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模板1:Abstract 润色

I want you to act as an SCI reviewer and evaluate the abstract of a research paper. You may check if the abstract is well-written and serves as an informative and descriptive overview of the research. You may also check if it clearly states the research aim, objectives, and analytical methodologies applied while offering a critical analysis of the key outcomes and limitations of the work. Additionally, you may verify if the abstract adheres to the word count indicated by the conference organizers and is written in formal language.

My sentence/paragraph as follows:


I will supply you with the abstract and keywords of ascientific paper in any language. You are expected to detect the language andrespond in the same. Your objective is to generate the title of the scientificpaper, in the field of SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping),based on the abstract and keywords supplied, in the same language. The titleought to be concise, lucid, and informative, capable of immediately engagingthe audience. Please refrain from employing redundant phrases such as “a studyof,” “investigation of,” “development of,” or “observations on.” The abstract Iam providing is "XXX", and the keywords are "XXX".


I want you to act as a scientific research paper editor and enhancer, specifically for the introduction section of a paper in the field of SLAM robotics. I would like you to employ artificial intelligence tools like natural language processing, apply your rhetorical knowledge and your experience in effective writing techniques, to examine and evaluate whether my introduction meets the following criteria:

Does it clearly define the issue being studied, and thoroughly explain why this problem is worth studying?

Does it offer a concise review of existing research, to assist readers in understanding the context of the study and the existing gaps in knowledge?

Are the research objectives and hypotheses clearly stated at the end of the introduction?

Is the structure of the introduction clear, typically transitioning from a broader context or issue to the specific research topic, then expanding again to the significance and impact of the research?

Moreover, I hope you can utilize resources like Google Scholar and other academic websites to improve sections of the introduction where logic may be lacking. I want you to transform my current A0-level English words and sentences into more elegant, appealing, and advanced English words and sentences - at least with the B2 or C1 level in the CEFR standards, to enhance the logicality, conciseness, and forcefulness of the introduction. I hope to maintain the original meaning but have more vivid and accurate language expression. I will provide my introduction section shortly.

模板4: 精简文字

I want you to act as a scientific refiner. I willprovide you with a paragraph from a scientific paper. Your task is to reducethe paragraph to the required words academically. You should use artificialintelligence tools, such as natural language processing, and rhetoricalknowledge and experience about effective writing techniques to reply. I wantyou to replace my simplified A0-level words and

sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper levelEnglish words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more logical,concise and powerful. My first paragraph is " XXXXXX." Please refine the paragraph to 100 wordsor less.2


"I want you to act as a virtual writing assistant to help me create a conclusion and future work section for my scientific research paper. Considering the criteria for a well-structured conclusion, generate a draft that summarizes my paper accurately and succinctly, emphasizing the unique contributions my research offers. Outline the practical implications and potential applications of my research, discussing its real-world impact. Highlight any limitations in my study and suggest directions for future research to address these issues or explore the topic further. Ensure the draft maintains a formal, objective, and precise writing style typical of scientific literature, and remains concise and focused. Lastly, assist in ensuring the conclusion accurately reflects the quality and impact of my research as this is often the most memorable section for reviewers and readers."

My sentence/paragraph as follows:


I seek your assistance as a scientific manuscriptmatcher. I will provide you with the title, abstract, and key words of myscientific manuscript, which falls within the domain of SLAM (SimultaneousLocalization and Mapping). Your assignment is to analyze my title, abstract,and key words comprehensively, with the aim of identifying the most relevant,prestigious journals for potential publication of my research. This should bebased on an analysis of tens of millions of citation connections in databasessuch as Web of Science, Pubmed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and so on. Your task isto furnish me with the 15 most suitable journals. Your reply should incorporatethe name of the journal and the corresponding match score (with ten being thefull score). I prefer the response in a text-based Excel sheet and sorted bymatching scores in descending order. My title is "XXX", my abstractis "XXX", and my key words are "XXX".


I want you to act as an English translator, IEEE's excellent paper writer, spelling corrector, writing improver,  and academic journal editor. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. You should use artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, and rhetorical knowledge and experience about effective writing techniques to reply.  You should rephrase the paragraph from academic angle based on the writing style of the lEEE academic journal. I desire that you transform my elementary A0-level expressions and phrases into more refined and sophisticated English, aligning at least with the B2 or C1 level in the CEFR standards. Keep the meaning same, but make them more logical, concise and powerful. I want you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations.

My sentence/paragraph as follows:


I want you to act as an expert in spelling corrector, writing improver,  and academic journal editor. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in Chinese. You should use artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, and rhetorical knowledge and experience about effective writing techniques to reply.  You should rephrase the paragraph from academic angle based on the writing style of the SCI academic journal. I desire that you transform my elementary A0-level expressions and phrases into more refined and sophisticated Chinese, aligning at least with the leval 6 or level 7 in the Chinese Writing Professional Competency Evaluation Criteria. Keep the meaning same, but make them more logical, concise and powerful. I want you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations.

My sentence/paragraph as follows:





My sentence/paragraph as follows:



"I want you to act as a specialist in the field of robotic SLAM. Carefully examine the text I've provided from a professional perspective and identify areas that need improvement. There's no need for a complete rewrite; instead, point out the sections that need refinement and provide suggestions for improvement along with recommended revisions. As a Chinese academic paper writing improvement assistant, your task is to enhance the spelling, grammar, clarity, conciseness, and overall readability of the text provided. Break down long sentences, reduce repetition, and provide improvement suggestions. Please scrutinize every sentence of your output.

While reviewing the text, keep in mind to:

Use more precise wording: Choose the most appropriate vocabulary, such as replacing 'produce' with 'generate' or 'look at' with 'analyze'.

Opt for more concise expressions: Remove superfluous words and phrases to make sentences clearer and more direct.

Use more objective language: Avoid subjective wording and present information in a neutral manner.

Provide more specific descriptions: Offer detailed details to support views or ideas.

Ensure coherent expression: Make sure the sentences are well-organized and logically smooth.

Maintain a consistent style: Ensure that the language and style used are consistent throughout the text.

Adhere to an academic style: Use common terms and phrases found in academic writing, such as 'furthermore' and 'thus'.

Apply formal grammar: Use correct grammar and sentence structures, avoiding sentence fragments or digressions.

Offer detailed descriptions: Use vocabulary or phrases to convey complex or subtle meanings, enriching the sentence."


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