import numpy as np import pandas as pd import urllib.request as request import zipfile # download url ="http://www.economicswebinstitute.org/data/stockindexes.zip" loc ="./stockindexes.zip" request . urlretrieve (url , loc) # unzip dest_location ="./" unzip = zipfile.ZipFile(loc ,'r') unzip.extractall(dest_location ) unzip.close () # load one xls loc = "stockindexes.xls" Excel_file = pd. ExcelFile (loc) print (Excel_file . sheet_names) ''' ['Description', 'Dow Jones Industrial', 'S&P500', 'NIKKEI 300', 'Dax30', 'CAC40', 'Swiss Market-Price Index', 'Mib30', 'IBEX 35I', 'Bel20', 'FTSE100'] '''
主要关注两个指数:FTSE100【富时100指数】,Dow Jones Industrial【道琼斯工业指数】
ftse_data = Excel_file .parse ('FTSE100') dj_data = Excel_file .parse ('Dow Jones Industrial') ftse100 = ftse_data . iloc [4:1357 ,1] dj= dj_data . iloc [4:1357 ,1] yt = pd. concat ([ ftse100 ,dj], axis =1) yt = yt. reset_index ( drop = True ) yt. columns = ['ftse100', 'dj'] yt = yt. pct_change (1) win =30 vol_t = yt. rolling ( window =win , center = True ).std () print(vol_t.shape) plt.figure(figsize=(9,3)) plt.plot(vol_t)
x1 = np.log((vol_t.shift(1)/vol_t.shift(2))*vol_t.shift(1)) x2 = np.log((vol_t.shift(1)/vol_t.shift(3))*vol_t.shift(1)) x3 = np.log((vol_t.shift(1)/vol_t.shift(4))*vol_t.shift(1)) x4 = np.log((vol_t.shift(1)/vol_t.shift(5))*vol_t.shift(1)) x5 = np.log((vol_t.shift(1)/vol_t.shift(6))*vol_t.shift(1)) data =pd. concat ([ vol_t ,x1 ,x2 ,x3 ,x4 ,x5], axis=1) data . columns = ['ftse_t ', 'dj_t ', 'ftse_t -1 ','dj_t -1 ', 'ftse_t -2 ','dj_t -2 ', 'ftse_t -3 ','dj_t -3 ', 'ftse_t -4 ','dj_t -4 ', 'ftse_t -5 ','dj_t -5 '] data = data . dropna () cols_y = [ 'ftse_t ', 'dj_t '] y = data [ cols_y ] cols_x = [ 'ftse_t -1 ','dj_t -1 ', 'ftse_t -2 ','dj_t -2 ', 'ftse_t -3 ','dj_t -3 ', 'ftse_t -4 ','dj_t -4 ', 'ftse_t -5 ','dj_t -5 '] x = data [ cols_x ]
num_attrib =10
scaler_x = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler(feature_range =(-1,1))
x = np.array (x).reshape((len(x),num_attrib))
x = scaler_x . fit_transform (x)
num_response =2
scaler_y = preprocessing . MinMaxScaler (feature_range =(0 , 1))
y = np. array (y). reshape (( len(y), num_response ))
y = scaler_y . fit_transform (y)
train_end = 1131
data_end =len(y)
x_train =x[0: train_end ,]
x_test =x[train_end +1: data_end,]
y_train =y[0: train_end]
y_test =y[train_end +1: data_end]
x_train = np.reshape(x_train,(x_train.shape[0], 1, x_train.shape[1]))
x_test = np.reshape(x_test,(x_test.shape[0], 1, x_test.shape[1]))
print (" Shape of x_train is ",x_train . shape) # (1131, 1, 10)
print (" Shape of x_test is ",x_test . shape) # (185, 1, 10)
seed =2016
num_epochs =20
np.random.seed ( seed )
model = Sequential()
model .add(SimpleRNN ( units =10 ,activation ='sigmoid',input_shape =(1 , num_attrib )))
model .add(Dense(units = num_response ,activation ='linear'))
sgd = SGD (lr =0.01 , momentum =0.90 , nesterov = True )
model . compile ( loss ='mean_squared_error',optimizer = sgd)
model .fit( x_train , y_train , batch_size =1, epochs = num_epochs)
score_train = model .evaluate(x_train ,y_train , batch_size =1)
score_test = model .evaluate(x_test , y_test ,batch_size =1)
print ("in train MSE = ", round( score_train,5))
print ("in test MSE = ", round( score_test ,5))
pred = fit1.predict (x_test )
# pred1 = scaler_y.inverse_transform (np. array( pred1 ). reshape (( len( pred1 ), 2)))
plt.legend(['FTSE100','FTSE100 prediction'])
plt.legend(['Dow Jones','Dow Jones prediction'])
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