macos 后台程序
If your Mac desktop is cluttered with multiple open windows, then you need a good way to quickly close them all without clicking every red x button one by one. Let’s briefly review your different options.
如果Mac桌面上杂乱无章的有多个打开的窗口,那么您需要一种很好的方法来快速关闭所有窗口,而不必一一点击每个红色x按钮。 让我们简要回顾一下您的不同选择。
Unfortunately, there’s no shortcut that will close all open windows at once, but you can close all of a given app’s open windows at once, making quick work of your cluttered desktop.
The most obvious option is quitting the application. If you press Command+Q to quit an app, all of its windows will close. This method has its flaws, however. Quitting doesn’t work with Finder unless you apply a Terminal hack, and you may not always want to quit an app entirely—you might want it to continue to run in the background, like if you want Mail to continue to check for new items, or iTunes to play your jams.
最明显的选择是退出应用程序。 如果按Command + Q退出应用程序,则其所有窗口将关闭。 但是,这种方法有其缺陷。 除非您应用Terminal hack ,否则退出无法与Finder配合使用,并且您可能并不总是希望完全退出应用程序-您可能希望其继续在后台运行,例如是否希望Mail继续检查新项目或iTunes播放果酱。
Command+W, on the other hand, will close the frontmost window. You could press Command+W repeatedly to close a bunch of open windows, but that’s still not as quick as it could be. Plus, if you have application and Finder windows spread about your various desktops, then you need to go around finding them and closing each one.
另一方面,Command + W将关闭最前面的窗口。 您可以反复按Command + W来关闭一堆打开的窗口,但这仍然没有达到预期的速度。 另外,如果您的应用程序和Finder窗口分散在各个桌面上,则需要四处寻找并关闭每个桌面。
The best option, in our opinion, comes in the form of the wonderful Option key. To close all of an app’s windows in one fell swoop, just press Command+Option+W, or open the “File” menu and hold the “Option” key to see the Close All command.
我们认为,最好的选择是采用出色的Option键的形式。 要一举关闭应用程序的所有窗口,只需按Command + Option + W,或打开“文件”菜单并按住“ Option”键即可查看“全部关闭”命令。
More of a mouse user? There’s another secret power the Option key will unveil. Hold it and click the red button in the upper-left corner of a window, and it will close all that app’s windows just like Command+Option+W.
更多的鼠标用户? Option键将揭示另一个秘密力量。 按住它,然后单击窗口左上角的红色按钮,它将关闭该应用程序的所有窗口,就像Command + Option + W一样。
It’s that simple. Now you can stamp out your open window problem with a simple keyboard shortcut or a mouse click, courtesy of the Option key.
就这么简单。 现在,您可以使用简单的键盘快捷键或单击鼠标(通过Option键)消除打开的窗口问题。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/294570/how-to-close-all-of-an-apps-open-windows-at-once-in-macos/
macos 后台程序
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