pip install -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple/ --trusted-host=pypi.douban.com/simple包名
- {
- "appId": "你自己的",
- "appsecret": "你自己的",
- "userId": [
- "你自己的","xxxx"
- ],
- "templateId": "你自己的"
- }
{{date.DATA}} 现在位于:{{city.DATA}} 天气{{today_weather.DATA}},{{today_weather_str.DATA}} 今天的最低温度为{{today_min.DATA}},最高温度为{{today_max.DATA}},风力为{{today_wind.DATA}} tips: {{today_str.DATA}} 顺便给小琳播报一下{{tomorrow.DATA}}的天气:{{tomorrow_weather.DATA}},最低温度{{tomorrow_min.DATA}},最高温度{{tomorrow_max.DATA}},风力{{tomorrow_wind.DATA}} 每日一句情话:{{daily_love.DATA}} 每日一句英语 :{{note_ch.DATA}}{{note_en.DATA}} 每天都要元气满满哦~ |
(97条消息) python实现微信公众号给你的重要用户推送消息_python向微信公众号推送消息_DreamAtDawn的博客-CSDN博客
(这里采用的是白天的天气 晚上获取会出现问题)
- from datetime import datetime
- from requests import get, post
- from time import localtime
- import json
- import os
- import random
- import sys
- import bs4
- import requests
- def get_weather():
- city_name = '张家界'
- headers = {
- 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9',
- 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
- 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6',
- 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0',
- 'Connection': 'keep-alive',
- 'Cookie': 'HttpOnly; userNewsPort0=1; Hm_lvt_080dabacb001ad3dc8b9b9049b36d43b=1660634957; f_city=%E9%87%91%E5%8D%8E%7C101210901%7C; defaultCty=101210901; defaultCtyName=%u91D1%u534E; Hm_lpvt_080dabacb001ad3dc8b9b9049b36d43b=1660639816',
- 'Host': 'www.weather.com.cn',
- 'Referer': 'http://www.weather.com.cn/weather1d/101251101.shtml',
- 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
- 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/104.0.5112.81 Safari/537.36 Edg/104.0.1293.54'
- }
- url = "http://www.weather.com.cn/weather/101251101.shtml"
- response = get(url=url, headers=headers)
- text = response.content.decode('utf-8')
- soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser')
- # 存放日期
- list_day = []
- i = 0
- day_list = soup.find_all('h1')
- for each in day_list:
- if i <= 1: # 今明两天的数据
- list_day.append(each.text.strip())
- i += 1
- # 天气情况
- list_weather = []
- weather_list = soup.find_all('p', class_='wea') # 之前报错是因为写了class 改为class_就好了
- for i in weather_list:
- list_weather.append(i.text)
- list_weather = list_weather[0:2] # 只取今明两天
- # 存放当前温度,和明天的最高温度和最低温度
- tem_list = soup.find_all('p', class_='tem')
- i = 0
- list_tem = []
- for each in tem_list:
- if i >= 0 and i < 2:
- list_tem.append([each.span.text, each.i.text]) # 记录明天的最高温度和最低温度
- i += 1
- # 风力
- list_wind = []
- wind_list = soup.find_all('p', class_='win')
- for each in wind_list:
- list_wind.append(each.i.text.strip())
- list_wind = list_wind[0:2] # 同只取今明两天
- today_date = list_day[0]
- today_weather = list_weather[0]
- today_max = list_tem[0][0] + '℃'
- today_min = list_tem[0][1]
- today_wind = list_wind[0]
- tomorrow = list_day[1]
- tomorrow_weather = list_weather[1]
- tomorrow_max = list_tem[1][0] + '℃'
- tomorrow_min = list_tem[1][1]
- tomorrow_wind = list_wind[1]
- return city_name, today_date, today_weather, today_min, today_max, today_wind, tomorrow, tomorrow_weather, tomorrow_min, tomorrow_max, tomorrow_wind
- def get_daily_love():
- # 每日一句情话
- url = "https://api.lovelive.tools/api/SweetNothings/Serialization/Json"
- r = requests.get(url)
- all_dict = json.loads(r.text)
- sentence = all_dict['returnObj'][0]
- daily_love = sentence
- return daily_love
- def get_ciba():
- # 每日一句英语(来自爱词霸)
- url = "http://open.iciba.com/dsapi/"
- r = get(url)
- note_en = r.json()["content"]
- note_ch = r.json()["note"]
- return note_ch, note_en
- def get_color():
- # 往list中填喜欢的颜色即可
- color_list = ['#6495ED', '#3CB371']
- return random.choice(color_list)
- def get_config():
- with open("config.json", "r") as f:
- config = json.load(f)
- return config
- def get_token(config):
- url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token"
- param = {
- "grant_type": "client_credential",
- "appid": config['appId'],
- "secret": config['appsecret']
- }
- response = requests.get(url=url, params=param)
- result = response.json().get("access_token")
- return result
- def send_message(to_user, access_token, city_name, today_date, today_weather, today_max, today_min, today_wind,
- tomorrow, tomorrow_weather, tomorrow_max, tomorrow_min, tomorrow_wind, daily_love, note_ch, note_en,
- today_weather_str, today_str):
- url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/template/send?access_token={}".format(access_token)
- week_list = ["星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"]
- year = localtime().tm_year
- month = localtime().tm_mon
- day = localtime().tm_mday
- today = datetime.date(datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day))
- week = week_list[today.isoweekday() % 7]
- print(today_max, today_min)
- for i in to_user:
- data = {
- "touser": i,
- "template_id": config["templateId"],
- "url": "http://www.baidu.com",
- "topcolor": "#FF0000",
- "data": {
- "date": {
- "value": "{} {}".format(today, week),
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "city": {
- "value": city_name,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "today": {
- "value": today_date,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "today_weather": {
- "value": today_weather,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "today_max": {
- "value": today_max,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "today_min": {
- "value": today_min,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "today_wind": {
- "value": today_wind,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "tomorrow": {
- "value": tomorrow,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "tomorrow_weather": {
- "value": tomorrow_weather,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "tomorrow_max": {
- "value": tomorrow_max,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "tomorrow_min": {
- "value": tomorrow_min,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "tomorrow_wind": {
- "value": tomorrow_wind,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "daily_love": {
- "value": daily_love,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "note_en": {
- "value": note_en,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "note_ch": {
- "value": note_ch,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "today_weather_str": {
- "value": today_weather_str,
- "color": get_color()
- },
- "today_str": {
- "value": today_str,
- "color": get_color()
- }
- }
- }
- headers = {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
- 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) '
- 'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
- }
- response = post(url, headers=headers, json=data).json()
- if response["errcode"] == 40037:
- print("推送消息失败,请检查模板id是否正确")
- elif response["errcode"] == 40036:
- print("推送消息失败,请检查模板id是否为空")
- elif response["errcode"] == 40003:
- print("推送消息失败,请检查微信号是否正确")
- elif response["errcode"] == 0:
- print("推送消息成功")
- else:
- print(response)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- try:
- config = get_config()
- except FileNotFoundError:
- print("推送消息失败,请检查config.txt文件是否与程序位于同一路径")
- os.system("pause")
- sys.exit(1)
- except SyntaxError:
- print("推送消息失败,请检查配置文件格式是否正确")
- os.system("pause")
- sys.exit(1)
- # 获取accessToken
- accessToken = get_token(config)
- # 接收的用户
- users = config["userId"]
- # 传入省份和市获取天气信息
- city_name, today_date, today_weather, today_min, today_max, today_wind, tomorrow, tomorrow_weather, tomorrow_min, tomorrow_max, tomorrow_wind = get_weather()
- # 判断今天天气并返回对应响应
- # print(today_weather)
- today_weather_str = ""
- str_weather = ['雨', '云', '晴', '阴']
- # 提示可以多想几条 放入列表 random.choice([])
- today_weather_str_rain = ['今日可能有雨 记得带伞哦', '下雨天和巧克力更配哦~', '天街小雨润如酥 草色遥看近却无']
- today_weather_str_cloud = ['等风起,漫随天外云卷云舒', '今日有云 气候宜人', '应是天仙狂醉,乱把白云揉碎']
- today_weather_str_sun = ['快醒醒 太阳已经晒屁gu啦~', '今日天气晴 不止天气', '今天天气不错 多出门走走']
- today_weather_str_overcast = ['今日天气较阴 适宜懒人瘫在家里~', '阴天雨天暴雨天 爱你爱到发晒癫']
- for i in str_weather:
- if i in today_weather and i == '雨':
- today_weather_str = random.choice(today_weather_str_rain)
- break
- elif i in today_weather and i == '云':
- today_weather_str = random.choice(today_weather_str_cloud)
- break
- elif i in today_weather and i == '晴':
- today_weather_str = random.choice(today_weather_str_sun)
- break
- elif i in today_weather and i == '阴':
- today_weather_str = random.choice(today_weather_str_overcast)
- break
- else:
- today_weather_str = '啊哦 今天公众号有点不太聪明~ '
- # print(today_weather_str)
- # 判断今日温度并返回对应响应
- today_min_judge = today_min.split('℃')
- today_max_judge = today_max.split('℃')
- today_min_str = ''
- today_max_str = ''
- weather_min_str = ['今日温度较低 天冷记得加衣哦', '今日温度较低 要注意保暖哦']
- weather_max_str = ['今日温度较高 奖励自己一个冰淇淋降降温吧~', '今天好像比较热 记得防晒和消暑降温哦']
- weather_center_str = ['今日温度适宜 适合运动跳芭蕾~(doge)', '今日温度适宜 适合出去happy~']
- if int(today_min_judge[0]) < 10:
- today_str = random.choice(weather_min_str)
- elif int(today_max[0]) > 30:
- today_str = random.choice(weather_max_str)
- else:
- today_str = random.choice(weather_center_str)
- # print(today_str)
- # 获取每日情话
- daily_love = get_daily_love()
- # 获取每日一句英语
- note_ch, note_en = get_ciba()
- # 公众号推送消息
- # 传入提醒信息
- send_message(users, accessToken, city_name, today_date, today_weather, today_max, today_min, today_wind,
- tomorrow, tomorrow_weather, tomorrow_max, tomorrow_min, tomorrow_wind, daily_love, note_ch,
- note_en, today_weather_str, today_str)
- # 这里系统暂停乱码 需要将pycharm设置成与cmd相同的GBK编码 在setting file encode中
- os.system("pause")
1.服务器这里用到系统是centos7 依据自己的情况
安装python 安装所需库 然后将代码上传到服务器(finalshell直接复制粘贴)
2.服务器运行代码测试 python /x/x.py
3.linux定时任务 配置/etc/crontab
这里是每天早上九点定时推送 根据个人情况修改
这里就会稍微有些麻烦 我就言简意赅一点
1.进入微信测试号 绑定接口配置url
b.服务器安装django django-admin startproject xx 生成django项目
c.绑定服务器必须是域名形式 不能是公网ip地址 (绑定时微信会通过get请求发送四个参数)参考文章:接入概述 | 微信开放文档 (qq.com)
我这里是http://www.xxx.xxx/wechat_test/(你的django url地址)
d.django中view.py的代码def wechat_test():(这里获取四个参数并指定加密方式来绑定微信url)
import hashlib import json import requests import time from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse from xml.etree import ElementTree
- def wechat_test(request):
- if request.method == 'GET':
- token = 'misimnya'
- timestamp = request.GET.get('timestamp')
- nonce = request.GET.get('nonce')
- echostr = request.GET.get('echostr')
- signature = request.GET.get('signature')
- # 进行字典排序
- sort_list = [token, timestamp, nonce]
- sort_list.sort()
- result = hashlib.sha1((sort_list[0] + sort_list[1] + sort_list[2]).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
- # 判断参数是否相同
- if result == signature:
- return HttpResponse(echostr)
- else:
- return HttpResponse('error!')
- elif request.method == 'POST':
- return HttpResponse('no get')
e.启动服务 python manage.py runserver 去微信测试号绑定提交
token自定义 和代码参数一致就行
f.绑定成功后你已经完成一大半了 接下来就是对收到的消息进行处理(收到的是xml格式的消息) 采用什么机器人回复(这里是用的是免费的思知机器人)
进去官网注册:思知机器人 | 对话机器人 | 聊天机器人 | 知识图谱 - OwnThink
你也可以用官方的 我这里用的是自己的机器人
机器人管理登陆后创建自己的机器人 然后拿到机器人的appid
- import hashlib
- import json
- import requests
- import time
- from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse
- from xml.etree import ElementTree
- # Create your views here.
- class ParseXmlMsg(object):
- def __init__(self, xmlData):
- self.ToUserName = xmlData.find('ToUserName').text
- self.FromUserName = xmlData.find('FromUserName').text
- self.CreateTime = xmlData.find('CreateTime').text
- self.MsgType = xmlData.find('MsgType').text
- self.MsgId = xmlData.find('MsgId').text
- if self.MsgType == 'text':
- self.Content = xmlData.find('Content').text.encode('utf-8')
- elif self.MsgType == 'image':
- self.PicUrl = xmlData.find('PicUrl').text
- self.MediaId = xmlData.find('MediaId').text
- class TextMsg(object):
- def __init__(self, toUserName, fromUserName, content):
- # 私有对象,禁止外部访问
- self.__dict = dict()
- self.__dict['ToUserName'] = toUserName
- self.__dict['FromUserName'] = fromUserName
- self.__dict['CreateTime'] = int(time.time())
- self.__dict['Content'] = content
- def send(self):
- XmlForm = """
- <xml>
- <ToUserName><![CDATA[{ToUserName}]]></ToUserName>
- <FromUserName><![CDATA[{FromUserName}]]></FromUserName>
- <CreateTime>{CreateTime}</CreateTime>
- <MsgType><![CDATA[text]]></MsgType>
- <Content><![CDATA[{Content}]]></Content>
- </xml>
- """
- return XmlForm.format(**self.__dict)
- class ImageMsg(object):
- def __init__(self, toUserName, fromUserName, mediaId):
- self.__dict = dict()
- self.__dict['ToUserName'] = toUserName
- self.__dict['FromUserName'] = fromUserName
- self.__dict['CreateTime'] = int(time.time())
- self.__dict['MediaId'] = mediaId
- def send(self):
- XmlForm = """
- <xml>
- <ToUserName><![CDATA[{ToUserName}]]></ToUserName>
- <FromUserName><![CDATA[{FromUserName}]]></FromUserName>
- <CreateTime>{CreateTime}</CreateTime>
- <MsgType><![CDATA[image]]></MsgType>
- <Image>
- <MediaId><![CDATA[{MediaId}]]></MediaId>
- </Image>
- </xml>
- """
- return XmlForm.format(**self.__dict)
- def wechat_test(request):
- if request.method == 'GET':
- token = 'misimnya'
- timestamp = request.GET.get('timestamp')
- nonce = request.GET.get('nonce')
- echostr = request.GET.get('echostr')
- signature = request.GET.get('signature')
- # 进行字典排序
- sort_list = [token, timestamp, nonce]
- sort_list.sort()
- result = hashlib.sha1((sort_list[0] + sort_list[1] + sort_list[2]).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
- # 判断参数是否相同
- if result == signature:
- return HttpResponse(echostr)
- else:
- return HttpResponse('error!')
- elif request.method == 'POST':
- # 解析发送过来的body
- webData = request.body
- xmlData = ElementTree.fromstring(webData)
- recMsg = ParseXmlMsg(xmlData)
- if recMsg.MsgType == 'text':
- toUser = recMsg.FromUserName
- fromUser = recMsg.ToUserName
- # 获取用户发送过来的消息文本
- usercontent = recMsg.Content
- # 一定要传解码的消息文本 这里获取到的是 /x84形式的
- # print(usercontent.decode('utf-8'))
- # ownthink 返回json格式数据的对象
- # 自己的机器人id userid
- ownthink_reply = requests.get('https://api.ownthink.com/bot?appid=自己的机器人id&userid=自己的userid&spoken={}'.format(usercontent.decode('utf-8')))
- # text方法获取返回json数据
- content_json = ownthink_reply.text
- answer = json.loads(content_json)
- # print(answer)
- content = answer['data']['info']['text']
- # content = 'test'
- replyMsg = TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
- return HttpResponse(content=replyMsg.send())
- elif recMsg.MsgType == 'image':
- print('暂时不做处理')
- return HttpResponse(content='success')
- def index(request):
- return render(request, "love_story.html")
g.更改setting.py将app加入 将csrf这里注释(post请求会拦截报错)用户发送的信息就是post请求过来
h.总的一句话 就是配置url 指向views里面的处理函数 也可以不加入app
参考文章:(97条消息) Centos下django项目的启动和停止(后台运行)_停止django项目_noob_python的博客-CSDN博客
由于微信对公众号的整改 5.4日起微信公众号的颜色无了 不过问题不大哈哈
如果这篇文章对你有帮助的话 就点个赞 谢谢大家~
Copyright © 2003-2013 www.wpsshop.cn 版权所有,并保留所有权利。