//导出数据 function exportUser() { var url = '?m=User&a=userDeal&act=exportUser'; var data = JSON.stringify({ 'user_province':$('#province').val(), 'user_city': $('#city').val(), 'user_area': $('#area').val(), 'user_depart': $('#user_depart').val(), 'user_offices': $('#user_offices').val(), 'user_auth': $('#user_auth').val(), 'smallMajor': $('#smallMajor').val(), 'threeMajor': $('#threeMajor').val(), 'user_title': $('#user_title').val(), 'user_name': $('#user_name').val(), 'user_eid': $('#user_eid').val(), 'member_type': $('#member_type').val(), 'user_phone': $('#user_phone').val() }); //console.log(data); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST', url, true); // 设置请求头,告知服务器请求体的内容类型 xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.responseType = "blob"; // 返回类型blob // 定义请求完成的处理函数,请求前也可以增加加载框/禁用下载按钮逻辑 /* xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) { // 请求完成且成功,处理响应 console.log(xhr.responseText); // 打印服务器返回的数据 } };*/ xhr.onload = function () { // 请求完成 if (this.status === 200) { // 返回200 var blob = this.response; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(blob); // 转换为base64,可以直接放入a标签href reader.onload = function (e) { console.log(e); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.download = 'data.xls'; a.href = e.target.result; $("body").append(a); // 修复firefox中无法触发click a.click(); $(a).remove(); } } }; xhr.send(data);// 发送ajax请求 }
当从前端通过XMLHttpRequest(XHR)的xhr.send(data)方法发送数据到PHP后端时,PHP可以通过 P O S T 或 _POST或 POST或_REQUEST(或file_get_contents(‘php://input’),对于非表单编码的数据)来访问这些数据。
然而,如果是通过xhr.setRequestHeader(‘Content-Type’, ‘application/json’)设置了请求头,并使用JSON.stringify(data)将数据转换为JSON字符串发送,那么默认情况下PHP不会将JSON字符串解析到$_POST数组中。
//导出用户信息 case "exportUser"; require_once "libs/user.export.php"; $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); $user_province = $data['user_province']; $user_city = $data['user_city']; $user_area = $data['user_area']; $user_depart = $data['user_depart']; $user_name = $data['user_name']; $user_offices = $data['user_offices']; $user_title = $data['user_title']; $user_phone = $data['user_phone']; $user_auth = $data['user_auth']; $smallMajor = $data['smallMajor']; $threeMajor = $data['threeMajor']; $member_type = $data['member_type']; //筛选数据 $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $db->table('user') . " WHERE 1"; if ($user_depart != "") { $sql .= " and user_depart like '%" . $user_depart . "%'"; } if ($user_province != "") { $sql .= " and user_province like '%" . $user_province . "%'"; } if ($user_city != "") { $sql .= " and user_city like '%" . $user_city . "%'"; } if ($user_area != "") { $sql .= " and user_area like '%" . $user_area . "%'"; } if ($user_name != "") { $sql .= " and user_name like '%" . $user_name . "%'"; } if ($user_offices != "") { $sql .= " and user_offices like '%" . $user_offices . "%'"; } if ($user_title != "") { $sql .= " and user_title = '" . $user_title . "'"; } if ($user_phone != "") { $sql .= " and user_phone like '%" . $user_phone . "%'"; } if ($user_auth != "") { $sql .= " and user_auth = " . $user_auth; } if ($smallMajor != "") { $sql .= " and smallMajor like '%" . $smallMajor . "%'"; } if ($threeMajor != "") { $sql .= " and threeMajor like '%" . $threeMajor . "%'"; } if ($member_type != "") { $sql .= " and member_type = " . $member_type; } $sql .= " ORDER BY user_id DESC"; $row = $db->queryall($sql); //操作日志; $filesName = "用户信息表" . date("Y.m.d"); //var_dump($data); expExcel($row, $filesName); break;
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