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Real-Time Rendering——16.5 Simplification简单化_mesh simplification

mesh simplification

Mesh simplification, also known as data reduction or decimation, is the process of taking a detailed model and reducing its triangle count while attempting to preserve its appearance. For real-time work this process is done to reduce the number of vertices stored and sent down the pipeline. This can be important in making the application scalable, as less powerful machines may need to display lower numbers of triangles. Model data may also be received with more tessellation than is necessary for a reasonable representation. Figure 16.16 gives a sense of how the number of stored triangles can be reduced by data reduction techniques.


Figure 16.16. In the upper left is a heightfield of Crater Lake rendered with 200,000 triangles. The upper right figure shows this model simplified down to 1000 triangles in a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The underlying simplified mesh is shown at the bottom. (Images courtesy of Michael Garland.)


Luebke [1091, 1092] identifies three types of mesh simplification: static, dynamic,and view-dependent. Static simplification is the idea of creating separate level of detail (LOD) models before rendering begins, and the renderer chooses among these.This form is covered in Section 19.9. Offline simplification can also be useful for other tasks, such as providing coarse meshes for subdivision surfaces to refine [1006, 1007].Dynamic simplification gives a continuous spectrum of LOD models instead of a few discrete models, and so such methods are referred to as continuous level of detail (CLOD) algorithms. View-dependent techniques are meant for where the level of detail varies within the model. Specifically, terrain rendering is a case in which the nearby areas in view need detailed representation while those in the distance are at a lower level of detail. These two types of simplification are discussed in this section.

Luebke [1091,1092]确定了三种类型的网格简化:静态、动态和视图相关。静态简化的思想是在渲染开始之前创建单独的细节层次(LOD)模型,渲染器在这些模型中进行选择。该表格包含在第19.9节中。离线简化也可以用于其他任务,例如为细分曲面提供粗网格以进行细化[1006,1007]。动态简化给出了一系列连续的LOD模型,而不是一些离散的模型,因此这种方法被称为连续细节层次(CLOD)算法。视图相关技术适用于模型中细节层次变化的情况。具体来说,地形渲染是这样一种情况,即视图中的附近区域需要详细的表示,而远处的区域则需要较低的细节级别。这两种类型的简化将在本节中讨论。

16.5.1 Dynamic Simplification动态简化

One method of reducing the triangle count is to use an edge collapse operation, where an edge is removed by moving its two vertices to coincide. See Figure 16.17 for an example of this operation in action. For a solid model, an edge collapse removes a total of two triangles, three edges, and one vertex. So, a closed model with 3000 triangles would have 1500 edge collapses applied to it to reduce it to zero faces. The rule of thumb is that a closed triangle mesh with v vertices has about 2v faces and 3v edges. This rule can be derived using the Euler-Poincar´e formula that f − e + v = 2 for a solid’s surface (Section 16.4.3).

减少三角形数量的一种方法是使用边折叠操作,通过移动两个顶点使其重合来移除边。参见图16.17中的操作实例。对于实体模型,边塌陷总共会删除两个三角形、三条边和一个顶点。因此,具有3000个三角形的闭合模型将应用1500次边塌陷,以将其减少到零个面。经验法则是,具有v个顶点的闭合三角形网格具有大约2v个面和3v个边。该规则可通过欧拉-庞加莱公式推导得出,即固体表面的f − e + v = 2(第16.4.3节)。

Figure 16.17. On the left is the figure before the uv edge collapse occurs; the right figure shows point u collapsed into point v, thereby removing triangles A and B and edge uv. 


The edge collapse process is reversible. By storing the edge collapses in order,we can start with the simplified model and reconstruct the complex model from it.This characteristic can be useful for network transmission of models, in that the edgecollapsed version of the database can be sent in an efficiently compressed form and progressively built up and displayed as the model is received [768, 1751]. Because of this feature, this simplification process is often referred to as view-independent progressive meshing (VIPM).


In Figure 16.17, u was collapsed into the location of v, but v could have been collapsed into u. A simplification system limited to just these two possibilities is using a subset placement strategy. An advantage of this strategy is that, if we limit the possibilities, we may implicitly encode the choice made [516, 768]. This strategy is faster because fewer possibilities need to be evaluated, but it also can yield lowerquality approximations because a smaller solution space is examined.


When using an optimal placement strategy, we examine a wider range of possibilities.Instead of collapsing one vertex into another, both vertices for an edge are contracted to a new location. Hoppe [768] examines the case in which u and v both move to some location on the edge joining them. He notes that to improve compression of the final data representation, the search can be limited to checking the midpoint. Garland and Heckbert [516] go further, solving a quadratic equation to find an optimal position, one that may be located off of the edge. The advantage of optimal placement strategies is that they tend to give higher-quality meshes. The disadvantages are extra processing, code, and memory for recording this wider range of possible placements.

当使用最佳放置策略时,我们会检查更广泛的可能性。一条边的两个顶点都收缩到一个新位置,而不是将一个顶点折叠到另一个顶点。Hoppe [768]研究了u和v都移动到连接它们的边上的某个位置的情况。他指出,为了改进最终数据表示的压缩,可以将搜索限制在检查中点。Garland和Heckbert [516]走得更远,通过解二次方程找到一个最佳位置,该位置可能位于边缘之外。最佳放置策略的优点是它们倾向于给出更高质量的网格。缺点是需要额外的处理、代码和内存来记录更大范围的可能位置。

To determine the best point placement, we perform an analysis on the local neighborhood.This locality is an important and useful feature for several reasons. If the cost of an edge collapse depends on just a few local variables (e.g., edge length and face normals near the edge), the cost function is easy to compute, and each collapse affects only a few of its neighbors. For example, say a model has 3000 possible edge collapses that are computed at the start. The edge collapse with the lowest cost-function value is performed. Because it influences only a few nearby triangles and their edges, only those edge collapse possibilities whose cost functions are affected by these changes need to be recomputed (say, 10 instead of 3000), and the list requires only a minor bit of resorting. Because an edge-collapse affects only a few other edge-collapse cost values, a good choice for maintaining this list of cost values is a heap or other priority queue [1649].


Some contractions must be avoided regardless of cost. See an example in Figure 16.18. These can be detected by checking whether a neighboring triangle flips its normal direction due to a collapse.


Figure 16.18. Example of a bad collapse. On the left is a mesh before collapsing vertex u into v. On the right is the mesh after the collapse, showing how edges now cross. 


The collapse operation itself is an edit of the model’s database. Data structures for storing these collapses are well documented [481, 770, 1196, 1726]. Each edge collapse is analyzed with a cost function, and the one with the smallest cost value is performed next. The best cost function can and will vary with the type of model and other factors [1092]. Depending on the problem being solved, the cost function may make trade-offs among speed, quality, robustness, and simplicity. It may also be tailored to maintain surface boundaries, material locations, lighting effect, symmetry along an axis, texture placement, volume, or other constraints.


We will present Garland and Heckbert’s quadric error metric (QEM) cost function [515, 516] in order to give a sense of how such functions work. This function is of general use in a large number of situations. In contrast, in earlier research Garland and Heckbert [514] found using the Hausdorff distance best for terrain simplification,and others have borne this out [1496]. This function is simply the longest distance a vertex in the simplified mesh is from the original mesh. Figure 16.16 shows a result from using this metric.

我们将介绍加兰和赫克伯特的二次误差度量(QEM)成本函数[515,516],以便给出这样的函数如何工作的感觉。这个函数在很多情况下都是通用的。相比之下,在早期研究中,Garland和Heckbert [514]发现使用Hausdorff距离最适合地形简化,其他人也证实了这一点[1496]。这个函数就是简化网格中的顶点到原始网格的最长距离。图16.16显示了使用这一指标的结果。

For a given vertex there is a set of triangles that share it, and each triangle has a plane equation associated with it. The QEM cost function for moving a vertex is the sum of the squared distances between each of these planes and the new location. More formally,


is the cost function for new location v and m planes, where ni is the plane i’s normal and di its offset from the origin. 

是新位置v和m平面的成本函数,其中ni是平面i的法线 并且di是它相对于原点的偏移量。

An example of two possible contractions for the same edge is shown in Figure 16.19.Say the cube is two units wide. The cost function for collapsing e into c (e → c) will be 0, because the point e does not move off of the planes it shares when it goes to c. The cost function for c → e will be 1, because c moves away from the plane of the right face of the cube by a squared distance of 1. Because it has a lower cost, the e → c collapse would be preferred over c → e.

图16.19给出了同一条边的两种可能收缩的例子。假设立方体的宽度是两个单位。将e折叠成c (e → c)的成本函数将为0,因为点e在到达c时不会离开它共享的平面。c → e的成本函数将为1,因为c离开立方体右侧面的平面的距离为1的平方。因为成本较低,e → c折叠比c → e折叠更可取。

Figure 16.19. The left figure shows a cube with an extra point along one edge. The middle figure shows what happens if this point e is collapsed to corner c. The right figure shows c collapsed to e. 


This cost function can be modified in various ways. Imagine two triangles that share an edge that form a sharp edge, e.g., they are part of a fish’s fin or turbine blade. The cost function for collapsing a vertex on this edge is low, because a point sliding along one triangle does not move far from the other triangle’s plane. The basic function’s cost value is related to the volume change of removing the feature, but is not a good indicator of its visual importance. One way to maintain an edge with a sharp crease is to add an extra plane that includes the edge and has a normal that is the average of the two triangle normals. Now vertices that move far from this edge will have a higher cost function [517]. A variation is to weight the cost function by the change in the areas of the triangles.


Another type of extension is to use a cost function based on maintaining other surface features. For example, the crease and boundary edges of a model are important in portraying it, so these should be made less likely to be modified. See Figure 16.20.Other surface features worth preserving are locations where there are material changes, texture map edges, and color-per-vertex changes [772]. See Figure 16.21.


Figure 16.20. Mesh simplification. Upper left shows the original mesh of 13,546 faces, upper right is simplified to 1,000 faces, lower left to 500 faces, lower right to 150 faces [770]. (Images c 1996 Microsoft. All rights reserved.) 

图16.20。网格简化。左上显示了13,546个面的原始网格,右上简化为1,000个面,左下简化为500个面,右下简化为150个面[770]。(图片c 1996微软。保留所有权利。)

Figure 16.21. Mesh simplification. Top row: with mesh and simple gray material. Bottom row:with textures. From left to right: the models contain 51,123, 6,389, and 1,596 triangles. The texture on the model is maintained as possible, though some distortion creeps in as the triangle count falls.(Images c 2016 Microsoft. All rights reserved.)

图16.21。网格简化。顶行:带有网格和简单的灰色材质。底行:带纹理。从左到右:模型包含51,123, 6,389和1,596个三角形。模型上的纹理被尽可能地保持,尽管随着三角形数量的减少会有一些扭曲。(图片c 2016微软。保留所有权利。)

One serious problem that occurs with most simplification algorithms is that textures often deviate in a noticeable way from their original appearance [1092]. As edges are collapsed, the underlying mapping of the texture to the surface can become distorted. Also, texture coordinate values can match at boundaries but belong to different regions where the texture is applied, e.g., along a central edge where a model is mirrored. Caillaud et al. [220] survey a variety of previous approaches and present their own algorithm that handles texture seams.


Speed can be another concern. In systems where users create their own content,such as in a CAD system, level of detail models need to be created on the fly. Performing simplification using the GPU has met with some success [1008]. Another approach is to use a simpler simplification algorithm, such as vertex clustering [1088, 1511]. The core idea of this approach is to overlay the model with a three-dimensional voxel grid or similar structure. Any vertices in a voxel are moved to a “best” vertex location for that cell. Doing so may eliminate some triangles, when two or more of each triangle’s vertices land in the same location, making it degenerate. This algorithm is robust, the connectivity of the mesh is not needed, and separate meshes can easily be aggregated into one.However, the basic vertex clustering algorithm rarely gives as good a result as a full QEM approach. Willmott [1890] discusses how his team made this clustering approach work in a robust and efficient manner for the user-created content in the game Spore.

 速度可能是另一个问题。在用户创建他们自己的内容的系统中,例如在CAD系统中,需要动态地创建细节层次的模型。使用GPU执行简化已经取得了一些成功[1008]。另一种方法是使用更简单的简化算法,如顶点聚类[1088,1511]。这种方法的核心思想是用三维体素网格或类似结构覆盖模型。体素中的任何顶点都被移动到该单元的“最佳”顶点位置。这样做可能会消除一些三角形,当每个三角形的两个或多个顶点位于同一位置时,会使其退化。该算法是鲁棒的,不需要网格的连通性,并且分离的网格可以很容易地聚合成一个。然而,基本的顶点聚类算法很少给出像全QEM方法那样好的结果。Willmott [1890]讨论了他的团队如何使这种聚类方法以一种健壮和有效的方式为游戏孢子中用户创建的内容工作。

Turning a surface’s original geometry into a normal map for bump mapping is an idea related to simplification. Small features such as buttons or wrinkles can be represented by a texture with little loss in fidelity. Sander et al. [1540] discuss previous work in this area and provide a solution. Such algorithms are commonly used in developing models for interactive applications, with a high-quality model baked into a textured representation [59].


Simplification techniques can produce a large number of level of detail (LOD) models from a single complex model. A problem found in using LOD models is that the transition can sometimes be seen if one model instantly replaces another between one frame and the next [508]. This problem is called “popping.” One solution is to use geomorphs [768] to increase or decrease the level of detail. Since we know how the vertices in the more complex model map to the simple model, it is possible to create a smooth transition. See Section 19.9.1 for more details.


One advantage of using view-independent progressive meshing is that a single vertex buffer can be created once and shared among copies of the same model at different levels of detail [1726]. However, under the basic scheme, a separate index buffer needs to be made for each copy. Another problem is efficiency. Because the order of collapses determines the triangle display order, vertex cache coherency is poor.Forsyth [481] discusses several practical solutions to improve efficiency when forming and sharing index buffers.

使用独立于视图的渐进网格的一个优点是,单个顶点缓冲区可以一次性创建,并在不同细节层次的相同模型副本之间共享[1726]。但是,在基本方案下,需要为每个副本创建一个单独的索引缓冲区。另一个问题是效率。因为折叠的顺序决定了三角形的显示顺序,所以顶点缓存的一致性很差。Forsyth [481]讨论了在形成和共享索引缓冲区时提高效率的几种实际解决方案。

Mesh reduction techniques can be useful, but fully automated systems are not a panacea. The problem of maintaining symmetry is shown in Figure 16.22. A talented model maker can create low-triangle-count objects that are better in quality than those generated by automated procedures. For example, the eyes and mouth are the most important part of the face. A naive algorithm will smooth these away as inconsequential. Retopology is a process where edges are added to a model to keep various features separate when modeling, smoothing, or simplification techniques are applied. Simplification-related algorithms continue to be developed and automated as possible.



Figure 16.22. Symmetry problem. The cylinder on the left has 10 flat faces (including top and bottom). The middle cylinder has 9 flat faces after 1 face is eliminated by automatic reduction. The right cylinder has 9 flat faces after being regenerated by the modeler’s faceter.


