1 左上角切换到项目(如果没有的话,创建之)
2 点击左侧菜单‘代码仓库’
3 点击右上角的‘创建代码仓库’
4 创建完成后,回到‘代码仓库’界面,进入该仓库。
5 点击右上角‘克隆下载’,复制‘ssh’选项卡下面的内容
6 切换到电脑端github destkop界面
7 左上角选择add-》clone respoitry-》在弹出界面粘贴刚才的git地址
8 点击clone,如果没成功报错的话,则继续下面的操作:
1. 进入命令行 cd ~/.ssh 查询.ssh文件,如果没有的话创建,输入 mkdir ~/.ssh
再输入 git config --global user.name 'lumeng'
再输入 git config --global user.email '946@qq.com'
再输入 ssh-keygen -t rsa -C '946@qq.com'
2. 查询id_rsa.pub,查询:
cat id_rsa.pub即可
3 登录coding管理界面
4 点击左下角‘姓名’-》个人账户设置-》SSH公钥-》新增公钥
5 粘贴公钥内容,确认。
Authentication failed. Some common reasons include:
- You are not logged in to your account: see File > Options.
- You may need to log out and log back in to refresh your token.
- You do not have permission to access this repository.
- The repository is archived on GitHub. Check the repository settings to confirm you are still permitted to push commits.
- If you use SSH authentication, check that your key is added to the ssh-agent and associated with your account.
- If you use SSH authentication, ensure the host key verification passes for your repository hosting service.
- If you used username / password authentication, you might need to use a Personal Access Token instead of your account password. Check the documentation of your repository hosting service.
Would you like to retry cloning ?
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