/*************************************************************************************************** * @file SaveImage.java * @breif Use functions provided in MvCameraControlWrapper.jar to save image as JPEG。 * @author zhanglei72 * @date 2020/02/10 * * @warning * @version V1.0.0 2020/02/10 Create this file * @since 2020/02/10 **************************************************************************************************/ import java.io.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Scanner; import MvCameraControlWrapper.*; import static MvCameraControlWrapper.MvCameraControl.*; import static MvCameraControlWrapper.MvCameraControlDefines.*; public class SaveImage { /** * 打印连接的设备信息 * 如果是通过以太网连接的相机,则会输出ip、名称等内容 * 如果是通过usb连接的相机,则会输出相机名称 */ private static void printDeviceInfo(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDeviceInfo) { if (null == stDeviceInfo) { System.out.println("stDeviceInfo is null"); return; } if (stDeviceInfo.transportLayerType == MV_GIGE_DEVICE) { System.out.println("\tCurrentIp: " + stDeviceInfo.gigEInfo.currentIp); System.out.println("\tModel: " + stDeviceInfo.gigEInfo.modelName); System.out.println("\tUserDefinedName: " + stDeviceInfo.gigEInfo.userDefinedName); } else if (stDeviceInfo.transportLayerType == MV_USB_DEVICE) { System.out.println("\tUserDefinedName: " + stDeviceInfo.usb3VInfo.userDefinedName); System.out.println("\tSerial Number: " + stDeviceInfo.usb3VInfo.serialNumber); System.out.println("\tDevice Number: " + stDeviceInfo.usb3VInfo.deviceNumber); } else { System.err.print("Device is not supported! \n"); } System.out.println("\tAccessible: " + MvCameraControl.MV_CC_IsDeviceAccessible(stDeviceInfo, MV_ACCESS_Exclusive)); System.out.println(""); } private static void printFrameInfo(MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO stFrameInfo) { if (null == stFrameInfo) { System.err.println("stFrameInfo is null"); return; } StringBuilder frameInfo = new StringBuilder(""); frameInfo.append(("\tFrameNum[" + stFrameInfo.frameNum + "]")); frameInfo.append("\tWidth[" + stFrameInfo.width + "]"); frameInfo.append("\tHeight[" + stFrameInfo.height + "]"); frameInfo.append(String.format("\tPixelType[%#x]", stFrameInfo.pixelType.getnValue())); System.out.println(frameInfo.toString()); } /** * 保存图片到本地 * 这个方法中主要是设置了文件保存的路径 */ public static void saveDataToFile(byte[] dataToSave, int dataSize, String fileName) { OutputStream os = null; try { // Create directory File tempFile = new File("dat"); if (!tempFile.exists()) { tempFile.mkdirs(); } os = new FileOutputStream(tempFile.getPath() + File.separator + fileName); os.write(dataToSave, 0, dataSize); System.out.println("SaveImage succeed."); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // Close file stream try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * 当有多个相机连接但程序只能保存一台相机拍摄的照片 * 所以需要通过此方法输入相机索引号 */ public static int chooseCamera(ArrayList<MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO> stDeviceList) { if (null == stDeviceList) { return -1; } // Choose a device to operate int camIndex = -1; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { try { /* * 手动输入 */ System.out.print("Please input camera index (-1 to quit):"); camIndex = scanner.nextInt(); if ((camIndex >= 0 && camIndex < stDeviceList.size()) || -1 == camIndex) { break; } else { System.out.println("Input error: " + camIndex); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); camIndex = -1; break; } } scanner.close(); if (-1 == camIndex) { System.out.println("Bye."); return camIndex; } if (0 <= camIndex && stDeviceList.size() > camIndex) { if (MV_GIGE_DEVICE == stDeviceList.get(camIndex).transportLayerType) { System.out.println("Connect to camera[" + camIndex + "]: " + stDeviceList.get(camIndex).gigEInfo.userDefinedName); } else if (MV_USB_DEVICE == stDeviceList.get(camIndex).transportLayerType) { System.out.println("Connect to camera[" + camIndex + "]: " + stDeviceList.get(camIndex).usb3VInfo.userDefinedName); } else { System.out.println("Device is not supported."); } } else { System.out.println("Invalid index " + camIndex); camIndex = -1; } return camIndex; } /** * 主方法 * 保存照片的代码在这里 */ public static void main(String[] args) { int nRet = MV_OK; int camIndex = -1; Handle hCamera = null; ArrayList<MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO> stDeviceList; do { System.out.println("SDK Version " + MvCameraControl.MV_CC_GetSDKVersion()); // Enuerate GigE and USB devices try { stDeviceList = MV_CC_EnumDevices(MV_GIGE_DEVICE | MV_USB_DEVICE); if (0 >= stDeviceList.size()) { System.out.println("No devices found!"); break; } int i = 0; for (MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDeviceInfo : stDeviceList) { System.out.println("[camera " + (i++) + "]"); printDeviceInfo(stDeviceInfo); } } catch (CameraControlException e) { System.err.println("Enumrate devices failed!" + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); break; } // choose camera camIndex = chooseCamera(stDeviceList); if (camIndex == -1) { break; } // Create handle try { hCamera = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_CreateHandle(stDeviceList.get(camIndex)); } catch (CameraControlException e) { System.err.println("Create handle failed!" + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); hCamera = null; break; } // Open device nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_OpenDevice(hCamera); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("Connect to camera failed, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); break; } // Make sure that trigger mode is off /* * 设置相机的触发器开关 Off On */ nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_SetEnumValueByString(hCamera, "TriggerMode", "Off"); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("SetTriggerMode failed, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); break; } // Get payload size MVCC_INTVALUE stParam = new MVCC_INTVALUE(); nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_GetIntValue(hCamera, "PayloadSize", stParam); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("Get PayloadSize fail, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); break; } // Start grabbing nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_StartGrabbing(hCamera); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("Start Grabbing fail, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); break; } // Get one frame MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO stImageInfo = new MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO(); byte[] pData = new byte[(int)stParam.curValue]; nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeout(hCamera, pData, stImageInfo, 1000); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("GetOneFrameTimeout fail, errcode:[%#x]\n", nRet); break; } System.out.println("GetOneFrame: "); printFrameInfo(stImageInfo); int imageLen = stImageInfo.width * stImageInfo.height * 3; // Every RGB pixel takes 3 bytes byte[] imageBuffer = new byte[imageLen]; // Call MV_CC_SaveImage to save image as JPEG MV_SAVE_IMAGE_PARAM stSaveParam = new MV_SAVE_IMAGE_PARAM(); stSaveParam.width = stImageInfo.width; // image width stSaveParam.height = stImageInfo.height; // image height stSaveParam.data = pData; // image data stSaveParam.dataLen = stImageInfo.frameLen; // image data length stSaveParam.pixelType = stImageInfo.pixelType; // image pixel format stSaveParam.imageBuffer = imageBuffer; // output image buffer stSaveParam.imageType = MV_SAVE_IAMGE_TYPE.MV_Image_Jpeg; // output image pixel format stSaveParam.methodValue = 0; // Interpolation method that converts Bayer format to RGB24. 0-Neareast 1-double linear 2-Hamilton stSaveParam.jpgQuality = 60; // JPG endoding quality(50-99] nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_SaveImage(hCamera, stSaveParam); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("SaveImage fail, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); break; } // Save buffer content to file /* * 将照片保存在本地,且在这里指定文件的名称 */ saveDataToFile(imageBuffer, stSaveParam.imageLen, "SaveImage.jpeg"); // Stop grabbing nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_StopGrabbing(hCamera); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("StopGrabbing fail, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); break; } } while (false); if (null != hCamera) { // Destroy handle nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_DestroyHandle(hCamera); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("DestroyHandle failed, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); } } } }
程序启动后,在控制台输出可连接的所有相机,用户输入相机索引号连接指定相机。[Camera 0]表示索引号为0。然后相机自动进行拍摄。
创建lib文件夹,将jar放入后,右击,Add as library。
<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>com.hzx.testmaven34hikvision</groupId> <artifactId>MvCameraControlWrapper</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> <scope>system</scope> <systemPath>${project.basedir}/lib/MvCameraControlWrapper.jar</systemPath> </dependency> </dependencies> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3.0.RELEASE</version> <configuration> <fork>true</fork> <includeSystemScope>true</includeSystemScope> </configuration> </plugin> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <skip>true</skip> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
public static void saveDataToFile(byte[] dataToSave, int dataSize, String fileName,String savePath) { OutputStream os = null; try { // Create directory /* * savePath参数为图片保存路径,在调用方法时通过参数传入 */ File tempFile = new File(savePath); if (!tempFile.exists()) { tempFile.mkdirs(); } os = new FileOutputStream(tempFile.getPath() + File.separator + fileName); os.write(dataToSave, 0, dataSize); /* * 图片保存成功后,输出当前时间 */ System.out.println("--- " + sfTime.format(new Date()) + " Save Image succeed ---"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // Close file stream try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public static int chooseCamera(ArrayList<MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO> stDeviceList,int camIndex) { if (null == stDeviceList) { return -1; } // Choose a device to operate //int camIndex = -1; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { try { /* * 原本需要用户输入的camIndex(相机索引),修改为调用方法时传参 * 实际值从yml文件中获取 */ //System.out.print("Please input camera index (-1 to quit):"); //camIndex = scanner.nextInt(); //camIndex = 1; if ((camIndex >= 0 && camIndex < stDeviceList.size()) || -1 == camIndex) { // System.out.println("自动连接 [camera 0]"); break; } else { System.out.println("Input error: " + camIndex); camIndex=-1; break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); camIndex = -1; break; } } scanner.close(); /** * 未修改代码省略 */ }
public static void mainImage(String savePath,Integer deleteDay,int camIndex) { int nRet = MV_OK; // int camIndex = -1; Handle hCamera = null; ArrayList<MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO> stDeviceList; boolean needConnectDevice = true; do { // Make sure that trigger mode is off /* * 设置拍照触发器开关 出发模式需要到mvs客户端中为相机设置 * 这里需要把MvCameraControl.MV_CC_SetEnumValueByString()方法第三个参数从Off改为On */ nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_SetEnumValueByString(hCamera, "TriggerMode", "On"); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("SetTriggerMode failed, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); break; } nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_SaveImage(hCamera, stSaveParam); if (MV_OK != nRet) { //System.err.printf("SaveImage fail, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); // System.out.println(sfTime.format(new Date())+" "+ nRet + " No Image Need Save..."); // break; //continue; } else { // 保存照片的方法 Save buffer content to file /** * 在这里设置照片的保存路径 */ String savePathFull = savePath+ sfSave.format(new Date())+"/"+"camera"+camIndex+"/"; saveDataToFile(imageBuffer, stSaveParam.imageLen, "SaveImage-" + sfSecond.format(new Date())+ ".jpeg",savePathFull); /* * 有新图片保存时,删除X天前保存图片的文件夹 * X的实际值,通过参数传入 */ Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(new Date()); // X天前的日期 calendar.add(Calendar.DATE,(-deleteDay)); String deleteFile = savePath+sfSave.format(calendar.getTime())+"/"; FileUtil.deleteAllFile(deleteFile); } } while (true); }
public class FileUtil { public static void deleteAllFile(String dir){ File dirFile = new File(dir); // 判断dir是否是目录且dir是否存在 if (!dirFile.exists()||(!dirFile.isDirectory())) { // System.out.println("目录:"+dir+" 不存在"); return; } // 删除文件夹中所有的文件,包括子文件夹 File[] files = dirFile.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isFile()) { // 如果是文件直接删除 files[i].delete(); }else if(files[i].isDirectory()){ // 如果是目录,则通过递归删除 deleteAllFile(files[i].getAbsolutePath()); } } // 最后删除当前文件夹 dirFile.delete(); } }
image: D:/JavaCode/testmaven34hikvision/catch-image/ #图片保存路径
deleteDay: 3 #删除X天前的图片
connectCamera: 0 #连接相机编号
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "config-info") @Component public class ApplicationYml { private String image; private String deleteDay; private String connectCamera; public ApplicationYml() { } public String getImage() { return image; } public void setImage(String image) { this.image = image; } public String getDeleteDay() { return deleteDay; } public void setDeleteDay(String deleteDay) { this.deleteDay = deleteDay; } public String getConnectCamera() { return connectCamera; } public void setConnectCamera(String connectCamera) { this.connectCamera = connectCamera; } }
@SpringBootApplication @EnableConfigurationProperties public class StartImage { private static ApplicationYml applicationYml; @Autowired public void setApplicationYml(ApplicationYml applicationYml) { this.applicationYml = applicationYml; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { SpringApplication.run(StartImage.class, args); System.out.println("image: "+applicationYml.getImage()); System.out.println("deleteDay: "+applicationYml.getDeleteDay()); System.out.println("camera: "+applicationYml.getConnectCamera()); String image = applicationYml.getImage(); SaveImage.mainImage(image,Integer.valueOf(applicationYml.getDeleteDay()),Integer.valueOf(applicationYml.getConnectCamera())); } }
public class SaveImage { private static SimpleDateFormat sfSecond = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-d_HH-mm-dd-SSS"); private static SimpleDateFormat sfTime = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); private static SimpleDateFormat sfSave = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-d"); private static void printDeviceInfo(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDeviceInfo) { if (null == stDeviceInfo) { System.out.println("stDeviceInfo is null"); return; } if (stDeviceInfo.transportLayerType == MV_GIGE_DEVICE) { System.out.println("\tCurrentIp: " + stDeviceInfo.gigEInfo.currentIp); System.out.println("\tModel: " + stDeviceInfo.gigEInfo.modelName); System.out.println("\tUserDefinedName: " + stDeviceInfo.gigEInfo.userDefinedName); } else if (stDeviceInfo.transportLayerType == MV_USB_DEVICE) { System.out.println("\tUserDefinedName: " + stDeviceInfo.usb3VInfo.userDefinedName); System.out.println("\tSerial Number: " + stDeviceInfo.usb3VInfo.serialNumber); System.out.println("\tDevice Number: " + stDeviceInfo.usb3VInfo.deviceNumber); } else { System.err.print("Device is not supported! \n"); } System.out.println("\tAccessible: " + MvCameraControl.MV_CC_IsDeviceAccessible(stDeviceInfo, MV_ACCESS_Exclusive)); System.out.println(""); } private static void printFrameInfo(MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO stFrameInfo) { if (null == stFrameInfo) { System.err.println("stFrameInfo is null"); return; } StringBuilder frameInfo = new StringBuilder(""); frameInfo.append(("\tFrameNum[" + stFrameInfo.frameNum + "]")); frameInfo.append("\tWidth[" + stFrameInfo.width + "]"); frameInfo.append("\tHeight[" + stFrameInfo.height + "]"); frameInfo.append(String.format("\tPixelType[%#x]", stFrameInfo.pixelType.getnValue())); // System.out.println(frameInfo.toString()); } public static void saveDataToFile(byte[] dataToSave, int dataSize, String fileName,String savePath) { OutputStream os = null; try { // Create directory //File tempFile = new File(imagePathFun()); File tempFile = new File(savePath); if (!tempFile.exists()) { tempFile.mkdirs(); } os = new FileOutputStream(tempFile.getPath() + File.separator + fileName); os.write(dataToSave, 0, dataSize); System.out.println("--- " + sfTime.format(new Date()) + " Save Image succeed ---"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // Close file stream try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static int chooseCamera(ArrayList<MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO> stDeviceList,int camIndex) { if (null == stDeviceList) { return -1; } // Choose a device to operate //int camIndex = -1; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { try { //System.out.print("Please input camera index (-1 to quit):"); //camIndex = scanner.nextInt(); //camIndex = 1; if ((camIndex >= 0 && camIndex < stDeviceList.size()) || -1 == camIndex) { // System.out.println("自动连接 [camera 0]"); break; } else { System.out.println("Input error: " + camIndex); camIndex=-1; break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); camIndex = -1; break; } } scanner.close(); if (-1 == camIndex) { System.out.println("Bye."); return camIndex; } if (0 <= camIndex && stDeviceList.size() > camIndex) { if (MV_GIGE_DEVICE == stDeviceList.get(camIndex).transportLayerType) { System.out.println("Connect to camera[" + camIndex + "]: " + stDeviceList.get(camIndex).gigEInfo.userDefinedName); } else if (MV_USB_DEVICE == stDeviceList.get(camIndex).transportLayerType) { System.out.println("Connect to camera[" + camIndex + "]: " + stDeviceList.get(camIndex).usb3VInfo.userDefinedName); } else { System.out.println("Device is not supported."); } } else { System.out.println("Invalid index " + camIndex); camIndex = -1; } return camIndex; } public static void mainImage(String savePath,Integer deleteDay,int camIndex) { int nRet = MV_OK; // int camIndex = -1; Handle hCamera = null; ArrayList<MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO> stDeviceList; boolean needConnectDevice = true; do { if (needConnectDevice) { System.out.println("SDK Version " + MvCameraControl.MV_CC_GetSDKVersion()); // Enuerate GigE and USB devices try { stDeviceList = MV_CC_EnumDevices(MV_GIGE_DEVICE | MV_USB_DEVICE); if (0 >= stDeviceList.size()) { System.out.println("No devices found!"); break; } int i = 0; for (MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDeviceInfo : stDeviceList) { System.out.println("[camera " + (i++) + "]"); printDeviceInfo(stDeviceInfo); } } catch (CameraControlException e) { System.err.println("Enumrate devices failed!" + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); break; } // choose camera camIndex = chooseCamera(stDeviceList,camIndex); if (camIndex == -1) { break; } // Create handle try { hCamera = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_CreateHandle(stDeviceList.get(camIndex)); } catch (CameraControlException e) { System.err.println("Create handle failed!" + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); hCamera = null; break; } // Open device nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_OpenDevice(hCamera); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("Connect to camera failed, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); break; } needConnectDevice = false; } /* 测试线路选择器 */ // Make sure that trigger mode is off nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_SetEnumValueByString(hCamera, "TriggerMode", "On"); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("SetTriggerMode failed, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); break; } // Get payload size MVCC_INTVALUE stParam = new MVCC_INTVALUE(); nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_GetIntValue(hCamera, "PayloadSize", stParam); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("Get PayloadSize fail, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); break; } // Start grabbing nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_StartGrabbing(hCamera); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("Start Grabbing fail, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); break; } // Get one frame MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO stImageInfo = new MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO(); byte[] pData = new byte[(int) stParam.curValue]; nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeout(hCamera, pData, stImageInfo, 1000); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("GetOneFrameTimeout fail, errcode:[%#x]\n", nRet); break; } // System.out.println("GetOneFrame: "); printFrameInfo(stImageInfo); int imageLen = stImageInfo.width * stImageInfo.height * 3; // Every RGB pixel takes 3 bytes byte[] imageBuffer = new byte[imageLen]; // Call MV_CC_SaveImage to save image as JPEG MV_SAVE_IMAGE_PARAM stSaveParam = new MV_SAVE_IMAGE_PARAM(); stSaveParam.width = stImageInfo.width; // image width stSaveParam.height = stImageInfo.height; // image height stSaveParam.data = pData; // image data stSaveParam.dataLen = stImageInfo.frameLen; // image data length stSaveParam.pixelType = stImageInfo.pixelType; // image pixel format stSaveParam.imageBuffer = imageBuffer; // output image buffer stSaveParam.imageType = MV_SAVE_IAMGE_TYPE.MV_Image_Jpeg; // output image pixel format stSaveParam.methodValue = 0; // Interpolation method that converts Bayer format to RGB24. 0-Neareast 1-double linear 2-Hamilton stSaveParam.jpgQuality = 60; // JPG endoding quality(50-99] nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_SaveImage(hCamera, stSaveParam); if (MV_OK != nRet) { //System.err.printf("SaveImage fail, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); // System.out.println(sfTime.format(new Date())+" "+ nRet + " No Image Need Save..."); // break; //continue; } else { // 保存照片的方法 Save buffer content to file String savePathFull = savePath+ sfSave.format(new Date())+"/"+"camera"+camIndex+"/"; saveDataToFile(imageBuffer, stSaveParam.imageLen, "SaveImage-" + sfSecond.format(new Date())+ ".jpeg",savePathFull); // 有新图片保存时,删除X天前保存图片的文件夹 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(new Date()); // X天前的日期 calendar.add(Calendar.DATE,(-deleteDay)); String deleteFile = savePath+sfSave.format(calendar.getTime())+"/"; FileUtil.deleteAllFile(deleteFile); } // Stop grabbing nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_StopGrabbing(hCamera); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("StopGrabbing fail, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); break; } // try { // Thread.sleep(1000); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } } while (true); if (null != hCamera) { // Destroy handle nRet = MvCameraControl.MV_CC_DestroyHandle(hCamera); if (MV_OK != nRet) { System.err.printf("DestroyHandle failed, errcode: [%#x]\n", nRet); } } } /** * 根据年月日计算图片的路径 * @return */ private static String imagePathFun(){ SimpleDateFormat sfDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-d"); return "/home/hello/MVS/catch_image/"+sfDate.format(new Date())+"/"; } }
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