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怎样关闭浏览器文件下载安全病毒中检测功能_virus detected弹窗

virus detected弹窗


以为是浏览器的问题,用 chrome、Edge、firefox 三种浏览器下载均失败。
尝试关闭了所有浏览器安全防护也不行,无奈线上搜索寻找方案。幸运的是搜索到一篇来自 minitool.com 的文章

How Can You Fix Failed Virus Detected Error in Google Chrome?

Google Detected Virus
When performing a download task in Google Chrome, the error “failed virus detected” may appear. This is because Windows Defender is protecting your system from a potentially malicious download.

Antivirus software plays an important role in safeguarding your system from security threats and it can block you from downloading untrusted software. In spite of this, sometimes you may receive misinformation.

This means that your antivirus tool may wrongly indicate there is malware in the downloaded file. Although the file is from a legal source, the browser like Google Chrome will prevent the download by sending an alert message to you.

If you are quite sure about the authenticity of the source of the downloaded file, you can try some measures to delete the Chrome virus detected error. Now, let’s see some methods you can try.

from: https://www.minitool.com/news/failed-virus-detected.html

文章说浏览器是背锅侠,幕后老板是 Windows Defender 服务,它阻止了这一切。
就是说当浏览器下载完毕后,Windows Defender 开始检测,当它认为下载文件有危险时,会隔离或删除该文件。
Win + R - services.msc 打开服务,找到有以下两个服务处于开启状态。
1. Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service
2. Microsoft Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service

凡事肯定有控制源,那就去 Windows 安全中心。以 Windows 10 家庭中文版为例,步骤如下:
一、Win + i;
二、Windows 设置 - 更新与安全;
三、Windows 安全中心;
四、病毒和威胁防护 - 【病毒和威胁防护】设置 - 管理设置;
五、【病毒和威胁防护】设置 - 实时保护 - 关闭。

