* @brief:
* This class solve an optimization problem:
* Y
* |
* | P(x1, y1) P(x2, y2)
* | P(x0, y0) ... P(x(k-1), y(k-1))
* |P(start)
* |
* |________________________________________________________ X
* Given an initial set of points from 0 to k-1, The goal is to find a set of
* points which makes the line P(start), P0, P(1) ... P(k-1) "smooth".
#pragma once #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "modules/planning/proto/fem_pos_deviation_smoother_config.pb.h" namespace apollo { namespace planning { class FemPosDeviationSmoother { public: explicit FemPosDeviationSmoother(const FemPosDeviationSmootherConfig& config); bool Solve(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& raw_point2d, const std::vector<double>& bounds, std::vector<double>* opt_x, std::vector<double>* opt_y); bool QpWithOsqp(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& raw_point2d, const std::vector<double>& bounds, std::vector<double>* opt_x, std::vector<double>* opt_y); bool NlpWithIpopt(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& raw_point2d, const std::vector<double>& bounds, std::vector<double>* opt_x, std::vector<double>* opt_y); bool SqpWithOsqp(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& raw_point2d, const std::vector<double>& bounds, std::vector<double>* opt_x, std::vector<double>* opt_y); private: FemPosDeviationSmootherConfig config_; }; } // namespace planning } // namespace apollo
syntax = "proto2"; package apollo.planning; message FemPosDeviationSmootherConfig { optional double weight_fem_pos_deviation = 2 [default = 1.0e10]; optional double weight_ref_deviation = 3 [default = 1.0]; optional double weight_path_length = 4 [default = 1.0]; optional bool apply_curvature_constraint = 5 [default = false]; optional double weight_curvature_constraint_slack_var = 6 [default = 1.0e2]; optional double curvature_constraint = 7 [default = 0.2]; optional bool use_sqp = 8 [default = false]; optional double sqp_ftol = 9 [default = 1e-4]; optional double sqp_ctol = 10 [default = 1e-3]; optional int32 sqp_pen_max_iter = 11 [default = 10]; optional int32 sqp_sub_max_iter = 12 [default = 100]; // osqp settings optional int32 max_iter = 100 [default = 500]; // time_limit set to be 0.0 meaning no time limit optional double time_limit = 101 [default = 0.0]; optional bool verbose = 102 [default = false]; optional bool scaled_termination = 103 [default = true]; optional bool warm_start = 104 [default = true]; // ipopt settings optional int32 print_level = 200 [default = 0]; optional int32 max_num_of_iterations = 201 [default = 500]; optional int32 acceptable_num_of_iterations = 202 [default = 15]; optional double tol = 203 [default = 1e-8]; optional double acceptable_tol = 204 [default = 1e-1]; }
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