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Top 10 swift projects on github

Top 10 swift projects on github


A few of the Features:

  • Based on mpv, which provides the best decoding capacity on macOS
  • Designed for modern macOS (10.10+), aims to offer the best user experience
  • All the features you need for videos, audios, subtitles, playlist, chapters and so on.
  • Force Touch, Picture-in-picture and (advanced) Touch Bar support


A curated list of awesome iOS frameworks, libraries, tutorials, Xcode extensions and plugins, components and much more.
The list is divided into categories such as Frameworks, Components, Testing and others, open source projects, free and paid services.
There is no pre-established order of items in each category, the order is for contribution.


If you’re a computer science student who needs to learn this stuff for exams — or if you’re a self-taught programmer who wants to brush up on the theory behind your craft — you’ve come to the right place!
The goal of this project is to explain how algorithms work.
The focus is on clarity and readability of the code, not on making a reusable library that you can drop into your own projects.
That said, most of the code should be ready for production use but you may need to tweak it to fit into your own codebase.


Rx is a generic abstraction of computation expressed through Observable<Element> interface.
This is a Swift version of Rx.
It tries to port as many concepts from the original version as possible, but some concepts were adapted for more pleasant and performant integration with iOS/macOS environment.


Vapor is a web framework for Swift.
It provides a beautifully expressive and easy to use foundation for your next website, API, or cloud project.


A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources.
Feel free to contribute!


A few of the features:

  • Chainable Request / Response Methods
  • URL / JSON / plist Parameter Encoding
  • Upload File / Data / Stream / MultipartFormData
  • Download File using Request or Resume Data
  • Authentication with URLCredential
  • HTTP Response Validationvv


  • Material’s animation system has been completely reworked to take advantage of Motion, a library dedicated to animations and transitions.
  • A few of the features:
  • Completely Customizable
  • Motion Animations & Transitions
  • Layout Tools for AutoLayout & Grid Systems
  • Color Library
  • Cards


  • Hero is similar to Keynote’s Magic Move. It checks the heroID property on all source and destination views.
    Every matched view pair is then automatically transitioned from its old state to its new state.
    Hero can also construct animations for unmatched views.
    It is easy to define these animations via the heroModifiers property.
    Hero will run these animations alongside the Magic Move animations.
    All of these animations can be interactively controlled by user gestures.


Eureka allows us to specify when validation rules should be evaluated.
We can do it by setting up validationOptions row’s property, which can have the following values:

  • .validatesOnChange — Validates whenever a row value changes.
  • .validatesOnBlur — (Default value) validates right after the cell resigns first responder. Not applicable for all rows.
  • .validatesOnChangeAfterBlurred — Validates whenever the row value changes after it resigns first responder for the first time.
  • .validatesOnDemand — We should manually validate the row or form by invoking validate() method.

This post is curated by IssueHunt that a issue-based bounty platform for open-source projects.

IssueHunt offers a service that pays freelance developers for contributing to the open-source code. We do it through what is called bounties: financial rewards granted to whoever solves a given problem. The funding for these bounties comes from anyone who is willing to donate to have any given bug fixed or feature added.


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Swift 30 Projects- 最新 Swift 3.0 的30个小App,更注重代码规范和架构设计(故胤道长)

V2ex-Swift- 用 Swift 写的 V2EX 客户端。

iBBS-Swift- “新手开源一个用Swift(2.0)写的论坛客户端”。BBS 服务端

NirZhihuDaily2.0_swift- 精仿了知乎日报iOS端练手,Swift2.0,注释相当详细。

DesignerNewsApp- Swift 开发的 DesignerNews 客户端,看着美美的!

Eidolon- 艺术品拍卖的投标亭平台,用swift与反应式编程框架 ReactiveCocoa。

BaiduFM-Swift- 百度FM, swift语言实现,基于最新xcode6.3+swift1.2,初步只是为了实现功能,代码比较粗燥,后面有时间会整理,支持Apple Watch。

Tuan- 模仿MJ老师iPad版美团(swift版),偶有bug 见谅。

CocoaChinaPlus- CocoaChina+是一款开源的第三方CocoaChina移动端。整个App都用Swift2.0编写(除部分第三方OC代码外,比如JPush和友盟)。

SimpleMemo- 易便签已经转到Swift2.0,全面适配iOS9和Watch OS2,并支持iPhone6s和iPhone6sPlus的3D Touch功能,包括图标快捷键和内容预览。

furni-ios.swift- furni-ios.swift是由 Twitter 开发团队出品的一款用 Swift 写的 iOS 家居商城应用, 其主要目的在于让开发者从这款 Demo 应用中看出 Fabric 的强大。

SelectionOfZhihu.swift- 『看知乎』iOS 客户端,项目说明

Yep.swift- Yep 一个由天才开发给天才们使用的社交软件。

LoveFreshBeen.swift- 高仿爱鲜蜂 - Swift2.0

trySwiftApp.swift- trySwiftApp一款较为完整的会议原型应用。有需求的同学可以做为开发参考。

PinGo.swift- PinGo.swift:纯Swift编写的仿“随遇”App。

UmbrellaWeather.swift- UmbrellaWeather.swift使用 Swift 编写的一款天气应用,现已上架 AppStore。

SwiftWeather- SwiftWeather清新淡雅持续改进天气预报项目。

Phonetic.swift- Phonetic一个 iOS 版的 Phonetic Contacts,功能很多,其中昵称功能非常实用,已在 GitHub 开源并上架 App Store。

edhita.swift- edhita.swift支持Markdown, HTML预览的文本编辑器。

PilesSugar.swift- PilesSugar.swift:Swift高仿项目,堆糖。

react-native-gitfeed- 目前最实用简洁的github客户端了。

SoundCloudSwift- SoundCloud的Swift版本,采用Swift2.0,Reactive API with ReactiveCocoa 4.0。

LeagueofLegends- 一个关于英雄联盟的完整iOS开源项目,接口均来自多玩,腾讯各大游戏平台。

Coderpursue.swift- 一款 Github 第三方客户端,使用最新 Swift 语言编写。

BTApp- BTApp 仿半糖 iOS App 的 Demo 应用。





katana-swift- Swift Apps in a Swoosh! A modern framework for creating iOS apps, inspired by React and Redux.http://katana.bendingspoons.com


RxSwift- RxSwift:函数响应式编程框架。

RxPermission.swift- 通过绑定 RxSwift 实现的 RxPermission。

Permission.swift- 统一的 API 请求 iOS 本地设备及资源权限类库。

ReactiveAnimation- ReactiveCocoa 推出了一个叫 ReactiveAnimation 的子项目,直接用完全用 Swift 来实现了。

Swiftest- BDD 全称 Behavior Driven Development,行为驱动开发。各种 DD 数不胜数,孰优孰劣争论不休,其实归根结底还是要根据使用场景进行选择。


ACRouter- Swift版页面路由, 组件化过程中快速页面解耦.



FSCalendar- 一个包含objective-c和Swift版本的优秀的日历

FSCalendar一款漂亮,强大的 iOS 日历组件 A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift


ZLSwiftRefresh- swift下拉刷新/上拉加载更多,支持自定义动画,集成简单,兼容UITableView/CollectionView/ScrollView/WebView。

BreakOutToRefresh- swift,上拉和下拉刷新。

GearRefreshControl- swift,上拉和下拉刷新。

refresher- swift,上拉和下拉刷新。

ReplaceAnimation.swift- 基于 @ZeeYoung欧阳哲 同学的创意下拉刷新动画实现。值得称赞还有额外增加了“取消及滚动”效果支持。

PullToReflesh-Swift- 一款炫酷的下拉刷新封装库(Mobile page refresh concept inspired by Google and for something like a news app)。源码分析

pull-to-refresh.swift- 是一款非常易于开发者使用的下拉刷新和加载更多组件。通过一个 UIScrollView 的扩展,可以轻松为 UIScrollView 的所有子类添加下拉刷新功能。


Blurable.swift- swift模糊组件。


RichEditorView- swift,一套可定制富文本编辑器组件及示例。功能完整、代码简练、实现逻辑巧妙(编辑器核心与 WebView 结合,采用 HTML5 contentEditable 编辑模式,执行JS 配套命令 execCommand 实现富文本编辑功能)。

SwiftyMarkdown.swift- 用swift写的markdown解析库。

Marklight.swift- Markdown 语法高亮显示编辑库(Swift)。

LTMorphingLabel- swift 能够实现文字变形动画效果的Label,用Swift写的一个能够实现文字变形动画效果的Label,很炫。

Splitflap.swift- 可用于快速给 iOS 应用创建文字翻转的动画效果。

FloatLabelFields.swift- FloatLabelFields.swift浮动标签输入效果类。

cleartext-mac.swift- 提供一千个常用单词的编辑器。

GlitchLabel.swift- 可定制“黑(故障)文字标签”类库,熟称晃瞎你的眼文字标签。



swift-linechart- 功能完整、实用的折线图组件。使用方便,参数配置简单。是不可多得的优质组件--swift。

ios-charts- 一款优秀 Android 图表开源库 MPAndroidChart 的 Swift 语言实现版(支持 Objective-C 和 Swift 调用)。缺省提供的示例代码为 Objective-C。

Scrollable-GraphView.swift- 灵动感十足的自适应、可定制滚动曲(折)线图表库。




Eureka.swift- Eureka 是 XLForm 的 Swift 的移植版本, 一个可以帮助开发者们快速构建 iOS 各种复杂表单的库, 具有较高的可扩展性, 方便自定制样式。

HBHorizontalTableView- swift,TableView 横向滚动小示例(仿照 AppStore 应用展示)。

Chats- 聊天 UI 示例程序。此项目应该只为演示或学习之用,没有服务器 -- swift。

Chatto.swift- Chatto.swift:轻量级聊天应用框架及示例。文字及图片可扩展输入栏,汽泡效果等聊天核心特性,分页及自动布局完善。

COBezierTableView- swift,通过编辑 Bezier 曲线四点位置设置 TableView 内 Cell 及对应按扭位置。实验效果很赞。

LxTabBarController- 改变了原生tabbar切换tab时的生硬效果,并加入滑动切换手势(有和界面上的其它手势发生冲突的风险,可根据具体项目予以关闭),swift版本

Sapporo- swift 单元格模型驱动的集合视图管理器组件。又一个超实用的“轮子”。

NavTopImage.swift- NavigationController动态缩放titleView。

paper-onboarding.swift- 漂亮的 material design 风格页面滑块。示例完整,易用。

Material.swift- 基于 Material Design 动画和图像框架库 (作者 Daniel Dahan)。

ReorderableGridView-Swift- 拖拽排序卡片。

