(1)WINDOWS 10操作系统
(2)eclipse、 Mysql、 navicat 、java_jdk1.8.0_201
package project; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.sql.*; public class Login implements ActionListener { // 定义主窗口 private final JFrame jf; // 定义输入用户名和密码的标签提示 private final JLabel InputUserName; private final JLabel InputPassWord; private final JLabel Welcome; // 定义输入用户名文本框 private final JTextField UserName; // 定义输入密码框 private final JPasswordField PassWord; // 定义登录和取消按钮 private final JButton LoginAdmin; private final JButton LoginStudent; private final JButton Register; private final JButton Cancel; Login() { // 各组件实例化过程 jf = new JFrame("Login"); InputUserName = new JLabel(" ID: "); InputPassWord = new JLabel("password:"); Welcome = new JLabel("欢迎使用学生信息管理系统"); Welcome.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 30)); UserName = new JTextField(); PassWord = new JPasswordField(); LoginStudent= new JButton("学生登录"); LoginAdmin=new JButton("管理员登录"); Register =new JButton("学生注册"); Cancel = new JButton("退出"); // 设置主窗口大小、位置和布局 jf.setSize(400, 200); jf.setLocation(600, 400); // 设置窗口流式布局 jf.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); // 设置用户名和密码框大小 UserName.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 30)); PassWord.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 30)); // 依次向主窗口添加各组件 jf.getContentPane().add(Welcome); jf.getContentPane().add(InputUserName); jf.getContentPane().add(UserName); jf.getContentPane().add(InputPassWord); jf.getContentPane().add(PassWord); jf.getContentPane().add(LoginStudent); jf.getContentPane().add(LoginAdmin); jf.getContentPane().add(Register); jf.getContentPane().add(Cancel); // 设置主窗口不可调节大小 jf.setResizable(false); // 设置主窗口默认关闭操作 jf.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // 给登录和取消按钮添加 Action 监听器 LoginStudent.addActionListener(this); LoginAdmin.addActionListener(this); Register.addActionListener(this); Cancel.addActionListener(this); // 设置主窗口可见 jf.setVisible(true); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // 如果单击【退出】按钮则程序退出 if (e.getSource().equals(Cancel)) { System.exit(0); } // 如果单击【学生登录】按钮则检查用户名和密码是否匹配 else if (e.getSource().equals(LoginStudent)) { // 如果用户名和密码匹配,则打开具体操作面板 if (check(UserName.getText(), String.valueOf(PassWord.getPassword()))) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "学生登录成功"); MySQLGUI myS = new MySQLGUI(); myS.initial();// 初始化 base按键增加监听器 jf.setVisible(false); jf.dispose(); //dispose是 java.awt.Windows类的方法,它的作用是销毁程序中指定的图形界面资源,对数据资源不产生影响。 } // 如果用户名和密码不匹配,则给出提示对话框 else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "用户名或密码错误", "学生登录失败", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } // 如果单击【注册】按钮 else if (e.getSource().equals(Register)) { // 如果注册成功 if(!(UserName.getText().equals(""))) { RegisterUser/*注册方法*/(UserName.getText(), String.valueOf(PassWord.getPassword()));//valueOf类型转化 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "注册成功"); } // 如果注册失败 else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "注册失败"); } } // 如果单击【管理员登录】按钮则检查用户名和密码是否匹配 else if (UserName.getText().equals("admin") && String.valueOf(PassWord.getPassword()).equals("1234")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "管理员登录成功"); MySQLGUI myS = new MySQLGUI("admin"); myS.initial();// 初始化 base按键增加监听器 jf.setVisible(false); jf.dispose();//dispose是 java.awt.Windows类的方法,它的作用是销毁程序中指定的图形界面资源,对数据资源不产生影响。 } // 如果用户名和密码不匹配,则给出提示对话框 else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"用户名或密码错误", "管理员登录失败", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } //账号密码匹配 private boolean check(String ID, String passw) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Statement pstmt = null; ResultSet prs = null; Connection pconn = null; boolean flag = false; try { //1.注册数据库的驱动 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); //2.通过DriveMannager获取数据库连接 String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/StudentInfo"; String username1 = "root"; String password1 = ""; pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username1, password1); //3.通过Connection对象获取Statement对象 pstmt = pconn.createStatement(); //4.使用Statement执行SQL语句 String sql = "select*from user"; prs = pstmt.executeQuery(sql); while (prs.next()) { String id = prs.getString("id");//通过列名获取指定字段的值 String psw = prs.getString("password"); if (ID.equals(id)) { if (passw.equals(psw)) { flag = true; } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { //6.回收数据库资源 if (prs != null) { try { prs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } prs = null; } if (pstmt != null) { try { pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pstmt = null; } if (pconn != null) { try { pconn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pconn = null; } } return flag; } //注册 增 private boolean RegisterUser(String RegisterID,String RegisterPassword) { PreparedStatement qstmt = null; ResultSet qrs = null; Connection qconn = null; boolean flag=false; try { //1.注册数据库的驱动 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); //2.通过DriveMannager获取数据库连接 String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/StudentInfo"; String username = "root"; String password = ""; qconn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); String sql="INSERT INTO user(ID,Password)"+ "VALUES(?,?)"; //1.创建执行SQL语句的PreparedStatement对象 qstmt=qconn.prepareStatement(sql); //2.为SQL语句中的参数赋值 qstmt.setString(1,RegisterID); qstmt.setString(2,RegisterPassword); //3.执行SQL qstmt.executeUpdate(); flag=true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { //6.回收数据库资源 if (qrs != null) { try { qrs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } qrs = null; } if (qstmt != null) { try { qstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } qstmt = null; } if (qconn != null) { try { qconn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } qconn = null; } } return flag; } }
package project; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; public class MySQLGUI extends JFrame implements MouseListener, ItemListener { // 定义一个数据库操作的实例 private OperationMysql db = null; // 定义滚动条 private JScrollPane scroll = null; // 定义一个复选框用于选择更新的项目 private JComboBox<String> UpdateItem = null; MySQLGUI(String admin) {//如果为管理员模式 // 设置各按钮信息 setButton(); // 设置各标签信息 setLabel(); // 设置各文本框信息 setTextField(); // 设置各面板信息 setPanel(); // 设置布局信息 setLayout(); // 设置选项卡信息 setBase(); // 设置主窗口信息 setThis(); // 设置数据库信息 setDB(); } MySQLGUI() {//如果为学生模式 // 设置各按钮信息 setButton(); // 设置各标签信息 setLabel(); // 设置各文本框信息 setTextField(); // 设置各面板信息 setPanel(); // 设置布局信息 setLayout(); // 设置选项卡信息 setBase2(); // 设置主窗口信息 setThis(); // 设置数据库信息 setDB(); } // 定义各按钮 /* * StudentDate, 添加个人信息按钮 * StudentDateClear,重置个人信息按钮 * DeleteStudentDate, 删除个人信息按钮 * DeleteStudentDateClear ,重置删除个人信息 * updateStudentDate, 更新个人信息按钮 * updateStudentDateClear,重置更新个人信息 * ShowStudentDate ,搜索/显示个人信息 * */ private JButton StudentDate, StudentDateClear, DeleteStudentDate, DeleteStudentDateClear, updateStudentDate, updateStudentDateClear, ShowStudentDate,showStudentMessage,showStudentUser; private void setButton() { // jp1 上的按钮 //添加个人信息 StudentDate = new JButton("添加"); StudentDate.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 20)); // 1 代表加粗,20 代表字体大小 StudentDate.setBackground(Color.CYAN);//蓝绿色 StudentDate.setBounds(150, 400, 100, 45); StudentDate.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); // 设置按钮的边缘空白为四个方向全为0,也即让按钮中的文本与按钮边缘贴齐 //重置 StudentDateClear = new JButton("重置"); StudentDateClear.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 20)); StudentDateClear.setBackground(Color.CYAN); StudentDateClear.setBounds(300, 400, 100, 45);//x,y,长,宽 StudentDateClear.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));// 设置按钮的边缘空白为四个方向全为0,也即让按钮中的文本与按钮边缘贴齐 // jp2 上的按钮 //删除信息 DeleteStudentDate = new JButton("删除信息"); DeleteStudentDate.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 20));// 1 代表加粗,20 代表字体大小 DeleteStudentDate.setBackground(Color.CYAN); DeleteStudentDate.setBounds(150, 350, 100, 45); DeleteStudentDate.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));// 设置按钮的边缘空白为四个方向全为0,也即让按钮中的文本与按钮边缘贴齐 //重置 DeleteStudentDateClear = new JButton("重置"); DeleteStudentDateClear.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 20));// 1 代表加粗,20 代表字体大小 DeleteStudentDateClear.setBackground(Color.CYAN); DeleteStudentDateClear.setBounds(300, 350, 100, 45); DeleteStudentDateClear.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));// 设置按钮的边缘空白为四个方向全为0,也即让按钮中的文本与按钮边缘贴齐 // jp3 上的按钮 //更新 updateStudentDate = new JButton("更新"); updateStudentDate.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 20));// 1 代表加粗,20 代表字体大小 updateStudentDate.setBackground(Color.CYAN); updateStudentDate.setBounds(250, 400, 100, 45);// 设置按钮的边缘空白为四个方向全为0,也即让按钮中的文本与按钮边缘贴齐 //重置 updateStudentDateClear = new JButton("重置"); updateStudentDateClear.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 20));// 1 代表加粗,20 代表字体大小 updateStudentDateClear.setBackground(Color.CYAN); updateStudentDateClear.setBounds(400, 400, 100, 45);//x,y,长,宽 // jp4 上的按钮 // jp4 上的按钮(小圆圈) ID = new JRadioButton("学号"); ID.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 15)); ID.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); ID.setBounds(30, 300, 55, 20); //X , Y ,WIDE ,HIGHE Name = new JRadioButton("姓名"); Name.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 15)); Name.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); Name.setBounds(30, 330, 55, 20); //X , Y ,WIDE ,HIGHE Born = new JRadioButton("出生"); Born.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 15)); Born.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); Born.setBounds(30, 360, 55, 20); //X , Y ,WIDE ,HIGHE Class = new JRadioButton("班级"); Class.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 15)); Class.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); Class.setBounds(30, 390, 55, 20); //X , Y ,WIDE ,HIGHE Sex = new JRadioButton("性别"); Sex.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 15)); Sex.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); Sex.setBounds(30, 420, 55, 20); AwardName = new JRadioButton("获奖名称"); AwardName.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 15)); AwardName.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); AwardName.setBounds(290, 300, 100, 20); //X , Y ,WIDE ,HIGHE AwardLevel= new JRadioButton("获奖等级"); AwardLevel.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 15)); AwardLevel.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); AwardLevel.setBounds(290, 330, 100, 20); //X , Y ,WIDE ,HIGHE AwardTime = new JRadioButton("获奖时间"); AwardTime.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1,15)); AwardTime.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); AwardTime.setBounds(290, 360, 100, 20); //X , Y ,WIDE ,HIGHE AwardProject = new JRadioButton("获奖类别"); AwardProject.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 15)); AwardProject.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); AwardProject.setBounds(290, 390, 100, 20); //X , Y ,WIDE ,HIGHE AwardTeam = new JRadioButton("获奖团名"); AwardTeam .setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 15)); AwardTeam .setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); AwardTeam .setBounds(290, 420, 100, 20); ShowStudentDate = new JButton("查询"); ShowStudentDate.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 20)); ShowStudentDate.setBackground(Color.CYAN); ShowStudentDate.setBounds(600, 400, 80, 45); //X , Y ,WIDE ,HIGHE //jp5上的按钮 showStudentMessage =new JButton("学生信息入情况总览"); showStudentMessage.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 20));// 1 代表加粗,20 代表字体大小 showStudentMessage.setBackground(Color.CYAN); showStudentMessage.setBounds(250, 400, 100, 45); showStudentUser =new JButton("学生账号注册情况总览"); showStudentUser.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 20));// 1 代表加粗,20 代表字体大小 showStudentUser.setBackground(Color.CYAN); showStudentUser.setBounds(250, 400, 100, 45); } // 定义各标签 /* * InsertID1, 插入学号提示标签 * InsertName1, 插入姓名提示标签 * InsertBorn1, 插入出生年月标签 * InsertSex1, 插入性别标签 * InsertClass1, 插入所在班级提示标签 * InsertAwardName1, 插入获奖名称提示标签 * InsertAwardLevel1, 插入获奖级别提示标签 * InsertAwardTime1, 插入获奖时间提示标签 * InsertAwardProject1, 插入获奖类别提示标签 * InsertAwardTeam1, 插入获奖团队提示标签 * */ private JLabel InsertID1, InsertName1, InsertBorn1, InsertClass1,InsertSex1, DeleteID1, UpdateID1, InsertAwardName1, InsertAwardLevel1, InsertAwardTime1,InsertAwardTeam1,InsertAwardProject1; // 设置各标签信息的方法 private void setLabel() { // jp1 上的标签 InsertID1 = new JLabel("学 号:"); InsertID1.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertID1.setBackground(Color.GREEN); InsertID1.setBounds(100, 40, 120, 50); InsertName1 = new JLabel("姓 名:"); InsertName1.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertName1.setBackground(Color.GREEN); InsertName1.setBounds(100, 100, 120, 50); InsertBorn1 = new JLabel("出生年月:"); InsertBorn1.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertBorn1.setBackground(Color.GREEN); InsertBorn1.setBounds(100, 160, 120, 50); InsertClass1 = new JLabel("所属班级:"); InsertClass1.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertClass1.setBackground(Color.GREEN); InsertClass1.setBounds(100, 220, 120, 50); InsertSex1 = new JLabel("性 别:"); InsertSex1.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertSex1.setBackground(Color.GREEN); InsertSex1.setBounds(100, 280, 120, 50); InsertAwardName1 = new JLabel("获奖名称:"); InsertAwardName1.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertAwardName1.setBackground(Color.GREEN); InsertAwardName1.setBounds(450, 40, 120, 50); InsertAwardLevel1 = new JLabel("获奖等级:"); InsertAwardLevel1.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertAwardLevel1.setBackground(Color.GREEN); InsertAwardLevel1.setBounds(450, 100, 120, 50); InsertAwardTime1 = new JLabel("获奖时间:"); InsertAwardTime1.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertAwardTime1.setBackground(Color.GREEN); InsertAwardTime1.setBounds(450, 160, 120, 50); InsertAwardProject1 = new JLabel("获奖类别:"); InsertAwardProject1.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertAwardProject1.setBackground(Color.GREEN); InsertAwardProject1.setBounds(450, 220, 120, 50); InsertAwardTeam1 = new JLabel("获奖团名:"); InsertAwardTeam1.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertAwardTeam1.setBackground(Color.GREEN); InsertAwardTeam1.setBounds(450, 280, 120, 50); // jp2 上的标签 DeleteID1 = new JLabel("学 号:"); DeleteID1.setBounds(100, 100, 100, 50); DeleteID1.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); // jp3 上的标签 UpdateID1 = new JLabel("学 号:"); UpdateID1.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); UpdateID1.setBounds(200, 60, 120, 50); UpdateItem = new JComboBox<>(); UpdateItem.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); UpdateItem.setBounds(150, 200, 150, 45); UpdateItem.addItem("姓名"); UpdateItem.addItem("出生年月"); UpdateItem.addItem("所属班级"); UpdateItem.addItem("获奖名称"); UpdateItem.addItem("获奖等级"); UpdateItem.addItem("获奖时间"); UpdateItem.addItem("获奖类别"); UpdateItem.addItem("获奖团名"); } // 设置布局信息的方法 private void setLayout() { // 添加 jp1 的组件 jp1.setLayout(null); jp1.add(StudentDate); jp1.add(StudentDateClear); jp1.add(InsertID1); jp1.add(InsertName1); jp1.add(InsertBorn1); jp1.add(InsertClass1); jp1.add(InsertSex1); jp1.add(InsertAwardName1); jp1.add(InsertAwardLevel1); jp1.add(InsertAwardTime1); jp1.add(InsertAwardTeam1); jp1.add(InsertAwardProject1); jp1.add(InsertID2); jp1.add(InsertName2); jp1.add(InsertBorn2); jp1.add(InsertClass2); jp1.add(InsertSex2); jp1.add(InsertAwardName2); jp1.add(InsertAwardLevel2); jp1.add(InsertAwardTime2); jp1.add(InsertAwardProject2); jp1.add(InsertAwardTeam2); // 添加 jp2 上的组件 jp2.setLayout(null); jp2.add(DeleteID1); jp2.add(DeleteID2); jp2.add(DeleteStudentDate); jp2.add(DeleteStudentDateClear); // 添加 jp3 上的组件 jp3.setLayout(null); jp3.add(UpdateID1); jp3.add(UpdateID2); jp3.add(UpdateItem); jp3.add(UpdateContent); jp3.add(updateStudentDate); jp3.add(updateStudentDateClear); // 添加 jp4 上的组件 jp4.setLayout(null); jp4.add(scroll);//JScrollPane jp4.add(ID); jp4.add(Name); jp4.add(Born); jp4.add(Class); jp4.add(Sex); jp4.add(IDCondition); jp4.add(NameCondition); jp4.add(BornCondition); jp4.add(ClassCondition); jp4.add(SexCondition); jp4.add(AwardName); jp4.add(AwardLevel); jp4.add(AwardTime); jp4.add(AwardProject); jp4.add(AwardTeam); jp4.add(AwardNameCondition); jp4.add(AwardLevelCondition); jp4.add(AwardTimeCondition); jp4.add(AwardProjectCondition); jp4.add(AwardTeamCondition); jp4.add(ShowStudentDate); //添加jp5上的组件 jp5.add(showStudentMessage); jp5.add(showStudentUser); } // 定义各文本框 /* * InsertID2, 插入学号文本框 * InsertName2, 插入姓名文本框 * InsertBorn2, 插入出生文本框 * InsertClass2, 插入班级文本框 * InsertSex , 插入性别文本框 * DeleteID2, 所要删除学号的文本框 * UpdateID2, 所要更新学号的文本框 * UpdateContent, 更新内容填写文本框 * IDCondition, 查询ID文本框 * NameCondition, 查询姓名文本框 * BornCondition, 查询出生文本框 * ClassCondition, 查询班级文本框 * SexCondition, 查询性别文本框 * */ private JTextField InsertID2, InsertName2, InsertBorn2, InsertClass2, InsertSex2, InsertAwardName2, InsertAwardLevel2, InsertAwardTime2,InsertAwardTeam2,InsertAwardProject2, DeleteID2, UpdateID2, UpdateContent, IDCondition, NameCondition, BornCondition, ClassCondition,SexCondition, AwardNameCondition,AwardLevelCondition,AwardTimeCondition,AwardProjectCondition,AwardTeamCondition; //定义显示结果文本域 显示 jp4 的查询结果 /* * QueryRecordResult, 查询学生信息结果文本域 */ private JTextArea QueryRecordResult; private void setTextField() { // jp1 上的文本框 InsertID2 = new JTextField(); InsertID2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertID2.setBounds(210, 40, 200, 35); InsertName2 = new JTextField(); InsertName2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertName2.setBounds(210, 100, 200, 35); InsertBorn2 = new JTextField(); InsertBorn2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertBorn2.setBounds(210, 160, 200, 35); InsertClass2 = new JTextField(); InsertClass2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertClass2.setBounds(210, 220, 200, 35); InsertSex2 = new JTextField(); InsertSex2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertSex2.setBounds(210, 280, 200, 35); InsertAwardName2 = new JTextField(); InsertAwardName2.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertAwardName2.setBounds(560, 40, 200, 35); InsertAwardLevel2 = new JTextField(); InsertAwardLevel2.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertAwardLevel2.setBounds(560, 100, 200, 35); InsertAwardTime2 = new JTextField(); InsertAwardTime2.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertAwardTime2.setBounds(560, 160, 200, 35); InsertAwardProject2 = new JTextField(); InsertAwardProject2.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertAwardProject2.setBounds(560, 220, 200, 35); InsertAwardTeam2 = new JTextField(); InsertAwardTeam2.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 22)); InsertAwardTeam2.setBounds(560, 280, 200, 35); // jp2 上的文本框 DeleteID2 = new JTextField("输入要删除信息的学号"); DeleteID2.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 25)); DeleteID2.setBounds(210, 100, 350, 50); // jp3 上的文本框 UpdateID2 = new JTextField(); UpdateID2.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 20)); UpdateID2.setBounds(310, 60, 200, 45); UpdateContent = new JTextField("更新内容"); UpdateContent.setFont(new Font("楷体", 0, 22)); UpdateContent.setBounds(310, 200, 200, 45); // jp4 上的文本框 QueryRecordResult = new JTextArea("查询结果:"); QueryRecordResult.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 20)); //QueryRecordResult.setBounds(30,30,560,260); QueryRecordResult.setEditable(false);//设置选项不可用 QueryRecordResult.setLineWrap(true); // 当一行文字过多时自动换行 scroll = new JScrollPane(QueryRecordResult); // 添加滚动条 scroll.setBounds(30, 30, 560, 260);//JScrollPane scroll.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); // 当需要垂直滚动条时显示 scroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);// 当需要水平滚动条时显示 IDCondition = new JTextField(); IDCondition.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 18)); IDCondition.setBounds(90, 300, 100, 21); NameCondition = new JTextField(); NameCondition.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 18)); NameCondition.setBounds(90, 330, 100, 21); BornCondition = new JTextField(); BornCondition.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 18)); BornCondition.setBounds(90, 360, 100, 21); ClassCondition = new JTextField(); ClassCondition.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 18)); ClassCondition.setBounds(90, 390, 100, 21); SexCondition = new JTextField(); SexCondition.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 18)); SexCondition.setBounds(90, 420, 100, 21); AwardNameCondition = new JTextField(); AwardNameCondition.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 18)); AwardNameCondition.setBounds(390, 300, 100, 21); AwardLevelCondition = new JTextField(); AwardLevelCondition.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 18)); AwardLevelCondition.setBounds(390, 330, 100, 21); AwardTimeCondition = new JTextField(); AwardTimeCondition.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 18)); AwardTimeCondition.setBounds(390, 360, 100, 21); AwardProjectCondition = new JTextField(); AwardProjectCondition.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 18)); AwardProjectCondition.setBounds(390, 390, 100, 21); AwardTeamCondition = new JTextField(); AwardTeamCondition.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 18)); AwardTeamCondition.setBounds(390, 420, 100, 21); IDCondition.setEditable(false); NameCondition.setEditable(false); BornCondition.setEditable(false); ClassCondition.setEditable(false); SexCondition.setEditable(false); AwardNameCondition.setEditable(false); AwardLevelCondition.setEditable(false); AwardTimeCondition.setEditable(false); AwardProjectCondition.setEditable(false); AwardTeamCondition.setEditable(false); } // 定义选项卡上的嵌板 /* * jp1, 输入个人信息信息 * jp2, 删除个人信息 * jp3, 更新个人信息 * jp4, 个人信息查询 * jp5, 学生录入情况总览 * jp6 学生注册情况总览 * */ private JPanel jp1, jp2, jp3, jp4,jp5; // 设置各面板信息的方法 private void setPanel() { jp1 = new JPanel(); jp2 = new JPanel(); jp3 = new JPanel(); jp4 = new JPanel(); jp5 = new JPanel(); } // 定义选项卡 private JTabbedPane Base; // 设置选项卡信息的方法 //管理员权限 private void setBase() { Base = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP); Base.addTab("添加记录", jp1); Base.addTab("删除记录", jp2); Base.addTab("更新记录", jp3); Base.addTab("信息查询", jp4); Base.addTab("账号管理", jp5); } //学生权限 private void setBase2() { Base = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP); Base.addTab("添加记录", jp1); Base.addTab("更新记录", jp3); } // 设置主窗口信息的方法 private void setThis() { this.add(Base); this.setTitle("学生信息管理系统"); this.setLocation(300, 200); this.setSize(800, 550); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); this.setResizable(false); //窗体大小不可改变 this.setVisible(true); } // 设置数据库信息的方法 private void setDB() { db = new OperationMysql(); // 连接 mysql db.setDburl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/StudentInfo"); // 加载驱动 db.setDbdriver("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); db.setUsername("root"); db.setPassword(""); } // 定义查询选项 /* * ID, 选择学号查询 * Name, 选择姓名查询 * Born, 选择出生查询 * Class, 选择班级查询 * Sex, 选择性别查询 * */ private JRadioButton ID, Name, Born, Class, Sex,AwardName,AwardLevel,AwardTime,AwardProject,AwardTeam; // 初始化 void initial() { // 给各按钮添加监听器 StudentDate.addMouseListener(this); StudentDateClear.addMouseListener(this); DeleteStudentDate.addMouseListener(this); DeleteStudentDateClear.addMouseListener(this); updateStudentDate.addMouseListener(this); updateStudentDateClear.addMouseListener(this); ShowStudentDate.addMouseListener(this); showStudentMessage.addMouseListener(this); showStudentUser.addMouseListener(this); // 给各复选按钮添加监听器 // ID,Name,Born, Class, Sex,Aname,Alevel,Atime,Aproject,Ateam ID.addItemListener(this); Name.addItemListener(this); Born.addItemListener(this); Class.addItemListener(this); Sex.addItemListener(this); AwardName.addItemListener(this); AwardLevel.addItemListener(this); AwardTime.addItemListener(this); AwardProject.addItemListener(this); AwardTeam.addItemListener(this); } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { // 添加按钮功能 // 点击重置键则清空文本框 if (e.getSource().equals(StudentDateClear)) { InsertID2.setText(""); InsertID2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertName2.setText(""); InsertName2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertClass2.setText(""); InsertClass2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertBorn2.setText(""); InsertBorn2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertSex2.setText(""); InsertSex2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertAwardName2.setText(""); InsertAwardName2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertAwardLevel2.setText(""); InsertAwardLevel2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertAwardTime2.setText(""); InsertAwardTime2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertAwardProject2.setText(""); InsertAwardProject2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); InsertAwardTeam2.setText(""); InsertAwardTeam2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 23)); } else if (e.getSource().equals(showStudentMessage)) { new StudentMessageShow(); }else if (e.getSource().equals(showStudentUser)) { new StudentUserShow(); } else if (e.getSource().equals(StudentDate)) { // 添加记录功能 String InsertStuID = InsertID2.getText(); String InsertStuName = InsertName2.getText(); String InsertBorn = InsertBorn2.getText(); String InsertClass = InsertClass2.getText(); String InsertSex = InsertSex2.getText(); String InsertAwardName =InsertAwardName2.getText(); String InsertAwardLevel =InsertAwardLevel2.getText(); String InsertAwardTime =InsertAwardTime2.getText(); String InsertAwardProject =InsertAwardProject2.getText(); String InsertAwardTeam =InsertAwardTeam2.getText(); try { db.setRs(db.executeQuery(InsertStuID)); if (!db.getRs().next()) { db.executeInsert(InsertStuID, InsertStuName, InsertBorn, InsertClass, InsertSex,InsertAwardName,InsertAwardLevel,InsertAwardTime,InsertAwardProject,InsertAwardTeam); JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(this, "添加信息成功!", "数据库操作提示", JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, null, null); } else JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(this, "添加失败", "温馨提示", -1, 1, null, null, null); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.CloseRS(); db.CloseStmt(); db.CloseConnection(); } } else if (e.getSource().equals(DeleteStudentDateClear)) { // 删除重置功能 DeleteID2.setText(""); DeleteID2.setFont(new Font("楷体", 1, 25)); } else if (e.getSource().equals(DeleteStudentDate)) { // 删除功能 String DeleteStuID = DeleteID2.getText(); try { db.setRs(db.executeQuery(DeleteStuID)); if (db.getRs().next()) { db.executeDelete(DeleteStuID); JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(this, "删除成功!", "数据库操作提示", -1, 1, null, null, null); } else JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(this, "删除失败", "温馨提示", -1, 1, null, null, null); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } else if (e.getSource().equals(updateStudentDateClear)) { // 重置更新框功能 UpdateID2.setText(""); UpdateID2.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 20)); UpdateContent.setText(""); UpdateContent.setFont(new Font("宋体", 1, 20)); } else if (e.getSource().equals(updateStudentDate)) { // 完成更新功能 String UpdateStuID = UpdateID2.getText(); try { db.setRs(db.executeQuery(UpdateStuID)); if (!db.getRs().next()) { JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(this, "没有记录无法更新", "温馨提示", JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, null, null); } else { String updateItem = null; // 更新选项是姓名 if (UpdateItem.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("姓名")) { updateItem = "Name"; } // 更新的是出生 else if (UpdateItem.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("出生年月")) { updateItem = "Born"; } // 更新的是班级 else if (UpdateItem.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("所属班级")) { updateItem = "Class"; } // 更新的是性别 else if (UpdateItem.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("性别")) { updateItem = "Sex"; } // 更新的是获奖名称 else if (UpdateItem.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("获奖名称")) { updateItem = "AwardName"; }// 更新的是获奖等级 else if (UpdateItem.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("获奖等级")) { updateItem = "AwardLevel"; }// 更新的是获奖时间 else if (UpdateItem.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("获奖时间")) { updateItem = "AwardTime"; }// 更新的是获奖类别 else if (UpdateItem.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("获奖类别")) { updateItem = "AwardProject"; }// 更新的是获奖团名 else if (UpdateItem.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("获奖团名")) { updateItem = "AwardTeam"; } db.executeUpdate(UpdateStuID, updateItem, UpdateContent.getText()); JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(this, "更新成功!", "数据库操作提示", -1, 1, null, null, null); } } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.CloseRS(); db.CloseStmt(); db.CloseConnection(); } } else if (e.getSource().equals(ShowStudentDate)) { // 完成查询功能 try { // 默认设置各检索条件均为通配符 String a = "%", b = "%", c = "%", d = "%", f = "%" , g = "%", h = "%", z = "%", j = "%",k = "%"; // 如果 ID 选项被选中,则获得该选项的输入内容 if (ID.isSelected() && !IDCondition.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { a = IDCondition.getText(); } // 如果 Name 选项被选中,则获得该选项的输入内容 if (Name.isSelected() && !NameCondition.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { b = NameCondition.getText(); } // 如果 Born 选项被选中,则获得该选项的输入内容 if (Born.isSelected() && !BornCondition.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { d = BornCondition.getText(); } // 如果 Class 选项被选中,则获得该选项的输入内容 if (Class.isSelected() && !ClassCondition.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { f = ClassCondition.getText(); } // 如果 Sex 选项被选中,则获得该选项的输入内容 if (Sex.isSelected() && !SexCondition.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { c = SexCondition.getText(); } // 如果 Aname 选项被选中,则获得该选项的输入内容 if (AwardName.isSelected() && !AwardNameCondition.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { g = AwardNameCondition.getText(); } // 如果 Alevel 选项被选中,则获得该选项的输入内容 if (AwardLevel.isSelected() && !AwardLevelCondition.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { h = AwardLevelCondition.getText(); } // 如果 Atime 选项被选中,则获得该选项的输入内容 if (AwardTime.isSelected() && !AwardTimeCondition.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { z = AwardTimeCondition.getText(); } // 如果 Aproject 选项被选中,则获得该选项的输入内容 if (AwardProject.isSelected() && !AwardProjectCondition.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { j = AwardProjectCondition.getText(); } // 如果 Ateam选项被选中,则获得该选项的输入内容 if (AwardTeam.isSelected() && !AwardTeamCondition.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { k = AwardTeamCondition.getText(); } // 根据各选项检索关键字进行查询,并返回结果集 db.setRs(db.executeQueryByCondition(a, b, d, f, c, g, h, z, j, k)); // 定义结果集中记录条数 int i = 0; QueryRecordResult.setText("查询结果:"); // 输出结果集记录 while (db.getRs().next()) { ++i; QueryRecordResult.append("\r\n" + "第" + i + "条记录:" + "\r\n" + "学号:" + db.getRs().getString(1) + "\r\n" + "姓名:" + db.getRs().getString(2) + "\r\n" + "出生:" + db.getRs().getString(3) + "\r\n" + "班级:" + db.getRs().getString(4) + "\r\n" + "性别:" + db.getRs().getString(5) + "\r\n" + "获奖名称:" + db.getRs().getString(6) + "\r\n" + "获奖级别:" + db.getRs().getString(7) + "\r\n" + "获奖时间:" + db.getRs().getString(8) + "\r\n" + "获奖类别:" + db.getRs().getString(9) + "\r\n" + "获奖团队:" + db.getRs().getString(10) + ("\r\n--------------------------------------")); } QueryRecordResult.setText(QueryRecordResult.getText() + "\r\n" + "共有" + i + "条学生记录"); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.CloseRS(); db.CloseStmt(); db.CloseConnection(); } } } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { // 如果查询选项 ID 被选中,则可以输入 ID 进行查询 if (e.getSource().equals(ID)) { IDCondition.setEditable(ID.isSelected()); } // 如果选项姓名被选中,则可以输入姓名进行查询 else if (e.getSource().equals(Name)) { NameCondition.setEditable(Name.isSelected()); } // 如果出生被选中,则可以输入出生进行查询 else if (e.getSource().equals(Born)) { BornCondition.setEditable(Born.isSelected()); } // 如果班级选项被选中,则可以输入班级查询 else if (e.getSource().equals(Class)) { ClassCondition.setEditable(Class.isSelected()); } // 如果性别选项被选中,则可以输入性别来查询 else if (e.getSource().equals(Sex)) { SexCondition.setEditable(Sex.isSelected()); } // 如果获奖名称选项被选中,则可以输入性别来查询 else if (e.getSource().equals(AwardName)) { AwardNameCondition.setEditable(AwardName.isSelected()); } // 如果获奖等级选项被选中,则可以输入性别来查询 else if (e.getSource().equals(AwardLevel)) { AwardLevelCondition.setEditable(AwardLevel.isSelected()); } // 如果获奖时间选项被选中,则可以输入性别来查询 else if (e.getSource().equals(AwardTime)) { AwardTimeCondition.setEditable(AwardTime.isSelected()); } // 如果获奖类别选项被选中,则可以输入性别来查询 else if (e.getSource().equals(AwardProject)) { AwardProjectCondition.setEditable(AwardProject.isSelected()); } // 如果获奖团名选项被选中,则可以输入性别来查询 else if (e.getSource().equals(AwardTeam)) { AwardTeamCondition.setEditable(AwardTeam.isSelected()); } } }
package project; import java.sql.*; public class OperationMysql { // 定义数据库连接url private String dburl = null; // 定义数据库连接 private Connection conn = null; // 定义数据库状态 private PreparedStatement stmt = null; // 定义数据库返回结果集 private ResultSet rs = null; // 定义数据库用户名 private String username = null; // 定义数据库连接密码 private String password = null; // 定义数据库驱动方式 private String dbdriver = null; // 设置数据库连接url的方法 public void setDburl(String dburl) { this.dburl = dburl; } // 返回当前实例数据库连接url public String getDburl() { return dburl; } // 返回当前实例结果集的方法 public ResultSet getRs() { return rs; } // 设置当前实例结果集的方法 public void setRs(ResultSet rs) { this.rs = rs; } // 设置数据库用户名的方法 public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } // 返回当前实例化数据库用户名 public String getUsername() { return username; } // 设置数据库连接的方法 public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } // 返回当前实例数据库连接密码 public String getPassword() { return password; } // 设置数据库驱动方式的方法 public void setDbdriver(String dbdriver) { this.dbdriver = dbdriver; } // 返回当前实例数据库驱动方式的方法 public String getDbdriver() { return dbdriver; } // 创建数据库连接的方法 Connection CreateConnection(String dburl, String username, String password) throws Exception { setDburl(dburl); setUsername(username); setPassword(password); Class.forName(getDbdriver()); // 根据数据库路径、用户名和密码创建连接并返回该连接 return DriverManager.getConnection(dburl, username, password); } // 关闭结果集的方法 public void CloseRS() { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("关闭结果集时发生错误!"); } } // 关闭状态的方法 public void CloseStmt() { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("关闭状态时发生错误!"); } } // 关闭连接的方法 public void CloseConnection() { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("关闭连接时发生错误!"); } } // 增 void executeInsert(String InsertID, String InsertName, String InsertBorn, String InsertClass, String InsertSex,String InsertAwardName,String InsertAwardLevel,String InsertAwardTime,String InsertAwardProject,String InsertAwardTeam) throws Exception { try { conn = CreateConnection(getDburl(), getUsername(), getPassword()); stmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into grade values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); stmt.setString(1, InsertID); stmt.setString(2, InsertName); stmt.setString(3, InsertBorn); stmt.setString(4, InsertClass); stmt.setString(5, InsertSex); stmt.setString(6, InsertAwardName); stmt.setString(7, InsertAwardLevel); stmt.setString(8, InsertAwardTime); stmt.setString(9, InsertAwardProject); stmt.setString(10, InsertAwardTeam); stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } } // 删 void executeDelete(String DeleteID) throws Exception { try { conn = CreateConnection(getDburl(), getUsername(), getPassword()); stmt = conn.prepareStatement("delete from grade where ID = ?"); stmt.setString(1, DeleteID); stmt.executeUpdate(); CloseStmt(); CloseConnection(); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } } // 查 主键 是否在表中 ResultSet executeQuery(String StuID) throws Exception { try { String sql = "select * from grade where ID = ?"; conn = CreateConnection(getDburl(), getUsername(), getPassword()); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, StuID); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } return rs; } // 改 void executeUpdate(String UpdateID, String UpdateItem, String UpdateContent) throws Exception { try { conn = CreateConnection(getDburl(), getUsername(), getPassword()); String sql = "update grade set " + UpdateItem + " = ? where ID = ?"; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, UpdateContent); stmt.setString(2, UpdateID); stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } } // 按条件查询 ResultSet executeQueryByCondition(String stuid, String stuname, String Born, String Class, String Sex,String AwardName,String AwardLevel,String AwardTime,String AwardProject,String AwardTeam) throws Exception { try { String sql = "select * from grade where ID like ? and Name like ? and Born like ? " + "and Class like ? and Sex like ?and AwardName like ?" + "and AwardLevel like ?and AwardTime like ?" + "and AwardProject like ?and AwardTeam like ? order by ID asc"; conn = CreateConnection(getDburl(), getUsername(), getPassword()); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); if (stuid.equals("%")) { stmt.setString(1, "%"); } else { stmt.setString(1, "%" + stuid + "%"); } if (stuname.equals("%")) { stmt.setString(2, "%"); } else { stmt.setString(2, "%" + stuname + "%"); } if (Born.equals("%")) { stmt.setString(3, "%"); } else { stmt.setString(3, "%" + Born + "%"); } if (Class.equals("%")) { stmt.setString(4, "%"); } else { stmt.setString(4, "%" + Class + "%"); } if (Sex.equals("%")) { stmt.setString(5, "%"); } else { stmt.setString(5, "%" + Sex+ "%"); } if (AwardName.equals("%")) { stmt.setString(6, "%"); } else { stmt.setString(6, "%" + AwardName+ "%"); } if (AwardLevel.equals("%")) { stmt.setString(7, "%"); } else { stmt.setString(7, "%" + AwardLevel+ "%"); } if (AwardTime.equals("%")) { stmt.setString(8, "%"); } else { stmt.setString(8, "%" + AwardTime+ "%"); } if (AwardProject.equals("%")) { stmt.setString(9, "%"); } else { stmt.setString(9, "%" + AwardProject+ "%"); } if (AwardTeam.equals("%")) { stmt.setString(10, "%"); } else { stmt.setString(10, "%" + AwardTeam+ "%"); } rs = stmt.executeQuery(); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } return rs; } }
package project;
public class StartMySql {
// 启动登录界面
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Login();
package project; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class StudentMessage { // 得到数据库表数据 public static Vector getRows(){ String sql_url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/StudentInfo"; String name = "root"; //用户名 String password = ""; //密码 Connection conn; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; Vector rows = null; Vector columnHeads = null; try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); //连接驱动 conn = DriverManager.getConnection(sql_url, name, password); //连接数据库 preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement("select * from grade"); ResultSet result1 = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if(result1.wasNull()) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "结果集中无记录"); rows = new Vector(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = result1.getMetaData(); while(result1.next()){ rows.addElement(getNextRow(result1,rsmd)); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.out.println("未成功加载驱动。"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.out.println("未成功打开数据库。"); e.printStackTrace(); } return rows; } // 得到数据库表头 public static Vector getHead(){ String sql_url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/StudentInfo"; String name = "root"; //用户名 String password = ""; //密码 Connection conn; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; Vector columnHeads = null; try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); //连接驱动 conn = DriverManager.getConnection(sql_url, name, password); //连接数据库 if(!conn.isClosed()) System.out.println("成功连接数据库"); preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement("select * from grade"); ResultSet result1 = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); boolean moreRecords = result1.next(); if(!moreRecords) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "结果集中无记录"); columnHeads = new Vector(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = result1.getMetaData(); for(int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) columnHeads.addElement(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.out.println("未成功加载驱动。"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.out.println("未成功打开数据库。"); e.printStackTrace(); } return columnHeads; } // 得到数据库中下一行数据 private static Vector getNextRow(ResultSet rs,ResultSetMetaData rsmd) throws SQLException{ Vector currentRow = new Vector(); for(int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++){ currentRow.addElement(rs.getString(i)); } return currentRow; } }
CREATE TABLE `grade` (
`Name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`Born` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`Class` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`Sex` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`AwardName` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`AwardLevel` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`AwardTime` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`AwardProject` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`AwardTeam` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`ID` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`Password` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
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