仿真中的carry4 除第一级外,其他的carry4输出到输入延迟固定都是53ps,但是这是4个进位的延迟时间,只是vivado仿真工具有限制,且需要后仿真。
module tdc_top#( parameter STAGE = 200, parameter GAP_BITS = 8 )( input wire sg_start, input wire clk_sys, input wire reset , output wire cs_gap, output wire [GAP_BITS-1:0] value_gap ); wire clk_bufg; clk_wiz_0 clk_wiz_0_inst( .clk_out1(clk_bufg), .clk_in1(clk_sys) ); wire valid_pre; wire valid; wire [STAGE-1:0] value_latch; wire bin_cs; wire [GAP_BITS-1:0] bin; wire sg_bufr; BUFR #( .BUFR_DIVIDE("BYPASS"), // Values: "BYPASS, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8" .SIM_DEVICE("7SERIES") // Must be set to "7SERIES" ) BUFR_INST ( .O(sg_bufr), // 1-bit output: Clock output port .CE(1'b1), // 1-bit input: Active high, clock enable (Divided modes only) .CLR(1'b0), // 1-bit input: Active high, asynchronous clear (Divided modes only) .I(sg_start) // 1-bit input: Clock buffer input driven by an IBUF, MMCM or local interconnect ); FDCE #( .INIT(1'b0) // Initial value of register (1'b0 or 1'b1) ) FDCE_INST2 ( .Q(valid_pre), // 1-bit Data output .C(clk_bufg), // 1-bit Clock input .CE(1'b1), // 1-bit Clock enable input .CLR(1'b0), // 1-bit Asynchronous clear input .D(sg_bufr) // 1-bit Data input ); FDCE #( .INIT(1'b0) // Initial value of register (1'b0 or 1'b1) ) FDCE_INST3 ( .Q(valid), // 1-bit Data output .C(clk_bufg), // 1-bit Clock input .CE(1'b1), // 1-bit Clock enable input .CLR(1'b0), // 1-bit Asynchronous clear input .D(valid_pre) // 1-bit Data input ); line_tdc#( .STAGE (STAGE) ) line_tdc_inst( .sg_start (sg_bufr), .clk_bufg (clk_bufg), .reset (reset), .value_latch (value_latch) ); latch2bin#( .GAP_BITS (GAP_BITS) ) latch2bin_inst( .clk_bufg (clk_bufg), .reset (reset), .valid (valid), .value_latch (value_latch), .bin_cs (cs_gap), .bin (value_gap) );
module line_tdc#( parameter STAGE = 256 )( input wire sg_start, input wire clk_bufg, input wire reset, output wire [STAGE - 1:0] value_latch ); wire [STAGE - 1:0] dat_reg0; wire [STAGE - 1:0] dat_reg1; genvar i; generate for (i = 0; i <= STAGE/4 - 1; i = i+1) begin if(i == 0) begin :carry4_first CARRY4 CARRY4_INST ( .CO (dat_reg0[3:0]), // 4-bit carry out .O (), // 4-bit carry chain XOR data out .CI (1'b0), // 1-bit carry cascade input .CYINIT (sg_start), // 1-bit carry initialization .DI (4'b0000), // 4-bit carry-MUX data in .S (4'b1111) // 4-bit carry-MUX select input ); end if (i > 0) begin :carry4_others CARRY4 CARRY4_OTHERS ( .CO (dat_reg0[4*(i+1)-1:4*i]), // 4-bit carry out .O (), // 4-bit carry chain XOR data out .CI (dat_reg0[4*i-1]), // 1-bit carry cascade input .CYINIT (1'b0), // 1-bit carry initialization .DI (4'b0000), // 4-bit carry-MUX data in .S (4'b1111) // 4-bit carry-MUX select input ); end end endgenerate genvar j; generate for (j = 0; j <= STAGE - 1; j = j+1) begin:loop_fdre FDRE #( .INIT (1'b0) // Initial value of register (1'b0 or 1'b1) ) FDRE_INST0 ( .Q (dat_reg1[j]), // 1-bit Data output .C (clk_bufg), // 1-bit Clock input .CE (1'b1), // 1-bit Clock enable input .R (reset), // 1-bit Synchronous reset input .D (dat_reg0[j]) // 1-bit Data input ); FDRE #( .INIT (1'b0) // Initial value of register (1'b0 or 1'b1) ) FDRE_INST1 ( .Q (value_latch[j]), // 1-bit Data output .C (clk_bufg), // 1-bit Clock input .CE (1'b1), // 1-bit Clock enable input .R (reset), // 1-bit Synchronous reset input .D (dat_reg1[j]) // 1-bit Data input ); end endgenerate endmodule
module latch2bin#( parameter GAP_BITS = 8 )( input wire clk_bufg, input wire reset, input wire valid, input wire [(2**GAP_BITS)-1:0] value_latch, output reg bin_cs, output reg [GAP_BITS-1:0] bin ); (* dont_touch="true" *)reg [(2**GAP_BITS)-2:0] decoding [0:GAP_BITS-4]; (* dont_touch="true" *)reg [GAP_BITS:0] binary [0:GAP_BITS-3]; (* dont_touch="true" *)reg [GAP_BITS-2:0] data_valid; (* dont_touch="true" *)reg [15:0] decode_final; (* dont_touch="true" *)reg [GAP_BITS-1:0] bin_final; (* dont_touch="true" *)reg [3:0] ones; (* dont_touch="true" *)reg [GAP_BITS:0] binary_r; always@(*) begin decoding[0] = value_latch[(2**GAP_BITS)-2:0]; data_valid[0] <= valid; end genvar i; generate for (i = 0; i <= GAP_BITS-5; i = i+1) begin always@(posedge clk_bufg) begin if(reset) begin decoding[i+1] <= 'd0; binary[i+1] <= 1'b0; data_valid[i+1] <= 1'b0; end else begin binary[i+1][GAP_BITS:GAP_BITS-1-i] <= {binary[i][GAP_BITS:GAP_BITS-i],decoding[i][((2**(GAP_BITS-i))-2)/2]}; data_valid[i+1] <= data_valid[i]; if(decoding[i][((2**(GAP_BITS-i))-2)/2]==1'b1) begin decoding[i+1][((2**(GAP_BITS-i))-2)/2-1:0] <= decoding[i][((2**(GAP_BITS-i))-2):((2**(GAP_BITS-i))-2)/2+1]; end else begin decoding[i+1][((2**(GAP_BITS-i))-2)/2-1:0] <= decoding[i][((2**(GAP_BITS-i))-2)/2-1:0]; end end end end endgenerate always@(posedge clk_bufg) begin if(reset) begin ones <= 4'd0; data_valid[GAP_BITS-3] <= 1'b0; binary[GAP_BITS-3] <= 'd0; bin_final <= 'd0; end else begin ones <= decoding[GAP_BITS-4][0] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][1] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][2] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][3] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][4] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][5] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][6] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][7] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][8] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][9] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][10] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][11] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][12] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][13] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][14] + decoding[GAP_BITS-4][15]; data_valid[GAP_BITS-3] <= data_valid[GAP_BITS-4]; binary[GAP_BITS-3] <= {binary[GAP_BITS-4][GAP_BITS-1:4],4'b0}; data_valid[GAP_BITS-2] <= data_valid[GAP_BITS-3]; bin_final <= {binary[GAP_BITS-3][GAP_BITS-1:4],ones[3:0]}; end end always@(posedge clk_bufg) begin if(reset) begin bin_cs <= 1'b0; bin <= 'b0; end else begin if(data_valid[GAP_BITS-2] == 1'b1) begin bin_cs <= 1'b1; bin <= bin_final; end else begin bin_cs <= 1'b0; bin <= 'b0; end end end endmodule
module tb_tdc_top; reg clk_sys; reg sg_start; reg reset; wire [7:0] value_gap; tdc_top tdc_top_inst( .sg_start (sg_start), .clk_sys (clk_sys), .reset (reset), .value_gap (value_gap) ); initial begin clk_sys = 0; sg_start = 0; reset = 1; #1000; reset = 0; #116; sg_start = 1; #3; sg_start = 0; end always #(5) clk_sys = ~clk_sys; endmodule
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD21 [get_ports reset] set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE23 [get_ports sg_start] set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD23 [get_ports clk_sys] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {value_gap[7]}] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {value_gap[6]}] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {value_gap[5]}] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {value_gap[4]}] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {value_gap[3]}] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {value_gap[2]}] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {value_gap[1]}] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {value_gap[0]}] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports cs_gap] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports reset] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports sg_start] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports clk_sys] set_property LOC SLICE_X0Y0 [get_cells line_tdc_inst/genblk1[0].carry4_first.CARRY4_INST]
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