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目    录

摘 要


第1章 绪 论

1.1 国内外主减速器行业现状和发展趋势

1.2 本设计的目的和意义

1.3 本次设计的主要内容

第2章 主减速器的设计

2.1 主减速器的结构型式的选择

2.1.1 主减速器的减速型式

2.1.2 主减速器齿轮的类型的选择

2.1.3 主减速器主动锥齿轮的支承形式

2.1.4 主减速器从动锥齿轮的支承形式及安置方法

2.2 主减速器的基本参数选择与设计计算

2.2.1 主减速比的确定

2.2.2 主减速器计算载荷的确定

2.2.3 主减速器基本参数的选择

2.2.4 主减速器双曲面齿轮的几何尺寸计算

2.2.5 主减速器双曲面齿轮的强度计算

2.2.6 主减速器齿轮的材料及热处理

2.3 主减速器轴承的选择

2.3.1 计算转矩的确定

2.3.2 齿宽中点处的圆周力

2.3.3 双曲面齿轮所受的轴向力和径向力

2.3.4 主减速器轴承载荷的计算及轴承的选择

2.4 本章小结

第3章 差速器设计

3.1 差速器结构形式的选择

3.2 对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的差速原理

3.3 对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的结构

3.4 对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的设计

3.4.1 差速器齿轮的基本参数的选择

3.4.2 差速器齿轮的几何计算

3.4.3 差速器齿轮的强度计算

3.5 本章小结

第4章 驱动半轴的设计

4.1 半轴结构形式的选择

4.2 全浮式半轴计算载荷的确定

4.3 全浮式半轴的杆部直径的初选

4.4 全浮式半轴的强度计算

4.5 半轴花键的计算

4.5.1 花键尺寸参数的计算

4.5.2 花键的校核

4.6 本章小结




摘  要





关键词:  主减速比;主动齿轮;从动齿轮;差速器;行星齿轮


The design task is to design for a light commercial vehicle on the main reducer, using a single-stage main reducer, the reducer is simple in structure, size and quality of small and low cost, it is widely used in a variety of small and medium-sized car. For example, car, li-

ght truck and are based on single-stage main reducer, the majority of medium-laden vehic-

les were also using this form.

According to the shape of light truck, Tread, wheelbase, minimum ground clearance, minimum turning radius, vehicle weight, loaded weight and the maximum speed, the engI-

ne's maximum power, maximum torque, displacement and other important parameters, se-

lect the appropriate The main reduction ratio. Based on the above parameters, combined w-

ith the car design, automotive theory, automobile construction, mechanical design and oth-

er related knowledge, to calculate the relevant parameters of the main reducer and demon-

strate the rationality of the design.

Its purpose is to: increase the input torque and lower speed; when the motor home also has a vertical change in the direction of the role of spin torque.

The main elements of design are: the main type of gear reducer, speed reducer forms the main, the main driving gear reducer and the driven bevel gear supporting the form of the determination of the main reduction ratio, the main reducer of the calculation to deter-

mine the load, the main reducer Basic parameters of the choice of the main reduce-rgear materials and heat treatment, the calculation of the main bearing reducer, pla-netary gear symmetric conical differential of the differential principle, symmetric co-ne of the structure of planetary gear differential, planetary symmetric cone different-ial gear design, the whole floating axle load calculation to determine the whole dia-meter floating axle option, all the strength of floating axle, the axle spline strength calculation.

Key words: The main reduction ratio; gear; driven gear; differential; Planetary Gear


