论文地址:DETR3D: 3D Object Detection from Multi-view Images via 3D-to-2D Queries
DETR3D通过先预设一系列预测框的查询向量object querys,利用它们生成3D reference point,将这些3D reference point 利用相机参数转换矩阵,投影回2D图像坐标,并根据他们在图像的位置去找到对应的图像特征,用图像特征和object querys做cross-attention,不断refine object querys。最后利用两个MLP分支分别输出分类预测结果与回归预测结果。正负样本则采用和DETR相同的二分图匹配,即根据最小cost在900个object querys中找到与GT数量最匹配的N个预测框。由于正负样本匹配以及object querys这种查询目标的方式与DETR类似,因此可以看成是DETR在3D的扩展。
(2)使用nn.embeding初始化一个Object Query Embedding,之后利用一个全连接MLP回归出一个3D参考点(也就是第i个box的中心)。
(3)通过相机的内外参数(2)得到的3D参考点ref point(世界坐标系下的点)将其投影到相机平面的特征图上去,下面就是使用2维的DETR来进行2D目标检测的方法了。
(5)将不同尺度特征的采样结果进行合并,再加入原本的Object Query Embedding进行精炼。
(6)多次迭代,最终从最后的Query Embedding回归出类别和位置。
- def extract_img_feat(self, img, img_metas):
- """Extract features of images."""
- B = img.size(0)
- if img is not None:
- input_shape = img.shape[-2:]
- # update real input shape of each single img
- for img_meta in img_metas:
- img_meta.update(input_shape=input_shape)
- if img.dim() == 5 and img.size(0) == 1:
- img.squeeze_()
- elif img.dim() == 5 and img.size(0) > 1:
- B, N, C, H, W = img.size()
- img = img.view(B * N, C, H, W)
- if self.use_grid_mask:
- img = self.grid_mask(img)
- img_feats = self.img_backbone(img)
- if isinstance(img_feats, dict):
- img_feats = list(img_feats.values())
- else:
- return None
- if self.with_img_neck:
- img_feats = self.img_neck(img_feats)
- img_feats_reshaped = []
- for img_feat in img_feats:
- BN, C, H, W = img_feat.size()
- img_feats_reshaped.append(img_feat.view(B, int(BN / B), C, H, W))
- return img_feats_reshaped
- # self.query_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.num_query,self.embed_dims * 2)
- query_embeds = self.query_embedding.weight # [900,512]
- def forward(self,
- mlvl_feats, # [1,6,256,116,200]、[1,6,256,58,100]、[16,256,29,50]、[1,6,256,15,25]
- query_embed, # [900,512]
- reg_branches=None, # 6个全连接层
- **kwargs): # []
- """Forward function for `Detr3DTransformer`.
- Args:
- mlvl_feats (list(Tensor)): Input queries from
- different level. Each element has shape
- [bs, embed_dims, h, w].
- query_embed (Tensor): The query embedding for decoder,
- with shape [num_query, c].
- mlvl_pos_embeds (list(Tensor)): The positional encoding
- of feats from different level, has the shape
- [bs, embed_dims, h, w].
- reg_branches (obj:`nn.ModuleList`): Regression heads for
- feature maps from each decoder layer. Only would
- be passed when
- `with_box_refine` is True. Default to None.
- Returns:
- tuple[Tensor]: results of decoder containing the following tensor.
- - inter_states: Outputs from decoder. If
- return_intermediate_dec is True output has shape \
- (num_dec_layers, bs, num_query, embed_dims), else has \
- shape (1, bs, num_query, embed_dims).
- - init_reference_out: The initial value of reference \
- points, has shape (bs, num_queries, 4).
- - inter_references_out: The internal value of reference \
- points in decoder, has shape \
- (num_dec_layers, bs,num_query, embed_dims)
- - enc_outputs_class: The classification score of \
- proposals generated from \
- encoder's feature maps, has shape \
- (batch, h*w, num_classes). \
- Only would be returned when `as_two_stage` is True, \
- otherwise None.
- - enc_outputs_coord_unact: The regression results \
- generated from encoder's feature maps., has shape \
- (batch, h*w, 4). Only would \
- be returned when `as_two_stage` is True, \
- otherwise None.
- """
- assert query_embed is not None
- bs = mlvl_feats[0].size(0) # 1
- query_pos, query = torch.split(query_embed, self.embed_dims , dim=1) # query:[900,256] query_pos:[900,256]
- query_pos = query_pos.unsqueeze(0).expand(bs, -1, -1) # [1,900,256]
- query = query.unsqueeze(0).expand(bs, -1, -1) # [1,900,256]
- reference_points = self.reference_points(query_pos) # [1,900,3] Linear(in_features=256, out_features=3, bias=True)
- reference_points = reference_points.sigmoid() # 压缩xyz坐标到[0,1]之间
- init_reference_out = reference_points # [1,900,3]
- # decoder
- query = query.permute(1, 0, 2) # [1,900,256]
- query_pos = query_pos.permute(1, 0, 2) # [1,900,256]
- inter_states, inter_references = self.decoder(
- query=query, # [1,900,256]
- key=None, # None
- value=mlvl_feats, # [1,6,256,115,200]、[1,6,256,58,100]、[1,6,256,29,50]、[1,6,256,15,25]
- query_pos=query_pos, # [1,900,256]
- reference_points=reference_points, # [1,900,3]
- reg_branches=reg_branches, # 6个全连接层
- **kwargs)
- # inter_states: [6,900,1,256] inter_references:[6,1,900,3]
- inter_references_out = inter_references # [6,1,900,3]
- return inter_states, init_reference_out, inter_references_out # init_reference_out和inter_references_out的区别,多个decoder的stack的结果
(2)得到像素平面的2D中心点reference_points_cams之后(shape为[1,6,900,2]),就需要和之前backbone提取的多尺度图像特征进行采样交互了。这里还是使用F.grid_sample双线性插值函数进行采样的,也就是在不同尺度[6,256,116,200] [6,256,58,100] [6,256,29,50] [6,256,15,25]的特征图上采样900个点,最终每个特征图采样之后的shape都为[6,256,900,1],但是其内容是不一样的,最后在将其在最后一个维度上stack起来,最终sampled_feats的shape变为[1,256,900,6,1,4]。
- # 十分关键的特征采样函数,2D-to-3D 特征变换
- def feature_sampling(mlvl_feats, reference_points, pc_range, img_metas):
- lidar2img = []
- for img_meta in img_metas:
- lidar2img.append(img_meta['lidar2img'])
- lidar2img = np.asarray(lidar2img) # [1,6,4,4] 激光坐标系到相机坐标系的变换矩阵
- lidar2img = reference_points.new_tensor(lidar2img) # (B, N, 4, 4) [1,6,4,4] 就是将之前的numpy变为的tensor
- reference_points = reference_points.clone() # [1,900,3]
- reference_points_3d = reference_points.clone() # [1,900,3]
- # pc_range 的含义 [x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max]
- reference_points[..., 0:1] = reference_points[..., 0:1] * (pc_range[3] - pc_range[0]) + pc_range[0] # 对 x 进行缩放
- reference_points[..., 1:2] = reference_points[..., 1:2] * (pc_range[4] - pc_range[1]) + pc_range[1] # 对 y 进行缩放
- reference_points[..., 2:3] = reference_points[..., 2:3] * (pc_range[5] - pc_range[2]) + pc_range[2] # 对 z 进行缩放
- # reference_points (B, num_queries, 4) 将非齐次坐标转换为齐次坐标
- reference_points = torch.cat((reference_points, torch.ones_like(reference_points[..., :1])), -1)
- B, num_query = reference_points.size()[:2] # B:1 , num_query: 900
- num_cam = lidar2img.size(1) # 6
- reference_points = reference_points.view(B, 1, num_query, 4).repeat(1, num_cam, 1, 1).unsqueeze(-1) # [1,6,900,4,1] 复制6个相机的情况
- lidar2img = lidar2img.view(B, num_cam, 1, 4, 4).repeat(1, 1, num_query, 1, 1) # [1,6,900,4,4] 复制6个相机转换矩阵
- reference_points_cam = torch.matmul(lidar2img, reference_points).squeeze(-1) # [1,6,900,4] 乘以坐标转换矩阵
- eps = 1e-5 # 阈值
- mask = (reference_points_cam[..., 2:3] > eps) # 过滤 [1,6,900,1]
- reference_points_cam = reference_points_cam[..., 0:2] / torch.maximum(
- reference_points_cam[..., 2:3], torch.ones_like(reference_points_cam[..., 2:3])*eps) # [1,6,900,2] 将3D上的点映射到2d平面上
- reference_points_cam[..., 0] /= img_metas[0]['img_shape'][0][1] # 缩放 x
- reference_points_cam[..., 1] /= img_metas[0]['img_shape'][0][0] # 缩放 y
- reference_points_cam = (reference_points_cam - 0.5) * 2
- mask = (mask & (reference_points_cam[..., 0:1] > -1.0)
- & (reference_points_cam[..., 0:1] < 1.0)
- & (reference_points_cam[..., 1:2] > -1.0)
- & (reference_points_cam[..., 1:2] < 1.0))
- mask = mask.view(B, num_cam, 1, num_query, 1, 1).permute(0, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5) # [1,1,600,6,1,1]
- mask = torch.nan_to_num(mask)
- sampled_feats = []
- for lvl, feat in enumerate(mlvl_feats): # 对FFN层的不同的多尺度特征进行操作 feat:[1,6,256,116,200]
- B, N, C, H, W = feat.size()
- feat = feat.view(B*N, C, H, W) # [6,256,116,200]
- reference_points_cam_lvl = reference_points_cam.view(B*N, num_query, 1, 2) # [6,900,1,2]
- sampled_feat = F.grid_sample(feat, reference_points_cam_lvl) # [6,256,900,1]
- sampled_feat = sampled_feat.view(B, N, C, num_query, 1).permute(0, 2, 3, 1, 4) # [1,256,900,6,1]
- sampled_feats.append(sampled_feat)
- sampled_feats = torch.stack(sampled_feats, -1) # [1,256,900,6,1,4]
- sampled_feats = sampled_feats.view(B, C, num_query, num_cam, 1, len(mlvl_feats)) # [1,256,900,6,1,4]
- return reference_points_3d, sampled_feats, mask
首先query = query + query_pos,即query + query的位置编码,然后再将其送给一个全连接层得到attention_weights,shape变为[1,900,256] -> [1,900,24] -> [1,1,900,6,1,4]。
最后再使用self.position_encoder函数对3d点的信息reference_points_3d进行编码,使其的shape变为[900,1,256]。最后得到的结果为self.dropout(output) + inp_residual + pos_feat。也就是(dropout后的不同尺度图像采样特征)+(原始的query)+(3D点坐标的编码信息)。
- def forward(self,
- query, # [900,1,256]
- key, # None
- value, # list [1,6,256,116,200] [1,6,256,58,100] [1,6,256,29,50] [1,6,256,15,25]
- residual=None, # None
- query_pos=None, # [900,1,256]
- key_padding_mask=None, # None
- reference_points=None, # [1,900,3]
- spatial_shapes=None, # None
- level_start_index=None, # None
- **kwargs):
- """Forward Function of Detr3DCrossAtten.
- Args:
- query (Tensor): Query of Transformer with shape
- (num_query, bs, embed_dims).
- key (Tensor): The key tensor with shape
- `(num_key, bs, embed_dims)`.
- value (Tensor): The value tensor with shape
- `(num_key, bs, embed_dims)`. (B, N, C, H, W)
- residual (Tensor): The tensor used for addition, with the
- same shape as `x`. Default None. If None, `x` will be used.
- query_pos (Tensor): The positional encoding for `query`.
- Default: None.
- key_pos (Tensor): The positional encoding for `key`. Default
- None.
- reference_points (Tensor): The normalized reference
- points with shape (bs, num_query, 4),
- all elements is range in [0, 1], top-left (0,0),
- bottom-right (1, 1), including padding area.
- or (N, Length_{query}, num_levels, 4), add
- additional two dimensions is (w, h) to
- form reference boxes.
- key_padding_mask (Tensor): ByteTensor for `query`, with
- shape [bs, num_key].
- spatial_shapes (Tensor): Spatial shape of features in
- different level. With shape (num_levels, 2),
- last dimension represent (h, w).
- level_start_index (Tensor): The start index of each level.
- A tensor has shape (num_levels) and can be represented
- as [0, h_0*w_0, h_0*w_0+h_1*w_1, ...].
- Returns:
- Tensor: forwarded results with shape [num_query, bs, embed_dims].
- """
- if key is None:
- key = query
- if value is None:
- value = key
- if residual is None:
- inp_residual = query # [900,1,256] 用于残差连接
- if query_pos is not None:
- query = query + query_pos # [900,1,256] query + query的位置编码
- # change to (bs, num_query, embed_dims)
- query = query.permute(1, 0, 2) # [1,900,256]
- bs, num_query, _ = query.size() # bs:1, num_query:900, _:256
- # [1,900,256] -> [1,900,24] -> [1,1,900,6,1,4]
- attention_weights = self.attention_weights(query).view(bs, 1, num_query, self.num_cams, self.num_points, self.num_levels)
- # reference_points_3d:[1,900,3]
- # output:[1,256,900,6,1,4]
- # mask:[1,1,900,6,1,1]
- reference_points_3d, output, mask = feature_sampling(value, reference_points, self.pc_range, kwargs['img_metas'])
- output = torch.nan_to_num(output) # torch.nan_to_num,用于将张量中的非数字(NaN, 正无穷inf, 负无穷-inf)替换为数值
- mask = torch.nan_to_num(mask) # torch.nan_to_num,用于将张量中的非数字(NaN, 正无穷inf, 负无穷-inf)替换为数值
- attention_weights = attention_weights.sigmoid() * mask # [1,1,900,6,1,4]
- output = output * attention_weights # [1,256,900,6,1,4]
- output = output.sum(-1).sum(-1).sum(-1) # [1,256,900] 合并6、1、4维度
- output = output.permute(2, 0, 1) # [900,1,256]
- output = self.output_proj(output) # [900,1,256]
- # (num_query, bs, embed_dims) 还把3d点的信息进行编码 与 采样之后的图像特征 相加
- pos_feat = self.position_encoder(inverse_sigmoid(reference_points_3d)).permute(1, 0, 2) # [1,900,3] -> [1,900,256] -> [900,1,256]
- return self.dropout(output) + inp_residual + pos_feat
- def forward(self, mlvl_feats, img_metas):
- """Forward function.
- Args:
- mlvl_feats (tuple[Tensor]): Features from the upstream
- network, each is a 5D-tensor with shape
- (B, N, C, H, W).
- Returns:
- all_cls_scores (Tensor): Outputs from the classification head, \
- shape [nb_dec, bs, num_query, cls_out_channels]. Note \
- cls_out_channels should includes background.
- all_bbox_preds (Tensor): Sigmoid outputs from the regression \
- head with normalized coordinate format (cx, cy, w, l, cz, h, theta, vx, vy). \
- Shape [nb_dec, bs, num_query, 9].
- """
- query_embeds = self.query_embedding.weight # [900,512]
- hs, init_reference, inter_references = self.transformer(
- mlvl_feats, # [1,6,256,116,200]、[1,6,256,58,100]、[1,6,256,29,50]、[1,6,256,15,25]
- query_embeds, # [900,512]
- reg_branches=self.reg_branches if self.with_box_refine else None, # 6个全连接层
- img_metas=img_metas,) # 一堆list
- hs = hs.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) # hs: [6,900,1,256]->[6,1,900,256] init_reference:[1,900,3] inter_references:[6,1,900,3]
- outputs_classes = []
- outputs_coords = []
- for lvl in range(hs.shape[0]): # 遍历每一个decoder输出的特征图,多尺度预测
- if lvl == 0:
- reference = init_reference
- else:
- reference = inter_references[lvl - 1]
- reference = inverse_sigmoid(reference) # 反sigmoid函数
- outputs_class = self.cls_branches[lvl](hs[lvl]) # 对每一个decoder输出的特征图[1,900,256]进行全连接映射 [1,900,10]
- tmp = self.reg_branches[lvl](hs[lvl]) # [1,900,10]
- # TODO: check the shape of reference
- assert reference.shape[-1] == 3
- tmp[..., 0:2] += reference[..., 0:2]
- tmp[..., 0:2] = tmp[..., 0:2].sigmoid()
- tmp[..., 4:5] += reference[..., 2:3]
- tmp[..., 4:5] = tmp[..., 4:5].sigmoid()
- tmp[..., 0:1] = (tmp[..., 0:1] * (self.pc_range[3] - self.pc_range[0]) + self.pc_range[0])
- tmp[..., 1:2] = (tmp[..., 1:2] * (self.pc_range[4] - self.pc_range[1]) + self.pc_range[1])
- tmp[..., 4:5] = (tmp[..., 4:5] * (self.pc_range[5] - self.pc_range[2]) + self.pc_range[2])
- # TODO: check if using sigmoid
- outputs_coord = tmp # 坐标预测结果
- outputs_classes.append(outputs_class) # 类别预测结果
- outputs_coords.append(outputs_coord) # 坐标预测结果
- outputs_classes = torch.stack(outputs_classes)
- outputs_coords = torch.stack(outputs_coords)
- outs = {
- 'all_cls_scores': outputs_classes,
- 'all_bbox_preds': outputs_coords,
- 'enc_cls_scores': None,
- 'enc_bbox_preds': None,
- }
- return outs
- def loss(self,
- gt_bboxes_list, # 18个物体的 box 信息
- gt_labels_list, # 18个物体的 label
- preds_dicts, # [[6,1,900,10],[6,1,900,10],[None],[None]]
- gt_bboxes_ignore=None): # None
- """"Loss function.
- Args:
- gt_bboxes_list (list[Tensor]): Ground truth bboxes for each image
- with shape (num_gts, 4) in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format.
- gt_labels_list (list[Tensor]): Ground truth class indices for each
- image with shape (num_gts, ).
- preds_dicts:
- all_cls_scores (Tensor): Classification score of all
- decoder layers, has shape
- [nb_dec, bs, num_query, cls_out_channels].
- all_bbox_preds (Tensor): Sigmoid regression
- outputs of all decode layers. Each is a 4D-tensor with
- normalized coordinate format (cx, cy, w, h) and shape
- [nb_dec, bs, num_query, 4].
- enc_cls_scores (Tensor): Classification scores of
- points on encode feature map , has shape
- (N, h*w, num_classes). Only be passed when as_two_stage is
- True, otherwise is None.
- enc_bbox_preds (Tensor): Regression results of each points
- on the encode feature map, has shape (N, h*w, 4). Only be
- passed when as_two_stage is True, otherwise is None.
- gt_bboxes_ignore (list[Tensor], optional): Bounding boxes
- which can be ignored for each image. Default None.
- Returns:
- dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components.
- """
- assert gt_bboxes_ignore is None, \
- f'{self.__class__.__name__} only supports ' \
- f'for gt_bboxes_ignore setting to None.'
- all_cls_scores = preds_dicts['all_cls_scores'] # [6,1,900,10]
- all_bbox_preds = preds_dicts['all_bbox_preds'] # [6,1,900,10]
- enc_cls_scores = preds_dicts['enc_cls_scores'] # None
- enc_bbox_preds = preds_dicts['enc_bbox_preds'] # None
- num_dec_layers = len(all_cls_scores) # decoder的层数:6个
- device = gt_labels_list[0].device
- # gt_bboxes.gravity_center: 这是gt_bboxes对象的一个属性,代表边界框的重心或质心坐标。
- # 它是一个形状为(N, 3)的Tensor,其中N是边界框的数量,3是二维坐标(x,y,z)
- # gt_bboxes.tensor[:, 3:]: 这部分从gt_bboxes.tensor这个Tensor中选取了所有行(由:指定)但仅从第4列开始到最后的列。
- # 这表示边界框的宽度、高度和其他可能的属性(例如旋转角度等)。假设gt_bboxes.tensor的形状为(N, M),其中M大于或等于4,那么这部分将返回一个形状为(N, M-3)的Tensor。
- gt_bboxes_list = [torch.cat((gt_bboxes.gravity_center, gt_bboxes.tensor[:, 3:]),dim=1).to(device) for gt_bboxes in gt_bboxes_list]
- all_gt_bboxes_list = [gt_bboxes_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] # 复制6份,每个decoder复制一份
- all_gt_labels_list = [gt_labels_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] # 复制6份,每个decoder复制一份
- all_gt_bboxes_ignore_list = [gt_bboxes_ignore for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] # 复制6份,每个decoder复制一份
- losses_cls, losses_bbox = multi_apply(self.loss_single,
- all_cls_scores, all_bbox_preds,
- all_gt_bboxes_list,
- all_gt_labels_list,
- all_gt_bboxes_ignore_list)
- loss_dict = dict()
- # loss of proposal generated from encode feature map.
- if enc_cls_scores is not None:
- binary_labels_list = [torch.zeros_like(gt_labels_list[i])for i in range(len(all_gt_labels_list))]
- enc_loss_cls, enc_losses_bbox = self.loss_single(enc_cls_scores, enc_bbox_preds,gt_bboxes_list, binary_labels_list, gt_bboxes_ignore)
- loss_dict['enc_loss_cls'] = enc_loss_cls
- loss_dict['enc_loss_bbox'] = enc_losses_bbox
- # loss from the last decoder layer
- loss_dict['loss_cls'] = losses_cls[-1]
- loss_dict['loss_bbox'] = losses_bbox[-1]
- # loss from other decoder layers
- num_dec_layer = 0
- for loss_cls_i, loss_bbox_i in zip(losses_cls[:-1],losses_bbox[:-1]):
- loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.loss_cls'] = loss_cls_i
- loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.loss_bbox'] = loss_bbox_i
- num_dec_layer += 1
- return loss_dict
- def _get_target_single(self,
- cls_score, # [900,10]
- bbox_pred, # [900,10]
- gt_labels, # [18]
- gt_bboxes, # [18,9]
- gt_bboxes_ignore=None): # None
- """"Compute regression and classification targets for one image.
- Outputs from a single decoder layer of a single feature level are used.
- Args:
- cls_score (Tensor): Box score logits from a single decoder layer
- for one image. Shape [num_query, cls_out_channels].
- bbox_pred (Tensor): Sigmoid outputs from a single decoder layer
- for one image, with normalized coordinate (cx, cy, w, h) and
- shape [num_query, 4].
- gt_bboxes (Tensor): Ground truth bboxes for one image with
- shape (num_gts, 4) in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format.
- gt_labels (Tensor): Ground truth class indices for one image
- with shape (num_gts, ).
- gt_bboxes_ignore (Tensor, optional): Bounding boxes
- which can be ignored. Default None.
- Returns:
- tuple[Tensor]: a tuple containing the following for one image.
- - labels (Tensor): Labels of each image.
- - label_weights (Tensor]): Label weights of each image.
- - bbox_targets (Tensor): BBox targets of each image.
- - bbox_weights (Tensor): BBox weights of each image.
- - pos_inds (Tensor): Sampled positive indices for each image.
- - neg_inds (Tensor): Sampled negative indices for each image.
- """
- num_bboxes = bbox_pred.size(0) # 900
- # assigner and sampler 正负样本的分配与采样
- # assigner将预测的边界框与真实的边界框进行匹配,并确定哪些预测框是正样本,哪些是负样本。然后,sampler根据这些匹配结果进行采样,以确保正负样本的平衡。
- assign_result = self.assigner.assign(bbox_pred, cls_score, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_bboxes_ignore)
- sampling_result = self.sampler.sample(assign_result, bbox_pred,gt_bboxes)
- pos_inds = sampling_result.pos_inds # [18] # 获取正样本的索引
- neg_inds = sampling_result.neg_inds # [882] # 获取负样本的索引
- # label targets
- # 初始化一个形状为[900]的Tensor,其中所有元素都是类别的数量(这里作为背景类别的索引)。然后,将正样本的索引对应的标签设置为真实的类别标签。
- labels = gt_bboxes.new_full((num_bboxes, ),self.num_classes,dtype=torch.long) # [900]
- labels[pos_inds] = gt_labels[sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds]
- # 为所有预测框(包括正样本和负样本)生成标签权重,这里都设为1。但在某些情况下,你可能希望为负样本赋予不同的权重。
- label_weights = gt_bboxes.new_ones(num_bboxes) # [900]
- # bbox targets
- # 初始化一个与bbox_pred形状相同的Tensor,但只保留前9个通道(假设边界框的坐标和尺寸有9个参数)。
- # 然后,初始化一个与bbox_pred形状相同的Tensor,但所有元素都是0。接着,将正样本的索引对应的权重设为1.0
- bbox_targets = torch.zeros_like(bbox_pred)[..., :9] # [900,9]
- bbox_weights = torch.zeros_like(bbox_pred) # [900,10]
- bbox_weights[pos_inds] = 1.0
- # DETR
- # 将正样本的索引对应的边界框目标设置为真实的边界框坐标和尺寸。
- bbox_targets[pos_inds] = sampling_result.pos_gt_bboxes
- # 注意:变量包含了真实值(特别是对于正样本)和一些初始化的值(特别是对于负样本)。
- return (labels, label_weights, bbox_targets, bbox_weights, pos_inds, neg_inds)
- def get_targets(self,
- cls_scores_list, # [900,10]
- bbox_preds_list, # [900,10]
- gt_bboxes_list, # [18,9] 9个label信息,3个xyz,3个长宽高,3个旋转角
- gt_labels_list, # 18个label
- gt_bboxes_ignore_list=None):
- """"Compute regression and classification targets for a batch image.
- Outputs from a single decoder layer of a single feature level are used.
- Args:
- cls_scores_list (list[Tensor]): Box score logits from a single
- decoder layer for each image with shape [num_query,
- cls_out_channels].
- bbox_preds_list (list[Tensor]): Sigmoid outputs from a single
- decoder layer for each image, with normalized coordinate
- (cx, cy, w, h) and shape [num_query, 4].
- gt_bboxes_list (list[Tensor]): Ground truth bboxes for each image
- with shape (num_gts, 4) in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format.
- gt_labels_list (list[Tensor]): Ground truth class indices for each
- image with shape (num_gts, ).
- gt_bboxes_ignore_list (list[Tensor], optional): Bounding
- boxes which can be ignored for each image. Default None.
- Returns:
- tuple: a tuple containing the following targets.
- - labels_list (list[Tensor]): Labels for all images.
- - label_weights_list (list[Tensor]): Label weights for all \
- images.
- - bbox_targets_list (list[Tensor]): BBox targets for all \
- images.
- - bbox_weights_list (list[Tensor]): BBox weights for all \
- images.
- - num_total_pos (int): Number of positive samples in all \
- images.
- - num_total_neg (int): Number of negative samples in all \
- images.
- """
- assert gt_bboxes_ignore_list is None, \
- 'Only supports for gt_bboxes_ignore setting to None.'
- num_imgs = len(cls_scores_list) # 1
- gt_bboxes_ignore_list = [gt_bboxes_ignore_list for _ in range(num_imgs)] # None
- (labels_list, label_weights_list, bbox_targets_list,
- bbox_weights_list, pos_inds_list, neg_inds_list) = multi_apply(
- self._get_target_single, cls_scores_list, bbox_preds_list,
- gt_labels_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_bboxes_ignore_list)
- num_total_pos = sum((inds.numel() for inds in pos_inds_list)) # 18
- num_total_neg = sum((inds.numel() for inds in neg_inds_list)) # 882
- return (labels_list, label_weights_list, bbox_targets_list,
- bbox_weights_list, num_total_pos, num_total_neg)
- def loss_single(self,
- cls_scores, # [1,900,10]
- bbox_preds, # [1,900,10]
- gt_bboxes_list, # list[[18,9] 9表示3个xyz,3个长宽高,3个旋转角]
- gt_labels_list, # list[18个label]
- gt_bboxes_ignore_list=None):# None
- """"Loss function for outputs from a single decoder layer of a single
- feature level.
- Args:
- cls_scores (Tensor): Box score logits from a single decoder layer
- for all images. Shape [bs, num_query, cls_out_channels].
- bbox_preds (Tensor): Sigmoid outputs from a single decoder layer
- for all images, with normalized coordinate (cx, cy, w, h) and
- shape [bs, num_query, 4].
- gt_bboxes_list (list[Tensor]): Ground truth bboxes for each image
- with shape (num_gts, 4) in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format.
- gt_labels_list (list[Tensor]): Ground truth class indices for each
- image with shape (num_gts, ).
- gt_bboxes_ignore_list (list[Tensor], optional): Bounding
- boxes which can be ignored for each image. Default None.
- Returns:
- dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components for outputs from
- a single decoder layer.
- """
- num_imgs = cls_scores.size(0) # 1
- cls_scores_list = [cls_scores[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] # [900,10]
- bbox_preds_list = [bbox_preds[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] # [900,10]
- cls_reg_targets = self.get_targets(cls_scores_list, bbox_preds_list,gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_bboxes_ignore_list)
- # cls——reg_targets为一个list,里面有6个值,这是真实值
- (labels_list, label_weights_list, bbox_targets_list, bbox_weights_list,num_total_pos, num_total_neg) = cls_reg_targets
- # 真实的label值
- labels = torch.cat(labels_list, 0) # [900]
- # 真实的label_weight
- label_weights = torch.cat(label_weights_list, 0) # [900]
- # 真实的bbox
- bbox_targets = torch.cat(bbox_targets_list, 0) # [900,9]
- # 真实bbox_weight
- bbox_weights = torch.cat(bbox_weights_list, 0) # [900,10]
- # 预测的类别分数
- cls_scores = cls_scores.reshape(-1, self.cls_out_channels) # [900,10]
- # construct weighted avg_factor to match with the official DETR repo
- cls_avg_factor = num_total_pos * 1.0 + num_total_neg * self.bg_cls_weight # 18
- if self.sync_cls_avg_factor:
- cls_avg_factor = reduce_mean(cls_scores.new_tensor([cls_avg_factor])) # 1
- # 类别损失
- cls_avg_factor = max(cls_avg_factor, 1) # [18]
- loss_cls = self.loss_cls(cls_scores, labels, label_weights, avg_factor=cls_avg_factor) # 类别损失 2.2571
- # Compute the average number of gt boxes accross all gpus, for
- # normalization purposes
- num_total_pos = loss_cls.new_tensor([num_total_pos])
- num_total_pos = torch.clamp(reduce_mean(num_total_pos), min=1).item()
- # regression L1 loss
- bbox_preds = bbox_preds.reshape(-1, bbox_preds.size(-1)) # 18.0
- normalized_bbox_targets = normalize_bbox(bbox_targets, self.pc_range) # [900,10]
- isnotnan = torch.isfinite(normalized_bbox_targets).all(dim=-1) # 布尔值
- bbox_weights = bbox_weights * self.code_weights # [900,10]
- loss_bbox = self.loss_bbox(bbox_preds[isnotnan, :10], normalized_bbox_targets[isnotnan, :10], bbox_weights[isnotnan, :10], avg_factor=num_total_pos)
- loss_cls = torch.nan_to_num(loss_cls)
- loss_bbox = torch.nan_to_num(loss_bbox)
- return loss_cls, loss_bbox
(1)DETR3D是DETR2D的一个改进版,主要通过初始化一个3D的object query,将其投影到2D像素平面上和不同视角图像特征进行交互,来预测3D物体的位置。
论文精读:《DETR3D: 3D Object Detection from Multi-view Images via 3D-to-2D Queries》-CSDN博客
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