1. 创建 土地覆盖字典选项 LandCoverDictionaryOptions options;
2. 用options初始化土地覆盖字典 LandCoverDictionary dictionary;
3. 设置gdal驱动 GDALOptions coverageDriver;,加载地形。
4. 创建LandCover的可序列化配置选项 LandCoverCoverageLayerOptions coverage;
主要包括驱动 coverageDriver 以及 map表(从xml读入,指定某位置放某类贴图)。
5. 为地图创建土地覆盖层:LandCoverLayer *landCover; 并将coverage设置到此土地覆盖层,指定最大层级。
6. 加载实际纹理映射定义,即map表中对应的分类,需要覆盖哪张图。创建 Surface* surface;通过 SplatCatalog* catalog 加载xml文件,完成name与纹理图的实际对应。
7. 创建Zone* splatZone;来指定surface图要覆盖到地图的哪个区域。
8. 创建 SplatLayer* splatLayer;将dictionary、landCover、splatZone设置到splatLayer 图层.
9. 有了上面的基础内容,可以通过直接加载image的方式创建图层。读取图片osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> tree; 创建标牌 BillboardSymbol* treeSymbol ;将tree传入treeSymbol;
10. 创建土地覆盖种群选项,GroundCoverBiomeOptions forestBiome;
将 新物种 treeSymbol ,放置到 "forest" 种群中。
11. 创建 GroundCoverOptions treeOptions 地面覆盖选项,将生物种群 forestBiome 加入到 treeOptions中。同时设置 GroundCover* trees = new GroundCover(treeOptions);
12. 为要添加的 树 ,新增一个区域 Zone* treeZone; treeZone->setGroundCover(trees);
13. 为这些树,创建地面覆盖图层 GroundCoverLayer* treeLayer;并将内容设置进去。
14. 最后将上述设置,组装到map中。
- #include <osgViewer/Viewer>
- #include <osgEarth/MapNode>
- #include <osgEarth/Registry>
- #include <osgEarth/LandCoverLayer>
- #include <osgEarthSplat/SplatLayer>
- #include <osgEarthSplat/GroundCoverLayer>
- #include <osgEarthDrivers/gdal/GDALOptions>
- #include <osgEarthUtil/ExampleResources>
- #include <osgEarthUtil/EarthManipulator>
- #include <osgEarthSymbology/BillboardSymbol>
- #include <osgGA/StateSetManipulator>
- #include <osgViewer/ViewerEventHandlers>
- #define LC "[splat] "
- using namespace osgEarth;
- using namespace osgEarth::Util;
- using namespace osgEarth::Splat;
- using namespace osgEarth::Drivers;
- using namespace osgEarth::Symbology;
- int
- failed(const std::string& s) {
- OE_WARN << "FAILED: " << s << "\n";
- return -1;
- }
- int
- main(int argc, char** argv)
- {
- osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);
- bool fromXML = arguments.find("--xml") >= 0;
- // Create a land cover dictionary.创建 陆地覆盖词典 对象
- LandCoverDictionary* dictionary;
- if (fromXML)
- {
- LandCoverDictionaryOptions options;
- if (options.loadFromXML("D:/FreeXGIS/osgearth_gch/data/land_cover_dictionary.xml") == false)
- return failed("Cannot find XML land cover dictionary");
- dictionary = new LandCoverDictionary(options);
- }
- else
- {
- // 如果没有找到,则新建一个对象。下面的内容同xml中标签一致
- dictionary = new LandCoverDictionary();
- dictionary->setName("Land Cover Dictionary");
- dictionary->addClass("forest");
- dictionary->addClass("cropland");
- dictionary->addClass("grassland");
- dictionary->addClass("savanna");
- dictionary->addClass("swamp");
- dictionary->addClass("desert");
- dictionary->addClass("rock");
- dictionary->addClass("water");
- dictionary->addClass("tundra");
- dictionary->addClass("urban");
- }
- // Create the data source for our land cover data and
- // map each value to a class in the dictionary.
- // This example uses the ESA GLOBCOVER data set from
- // http://due.esrin.esa.int/page_globcover.php
- GDALOptions coverageDriver;// gdal驱动
- //coverageDriver.url() = "D:/FreeXGIS/osgearth_gch/data/splat/GLOBCOVER_L4_200901_200912_V2.3_Ant_tiled.tif"; // 未找到,换一个
- coverageDriver.url() = "earth_image/heightfield/30m.tif";// 30m高程数据
- //coverageDriver.url() = "earth_image/globe/globel.tif";// 加载影像,拉进的过程中,控制台会输出错误信息
- coverageDriver.profile() = ProfileOptions("global-geodetic");// 创建地球
- // landCover 可序列化配置选项
- LandCoverCoverageLayerOptions coverage;
- coverage.driver() = coverageDriver;// 指定驱动
- coverage.warp() = 0.035;// 弯曲率?
- if (fromXML)
- {
- if (coverage.loadMappingsFromXML("D:/FreeXGIS/osgearth_gch/data/land_cover_ESA_GLOBCOVER.xml") == false)
- return failed("Cannot find coverage mappings XML\n");
- }
- else
- {
- // 如果读取不到xml数据则创建。以下name值与dictionary的class值保持一致
- coverage.map(11, "cropland");// 农田
- coverage.map(14, "cropland");
- coverage.map(20, "cropland");
- coverage.map(30, "cropland");
- coverage.map(40, "forest");// 森林
- coverage.map(50, "forest");
- coverage.map(60, "forest");
- coverage.map(70, "forest");
- coverage.map(80, "forest");
- coverage.map(90, "forest");
- coverage.map(100, "forest");
- coverage.map(110, "grassland");// 草场
- coverage.map(120, "grassland");
- coverage.map(130, "savanna");// 稀树草原
- coverage.map(140, "savanna");
- coverage.map(150, "savanna");
- coverage.map(160, "swamp");// 沼泽
- coverage.map(170, "swamp");
- coverage.map(180, "swamp");
- coverage.map(190, "urban");// 城市
- coverage.map(200, "desert");// 沙漠
- coverage.map(210, "water");// 水
- coverage.map(220, "tundra");// 冻土带
- coverage.map(230, "water");
- }
- // Create the land cover layer for the map:
- // 为地图创建土地覆盖层:
- LandCoverLayer* landCover = new LandCoverLayer();
- landCover->setName("LandCover");
- landCover->options().cachePolicy() = CachePolicy::NO_CACHE;
- landCover->options().coverages().push_back(coverage);
- landCover->options().maxDataLevel() = 15u;// 最大层级
- // Next, load the definitions that map land cover classes to actual textures.
- // 接下来,加载将土地覆盖类映射到实际纹理的定义。
- Surface* surface = new Surface();
- // 在catalog中,指明了 每一个class对应的图,比如forest对应森林图
- SplatCatalog* catalog = SplatCatalog::read("D:/FreeXGIS/osgearth_gch/data/splat/splat_catalog.xml");
- if (catalog == 0L)
- return failed("Reading splat catalog");
- // 将读取到的策略,应用到surface中
- surface->setCatalog(catalog);
- // The zone designates the geographic area over which to apply the surface.
- // At least one zone is required and by default it covers the entire map.
- // 区域指定要应用曲面的地理区域。
- // 至少需要一个区域,默认情况下它覆盖整个地图。
- Zone* splatZone = new Zone();//定义一个区域,将特定表面或土地覆盖层限制在一组地理边界内。
- splatZone->setSurface(surface);
- // Create an imagery splatting layer that uses the configured land cover.
- // 使用配置的土地覆盖图 创建 图像splatting层。即将纹理贴在地形上
- SplatLayer* splatLayer = new SplatLayer();
- splatLayer->setName("Splat imagery");
- splatLayer->options().cachePolicy() = CachePolicy::NO_CACHE;
- splatLayer->setLandCoverDictionary(dictionary);
- splatLayer->setLandCoverLayer(landCover);
- splatLayer->zones().push_back(splatZone);
- // Now, the trees:
- // Load a tree image and make a billboard symbol from it:
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> tree = URI("D:/FreeXGIS/osgearth_gch/data/splat/pine2.png").getImage();
- if (tree.valid() == false)
- return failed("Loading tree image");
- // 标牌
- BillboardSymbol* treeSymbol = new BillboardSymbol();
- treeSymbol->setImage(tree.get());
- treeSymbol->width() = 12.0f;
- treeSymbol->height() = 16.0f;
- // Add this symbol to a "frest" biome.
- // 将此符号添加到“新”生物群落中。
- GroundCoverBiomeOptions forestBiome;
- forestBiome.biomeClasses() = "forest";
- forestBiome.symbols().push_back(treeSymbol);
- // Assemble the ground cover coniguration:
- // 组装覆盖地面的配置
- GroundCoverOptions treeOptions;
- treeOptions.biomes().push_back(forestBiome);
- treeOptions.maxDistance() = 15000.0;
- treeOptions.density() = 4.0;
- treeOptions.fill() = 0.85;
- treeOptions.brightness() = 2.0;// 亮度
- treeOptions.contrast() = 1.0;// 对比度
- GroundCover* trees = new GroundCover(treeOptions);//控制地面覆盖物外观的接口。
- // 新增一个区域,绘制trees
- Zone* treeZone = new Zone();
- treeZone->setGroundCover(trees);
- // Now, create a ground cover layer for some trees.
- // 现在,为这些树创建地面覆盖层。
- GroundCoverLayer* treeLayer = new GroundCoverLayer();
- treeLayer->setName("Ground cover");
- treeLayer->options().lod() = 13;
- treeLayer->setLandCoverDictionary(dictionary);
- treeLayer->setLandCoverLayer(landCover);
- treeLayer->zones().push_back(treeZone);
- // Assemble the Map.组装地图
- Map* map = new Map();
- map->addLayer(dictionary);
- map->addLayer(landCover);
- map->addLayer(splatLayer);
- map->addLayer(treeLayer);
- // Activate the REX terrain engine (required for splatting)激活REX地形引擎
- osgEarth::Registry::instance()->overrideTerrainEngineDriverName() = "rex";
- // create a viewer:
- osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);
- viewer.getDatabasePager()->setUnrefImageDataAfterApplyPolicy( false, false );
- viewer.setCameraManipulator( new EarthManipulator(arguments) );
- viewer.setSceneData(new MapNode(map));
- viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler());
- viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::WindowSizeHandler());
- return viewer.run();
- }
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