Apache APISIX 是一个动态、实时、高性能的云原生 API 网关。它构建于 NGINX + ngx_lua 的技术基础之上,充分利用了 LuaJIT 所提供的强大性能。
APISIX 主要分为两个部分:
1.APISIX 核心:包括 Lua 插件、多语言插件运行时(Plugin Runner)、Wasm 插件运行时等;
APISIX 可以借助 quickstart 脚本快速安装并启动:
curl -sL https://run.api7.ai/apisix/quickstart | sh
该命令启动 apisix-quickstart 和 etcd 两个容器,APISIX 使用 etcd 保存和同步配置。APISIX 和 etcd 容器使用 Docker 的 host 网络模式,因此可以从本地直接访问。
✔ APISIX is ready!
①先下载quickstart脚本,然后编辑一下apisix 的 静态资源数据卷
-v /datas/volume/apisix/apisix/html:/usr/local/apisix/html \
②quickstart脚本 需要判断一下apisix-quickstart-net是否存在
if docker network inspect "$DEFAULT_NET_NAME" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Docker network '$DEFAULT_NET_NAME' already exists."
docker network create -d bridge $DEFAULT_NET_NAME && echo_pass "network ${DEFAULT_NET_NAME} created" || {
echo_fail "Create network failed!"
return 1
③先启动容器,为了后面的实践,需要把apisix容器的config.yaml通过docker cp 复制出来,方便 自定义 Nginx 配置
自定义 Nginx 配置 | Apache APISIX® – Cloud-Native API Gateway
1)先 授权数据卷
chown 1001:1001 /datas/volume/apisix/etcd/data
2)etcd, etcd.conf.yaml脚本:etcd/etcd.conf.yml.sample at main · etcd-io/etcd · GitHub
修改etcd.conf.yaml脚本,listen-client-urls 配置,修改为http://,信任所有ip
docker run -d \
--network=$DEFAULT_NET_NAME \
-e ETCD_CONF_FILE=/opt/bitnami/etcd/conf/etcd.conf.yml \
-v /datas/volume/apisix/etcd/data:/var/etcd \
-v /datas/volume/apisix/etcd/conf/etcd.conf.yml:/opt/bitnami/etcd/conf/etcd.conf.yml \
${DEFAULT_ETCD_IMAGE_NAME}:${DEFAULT_ETCD_IMAGE_TAG} /opt/bitnami/etcd/bin/etcd --config-file=/opt/bitnami/etcd/conf/etcd.conf.yml \
&& echo_pass "etcd is listening on ${DEFAULT_ETCD_NAME}:${DEFAULT_ETCD_LISTEN_PORT}" || {
echo_fail "Start etcd failed!"
return 1
可以通过 curl 来访问正在运行的 APISIX 实例。比如,你可以发送一个简单的 HTTP 请求来验证 APISIX 运行状态是否正常:
curl "" --head | grep Server
Server: APISIX/Version
这里的 Version 是指你已经安装的 APISIX 版本,比如 APISIX/3.3.0。
现在,你已经成功安装并运行了 APISIX!
请确保其他系统进程没有占用 9080、9180、9443 和 2379 端口。
9180:是Admin api端口
curl "" -X PUT -d '
"methods": ["GET"],
"host": "test.example.com",
"uri": "/anything/*",
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": {
"httpbin.org": 1
curl -i -X GET "" -H "Host: test.example.com"
该请求将被 APISIX 转发到 http://httpbin.org:80/anything/foo?arg=10。
curl "" -X PUT -d '
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": {
"httpbin.org": 1
该上游配置与上一节配置在路由中的上游相同。同样使用了 roundrobin 作为负载均衡机制,并设置了 httpbin.org 为上游服务。为了将该上游绑定到路由,此处需要把 upstream_id 设置为 “1”。更多字段信息,请参考 Admin API。
curl "" -X PUT -d '
"uri": "/get",
"host": "httpbin.org",
"upstream_id": "1"
curl -i -X GET "" -H "Host: httpbin.org"
docker pull apache/apisix-dashboard:2.13-alpine
docker run -d --name apisix-dashboard --network apisix-quickstart-net -p 9000:9000 -v <CONFIG_FILE>:/usr/local/apisix-dashboard/conf/conf.yaml apache/apisix-dashboard:2.13-alpine
!!请修改 <CONFIG_FILE> 目录为本地数据卷位置。
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # yamllint disable rule:comments-indentation conf: listen: # host: # the address on which the `Manager API` should listen. # The default value is, if want to specify, please enable it. # This value accepts IPv4, IPv6, and hostname. port: 9000 # The port on which the `Manager API` should listen. # ssl: # host: # the address on which the `Manager API` should listen for HTTPS. # The default value is, if want to specify, please enable it. # port: 9001 # The port on which the `Manager API` should listen for HTTPS. # cert: "/tmp/cert/example.crt" # Path of your SSL cert. # key: "/tmp/cert/example.key" # Path of your SSL key. allow_list: # If we don't set any IP list, then any IP access is allowed by default. etcd: endpoints: # supports defining multiple etcd host addresses for an etcd cluster #注意这里要修改!!!!!! - http://etcd-quickstart:2379 # yamllint disable rule:comments-indentation # etcd basic auth info # username: "root" # ignore etcd username if not enable etcd auth # password: "123456" # ignore etcd password if not enable etcd auth mtls: key_file: "" # Path of your self-signed client side key cert_file: "" # Path of your self-signed client side cert ca_file: "" # Path of your self-signed ca cert, the CA is used to sign callers' certificates # prefix: /apisix # apisix config's prefix in etcd, /apisix by default log: error_log: level: warn # supports levels, lower to higher: debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal file_path: logs/error.log # supports relative path, absolute path, standard output # such as: logs/error.log, /tmp/logs/error.log, /dev/stdout, /dev/stderr # such as absolute path on Windows: winfile:///C:\error.log access_log: file_path: logs/access.log # supports relative path, absolute path, standard output # such as: logs/access.log, /tmp/logs/access.log, /dev/stdout, /dev/stderr # such as absolute path on Windows: winfile:///C:\access.log # log example: 2020-12-09T16:38:09.039+0800 INFO filter/logging.go:46 /apisix/admin/routes/r1 {"status": 401, "host": "", "query": "asdfsafd=adf&a=a", "requestId": "3d50ecb8-758c-46d1-af5b-cd9d1c820156", "latency": 0, "remoteIP": "", "method": "PUT", "errs": []} max_cpu: 0 # supports tweaking with the number of OS threads are going to be used for parallelism. Default value: 0 [will use max number of available cpu cores considering hyperthreading (if any)]. If the value is negative, is will not touch the existing parallelism profile. # security: # access_control_allow_origin: "http://httpbin.org" # access_control_allow_credentials: true # support using custom cors configration # access_control_allow_headers: "Authorization" # access_control-allow_methods: "*" # x_frame_options: "deny" # content_security_policy: "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' data:; frame-src xx.xx.xx.xx:3000" # You can set frame-src to provide content for your grafana panel. authentication: secret: secret # secret for jwt token generation. # NOTE: Highly recommended to modify this value to protect `manager api`. # if it's default value, when `manager api` start, it will generate a random string to replace it. expire_time: 3600 # jwt token expire time, in second users: # yamllint enable rule:comments-indentation - username: admin # username and password for login `manager api` password: admin - username: user password: user oidc: enabled: false expire_time: 3600 client_id: dashboard client_secret: dashboard auth_url: token_url: user_info_url: redirect_url: scope: openid plugins: - api-breaker - authz-casbin - authz-casdoor - authz-keycloak - aws-lambda - azure-functions - basic-auth # - batch-requests - clickhouse-logger - client-control - consumer-restriction - cors - csrf - datadog # - dubbo-proxy - echo - error-log-logger # - example-plugin - ext-plugin-post-req - ext-plugin-post-resp - ext-plugin-pre-req - fault-injection - file-logger - forward-auth - google-cloud-logging - grpc-transcode - grpc-web - gzip - hmac-auth - http-logger - ip-restriction - jwt-auth - kafka-logger - kafka-proxy - key-auth - ldap-auth - limit-conn - limit-count - limit-req - loggly # - log-rotate - mocking # - node-status - opa - openid-connect - opentelemetry - openwhisk - prometheus - proxy-cache - proxy-control - proxy-mirror - proxy-rewrite - public-api - real-ip - redirect - referer-restriction - request-id - request-validation - response-rewrite - rocketmq-logger - server-info - serverless-post-function - serverless-pre-function - skywalking - skywalking-logger - sls-logger - splunk-hec-logging - syslog - tcp-logger - traffic-split - ua-restriction - udp-logger - uri-blocker - wolf-rbac - zipkin - elasticsearch-logge - openfunction - tencent-cloud-cls - ai - cas-auth
【解决问题】:运行报错:docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error mounting “/datas/volume/apisix/dashboard/conf/conf.yaml” to rootfs at “/usr/local/apisix-dashboard/conf/conf.yaml”: mount /datas/volume/apisix/dashboard/conf/conf.yaml:/usr/local/apisix-dashboard/conf/conf.yaml (via /proc/self/fd/6), flags: 0x5000: not a directory: unknown: Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type.
【解决问题】:docker 启动报错:panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x10 pc=0xd33b7c]
解决办法:请把这个文件apisix-dashboard/api/conf/conf.yaml at master · apache/apisix-dashboard · GitHub 配置到服务器。如果出现报错:etcd get failed: context deadline exceeded。
参考地址:apisix-dashboard/api/conf/conf.yaml at master · apache/apisix-dashboard · GitHub
etcd启动时增加 --listen-client-urls ‘http://:2379’,示例是:apisix-quickstart-net
1.quickstart脚本 需要配置一下apisix 的 静态资源数据卷,如果按照上面的建议已修改,请忽略!
-v /datas/volume/apisix/apisix/html:/usr/local/apisix/html \
error_log: "/dev/stderr"
error_log_level: "debug"
# warn,error
worker_rlimit_nofile: 20480
http_server_configuration_snippet: |
location ~* \.(html|js|css|flash|media|jpg|png|gif|ico|lcov|json|txt)${
root /usr/local/apisix/html;
access_log: "/dev/stdout"
keepalive_timeout: 60s
client_header_timeout: 60s
docker cp ./config.yaml apisix-quickstart:/usr/local/apisix/conf/config.yaml
docker restart apisix-quickstart
curl http:/<APISIX_IP>:9080/test.html
Plugin 也称之为插件,它是扩展 APISIX 应用层能力的关键机制,也是在使用 APISIX 时最常用的资源对象。插件主要是在 HTTP 请求或响应生命周期期间执行的、针对请求的个性化策略。插件可以与路由、服务或消费者绑定。
如果 路由、服务、插件配置 或消费者都绑定了相同的插件,则只有一份插件配置会生效,插件配置的优先级由高到低顺序是:消费者 > 路由 > 插件配置 > 服务。同时在插件执行过程中也会涉及 6 个阶段,分别是 rewrite、access、before_proxy、header_filter、body_filter 和 log。
上面的插件的优先级具体实践,可以体验 key-auth 插件,分别在消费者和路由新建都配置key,会发现消费者的key优先级更高。
访问 http://:9080/test/index.html#/login 会转发到 www.baidu.com
通过请求 /test/ 负载均衡到 百度图片和百度地图
API 网关主要作用是连接 API 消费者和提供者。出于安全考虑,在访问内部资源之前,应先对消费者进行身份验证和授权。
创建一个名为 tom 的消费者,并启用 key-auth 插件,密钥设置为 secret-key。所有携带密钥 secret-key 的请求都会被识别为消费者 tom。
注意:key-auth 需要配合 consumer 进行使用的!!!
给前面 /baidu 路由配置插件
通过请求 curl -i http://<APISIX_IP>:9080/baidu/ -H ‘apikey: secret-key’,能够进入百度首页。
APISIX 是一个统一的控制中心,它管理 API 和微服务的进出流量。除了客户端发来的合理的请求,还可能存在网络爬虫产生的不必要的流量,此外,网络攻击(比如 DDos)也可能产生非法请求。
APISIX 提供限速功能,通过限制在规定时间内发送到上游服务的请求数量来保护 APIs 和微服务。请求的计数在内存中完成,具有低延迟和高性能的特点。
在本教程中,你将启用 limit-count 插件来限制传入流量的速率,limit-count主要用于在指定的时间范围内,限制每个客户端总请求个数。
给/baidu路由 添加如下插件配置,下列配置将传入流量的速率限制为每 10 秒最多 2 个请求,否则返回503。
limit-conn 插件主要用于限制客户端对服务的并发请求数。
两个请求一起,curl http://<APISIX_IP>:9080/baidu/?sleep=20 & curl http://<APISIX_IP>:9080/baidu/
该插件能够通过设置客户端请求体大小的上限来动态地控制 NGINX 处理客户端的请求。
client-control 插件能够通过设置客户端请求体大小的上限来动态地控制 NGINX 处理客户端的请求。
此插件需要 APISIX 在 APISIX-Runtime 环境上运行。更多信息请参考 apisix-build-tools。
Apache APISIX v3.9 中文文档:https://www.bookstack.cn/read/apisix-3.9-zh/GettingStarted.md
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