gcc) 5. (serial) 6. (smpar) 7. (dmpar) 8. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/pgcc): SGI MPT 9. (serial) 10. (smpar) 11. (dmpar) 12. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/gcc): PGI accelerator 13. (serial) 14. (smpar) 15. (dmpar) 16. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc) 17. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): Xeon Phi (MIC architecture) 18. (serial) 19. (smpar) 20. (dmpar) 21. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): Xeon (SNB with AVX mods) 22. (serial) 23. (smpar) 24. (dmpar) 25. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): SGI MPT 26. (serial) 27. (smpar) 28. (dmpar) 29. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): IBM POE 30. (serial) 31. (dmpar) PATHSCALE (pathf90/pathcc) 32. (serial) 33. (smpar) 34. (dmpar) 35. (dm+sm) GNU (gfortran/gcc) 36. (serial) 37. (smpar) 38. (dmpar) 39. (dm+sm) IBM (xlf90_r/cc_r) 40. (serial) 41. (smpar) 42. (dmpar) 43. (dm+sm) PGI (ftn/gcc): Cray XC CLE 44. (serial) 45. (smpar) 46. (dmpar) 47. (dm+sm) CRAY CCE (ftn/cc): Cray XE and XC 48. (serial) 49. (smpar) 50. (dmpar) 51. (dm+sm) INTEL (ftn/icc): Cray XC 52. (serial) 53. (smpar) 54. (dmpar) 55. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/pgcc) 56. (serial) 57. (smpar) 58. (dmpar) 59. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/gcc): -f90=pgf90 60. (serial) 61. (smpar) 62. (dmpar) 63. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/pgcc): -f90=pgf90 64. (serial) 65. (smpar) 66. (dmpar) 67. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): HSW/BDW 68. (serial) 69. (smpar) 70. (dmpar) 71. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): KNL MIC Enter selection [1-71] :
you will see various options. choose the option that lists the compiler you are using and the way you wish to build WRFV3 (i.e.,serially or in parallel).Although there are 3 different types of parallel(smpar, dmpar,and dm+sm),it is recommend choosing dmpar option.
即在32. (serial) 33. (smpar) 34. (dmpar) 35. (dm+sm) GNU (gfortran/gcc)中选一个
serial 表示串行计算;
smpar 表示内存共享并行计算(shared memory option),即使用openMP,大部分多核电脑都支持这项功能;
dmpar 表示分布式并行计算(distributed memory option),即使用MPI 进行并行计算,主要用在计算集群,单个电脑就没必要用了;
dm+sm 表示同时使用openMP与MPI两种并行方式. 根据实际需要选择即可,最保险的方法就是选择 serial,不过这样编译出来的程序运行最慢
选择完编译选项后,会出现提示选择嵌套选项,一般就选 basic 选项即可:1
Enter selection [1-71] : 32
Compile for nesting? (1=basic, 2=preset moves, 3=vortex following) [default 1]: 1
Configuration successful!
Once your configuration is complete,you should have a configure.wrf file,and you are ready to compile. In order to compile WRF, you will need to decide which type of case you wish to compile.
The option are:选项是:
em_real(3d real case),em_quarter_ss(3d ideal case),
em_b_wav(3d ideal case),em_les(3d ideal case),
em_heldsuarez(3d ideal case),
em_tropical_cyclone(3d ideal case),
em_hill2d_x(2d ideal case),em_squall2d_x(2d ideal case),
em_squall2d_y(2d ideal case),em_grav2d_x(2d ideal case),
em_seabreeze2d_x(2d ideal case),
em_scm_xy(1d ideal case).
For this purpose we are going to compile WRF for real cases. Compilation should take about 20-30 minutes. The ongoing compilation can be checked.
./compile em_real >& compile.log &
tail -f compile.log
build started: 2021年 01月 02日 星期六 15:09:36 CST
build completed: 2021年 01月 02日 星期六 15:23:20 CST
---> Executables successfully built <---
-rwxrwxr-x 1 xiaomo xiaomo 42403576 1月 2 15:23 main/ndown.exe
-rwxrwxr-x 1 xiaomo xiaomo 42276504 1月 2 15:23 main/real.exe
-rwxrwxr-x 1 xiaomo xiaomo 41781344 1月 2 15:23 main/tc.exe
-rwxrwxr-x 1 xiaomo xiaomo 46018680 1月 2 15:22 main/wrf.exe
Once the compilation completes, to check whether it was sussessful, you need to look for executables in the WRF/main directory.
编译完成后,要检查编译是否成功,需要在WRF/ main目录中查找可执行文件。
These executables are linked to 2 different directories. You can choose to run WRF from either directory.这些可执行文件链接到2个不同的目录。 您可以选择从任一目录运行WRF。
WRF/run 和 WRF/test/em_real
Building WPS
After the WRF model is built, the next step is building the WPS program (if you plan to run real case, as opposed to idealized cases).The WRF model MUST be properly built prior to trying to build the WPS programs.
If you do not already have the WPS source code, move to your Build_WRF directory, downloadthat file and unpack it. Then go into the WPS directory and make sure the WPS directory is clean.
如果您还没有WPS源代码,请移至Build_WRF目录,下载该文件并解压缩。 然后进入WPS目录,并确保WPS目录是干净的。
The tar file can be found at:
cd Build_WRF/
tar -zxvf WPS-4.1.tar.gz
cd WPS-4.1
The next step is to configure WPS, however, you first need to set some paths for the ungrib libraries and then you can configure.
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
export JASPERLIB=$DIR/grib2/lib
export JASPERINC=$DIR/grib2/include
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/WPS$ source ~/.bashrc xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/WPS$ ./configure Will use NETCDF in dir: /home/lmc/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/netcdf Found Jasper environment variables for GRIB2 support... $JASPERLIB = /home/xiaomo/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/grib2/lib $JASPERINC = /home/xiaomo/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/grib2/include ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please select from among the following supported platforms. 1. Linux x86_64, gfortran (serial) 2. Linux x86_64, gfortran (serial_NO_GRIB2) 3. Linux x86_64, gfortran (dmpar) 4. Linux x86_64, gfortran (dmpar_NO_GRIB2) 5. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler (serial) 6. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler (serial_NO_GRIB2) 7. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler (dmpar) 8. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler (dmpar_NO_GRIB2) 9. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler, SGI MPT (serial) 10. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler, SGI MPT (serial_NO_GRIB2) 11. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler, SGI MPT (dmpar) 12. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler, SGI MPT (dmpar_NO_GRIB2) 13. Linux x86_64, IA64 and Opteron (serial) 14. Linux x86_64, IA64 and Opteron (serial_NO_GRIB2) 15. Linux x86_64, IA64 and Opteron (dmpar) 16. Linux x86_64, IA64 and Opteron (dmpar_NO_GRIB2) 17. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (serial) 18. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (serial_NO_GRIB2) 19. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (dmpar) 20. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (dmpar_NO_GRIB2) 21. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, SGI MPT (serial) 22. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, SGI MPT (serial_NO_GRIB2) 23. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, SGI MPT (dmpar) 24. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, SGI MPT (dmpar_NO_GRIB2) 25. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, IBM POE (serial) 26. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, IBM POE (serial_NO_GRIB2) 27. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, IBM POE (dmpar) 28. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, IBM POE (dmpar_NO_GRIB2) 29. Linux x86_64 g95 compiler (serial) 30. Linux x86_64 g95 compiler (serial_NO_GRIB2) 31. Linux x86_64 g95 compiler (dmpar) 32. Linux x86_64 g95 compiler (dmpar_NO_GRIB2) 33. Cray XE/XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Cray compiler (serial) 34. Cray XE/XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Cray compiler (serial_NO_GRIB2) 35. Cray XE/XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Cray compiler (dmpar) 36. Cray XE/XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Cray compiler (dmpar_NO_GRIB2) 37. Cray XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (serial) 38. Cray XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (serial_NO_GRIB2) 39. Cray XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (dmpar) 40. Cray XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (dmpar_NO_GRIB2) Enter selection [1-40] :
You should be given a list of various options for compiler types,whether to compile in serial or parallel,and whether to compile ungrib with GRIB2 capability.Unless you plan to creat extremely large domains,it is recommended to compile WPS in serial mode, regardless of whether you compiled WRFV3 inparallel.
It is also recommended that you choose a GRIB2 option (make sure you do not choose one that states NO_GRIB2).You may choose a non-grib2 option, but most data is now in grib2 format, so it is best to choose this option.You can still run grib1 data when you have built with grib2.
还建议您选择一个GRIB2选项(确保不要选择一个表示NO_GRIB2的选项)。您可以选择一个非grib2选项,但是现在大多数数据都是grib2格式,因此最好选择此选项。 使用grib2构建后,您仍然可以运行grib1数据。
Choose the option that lists a compiler to match what you used to compile WRFV3,serial,and grib2.
Note: The option number will likely be different than the number you chose to compile WRFV3.
Enter selection [1-40] : 1
Configuration successful. To build the WPS, type: compile
Testing for NetCDF, C and Fortran compiler
This installation NetCDF is 64-bit
C compiler is 64-bit
Fortran compiler is 64-bit
The metgrid.exe and geogrid.exe programs rely on the configure.wps file that directs the WPS build system to the location of the I/O libraries from the WRF modle : WRF_DIR = …/WRFV3
metgrid.exe和geogrid.exe程序依赖于configure.wps文件,该文件将WPS构建系统从WRF模型引导到I / O库的位置:WRF_DIR = …/WRFV3
sudo nano configure.wps
Above is the default setting. As long as the name of the WRF model’s top-level directory is WRF and the WPS and WRF directories are at the same level(which they should be if you have followed exactly as instructed on this page so far),then the exising default setting is correct and there is no need to change it.上面是默认设置。 只要WRF模型的顶级目录的名称是WRF,并且WPS和WRF目录处于同一级别(如果您到目前为止完全按照此页面上的说明进行操作,则应该是同一级别),然后使用现有的默认设置是正确的,不需要更改它。
If it is not correct,you must modify the configure file and then save the changes before compiling.
You can now compile WPS. The compilation should take a few minutes. The ongoing compilatiion can be checked.
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ ./compile >& compile.log & [1] 19929 xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ tail -f compile.log #...运行一大堆截取最后一部分如下: make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/xiaomo/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1/util/src' if [ -h int2nc.exe ] ; then \ /bin/rm -f int2nc.exe ; \ fi ; \ if [ -h ../int2nc.exe ] ; then \ /bin/rm -f ../int2nc.exe ; \ fi ; \ if [ -e src/int2nc.exe ] ; then \ ln -sf src/int2nc.exe . ; \ fi #运行到这里卡住,按Ctrl+C键结束进程: ^C [1]+ Done ./compile &> compile.log xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ ls -las *.exe 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 xiaomo xiaomo 23 Jan 5 17:39 geogrid.exe -> geogrid/src/geogrid.exe 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 xiaomo xiaomo 23 Jan 5 17:39 metgrid.exe -> metgrid/src/metgrid.exe 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 xiaomo xiaomo 21 Jan 5 17:39 ungrib.exe -> ungrib/src/ungrib.exe
Once the compilation completes, to check whether it was successful, you need to look for 3 main executables in the WPS top-level directory.Then verify that they are not zero-sized.
ls -las *.exe
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/WPS-4.1$ ls -las *.exe
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 xiaomo xiaomo 23 Jan 5 17:39 geogrid.exe -> geogrid/src/geogrid.exe
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 xiaomo xiaomo 23 Jan 5 17:39 metgrid.exe -> metgrid/src/metgrid.exe
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 xiaomo xiaomo 21 Jan 5 17:39 ungrib.exe -> ungrib/src/ungrib.exe
Static geography data
The WRF modeling system is able to create idealized simulations, though most users are interested inthe real-data cases. to initiate a real-data case, the domain’s physical location on the globe and the static information for that location must be created.
WRF建模系统能够创建理想的模拟,尽管大多数用户对实际数据案例感兴趣。 要启动实际数据案例,必须创建域在地球上的物理位置以及该位置的静态信息。
This requires a data set that includes such fields as topography and land use catagories. Move to your Build_WRF directory,download the file and unpack it. When you unpack the file, it will be called “geog” rename the to “WPS_GEOG”.
这需要一个数据集,其中包括地形和土地用途分类等字段。 移至Build_WRF目录,下载文件并解压缩。 解压缩文件时,它将被称为“ geog”,将其重命名为“ WPS_GEOG”。
The tar file can be found at:
tar -zxvf geog_10m.tar.gz
mv geog WPS_GEOG
The directory infomation is given to the geogrid program in the namelist.wps file in the &geogrid section. The complete data expands to approximately 10 GB. This data allows a user to run the geogrid.exe program.
目录信息在&geogrid部分的namelist.wps文件中提供给geogrid程序。 完整的数据将扩展到大约10 GB。 该数据允许用户运行geogrid.exe程序。
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF$ cd WPS
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/WPS$ nano namelist.wps
把geog_data_path = '/glade/p/work/wrfhelp/WPS_GEOG/'改成geog_data_path = ‘/home/xiaomo/Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/’
Post processing
ARWpost is a Fortran program that reads WRF-ARW input and output file, then generates GrADS output files.
Once the output files have been generated, GrADS can be used to produce horizontal or vertical cross-section plots of scalar fields(contours) or vector fields(barbs or arrows),vertical profiles and soundings.
Is recommend the use of ARW post Version 3 or higher. This code is not dependent on the successful compilation of the WRFV3 code, and can therefore be installed anywhere, even if WRFV3 is not installed on this computer.
建议在版本3或更高版本中使用ARW。 此代码不依赖于WRFV3代码的成功编译,因此即使未在此计算机上安装WRFV3,也可以将其安装在任何位置。
Move to your Build_WRF directory, download the file and unpack it.
The tar file can be found at:
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF$ tar -zxvf ARWpost_V3.tar.gz
Once unpacked,move to AWRpost directory and look for the following files:
arch, clean, compile, configure, namelist.ARWpost, README, src, script and util.
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF$ cd ARWpost/ xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/ARWpost$ ls -las total 60 4 drwxr-xr-x 6 xiaomo xiaomo 4096 Mar 2 2011 . 4 drwxrwxr-x 9 xiaomo xiaomo 4096 Jan 6 16:28 .. 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 xiaomo xiaomo 4096 Jan 6 16:28 arch 4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 xiaomo xiaomo 905 May 25 2007 clean 4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 xiaomo xiaomo 490 Dec 16 2010 compile 8 -rwxr-xr-x 1 xiaomo xiaomo 4257 May 25 2007 configure 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 xiaomo xiaomo 12 May 25 2007 fields.plt 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 xiaomo xiaomo 19 May 25 2007 myLIST 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 xiaomo xiaomo 1150 Dec 16 2010 namelist.ARWpost 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 xiaomo xiaomo 7189 Dec 16 2010 README 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 xiaomo xiaomo 4096 Jan 6 16:28 scripts 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 xiaomo xiaomo 4096 Jan 6 16:28 src 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 xiaomo xiaomo 4096 Mar 2 2011 util
Assuming that the NETCDF variable is set, it is possible to configure the ARWpost.
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/ARWpost$ ./configure
Will use NETCDF in dir: /home/xiaomo/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/netcdf
Please select from among the following supported platforms.
1. PC Linux i486 i586 i686 x86_64, PGI compiler
2. PC Linux i486 i586 i686 x86_64, Intel compiler
3. PC Linux i486 i586 i686 x86_64, gfortran compiler
Enter selection [1-3] : 3
Configuration successful. To build the ARWpost, type: compile
Edit the Makefile file into the src directory and modify the -L$(NETCDF) line into the ARWpost.exe environment.
将Makefile文件编辑到src目录中,并将-L $(NETCDF)行修改到ARWpost.exe环境中。
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/ARWpost$ cd src/
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/ARWpost/src$ nano Makefile
在Makefile文件中,加上-lnetcdf -lnetcdff如下:
ARWpost.exe: $(OBJS)
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) \
-L$(NETCDF)/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff -I$(NETCDF)/include -lnetcdf
Move to the ARWpost directory and modify the CFLAGS and CPP lines into the configure.arwp file.
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/ARWpost/src$ cd ..
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/ARWpost$ nano configure.arwp
CPP = /lib/cpp -C -P -traditional 变为 CPP = /lib/cpp -P -traditional
CFLAGS = -m64变为CFLAGS = -fPIC -m64
Then compile the ARWpost. If successful, the executable ARWpost.exe will be created.
然后编译ARWpost。 如果成功,将创建可执行文件ARWpost.exe。
xiaomo@ubuntu:~/Build_WRF/ARWpost$ ls -ls *.exe
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 xiaomo xiaomo 15 Jan 6 17:22 ARWpost.exe -> src/ARWpost.exe
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