修改思路:以已有的Albert+CRF模型代码为基础,参考网上的Albert+BiLSTM+CRF模型,稍加修改即可。值得注意的,无非是“三种模型”之间的数据传递类型,比如,将Albert模型训练得到的embedding,传入BiLSTM(参考:ALBERT+BiLSTM+CRF实现序列标注 - 光彩照人 - 博客园)。
- import numpy as np
- from bert4keras.backend import keras, K
- from bert4keras.models import build_transformer_model
- from bert4keras.tokenizers import Tokenizer
- from bert4keras.optimizers import Adam
- from bert4keras.snippets import sequence_padding, DataGenerator
- from bert4keras.snippets import open, ViterbiDecoder
- from bert4keras.layers import ConditionalRandomField
- from keras.layers import Dense
- from keras.models import Model
- from tqdm import tqdm
- from tensorflow import ConfigProto
- from tensorflow import InteractiveSession
- from numpy import array
- from keras.models import Sequential
- from keras.layers import LSTM
- from keras.layers import Dense
- from keras.layers import Bidirectional
- from keras.layers import Dropout
- from keras.layers import TimeDistributed
- from keras_contrib.layers import CRF
- from keras_contrib.losses import crf_loss
- from keras_contrib.metrics import crf_accuracy, crf_viterbi_accuracy
- config = ConfigProto()
- # config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.2
- config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
- session = InteractiveSession(config=config)
- maxlen = 256
- epochs = 1#10
- batch_size = 16
- bert_layers = 12
- learing_rate = 1e-5 # bert_layers越小,学习率应该要越大
- crf_lr_multiplier = 10 # 必要时扩大CRF层的学习率#1000
- # # bert配置
- # config_path = './bert_model/chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json'
- # checkpoint_path = './bert_model/chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_model.ckpt'
- # dict_path = './bert_model/chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt'
- #albert配置
- config_path = './bert_model/albert_large/albert_config.json'
- checkpoint_path = './bert_model/albert_large/model.ckpt-best'
- dict_path = './bert_model/albert_large/vocab_chinese.txt'
- def load_data(filename):
- D = []
- with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f:
- f = f.read()
- for l in f.split('\n\n'):
- if not l:
- continue
- d, last_flag = [], ''
- for c in l.split('\n'):
- char, this_flag = c.split(' ')
- if this_flag == 'O' and last_flag == 'O':
- d[-1][0] += char
- elif this_flag == 'O' and last_flag != 'O':
- d.append([char, 'O'])
- elif this_flag[:1] == 'B':
- d.append([char, this_flag[2:]])
- else:
- d[-1][0] += char
- last_flag = this_flag
- D.append(d)
- return D
- # 标注数据
- train_data = load_data('./data/example.train')
- valid_data = load_data('./data/example.dev')
- test_data = load_data('./data/example.test')
- # 建立分词器
- tokenizer = Tokenizer(dict_path, do_lower_case=True)
- # 类别映射
- labels = ['PER', 'LOC', 'ORG']
- id2label = dict(enumerate(labels))
- label2id = {j: i for i, j in id2label.items()}
- num_labels = len(labels) * 2 + 1
- class data_generator(DataGenerator):
- """数据生成器
- """
- def __iter__(self, random=False):
- batch_token_ids, batch_segment_ids, batch_labels = [], [], []
- for is_end, item in self.sample(random):
- token_ids, labels = [tokenizer._token_start_id], [0]
- for w, l in item:
- w_token_ids = tokenizer.encode(w)[0][1:-1]
- if len(token_ids) + len(w_token_ids) < maxlen:
- token_ids += w_token_ids
- if l == 'O':
- labels += [0] * len(w_token_ids)
- else:
- B = label2id[l] * 2 + 1
- I = label2id[l] * 2 + 2
- labels += ([B] + [I] * (len(w_token_ids) - 1))
- else:
- break
- token_ids += [tokenizer._token_end_id]
- labels += [0]
- segment_ids = [0] * len(token_ids)
- batch_token_ids.append(token_ids)
- batch_segment_ids.append(segment_ids)
- batch_labels.append(labels)
- if len(batch_token_ids) == self.batch_size or is_end:
- batch_token_ids = sequence_padding(batch_token_ids)
- batch_segment_ids = sequence_padding(batch_segment_ids)
- batch_labels = sequence_padding(batch_labels)
- yield [batch_token_ids, batch_segment_ids], batch_labels
- batch_token_ids, batch_segment_ids, batch_labels = [], [], []
- """
- 后面的代码使用的是bert类型的模型,如果你用的是albert,那么前几行请改为:
- """
- model = build_transformer_model(
- config_path,
- checkpoint_path,
- model='albert',
- )
- output_layer = 'Transformer-FeedForward-Norm'
- albert_output = model.get_layer(output_layer).get_output_at(bert_layers - 1)
- lstm = Bidirectional(LSTM(units=128, return_sequences=True), name="bi_lstm")(albert_output)
- drop = Dropout(0.1, name="dropout")(lstm)
- dense = TimeDistributed(Dense(num_labels, activation="softmax"), name="time_distributed")(drop)
- output = Dense(num_labels)(dense)
- CRF = ConditionalRandomField(lr_multiplier=crf_lr_multiplier)
- output = CRF(output)
- model = Model(model.input, output)
- model.summary()
- model.compile(
- loss=CRF.sparse_loss,
- optimizer=Adam(learing_rate),
- metrics=[CRF.sparse_accuracy]
- )
- class NamedEntityRecognizer(ViterbiDecoder):
- """命名实体识别器
- """
- def recognize(self,text):
- tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
- while len(tokens) > 512:
- tokens.pop(-2)
- mapping = tokenizer.rematch(text, tokens)
- token_ids = tokenizer.tokens_to_ids(tokens)
- segment_ids = [0] * len(token_ids)
- nodes = model.predict([[token_ids], [segment_ids]])[0]
- labels = self.decode(nodes)
- entities, starting = [], False
- for i, label in enumerate(labels):
- if label > 0:
- if label % 2 == 1:
- starting = True
- entities.append([[i], id2label[(label - 1) // 2]])
- elif starting:
- entities[-1][0].append(i)
- else:
- starting = False
- else:
- starting = False
- return [(text[mapping[w[0]][0]:mapping[w[-1]][-1] + 1], l)
- for w, l in entities]
- def evaluate(data):
- """评测函数
- """
- X, Y, Z = 1e-10, 1e-10, 1e-10
- for d in tqdm(data):
- text = ''.join([i[0] for i in d])
- R = set(NER.recognize(text))
- T = set([tuple(i) for i in d if i[1] != 'O'])
- X += len(R & T)
- Y += len(R)
- Z += len(T)
- f1, precision, recall = 2 * X / (Y + Z), X / Y, X / Z
- return f1, precision, recall
- class Evaluate(keras.callbacks.Callback):
- def __init__(self):
- self.best_val_f1 = 0
- def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
- trans = K.eval(CRF.trans)
- NER.trans = trans
- print(NER.trans)
- f1, precision, recall = evaluate(valid_data)
- # 保存最优
- if f1 >= self.best_val_f1:
- self.best_val_f1 = f1
- model.save_weights('best_model.weights')
- print(
- 'valid: f1: %.5f, precision: %.5f, recall: %.5f, best f1: %.5f\n' %
- (f1, precision, recall, self.best_val_f1)
- )
- f1, precision, recall = evaluate(test_data)
- print(
- 'test: f1: %.5f, precision: %.5f, recall: %.5f\n' %
- (f1, precision, recall)
- )
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- evaluator = Evaluate()
- train_generator = data_generator(train_data, batch_size)
- model.fit_generator(
- train_generator.forfit(),
- steps_per_epoch=len(train_generator),
- epochs=epochs,
- callbacks=[evaluator]
- )
- else:
- model.load_weights('best_model.weights')
2021/3/11:今早,查看Albert+BiLSTM+CRF模型运行结果,发现其精度很低,仅为0.8左右。然而,使用同样的数据,Albert+CRF模型精度在0.95以上。→→→思考其中原因,尝试调整代码:①尝试调整LSTM相关参数(dropout),甚至去除dropout,皆无改善。②尝试去除dropout与。dropout的作用?防止模型过拟合,但我认为,其使用需要看场景,参考:为什么模型加入dropout层后变得更差了?最后dense层的作用?我认为,可以将其理解为分类输出层,因此模型中有CRF用于输出转换,故可能不需要dens层。参考:LSTM模型后增加Dense(全连接)层的目的是什么? →→→去除下面代码后两行后,Albert+BiLSTM+CRF模型精度在0.95以上。至于模型原理,待深究。
- lstm = Bidirectional(LSTM(units=128, return_sequences=True), name="bi_lstm")(albert_output)
- #drop = Dropout(0.2, name="dropout")(lstm)
- #dense = TimeDistributed(Dense(num_labels, activation="softmax"), name="time_distributed")(drop)
2021/3/12:上午,一直在尝试Python读写文件,如此简单之事,竟耗费我两小时之久。原因:总是报错'open' object has no attribute 'readlines'。解决思路:新建一个py文件,在里面进行读写操作,可行。然而,同样的语句,在Albert+BiLSTM+CRF模型py文件中,不可行。→这说明,语句本身没错,可能是Albert+BiLSTM+CRF模型py文件中变量/函数等名称与读写语句冲突。→的确如此,Albert+BiLSTM+CRF模型py文件的开头,有“from bert4keras.snippets import open, ViterbiDecoder”,此"open"非彼"open"。
- model.load_weights('best_model.weights')
- NER = NamedEntityRecognizer(trans=K.eval(CRF.trans), starts=[0], ends=[0])
- r = open("D:\Asian elephant\gao A_geography_NER\A_geography_NER\data\\result.txt", 'w')
- with open("D:\Asian elephant\gao A_geography_NER\A_geography_NER\data\\t.txt",'r',encoding='utf-8') as tt:
- content = tt.readlines()
- for line in content:
- ner=NER.recognize(line)
- print(ner,file=r)
结果LOW:epoch 1 →1304/1304:loss: 3.9929 - sparse_accuracy: 0.9648,test: f1: 0.13333, precision: 0.41176, recall: 0.07955,valid: f1: 0.15493, precision: 0.64706, recall: 0.08800, best f1: 0.15493
epoch 2→1304/1304:loss: 0.5454 - sparse_accuracy: 0.9849,test: f1: 0.25455, precision: 0.63636, recall: 0.15909,valid: f1: 0.18919, precision: 0.60870, recall: 0.11200, best f1: 0.18919
epoch 3→test与valid的precision达0.7以上
- maxlen = 256 #文本保留的最大长度
- epochs = 3 #迭代次数
- batch_size = 16 #训练时,每次传入模型的特征数量
- bert_layers = 12
- learing_rate = 1e-5 # bert_layers越小,学习率应该要越大
- crf_lr_multiplier = 1000 # 必要时扩大CRF层的学习率#1000
2021/3/15:新增一些自己标注的数据,而后,程序又报错。错误原因:类似于2021/3/13那次报错原因,仍是数据里的格式问题(字符/空格/换行符多余或缺失),但本次错误更为细致——文件末尾两个换行符的缺失,而这两个换行符十分重要(见代码中的for l in f.split('\n\n'): #查找双换行符)。解决方案:仍是对比正确数据VS我的报错数据,①以为是数据中空格的问题(上次是此原因报错),就一直纠结空格;②对比的所谓“正确数据”并非原始的、真正正确的数据,导致迟迟未能解决。
- def load_data(filename): #加载标注数据:训练集、测试集与验证集
- D = []
- with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: #打开并读取文件内容
- f = f.read() #读取文件全部内容
- for l in f.split('\n\n'): #查找双换行符
- if not l: #若无双换行符
- continue #跳出本次循环,可执行下一次 (而break是跳出整个循环)
- d, last_flag = [], ''
- for c in l.split('\n'): #查找换行符
- char, this_flag = c.split(' ')
- if this_flag == 'O' and last_flag == 'O':
- d[-1][0] += char
- elif this_flag == 'O' and last_flag != 'O':
- d.append([char, 'O'])
- elif this_flag[:1] == 'B': #从索引0开始取,到1,但不包括1(即标注首字母为B)
- d.append([char, this_flag[2:]]) #从索引2开始取,char竖着到最后,如“梁子老寨”每个字的标注都非O,输出('梁子老寨', 'LOC')。
- else:
- d[-1][0] += char #若无换行符,
- last_flag = this_flag
- D.append(d)
- return D
- #结果格式:[('良子', 'LOC'), ('勐乃通达', 'LOC'), ('梁子老寨', 'LOC'), ('黑山', 'LOC'), ('黑山', 'LOC'), ('勐乃通达', 'LOC')]
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