- if action == 'jenkins':
- # 获取主机地址
- host = request.get_host()
- response_data = {'kind': 'JenkinsInfo.get', 'msg': 'jenkins任务构建信息入库', 'status': 200, 'param': ''}
- data = request.GET
- jenkins_name = data.get('jenkins_name', '')
- if jenkins_name in JENKINS.keys():
- jenkins_info = JENKINS[jenkins_name]
- else:
- response_data.update({
- 'param': '参数无效',
- 'status': 403
- })
- return JsonResponse(response_data, status=response_data['status'])
- # 连接jenkins
- server = self.to_jenkins(jenkins_info)
- all_jobs = server.get_jobs()
- job_name_list = [x.get('name') for x in all_jobs]
- cmdb_job = {}
- # 获取cmdb中的app_name
- cmdb_apps = AppBasisNew.objects.filter(**{'status': '已上线'}).values('app_name')
- app_name_list = [x.get('app_name') for x in cmdb_apps]
- # 判断cmdb中app是否在jenkins中
- env_list = ['archive-PRE-', 'PRE-', 'bak-PRE-', 'ARCHIVE-PRE-', 'BAK-PRE-']
- if app_name_list and job_name_list:
- for app_name in app_name_list:
- for env in env_list:
- if env+app_name in job_name_list:
- cmdb_job[env+app_name] = app_name
- if cmdb_job:
- job_str = str(cmdb_job).replace("{'", "").replace("'}", "").replace("', '", " ").replace("': '", "\|")
- res = os.popen(f"for job in {job_str}; do curl -G http://{host}/jenkins/pre/to_db?"f"jenkins_name={jenkins_name}\&job_name=$job & done").read()
- res_str = res.replace('}{', '}, {').join('[]')
- res_json = json.loads(res_str)
- response_data.update({
- 'param': res_json
- })
- else:
- response_data.update({
- 'param': 'jenkins与cmdb无匹配数据'
- })
- return JsonResponse(response_data, status=response_data['status'])
- if action == 'to_db':
- data = request.GET
- jenkins_name = data['jenkins_name']
- job_name = data['job_name'].split('|')[0]
- project_name = data['job_name'].split('|')[1]
- server = self.to_jenkins(JENKINS[jenkins_name])
- build_info_list = []
- # 最新jenkins项目的构建时间
- last_timestamp = 0
- # 连接influxdb
- db_client = self.to_influxdb()
- try:
- job_info = server.get_job_info(job_name)
- except jenkins.JenkinsException:
- db_client.close()
- return JsonResponse({f'{jenkins_name}': f'{job_name} fail'})
- if job_info.get('builds'):
- # 获取该工程名每次构筑的时间:
- res = db_client.query(f"select max(build_time) from pre_job_info "
- f"where project_name::tag='{project_name}' and from_jenkins='{jenkins_name}'")
- last_time = 0
- if res:
- last_time = [x[u'max'] for x in res.get_points()][0]
- for job_build in range(1, len(job_info['builds'])+1):
- job_time = job_info['builds'][-job_build]['number']
- try:
- build_info = server.get_build_info(job_name, job_time)
- except jenkins.JenkinsException:
- db_client.close()
- return JsonResponse({f'{jenkins_name}': f'{job_name} fail'})
- if build_info.get('timestamp') // 1000 <= last_time:
- break
- if job_build == 1:
- last_timestamp = build_info.get('timestamp')//1000
- build_info_dict = ToDict().return_dic(build_info)
- # 控制台输出
- build_output = server.get_build_console_output(job_name, job_time)
- build_out_list = build_output.split('\n')
- build_agent_name = 'null'
- project_path = 'null'
- if jenkins_name == 'JENKINS_PRE1' or jenkins_name == 'JENKINS_PRE3':
- res_info = ''
- for i in build_out_list:
- if 'Running on' in i:
- res_info = i
- if res_info:
- build_agent_name = res_info.split()[-3]
- project_path = res_info.split()[-1]
- if jenkins_name == 'JENKINS_PRE2':
- project_path = build_out_list[1].split()[-1]
- build_agent_name = build_info_dict.get('builtOn')
- if job_info.get('lastStableBuild'):
- last_stable_build = job_info['lastStableBuild']['number']
- else:
- last_stable_build = 0
- if job_info.get('lastSuccessfulBuild'):
- last_successful_build = job_info['lastSuccessfulBuild']['number']
- else:
- last_successful_build = 0
- if build_info_dict.get('actions_lastBuiltRevision_branch_name'):
- build_branch_name = build_info_dict.get(
- 'actions_lastBuiltRevision_branch_name')
- code_version = build_info_dict.get(
- 'actions_lastBuiltRevision_branch_SHA1')
- else:
- build_branch_name = build_info_dict.get('changeSet_revisions_module', 'null')
- code_version = str(build_info_dict.get('changeSet_revisions_revision', 'null'))
- if build_info_dict.get('result') == 'SUCCESS':
- build_successful = True
- else:
- build_successful = False
- if build_info_dict.get('actions_parameters_name1') == 'Fabu_Type':
- fabu_type = build_info_dict.get('actions_parameters_value1')
- else:
- fabu_type = build_info_dict.get('actions_parameters_value2', 'all-in-one')
- res = {'measurement': 'pre_job_info',
- 'tags': {
- 'project_name': project_name,
- 'build_result': build_info_dict.get('result'),
- 'project_path': project_path
- },
- 'time': datetime.fromtimestamp(build_info_dict.get('timestamp') // 1000),
- 'fields': {
- 'build_agent_name': build_agent_name,
- 'build_branch_name': build_branch_name,
- 'build_causer': build_info_dict.get('actions_causes_userName'),
- 'build_exec_time': build_info_dict.get('duration') // 1000,
- 'build_measured_time': int(datetime.now().timestamp()),
- 'build_number': build_info_dict.get('id'),
- 'build_result': build_info_dict.get('result'),
- 'build_result_ordinal': build_info_dict.get('queueId'),
- 'build_scheduled_time': build_info_dict.get('estimatedDuration') // 1000,
- 'build_status_message': build_info_dict.get('building'),
- 'build_successful': build_successful,
- 'build_time': build_info_dict.get('timestamp') // 1000,
- 'last_stable_build': last_stable_build,
- 'last_successful_build': last_successful_build,
- 'project_build_health': job_info['healthReport'][0]['score'],
- 'project_name': project_name,
- 'project_path': project_path,
- 'Code_Version': code_version,
- 'Fabu_Type': fabu_type,
- 'from_jenkins': jenkins_name
- },
- }
- build_info_list.append(res)
- if build_info_list:
- db_client.write_points(build_info_list)
- else:
- db_client.close()
- return JsonResponse({f'{jenkins_name}': f'{job_name} has no new data'})
- # 数据入库验证
- new_res = db_client.query(f"select build_number from pre_job_info "
- f"where project_name::tag='{project_name}' and build_time={last_timestamp}")
- if new_res:
- db_client.close()
- return JsonResponse({f'{jenkins_name}': f'{job_name} success'})
- db_client.close()
- return JsonResponse({f'{jenkins_name}': f'{job_name} fail'})
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