最近,来自沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学的研究团队开源了GPT-4的平民版 MiniGPT-4。他们认为,GPT-4 具有先进的多模态生成能力的主要原因在于利用了更先进的大型语言模型(LLM)。为了研究这一现象,他们提出了 MiniGPT-4。
MiniGPT-4 仅使用一个投影层将一个冻结的视觉编码器(BLIP-2)与一个冻结的 LLM(Vicuna)对齐。
MiniGPT-4 产生了许多类似于 GPT-4 中新兴的视觉语言能力。比如:根据给定的图像创作故事和诗歌,为图像中显示的问题提供解决方案,教用户如何根据食物照片烹饪,给个手绘草图直接写出网站的代码等。
除此之外,此方法计算效率很高,因为它仅使用大约 500 万个对齐的图像-文本对和额外的 3,500 个经过精心策划的高质量图像-文本对来训练一个投影层。
BLIP-2 简介
BLIP-2是一种通用且高效的视觉-语言预训练方法,它可以从现成的冻结预训练图像编码器和冻结大型语言模型中引导视觉-语言预训练。BLIP-2通过一个轻量级的Querying Transformer来弥合模态差距,并在两个阶段进行预训练。第一个阶段从冻结图像编码器引导视觉-语言表示学习。第二个阶段从冻结语言模型中引导视觉-语言生成学习。尽管比现有方法具有显著较少的可训练参数,但BLIP-2在各种视觉-语言任务上实现了最先进的性能。在零样本 VQAv2 上,BLIP-2 相较于 80 亿参数的 Flamingo 模型,使用的可训练参数数量少了 54 倍,性能却提升了 8.7 %。
MiniGPT-4 的模型架构遵循 BLIP-2,因此,训练 MiniGPT-4 分两个阶段。
第一个传统预训练阶段使用 4 张 A100 卡在 10 小时内使用大约 500 万个对齐的图像-文本对进行训练。 在第一阶段之后,Vicuna 虽然能够理解图像。 但是Vicuna的生成能力受到了很大的影响。
为了解决这个问题并提高可用性,MiniGPT-4 提出了一种通过模型本身和 ChatGPT 一起创建高质量图像文本对的新方法。 基于此,MiniGPT-4 随后创建了一个小规模(总共 3500 对)但高质量的数据集。
第二个微调阶段在对话模板中对该数据集进行训练,以显著提高其生成的可靠性和整体的可用性。 令人惊讶的是,这个阶段的计算效率很高,使用单个 A100 只需大约 7 分钟即可完成。
docker pull pytorch/pytorch:1.13.1-cuda11.6-cudnn8-devel
docker run -dt --name minigpt4_env_dev --restart=always --gpus all \
--network=host \
--shm-size 4G \
-v /home/gdong/workspace/code:/workspace/code \
-v /home/gdong/workspace/data:/workspace/data \
-v /home/gdong/workspace/model:/workspace/model \
-v /home/gdong/workspace/output:/workspace/output \
-v /home/gdong/workspace/package:/workspace/package \
-w /workspace \
pytorch/pytorch:1.13.1-cuda11.6-cudnn8-devel \
docker exec -it minigpt4_env_dev bash
安装 cv2 的依赖项。
apt-get update && apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 -y
pip install -r requirements.txt
ini 复制代码 accelerate==0.16.0 aiohttp==3.8.4 aiosignal==1.3.1 async-timeout==4.0.2 attrs==22.2.0 bitsandbytes==0.37.0 cchardet==2.1.7 chardet==5.1.0 contourpy==1.0.7 cycler==0.11.0 filelock==3.9.0 fonttools==4.38.0 frozenlist==1.3.3 huggingface-hub==0.13.4 importlib-resources==5.12.0 kiwisolver==1.4.4 matplotlib==3.7.0 multidict==6.0.4 openai==0.27.0 packaging==23.0 psutil==5.9.4 pycocotools==2.0.6 pyparsing==3.0.9 python-dateutil==2.8.2 pyyaml==6.0 regex==2022.10.31 tokenizers==0.13.2 tqdm==4.64.1 transformers==4.28.0 timm==0.6.13 spacy==3.5.1 webdataset==0.2.48 scikit-learn==1.2.2 scipy==1.10.1 yarl==1.8.2 zipp==3.14.0 omegaconf==2.3.0 opencv-python== iopath==0.1.10 decord==0.6.0 tenacity==8.2.2 peft pycocoevalcap sentence-transformers umap-learn notebook gradio==3.24.1 gradio-client==0.0.8 wandb
pip install img2dataset -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple --trusted-host pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn
# commit id: 22d8888ca2cf0aac862f537e7d22ef5830036808
git clone https://github.com/Vision-CAIR/MiniGPT-4.git
cd MiniGPT-4
预先准备好 Vicuna 权重,详情请查看官方文档。
准备好 Vicuna 权重之后,在模型配置文件 minigpt4/configs/models/minigpt4.yaml
中的第 16 行设置 Vicuna 权重的路径。
yaml 复制代码 model: arch: mini_gpt4 # vit encoder image_size: 224 drop_path_rate: 0 use_grad_checkpoint: False vit_precision: "fp16" freeze_vit: True freeze_qformer: True # Q-Former num_query_token: 32 # Vicuna llama_model: "/workspace/model/vicuna-7b-all-v1.1" # generation configs prompt: "" preprocess: vis_processor: train: name: "blip2_image_train" image_size: 224 eval: name: "blip2_image_eval" image_size: 224 text_processor: train: name: "blip_caption" eval: name: "blip_caption"
然后,下载预训练的 MiniGPT-4 检查点(checkpoint),用于模型推理。下载地址:与 Vicuna 7B 对齐的checkpoint(prerained_minigpt4_7b.pth) 或与 Vicuna 7B 对齐的checkpoint(pretrained_minigpt4_13b.pth)
如果服务器无法访问外网,需要预先下载好 VIT(eva_vit_g.pth)、Q-Former (blip2_pretrained_flant5xxl.pth)的权重以及Bert(bert-base-uncased)的Tokenizer。如果服务器可以访问外网且网络状况良好,可以直接忽略以下步骤。
> ls -al hub/checkpoints/ --block-size=K
total 2401124K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4K May 5 02:09 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4K May 7 02:34 ..
-rw------- 1 root root 423322K May 5 02:09 blip2_pretrained_flant5xxl.pth
-rw------- 1 root root 1977783K May 5 02:08 eva_vit_g.pth
# export TORCH_HOME=/workspace/model/cache/torch
export TORCH_HOME=/root/.cache/torch
> ls -al bert-base-uncased --block-size=K
total 244K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4K May 7 09:03 .
drwxrwxrwx 9 root root 4K May 7 09:02 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1K May 7 09:03 config.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1K May 7 09:03 tokenizer_config.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 227K May 7 09:03 vocab.txt
ini 复制代码 class Blip2Base(BaseModel): @classmethod def init_tokenizer(cls): # TODO #tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased") tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("/workspace/model/bert-base-uncased") tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"bos_token": "[DEC]"}) return tokenizer ... @classmethod def init_Qformer(cls, num_query_token, vision_width, cross_attention_freq=2): # TODO #encoder_config = BertConfig.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased") encoder_config = BertConfig.from_pretrained("/workspace/model/bert-base-uncased") encoder_config.encoder_width = vision_width # insert cross-attention layer every other block encoder_config.add_cross_attention = True encoder_config.cross_attention_freq = cross_attention_freq encoder_config.query_length = num_query_token Qformer = BertLMHeadModel(config=encoder_config) query_tokens = nn.Parameter( torch.zeros(1, num_query_token, encoder_config.hidden_size) ) query_tokens.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=encoder_config.initializer_range) return Qformer, query_tokens
下面准备数据集,MiniGPT-4 的训练包含两个阶段,每个阶段使用的数据集不一样。
export MINIGPT4_DATASET=/workspace/data/blip
mkdir ${MINIGPT4_DATASET}/cc_sbu
mkdir ${MINIGPT4_DATASET}/laion
mv ccs_synthetic_filtered_large.json ${MINIGPT4_DATASET}/cc_sbu
mv laion_synthetic_filtered_large.json ${MINIGPT4_DATASET}/laion
cd dataset/
cp convert_cc_sbu.py ${MINIGPT4_DATASET}/cc_sbu
cp download_cc_sbu.sh ${MINIGPT4_DATASET}/cc_sbu
cp convert_laion.py ${MINIGPT4_DATASET}/laion
cp download_laion.sh ${MINIGPT4_DATASET}/laion
#rows = [x.values() for x in data]
rows = []
for i, x in enumerate(data):
if i >= 1000:
cd ${MINIGPT4_DATASET}/cc_sbu
python convert_cc_sbu.py
cd ${MINIGPT4_DATASET}/laion
python convert_laion.py
cd ${MINIGPT4_DATASET}/cc_sbu
sh download_cc_sbu.sh
cd ${MINIGPT4_DATASET}/laion
sh download_laion.sh
lua 复制代码 > tree . |-- cc_sbu | |-- cc_sbu_dataset | | |-- 00000.parquet | | |-- 00000.tar | | `-- 00000_stats.json | |-- ccs_synthetic_filtered_large.json | |-- ccs_synthetic_filtered_large.tsv | |-- convert_cc_sbu.py | `-- download_cc_sbu.sh `-- laion |-- convert_laion.py |-- download_laion.sh |-- laion_dataset | |-- 00000.parquet | |-- 00000.tar | `-- 00000_stats.json |-- laion_synthetic_filtered_large.json `-- laion_synthetic_filtered_large.tsv 4 directories, 14 files
json 复制代码 { "count": 1000, "successes": 969, "failed_to_download": 31, "failed_to_resize": 0, "duration": 18.09152889251709, "start_time": 1683453275.596533, "end_time": 1683453293.688062, "status_dict": { "success": 969, "HTTP Error 410: Gone": 5, "HTTP Error 404: Not Found": 20, "<urlopen error [Errno 54] Connection reset by peer>": 1, "timed out": 2, "<urlopen error _ssl.c:1114: The handshake operation timed out>": 2, "HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway": 1 } }
data_type: images
storage: /workspace/data/blip/laion/laion_dataset/00000.tar
的第五行设置 Conceptual Captoin 和 SBU 数据集加载路径,具体如下所示:
data_type: images
storage: /workspace/data/blip/cc_sbu/cc_sbu_dataset/00000.tar
├── filter_cap.json
└── image
├── 2.jpg
├── 3.jpg
中的第 5 行设置数据集路径。
data_type: images
storage: /workspace/data/cc_sbu_align/
MiniGPT-4 项目基于 BLIP2、Lavis 和 Vicuna 进行构建,使用 OmegaConf 基于 YAML 进行分层系统配置,整个代码结构如下所示:
bash 复制代码 . |-- LICENSE.md |-- LICENSE_Lavis.md |-- MiniGPT_4.pdf |-- PrepareVicuna.md |-- README.md |-- dataset # 数据集预处理 | |-- README_1_STAGE.md | |-- README_2_STAGE.md | |-- convert_cc_sbu.py # 转换标注数据格式 | |-- convert_laion.py | |-- download_cc_sbu.sh # 下载数据集 | `-- download_laion.sh |-- demo.py # 模型测试/推理 |-- environment.yml |-- eval_configs # 模型评估配置文件 | `-- minigpt4_eval.yaml |-- minigpt4 | |-- __init__.py | |-- common | | |-- __init__.py | | |-- config.py | | |-- dist_utils.py # 模型权重缓存文件路径 | | |-- gradcam.py | | |-- logger.py | | |-- optims.py | | |-- registry.py | | `-- utils.py | |-- configs | | |-- datasets # 数据集配置文件 | | | |-- cc_sbu | | | | |-- align.yaml # cc_sbu对齐数据集配置文件 | | | | `-- defaults.yaml # cc_sbu数据集配置文件 | | | `-- laion | | | `-- defaults.yaml # laion数据集配置文件 | | |-- default.yaml | | `-- models # 模型配置文件 | | `-- minigpt4.yaml | |-- conversation | | |-- __init__.py | | `-- conversation.py | |-- datasets | | |-- __init__.py | | |-- builders | | | |-- __init__.py | | | |-- base_dataset_builder.py | | | `-- image_text_pair_builder.py | | |-- data_utils.py | | `-- datasets | | |-- __init__.py | | |-- base_dataset.py | | |-- caption_datasets.py | | |-- cc_sbu_dataset.py | | |-- dataloader_utils.py | | `-- laion_dataset.py | |-- models | | |-- Qformer.py | | |-- __init__.py | | |-- base_model.py | | |-- blip2.py # 初始化Bert Tokenizer 和 Qformer等 | | |-- blip2_outputs.py | | |-- eva_vit.py | | |-- mini_gpt4.py | | `-- modeling_llama.py | |-- processors | | |-- __init__.py | | |-- base_processor.py | | |-- blip_processors.py | | `-- randaugment.py | |-- runners | | |-- __init__.py | | `-- runner_base.py | `-- tasks | |-- __init__.py | |-- base_task.py | `-- image_text_pretrain.py |-- prompts | `-- alignment.txt |-- train.py # 模型训练 `-- train_configs # 模型训练配置文件 |-- minigpt4_stage1_pretrain.yaml # 第一阶段预训练配置 `-- minigpt4_stage2_finetune.yaml # 第二阶段微调配置
中的第 11 行设置预训练checkpoint的路径(即刚刚下载的预训练的 MiniGPT-4 检查点)。
yaml 复制代码 model: arch: mini_gpt4 model_type: pretrain_vicuna freeze_vit: True freeze_qformer: True max_txt_len: 160 end_sym: "###" low_resource: True prompt_path: "prompts/alignment.txt" prompt_template: '###Human: {} ###Assistant: ' ckpt: '/workspace/model/minigpt/prerained_minigpt4_7b.pth' datasets: cc_sbu_align: vis_processor: train: name: "blip2_image_eval" image_size: 224 text_processor: train: name: "blip_caption" run: task: image_text_pretrain
python demo.py --cfg-path eval_configs/minigpt4_eval.yaml --gpu-id 0
为了节省 GPU 内存,Vicuna 默认以 8 bit 进行加载,beam search 宽度为 1。此配置对于 Vicuna-13B 需要大约 23G GPU 内存、对于 Vicuna-7B 需要大约 11.5G GPU 内存。 如果你有更强大的 GPU,您可以通过在配置文件 minigpt4_eval.yaml
中将 low_resource
设置为 False
以 16 bit运行模型并使用更大的beam search宽度。
bash 复制代码 > python demo.py --cfg-path eval_configs/minigpt4_eval.yaml --gpu-id 0 Initializing Chat Loading VIT Loading VIT Done Loading Q-Former Loading Q-Former Done Loading LLAMA ===================================BUG REPORT=================================== Welcome to bitsandbytes. For bug reports, please submit your error trace to: https://github.com/TimDettmers/bitsandbytes/issues ================================================================================ Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [01:02<00:00, 31.47s/it] Loading LLAMA Done Load 4 training prompts Prompt Example ###Human: <Img><ImageHere></Img> Take a look at this image and describe what you notice. ###Assistant: Load BLIP2-LLM Checkpoint: /workspace/model/minigpt/prerained_minigpt4_7b.pth Initialization Finished Running on local URL: Running on public URL: https://71e239f43b078ebe0b.gradio.live This share link expires in 72 hours. For free permanent hosting and GPU upgrades (NEW!), check out Spaces: https://huggingface.co/spaces
MiniGPT-4 的训练包含两个对齐阶段。
在预训练阶段,模型使用来自 Laion 和 CC 数据集的图像文本对进行训练,以对齐视觉和语言模型。
第一阶段之后,视觉特征被映射,可以被语言模型理解。 MiniGPT-4 官方在实验时使用了 4 个 A100。 除此之外,您还可以在配置文件 train_configs/minigpt4_stage1_pretrain.yaml
yaml 复制代码 model: arch: mini_gpt4 model_type: pretrain_vicuna freeze_vit: True freeze_qformer: True datasets: laion: vis_processor: train: name: "blip2_image_train" image_size: 224 text_processor: train: name: "blip_caption" sample_ratio: 115 cc_sbu: vis_processor: train: name: "blip2_image_train" image_size: 224 text_processor: train: name: "blip_caption" sample_ratio: 14 run: task: image_text_pretrain # optimizer lr_sched: "linear_warmup_cosine_lr" init_lr: 1e-4 min_lr: 8e-5 warmup_lr: 1e-6 weight_decay: 0.05 max_epoch: 3 batch_size_train: 16 batch_size_eval: 2 num_workers: 4 warmup_steps: 500 iters_per_epoch: 500 seed: 42 output_dir: "/workspace/output/minigpt4_stage1_pretrain" amp: True resume_ckpt_path: null evaluate: False train_splits: ["train"] device: "cuda" world_size: 1 dist_url: "env://" distributed: True
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 torchrun --nproc_per_node 4 train.py --cfg-path train_configs/minigpt4_stage1_pretrain.yaml
yaml 复制代码 > CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 torchrun --nproc_per_node 4 train.py --cfg-path train_configs/minigpt4_stage1_pretrain.yaml WARNING:torch.distributed.run: ***************************************** Setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable for each process to be 1 in default, to avoid your system being overloaded, please further tune the variable for optimal performance in your application as needed. ***************************************** | distributed init (rank 1, world 4): env:// | distributed init (rank 0, world 4): env:// | distributed init (rank 2, world 4): env:// | distributed init (rank 3, world 4): env:// 2023-05-07 11:36:36,497 [INFO] ===== Running Parameters ===== 2023-05-07 11:36:36,498 [INFO] { "amp": true, "batch_size_eval": 2, "batch_size_train": 16, "device": "cuda", "dist_backend": "nccl", "dist_url": "env://", "distributed": true, "evaluate": false, "gpu": 0, "init_lr": 0.0001, "iters_per_epoch": 500, "lr_sched": "linear_warmup_cosine_lr", "max_epoch": 3, "min_lr": 8e-05, "num_workers": 4, "output_dir": "/workspace/output/minigpt4_stage1_pretrain", "rank": 0, "resume_ckpt_path": null, "seed": 42, "task": "image_text_pretrain", "train_splits": [ "train" ], "warmup_lr": 1e-06, "warmup_steps": 500, "weight_decay": 0.05, "world_size": 4 } 2023-05-07 11:36:36,498 [INFO] ====== Dataset Attributes ====== 2023-05-07 11:36:36,498 [INFO] ======== laion ======= 2023-05-07 11:36:36,499 [INFO] { "build_info": { "storage": "/workspace/data/blip/laion/laion_dataset/00000.tar" }, "data_type": "images", "sample_ratio": 115, "text_processor": { "train": { "name": "blip_caption" } }, "vis_processor": { "train": { "image_size": 224, "name": "blip2_image_train" } } } 2023-05-07 11:36:36,499 [INFO] ======== cc_sbu ======= 2023-05-07 11:36:36,499 [INFO] { "build_info": { "storage": "/workspace/data/blip/cc_sbu/cc_sbu_dataset/00000.tar" }, "data_type": "images", "sample_ratio": 14, "text_processor": { "train": { "name": "blip_caption" } }, "vis_processor": { "train": { "image_size": 224, "name": "blip2_image_train" } } } 2023-05-07 11:36:36,499 [INFO] ====== Model Attributes ====== 2023-05-07 11:36:36,500 [INFO] { "arch": "mini_gpt4", "drop_path_rate": 0, "freeze_qformer": true, "freeze_vit": true, "image_size": 224, "llama_model": "/workspace/model/vicuna-7b-all-v1.1", "model_type": "pretrain_vicuna", "num_query_token": 32, "prompt": "", "use_grad_checkpoint": false, "vit_precision": "fp16" } 2023-05-07 11:36:36,501 [INFO] Building datasets... 2023-05-07 11:36:36,503 [INFO] Building datasets... Loading VIT 2023-05-07 11:36:58,812 [INFO] Downloading: "https://storage.googleapis.com/sfr-vision-language-research/LAVIS/models/BLIP2/eva_vit_g.pth" to /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/eva_vit_g.pth 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1.89G/1.89G [02:33<00:00, 13.2MB/s] cache_file_path: /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/eva_vit_g.pth 2023-05-07 11:39:41,878 [INFO] freeze vision encoder Loading VIT Done Loading Q-Former 2023-05-07 11:39:45,781 [INFO] Downloading: "https://storage.googleapis.com/sfr-vision-language-research/LAVIS/models/BLIP2/blip2_pretrained_flant5xxl.pth" to /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/blip2_pretrained_flant5xxl.pth 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 413M/413M [00:31<00:00, 13.8MB/s] cache_file_path: /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/blip2_pretrained_flant5xxl.pth 2023-05-07 11:40:18,140 [INFO] load checkpoint from https://storage.googleapis.com/sfr-vision-language-research/LAVIS/models/BLIP2/blip2_pretrained_flant5xxl.pth 2023-05-07 11:40:18,155 [INFO] freeze Qformer Loading Q-Former Done Loading LLAMA Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:15<00:00, 7.79s/it] Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:15<00:00, 7.94s/it] Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:16<00:00, 8.21s/it] Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:16<00:00, 8.13s/it] Loading LLAMA Done 2023-05-07 11:43:21,365 [INFO] Start training 2023-05-07 11:43:28,791 [INFO] dataset_ratios not specified, datasets will be concatenated (map-style datasets) or chained (webdataset.DataPipeline). 2023-05-07 11:43:28,791 [INFO] Loaded 0 records for train split from the dataset. module.llama_proj.weight module.llama_proj.bias 2023-05-07 11:43:30,005 [INFO] number of trainable parameters: 3149824 2023-05-07 11:43:30,008 [INFO] Start training epoch 0, 500 iters per inner epoch. Train: data epoch: [0] [ 0/500] eta: 0:35:50 lr: 0.000001 loss: 7.4586 time: 4.3018 data: 0.0000 max mem: 20913 2023-05-07 11:43:34,313 [INFO] Reducer buckets have been rebuilt in this iteration. Train: data epoch: [0] [ 50/500] eta: 0:03:04 lr: 0.000011 loss: 4.9250 time: 0.3323 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22076 Train: data epoch: [0] [100/500] eta: 0:02:29 lr: 0.000021 loss: 3.6569 time: 0.3376 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22076 Train: data epoch: [0] [150/500] eta: 0:02:06 lr: 0.000031 loss: 2.8653 time: 0.3415 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [0] [200/500] eta: 0:01:47 lr: 0.000041 loss: 2.5771 time: 0.3417 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [0] [250/500] eta: 0:01:28 lr: 0.000051 loss: 3.0763 time: 0.3375 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [0] [300/500] eta: 0:01:10 lr: 0.000060 loss: 2.3269 time: 0.3369 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [0] [350/500] eta: 0:00:52 lr: 0.000070 loss: 2.5431 time: 0.3403 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [0] [400/500] eta: 0:00:34 lr: 0.000080 loss: 2.6711 time: 0.3383 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [0] [450/500] eta: 0:00:17 lr: 0.000090 loss: 2.3690 time: 0.3426 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [0] [499/500] eta: 0:00:00 lr: 0.000100 loss: 1.5752 time: 0.3424 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [0] Total time: 0:02:53 (0.3466 s / it) 2023-05-07 11:46:23,294 [INFO] Averaged stats: lr: 0.0001 loss: 3.2105 2023-05-07 11:46:23,297 [INFO] No validation splits found. 2023-05-07 11:46:23,334 [INFO] Saving checkpoint at epoch 0 to /workspace/output/minigpt4_stage1_pretrain/20230507113/checkpoint_0.pth. 2023-05-07 11:46:23,402 [INFO] Start training 2023-05-07 11:46:23,443 [INFO] Start training epoch 1, 500 iters per inner epoch. Train: data epoch: [1] [ 0/500] eta: 0:03:00 lr: 0.000095 loss: 1.9775 time: 0.3606 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [1] [ 50/500] eta: 0:02:34 lr: 0.000094 loss: 1.3029 time: 0.3486 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [1] [100/500] eta: 0:02:16 lr: 0.000093 loss: 1.1404 time: 0.3374 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [1] [150/500] eta: 0:01:59 lr: 0.000092 loss: 0.8192 time: 0.3376 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [1] [200/500] eta: 0:01:42 lr: 0.000091 loss: 0.4934 time: 0.3415 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [1] [250/500] eta: 0:01:25 lr: 0.000090 loss: 0.4390 time: 0.3402 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [1] [300/500] eta: 0:01:08 lr: 0.000089 loss: 0.2317 time: 0.3421 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [1] [350/500] eta: 0:00:51 lr: 0.000088 loss: 0.1960 time: 0.3413 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [1] [400/500] eta: 0:00:34 lr: 0.000087 loss: 2.0755 time: 0.3420 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [1] [450/500] eta: 0:00:17 lr: 0.000086 loss: 0.0773 time: 0.3405 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [1] [499/500] eta: 0:00:00 lr: 0.000085 loss: 0.1692 time: 0.3387 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [1] Total time: 0:02:50 (0.3404 s / it) 2023-05-07 11:49:13,623 [INFO] Averaged stats: lr: 0.0001 loss: 0.7745 2023-05-07 11:49:13,625 [INFO] No validation splits found. 2023-05-07 11:49:13,660 [INFO] Saving checkpoint at epoch 1 to /workspace/output/minigpt4_stage1_pretrain/20230507113/checkpoint_1.pth. 2023-05-07 11:49:13,722 [INFO] Start training 2023-05-07 11:49:13,763 [INFO] Start training epoch 2, 500 iters per inner epoch. Train: data epoch: [2] [ 0/500] eta: 0:03:00 lr: 0.000085 loss: 0.2226 time: 0.3614 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [2] [ 50/500] eta: 0:02:34 lr: 0.000084 loss: 0.1156 time: 0.3454 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [2] [100/500] eta: 0:02:16 lr: 0.000083 loss: 0.0512 time: 0.3396 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [2] [150/500] eta: 0:01:59 lr: 0.000083 loss: 0.1134 time: 0.3421 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [2] [200/500] eta: 0:01:42 lr: 0.000082 loss: 0.0489 time: 0.3412 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [2] [250/500] eta: 0:01:25 lr: 0.000081 loss: 0.0693 time: 0.3409 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [2] [300/500] eta: 0:01:08 lr: 0.000081 loss: 0.0316 time: 0.3433 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [2] [350/500] eta: 0:00:51 lr: 0.000080 loss: 0.0372 time: 0.3464 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [2] [400/500] eta: 0:00:34 lr: 0.000080 loss: 0.0404 time: 0.3386 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [2] [450/500] eta: 0:00:17 lr: 0.000080 loss: 0.0523 time: 0.3396 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [2] [499/500] eta: 0:00:00 lr: 0.000080 loss: 0.0471 time: 0.3378 data: 0.0000 max mem: 22193 Train: data epoch: [2] Total time: 0:02:50 (0.3402 s / it) 2023-05-07 11:52:03,847 [INFO] Averaged stats: lr: 0.0001 loss: 0.2326 2023-05-07 11:52:03,849 [INFO] No validation splits found. 2023-05-07 11:52:03,885 [INFO] Saving checkpoint at epoch 2 to /workspace/output/minigpt4_stage1_pretrain/20230507113/checkpoint_2.pth. 2023-05-07 11:52:03,946 [INFO] No validation splits found. 2023-05-07 11:52:03,946 [INFO] Training time 0:08:42
less 复制代码 Sun May 7 19:48:54 2023 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 525.105.17 Driver Version: 525.105.17 CUDA Version: 12.0 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |===============================+======================+======================| | 0 NVIDIA A800 80G... Off | 00000000:3B:00.0 Off | 0 | | N/A 68C P0 297W / 300W | 32439MiB / 81920MiB | 97% Default | | | | Disabled | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | 1 NVIDIA A800 80G... Off | 00000000:5E:00.0 Off | 0 | | N/A 65C P0 322W / 300W | 32439MiB / 81920MiB | 97% Default | | | | Disabled | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | 2 NVIDIA A800 80G... Off | 00000000:AF:00.0 Off | 0 | | N/A 69C P0 218W / 300W | 32439MiB / 81920MiB | 97% Default | | | | Disabled | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | 3 NVIDIA A800 80G... Off | 00000000:D8:00.0 Off | 0 | | N/A 69C P0 335W / 300W | 32439MiB / 81920MiB | 97% Default | | | | Disabled | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=============================================================================| | 0 N/A N/A 11425 C /opt/conda/bin/python 32436MiB | | 1 N/A N/A 11426 C /opt/conda/bin/python 32436MiB | | 2 N/A N/A 11427 C /opt/conda/bin/python 32436MiB | | 3 N/A N/A 11428 C /opt/conda/bin/python 32436MiB | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> tree minigpt4_stage1_pretrain/
`-- 20230507113
|-- checkpoint_0.pth
|-- checkpoint_1.pth
|-- checkpoint_2.pth
|-- log.txt
`-- result
2 directories, 4 files
你也可以直接下载只有第一阶段训练的 MiniGPT-4 的 checkpoint,具体下载地址:13B 或 7B。
在第二阶段,我们使用自己创建的小型高质量图文对数据集并将其转换为对话格式以进一步对齐 MiniGPT-4。
中指定第一阶段训练的checkpoint文件的路径。 当然,您还可以自定义输出权重路径,具体文件如下所示。
yaml 复制代码 model: arch: mini_gpt4 model_type: pretrain_vicuna freeze_vit: True freeze_qformer: True max_txt_len: 160 end_sym: "###" prompt_path: "prompts/alignment.txt" prompt_template: '###Human: {} ###Assistant: ' ckpt: '/workspace/output/minigpt4_stage1_pretrain/20230507113/checkpoint_2.pth' datasets: cc_sbu_align: vis_processor: train: name: "blip2_image_train" image_size: 224 text_processor: train: name: "blip_caption" run: task: image_text_pretrain # optimizer lr_sched: "linear_warmup_cosine_lr" init_lr: 3e-5 min_lr: 1e-5 warmup_lr: 1e-6 weight_decay: 0.05 max_epoch: 5 iters_per_epoch: 200 batch_size_train: 12 batch_size_eval: 12 num_workers: 4 warmup_steps: 200 seed: 42 output_dir: "/workspace/output/minigpt4_stage2_finetune" amp: True resume_ckpt_path: null evaluate: False train_splits: ["train"] device: "cuda" world_size: 1 dist_url: "env://" distributed: True
然后,第二阶段微调的运行命令如下所示。 MiniGPT-4官方在实验中,仅使用了 1 卡 A100。
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 torchrun --nproc_per_node 1 train.py --cfg-path train_configs/minigpt4_stage2_finetune.yaml
yaml 复制代码 > CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 torchrun --nproc_per_node 1 train.py --cfg-path train_configs/minigpt4_stage2_finetune.yaml | distributed init (rank 0, world 1): env:// 2023-05-07 12:03:11,908 [INFO] ===== Running Parameters ===== 2023-05-07 12:03:11,909 [INFO] { "amp": true, "batch_size_eval": 12, "batch_size_train": 12, "device": "cuda", "dist_backend": "nccl", "dist_url": "env://", "distributed": true, "evaluate": false, "gpu": 0, "init_lr": 3e-05, "iters_per_epoch": 200, "lr_sched": "linear_warmup_cosine_lr", "max_epoch": 5, "min_lr": 1e-05, "num_workers": 4, "output_dir": "/workspace/output/minigpt4_stage2_finetune", "rank": 0, "resume_ckpt_path": null, "seed": 42, "task": "image_text_pretrain", "train_splits": [ "train" ], "warmup_lr": 1e-06, "warmup_steps": 200, "weight_decay": 0.05, "world_size": 1 } 2023-05-07 12:03:11,909 [INFO] ====== Dataset Attributes ====== 2023-05-07 12:03:11,909 [INFO] ======== cc_sbu_align ======= 2023-05-07 12:03:11,910 [INFO] { "build_info": { "storage": "/workspace/data/cc_sbu_align/" }, "data_type": "images", "text_processor": { "train": { "name": "blip_caption" } }, "vis_processor": { "train": { "image_size": 224, "name": "blip2_image_train" } } } 2023-05-07 12:03:11,910 [INFO] ====== Model Attributes ====== 2023-05-07 12:03:11,910 [INFO] { "arch": "mini_gpt4", "ckpt": "/workspace/output/minigpt4_stage1_pretrain/20230507113/checkpoint_2.pth", "drop_path_rate": 0, "end_sym": "###", "freeze_qformer": true, "freeze_vit": true, "image_size": 224, "llama_model": "/workspace/model/vicuna-7b-all-v1.1", "max_txt_len": 160, "model_type": "pretrain_vicuna", "num_query_token": 32, "prompt": "", "prompt_path": "prompts/alignment.txt", "prompt_template": "###Human: {} ###Assistant: ", "use_grad_checkpoint": false, "vit_precision": "fp16" } 2023-05-07 12:03:11,910 [INFO] Building datasets... Loading VIT cache_file_path: /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/eva_vit_g.pth 2023-05-07 12:03:37,018 [INFO] freeze vision encoder Loading VIT Done Loading Q-Former cache_file_path: /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/blip2_pretrained_flant5xxl.pth 2023-05-07 12:03:40,903 [INFO] load checkpoint from https://storage.googleapis.com/sfr-vision-language-research/LAVIS/models/BLIP2/blip2_pretrained_flant5xxl.pth 2023-05-07 12:03:40,916 [INFO] freeze Qformer Loading Q-Former Done Loading LLAMA Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:10<00:00, 5.13s/it] Loading LLAMA Done Load 4 training prompts Prompt Example ###Human: <Img><ImageHere></Img> Describe this image in detail. ###Assistant: Load BLIP2-LLM Checkpoint: /workspace/output/minigpt4_stage1_pretrain/20230507113/checkpoint_2.pth 2023-05-07 12:06:34,005 [INFO] Start training 2023-05-07 12:06:40,005 [INFO] dataset_ratios not specified, datasets will be concatenated (map-style datasets) or chained (webdataset.DataPipeline). 2023-05-07 12:06:40,005 [INFO] Loaded 3439 records for train split from the dataset. module.llama_proj.weight module.llama_proj.bias 2023-05-07 12:06:40,029 [INFO] number of trainable parameters: 3149824 2023-05-07 12:06:40,030 [INFO] Start training epoch 0, 200 iters per inner epoch. Train: data epoch: [0] [ 0/200] eta: 0:15:02 lr: 0.000001 loss: 1.6358 time: 4.5127 data: 0.0000 max mem: 35512 2023-05-07 12:06:44,545 [INFO] Reducer buckets have been rebuilt in this iteration. Train: data epoch: [0] [ 50/200] eta: 0:01:47 lr: 0.000008 loss: 1.3364 time: 0.6420 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [0] [100/200] eta: 0:01:07 lr: 0.000015 loss: 1.2098 time: 0.6466 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [0] [150/200] eta: 0:00:33 lr: 0.000023 loss: 1.0652 time: 0.6472 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [0] [199/200] eta: 0:00:00 lr: 0.000030 loss: 1.0278 time: 0.6460 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [0] Total time: 0:02:12 (0.6627 s / it) 2023-05-07 12:08:52,563 [INFO] Averaged stats: lr: 0.0000 loss: 1.2121 2023-05-07 12:08:52,565 [INFO] No validation splits found. 2023-05-07 12:08:52,601 [INFO] Saving checkpoint at epoch 0 to /workspace/output/minigpt4_stage2_finetune/20230507120/checkpoint_0.pth. 2023-05-07 12:08:52,668 [INFO] Start training 2023-05-07 12:08:52,708 [INFO] Start training epoch 1, 200 iters per inner epoch. Train: data epoch: [1] [ 0/200] eta: 0:02:14 lr: 0.000028 loss: 0.9808 time: 0.6744 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [1] [ 50/200] eta: 0:01:35 lr: 0.000027 loss: 0.9252 time: 0.6336 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [1] [100/200] eta: 0:01:07 lr: 0.000026 loss: 1.0419 time: 0.7971 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [1] [150/200] eta: 0:00:33 lr: 0.000025 loss: 1.0150 time: 0.6486 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [1] [199/200] eta: 0:00:00 lr: 0.000023 loss: 0.9695 time: 0.6472 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [1] Total time: 0:02:11 (0.6576 s / it) 2023-05-07 12:11:04,223 [INFO] Averaged stats: lr: 0.0000 loss: 0.9785 2023-05-07 12:11:04,227 [INFO] No validation splits found. 2023-05-07 12:11:04,264 [INFO] Saving checkpoint at epoch 1 to /workspace/output/minigpt4_stage2_finetune/20230507120/checkpoint_1.pth. 2023-05-07 12:11:04,332 [INFO] Start training 2023-05-07 12:11:04,370 [INFO] Start training epoch 2, 200 iters per inner epoch. Train: data epoch: [2] [ 0/200] eta: 0:02:13 lr: 0.000023 loss: 1.1459 time: 0.6684 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [2] [ 50/200] eta: 0:01:38 lr: 0.000022 loss: 1.0003 time: 0.6580 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [2] [100/200] eta: 0:01:04 lr: 0.000020 loss: 0.8605 time: 0.6367 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [2] [150/200] eta: 0:00:32 lr: 0.000018 loss: 0.8841 time: 0.6445 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [2] [199/200] eta: 0:00:00 lr: 0.000017 loss: 0.8462 time: 0.6380 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [2] Total time: 0:02:11 (0.6588 s / it) 2023-05-07 12:13:16,139 [INFO] Averaged stats: lr: 0.0000 loss: 0.9272 2023-05-07 12:13:16,143 [INFO] No validation splits found. 2023-05-07 12:13:16,178 [INFO] Saving checkpoint at epoch 2 to /workspace/output/minigpt4_stage2_finetune/20230507120/checkpoint_2.pth. 2023-05-07 12:13:16,247 [INFO] Start training 2023-05-07 12:13:16,286 [INFO] Start training epoch 3, 200 iters per inner epoch. Train: data epoch: [3] [ 0/200] eta: 0:02:14 lr: 0.000017 loss: 0.8447 time: 0.6750 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [3] [ 50/200] eta: 0:01:37 lr: 0.000015 loss: 0.9082 time: 0.6517 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [3] [100/200] eta: 0:01:04 lr: 0.000014 loss: 0.9476 time: 0.6380 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [3] [150/200] eta: 0:00:32 lr: 0.000013 loss: 0.8131 time: 0.6443 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [3] [199/200] eta: 0:00:00 lr: 0.000012 loss: 0.8718 time: 0.6550 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [3] Total time: 0:02:09 (0.6460 s / it) 2023-05-07 12:15:25,492 [INFO] Averaged stats: lr: 0.0000 loss: 0.9053 2023-05-07 12:15:25,495 [INFO] No validation splits found. 2023-05-07 12:15:25,530 [INFO] Saving checkpoint at epoch 3 to /workspace/output/minigpt4_stage2_finetune/20230507120/checkpoint_3.pth. 2023-05-07 12:15:25,592 [INFO] Start training 2023-05-07 12:15:25,631 [INFO] Start training epoch 4, 200 iters per inner epoch. Train: data epoch: [4] [ 0/200] eta: 0:01:56 lr: 0.000012 loss: 0.8907 time: 0.5827 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [4] [ 50/200] eta: 0:01:37 lr: 0.000011 loss: 1.0402 time: 0.6489 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [4] [100/200] eta: 0:01:07 lr: 0.000010 loss: 0.9383 time: 0.6434 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [4] [150/200] eta: 0:00:33 lr: 0.000010 loss: 1.0148 time: 0.6435 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [4] [199/200] eta: 0:00:00 lr: 0.000010 loss: 0.7553 time: 0.6397 data: 0.0000 max mem: 36093 Train: data epoch: [4] Total time: 0:02:11 (0.6594 s / it) 2023-05-07 12:17:37,503 [INFO] Averaged stats: lr: 0.0000 loss: 0.8906 2023-05-07 12:17:37,507 [INFO] No validation splits found. 2023-05-07 12:17:37,543 [INFO] Saving checkpoint at epoch 4 to /workspace/output/minigpt4_stage2_finetune/20230507120/checkpoint_4.pth. 2023-05-07 12:17:37,612 [INFO] No validation splits found. 2023-05-07 12:17:37,612 [INFO] Training time 0:11:03
diff 复制代码 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 525.105.17 Driver Version: 525.105.17 CUDA Version: 12.0 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |===============================+======================+======================| | 0 NVIDIA A800 80G... Off | 00000000:3B:00.0 Off | 0 | | N/A 69C P0 311W / 300W | 40041MiB / 81920MiB | 94% Default | | | | Disabled | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=============================================================================| | 0 N/A N/A 62283 C /opt/conda/bin/python 40038MiB | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> tree minigpt4_stage2_finetune/
`-- 20230507120
|-- checkpoint_0.pth
|-- checkpoint_1.pth
|-- checkpoint_2.pth
|-- checkpoint_3.pth
|-- checkpoint_4.pth
|-- log.txt
`-- result
2 directories, 6 files
经过第二阶段对齐之后,MiniGPT-4 能够连贯地和用户友好地讨论图像。
中的第 11 行设置待评估模型的checkpoint路径,同模型推理。
arch: mini_gpt4
low_resource: True
prompt_path: "prompts/alignment.txt"
prompt_template: '###Human: {} ###Assistant: '
ckpt: '/workspace/output/minigpt4_stage2_finetune/20230507120/checkpoint_4.pth'
python demo.py --cfg-path eval_configs/minigpt4_eval.yaml --gpu-id 0
如果出现Could not create share link. Please check your internet connection or our status page: https://status.gradio.app
#demo.launch(share=True, enable_queue=True)
demo.launch(server_name='', share=True, enable_queue=True)
bash 复制代码 python demo.py --cfg-path eval_configs/minigpt4_eval.yaml --gpu-id 0 Initializing Chat Loading VIT cache_file_path: /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/eva_vit_g.pth Loading VIT Done Loading Q-Former cache_file_path: /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/blip2_pretrained_flant5xxl.pth Loading Q-Former Done Loading LLAMA ===================================BUG REPORT=================================== Welcome to bitsandbytes. For bug reports, please submit your error trace to: https://github.com/TimDettmers/bitsandbytes/issues ================================================================================ Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:35<00:00, 17.65s/it] Loading LLAMA Done Load 4 training prompts Prompt Example ###Human: <Img><ImageHere></Img> Take a look at this image and describe what you notice. ###Assistant: Load BLIP2-LLM Checkpoint: /workspace/output/minigpt4_stage2_finetune/20230507120/checkpoint_4.pth Initialization Finished Running on local URL:
但苦于知识传播途径有限,很多互联网行业朋友无法获得正确的资料得到学习提升,故此将并将重要的 AI大模型资料
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