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多目标灰狼算法(MOGWO):原理讲解与代码实现 Matlab代码免费获取_多目标灰狼优化算法










        今天为大家带来一期多目标灰狼算法(MOGWO)代码,该算法由 Seyedali Mirjalili 等人于 2016 年发表在SCI一区顶刊《Expert Systems With Applications》上!





        多目标灰狼优化算法 (Multi-objective Grey Wolf Optimizer, MOGWO)是灰狼优化算法(GWO)的多目标版本,旨在解决多准则下无法比较多目标空间中解的优劣问题,因此引入了Pareto最优解集的概念。

























  1. clear
  2. clc
  3. drawing_flag = 1;
  4. nVar=5;
  5. %% 测试函数
  6. fobj=@(x) ZDT3(x);
  7. %% MOGWO算法参数
  8. lb=zeros(1,5);
  9. ub=ones(1,5);
  10. VarSize=[1 nVar];
  11. GreyWolves_num=100; % 种群数量
  12. MaxIt=50; % 迭代次数
  13. Archive_size=100; % 存档数量
  14. %% 网格机制的参数
  15. alpha=0.1; % Grid Inflation Parameter
  16. nGrid=10; % Number of Grids per each Dimension
  17. beta=4; % Leader Selection Pressure Parameter
  18. gamma=2; % Extra (to be deleted) Repository Member Selection Pressure
  19. %% 种群初始化
  20. GreyWolves=CreateEmptyParticle(GreyWolves_num);
  21. for i=1:GreyWolves_num
  22. GreyWolves(i).Velocity=0;
  23. GreyWolves(i).Position=zeros(1,nVar);
  24. for j=1:nVar
  25. GreyWolves(i).Position(1,j)=unifrnd(lb(j),ub(j),1);
  26. end
  27. GreyWolves(i).Cost=fobj(GreyWolves(i).Position')';
  28. GreyWolves(i).Best.Position=GreyWolves(i).Position;
  29. GreyWolves(i).Best.Cost=GreyWolves(i).Cost;
  30. end
  31. %% 确定支配关系
  32. GreyWolves=DetermineDomination(GreyWolves);
  33. %% 非支配解存档
  34. Archive=GetNonDominatedParticles(GreyWolves);
  35. %% 网格机制
  36. Archive_costs=GetCosts(Archive);
  37. G=CreateHypercubes(Archive_costs,nGrid,alpha);
  38. for i=1:numel(Archive)
  39. [Archive(i).GridIndex Archive(i).GridSubIndex]=GetGridIndex(Archive(i),G);
  40. end
  41. %% 主程序迭代
  42. for it=1:MaxIt
  43. a=2-it*((2)/MaxIt);
  44. for i=1:GreyWolves_num
  45. clear rep2
  46. clear rep3
  47. % Choose the alpha, beta, and delta grey wolves
  48. Delta=SelectLeader(Archive,beta);
  49. Beta=SelectLeader(Archive,beta);
  50. Alpha=SelectLeader(Archive,beta);
  51. % If there are less than three solutions in the least crowded
  52. % hypercube, the second least crowded hypercube is also found
  53. % to choose other leaders from.
  54. if size(Archive,1)>1
  55. counter=0;
  56. for newi=1:size(Archive,1)
  57. if sum(Delta.Position~=Archive(newi).Position)~=0
  58. counter=counter+1;
  59. rep2(counter,1)=Archive(newi);
  60. end
  61. end
  62. Beta=SelectLeader(rep2,beta);
  63. end
  64. % This scenario is the same if the second least crowded hypercube
  65. % has one solution, so the delta leader should be chosen from the
  66. % third least crowded hypercube.
  67. if size(Archive,1)>2
  68. counter=0;
  69. for newi=1:size(rep2,1)
  70. if sum(Beta.Position~=rep2(newi).Position)~=0
  71. counter=counter+1;
  72. rep3(counter,1)=rep2(newi);
  73. end
  74. end
  75. Alpha=SelectLeader(rep3,beta);
  76. end
  77. % Eq.(3.4) in the paper
  78. c=2.*rand(1, nVar);
  79. % Eq.(3.1) in the paper
  80. D=abs(c.*Delta.Position-GreyWolves(i).Position);
  81. % Eq.(3.3) in the paper
  82. A=2.*a.*rand(1, nVar)-a;
  83. % Eq.(3.8) in the paper
  84. X1=Delta.Position-A.*abs(D);
  85. % Eq.(3.4) in the paper
  86. c=2.*rand(1, nVar);
  87. % Eq.(3.1) in the paper
  88. D=abs(c.*Beta.Position-GreyWolves(i).Position);
  89. % Eq.(3.3) in the paper
  90. A=2.*a.*rand()-a;
  91. % Eq.(3.9) in the paper
  92. X2=Beta.Position-A.*abs(D);
  93. % Eq.(3.4) in the paper
  94. c=2.*rand(1, nVar);
  95. % Eq.(3.1) in the paper
  96. D=abs(c.*Alpha.Position-GreyWolves(i).Position);
  97. % Eq.(3.3) in the paper
  98. A=2.*a.*rand()-a;
  99. % Eq.(3.10) in the paper
  100. X3=Alpha.Position-A.*abs(D);
  101. % Eq.(3.11) in the paper
  102. GreyWolves(i).Position=(X1+X2+X3)./3;
  103. % Boundary checking
  104. GreyWolves(i).Position=min(max(GreyWolves(i).Position,lb),ub);
  105. GreyWolves(i).Cost=fobj(GreyWolves(i).Position')';
  106. end
  107. GreyWolves=DetermineDomination(GreyWolves);
  108. non_dominated_wolves=GetNonDominatedParticles(GreyWolves);
  109. Archive=[Archive
  110. non_dominated_wolves];
  111. Archive=DetermineDomination(Archive);
  112. Archive=GetNonDominatedParticles(Archive);
  113. for i=1:numel(Archive)
  114. [Archive(i).GridIndex Archive(i).GridSubIndex]=GetGridIndex(Archive(i),G);
  115. end
  116. if numel(Archive)>Archive_size
  117. EXTRA=numel(Archive)-Archive_size;
  118. Archive=DeleteFromRep(Archive,EXTRA,gamma);
  119. Archive_costs=GetCosts(Archive);
  120. G=CreateHypercubes(Archive_costs,nGrid,alpha);
  121. end
  122. disp(['In iteration ' num2str(it) ': Number of solutions in the archive = ' num2str(numel(Archive))]);
  123. save results
  124. % Results
  125. costs=GetCosts(GreyWolves);
  126. Archive_costs=GetCosts(Archive);
  127. if drawing_flag==1
  128. hold off
  129. plot(costs(1,:),costs(2,:),'k.');
  130. hold on
  131. plot(Archive_costs(1,:),Archive_costs(2,:),'r*');
  132. legend('灰狼种群','非支配解');
  133. set(gcf,'color','w')
  134. drawnow
  135. end
  136. end






