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【uniapp,样式,登录】【微信小程序】获取用户昵称和头像 新规则 写法,以及获取手机号登录_uni 小程序获取用户昵称

uni 小程序获取用户昵称


	<view class="">
		<view class="content">
			<view class="login-item">
				<view class="logo"><open-data type="userAvatarUrl"></open-data></view>
			<view class="login-tip">
				<view v-if="type==1">获得你的公开信息 (昵称、头像等)</view>
			<view class="u-flex u-row-between">
				<!-- #ifdef MP-WEIXIN -->
				<u-button hover-class="none" shape="circle" @click="handleRefuse" 
					:custom-style="{ width: '90%',marginRight: '10px'  }" v-if="type==1">拒绝</u-button>
				<u-button v-if="type==1" hover-class="none" type="primary" shape="circle" :custom-style="{ width: '90%'}"
					@click="getnickshow=true" >
				<u-button v-if="type==2" hover-class="none" type="primary" shape="circle" open-type="getPhoneNumber"
					@getphonenumber='getphonenumber' :custom-style="{ width: '90%' }">
				<!-- #endif -->

		<u-popup mode="bottom" :show="getnickshow" @close="getnickshow = false">
			<view class="getnickbox">
				<view class="flex_align_center">
					<image :src="project.logo" class="logoimg" mode="aspectFit"></image>
					<view class="name">
				<view class="m1 mt30">获取你的头像、昵称</view>
				<view class="m2">展示个人信息</view>
				<view class="xin1">
					<button type="default" class=" buttoncss" open-type="chooseAvatar" @chooseavatar="chooseavatar">
						<view class=" toubox">
							<view class="t1">头像</view>
							<view v-if="avatar == ''" class="avatarbox">
								<u-icon name="account-fill" size="50" color="#999"></u-icon>
							<image v-else :src="avatar" class="avatarimg"></image>
						<u-icon name="arrow-right" size="25" color="#999"></u-icon>
				<view class="nick">
					<view class="n1">昵称:</view>
					<input type="nickname" v-model="nickname" placeholder="请输入昵称">
				<view class="fixedBtn wan">
					<button size="mini" open-type="getUserInfo" @click="getUserInfo" class="btn">完成</button>


import baseUrl from "@/api/baseUrl.js"
export default {
	data() {
		return {
			getnickshow: false,
			type: 1, // 1获取昵称头像 2获取手机号 
			project: {
				name: '',
				logo: '',
			nickname: '',
			avatar: '',
	onShow() {
		// 获取项目的 logo 和 名称
			success: (res) => {
				this.project.name = res.appName
		this.project.logo = __wxConfig.accountInfo.icon
	methods: {
		handleRefuse() {
			setTimeout(() => {
					type: 'back'
			}, 1000);
		getCode: async function() {
			return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
					// #ifdef MP-ALIPAY
					scopes: 'auth_user',
					// #endif
					success: function(res) {
						if (res.code) {
						} else {
					fail: function(res) {
		//用户授权得到用户的信息 微信授权
		// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN

		// 选择用户头像, 重点, 得调用下上传图片接口
		chooseavatar(e) {
			let that = this;
				url: baseUrl + 'upload',
				filePath: e.detail.avatarUrl,
				name: 'file',
				formData: {
					file: e.detail.avatarUrl
				header: {},
				success: r => {
					let imgData = JSON.parse(r.data)
					that.avatar = imgData.url;

		async getUserInfo() {
			let that = this;
			if (this.avatar == "") {
					title: '请选择头像',
					icon: 'none'
			if (this.nickname == "") {
					title: '请编辑用户昵称或昵称不能使用特殊字符',
					icon: 'none'
			this.getnickshow = false;
			this.type = 2;

		// 获取手机号 登录
		getphonenumber(e) {
			console.log(e, '手机号')
			var detail = e.detail;
			let that = this;
			if (detail.errMsg == "getPhoneNumber:ok") {
					scopes: 'weixin',
					success: function(res) {
						if (res.code) {
							let data = {
								nickName: that.nickname,
								avatarUrl: that.avatar,
								url: baseUrl + 'login', //调用登录接口
								method: 'POST',
								header: {
								data: data,
								success(e) {
									if(e.data.code == 0){
									uni.setStorageSync('id', e.data.data.id); // 存储用户id
									let pages = getCurrentPages();
									let level = pages.length > 2 && (pages[pages.length - 2].route.indexOf("wxlogin") > -1) ? 2 : 1;
										type: 'back',
										delta: level
								} else {
							fail(e) {
									icon: 'none',
									title: '网络错误!'
			} else {
		// #endif

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	.login-item {
		display: flex;
		justify-content: center;
		padding-bottom: 40rpx;
		border-bottom: 1rpx solid #dddddd;

	.logo {
		display: block;
		width: 180rpx;
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		border-radius: 50%;
		overflow: hidden;
		border: 2px solid #fff;
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	// 微信授权新规则
	.getnickbox {
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			width: 50rpx;
			height: 50rpx;

		.name {
			margin-left: 20rpx;

			text {
				margin-left: 10rpx;

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			padding-bottom: 30rpx;
			border-bottom: 1rpx solid #f2f2f2;
			color: #999;
			padding-top: 10rpx;
			font-size: 24rpx;

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			border-bottom: 1rpx solid #f2f2f2;
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