1、maven 依赖
- <dependency>
- <groupId>io.milvus</groupId>
- <artifactId>milvus-sdk-java</artifactId>
- <version>2.3.3</version>
- <exclusions>
- <exclusion>
- <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId>
- <artifactId>slf4j-api</artifactId>
- </exclusion>
- <exclusion>
- <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</groupId>
- <artifactId>log4j-slf4j-impl</artifactId>
- </exclusion>
- </exclusions>
- </dependency>
2、MivusService 封装了 基本操作
- @Service
- @Slf4j
- public class MivusService {
- @Autowired
- MilvusServiceClient milvusClient;
- private String clientId;
- /**
- * 同步搜索milvus
- * @param collectionName 表名
- * @param vectors 查询向量
- * @param topK 最相似的向量个数
- * @return
- */
- public List<Long> search(String collectionName, List<List<Float>> vectors, Integer topK) {
- Assert.notNull(collectionName, "collectionName is null");
- Assert.notNull(vectors, "vectors is null");
- Assert.notEmpty(vectors, "vectors is empty");
- Assert.notNull(topK, "topK is null");
- int nprobeVectorSize = vectors.get(0).size();
- String paramsInJson = "{\"nprobe\": " + nprobeVectorSize + "}";
- SearchParam searchParam =
- SearchParam.newBuilder().withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withParams(paramsInJson)
- .withMetricType(MetricType.L2)
- .withVectors(vectors)
- .withVectorFieldName("embeddings")
- .withTopK(topK)
- .build();
- R<SearchResults> searchResultsR = milvusClient.search(searchParam);
- SearchResults searchResultsRData = searchResultsR.getData();
- List<Long> topksList = searchResultsRData.getResults().getIds().getIntId().getDataList();
- return topksList;
- }
- /**
- * 同步搜索milvus
- * @param collectionName 表名
- * @param vectors 查询向量
- * @param topK 最相似的向量个数
- * @return
- */
- public List<Long> search1(String collectionName, List<List<Float>> vectors, Integer topK) {
- Assert.notNull(collectionName, "collectionName is null");
- Assert.notNull(vectors, "vectors is null");
- Assert.notEmpty(vectors, "vectors is empty");
- Assert.notNull(topK, "topK is null");
- int nprobeVectorSize = vectors.get(0).size();
- String paramsInJson = "{\"nprobe\": " + nprobeVectorSize + "}";
- SearchParam searchParam =
- SearchParam.newBuilder().withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withParams(paramsInJson)
- .withMetricType(MetricType.IP)
- .withVectors(vectors)
- .withVectorFieldName("embedding")
- .withTopK(topK)
- .build();
- R<SearchResults> searchResultsR = milvusClient.search(searchParam);
- SearchResults searchResultsRData = searchResultsR.getData();
- List<Long> topksList = searchResultsRData.getResults().getIds().getIntId().getDataList();
- return topksList;
- }
- /**
- * 同步搜索milvus,增加过滤条件搜索
- *
- * @param collectionName 表名
- * @param vectors 查询向量
- * @param topK 最相似的向量个数
- * @param exp 过滤条件:status=1
- * @return
- */
- public List<Long> search2(String collectionName, List<List<Float>> vectors, Integer topK, String exp) {
- Assert.notNull(collectionName, "collectionName is null");
- Assert.notNull(vectors, "vectors is null");
- Assert.notEmpty(vectors, "vectors is empty");
- Assert.notNull(topK, "topK is null");
- Assert.notNull(exp, "exp is null");
- int nprobeVectorSize = vectors.get(0).size();
- String paramsInJson = "{\"nprobe\": " + nprobeVectorSize + "}";
- SearchParam searchParam =
- SearchParam.newBuilder().withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withParams(paramsInJson)
- .withMetricType(MetricType.IP)
- .withVectors(vectors)
- .withExpr(exp)
- .withVectorFieldName("embedding")
- .withTopK(topK)
- .build();
- R<SearchResults> searchResultsR = milvusClient.search(searchParam);
- SearchResults searchResultsRData = searchResultsR.getData();
- List<Long> topksList = searchResultsRData.getResults().getIds().getIntId().getDataList();
- return topksList;
- }
- /**
- * 异步搜索milvus
- *
- * @param collectionName 表名
- * @param vectors 查询向量
- * @param partitionList 最相似的向量个数
- * @param topK
- * @return
- */
- public List<Long> searchAsync(String collectionName, List<List<Float>> vectors,
- List<String> partitionList, Integer topK) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
- Assert.notNull(collectionName, "collectionName is null");
- Assert.notNull(vectors, "vectors is null");
- Assert.notEmpty(vectors, "vectors is empty");
- Assert.notNull(partitionList, "partitionList is null");
- Assert.notEmpty(partitionList, "partitionList is empty");
- Assert.notNull(topK, "topK is null");
- int nprobeVectorSize = vectors.get(0).size();
- String paramsInJson = "{\"nprobe\": " + nprobeVectorSize + "}";
- SearchParam searchParam =
- SearchParam.newBuilder().withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withParams(paramsInJson)
- .withVectors(vectors)
- .withTopK(topK)
- .withPartitionNames(partitionList)
- .build();
- ListenableFuture<R<SearchResults>> listenableFuture = milvusClient.searchAsync(searchParam);
- List<Long> resultIdsList = listenableFuture.get().getData().getResults().getTopksList();
- return resultIdsList;
- }
- /**
- * 获取分区集合
- * @param collectionName 表名
- * @return
- */
- public List<String> getPartitionsList(String collectionName) {
- Assert.notNull(collectionName, "collectionName is null");
- ShowPartitionsParam searchParam = ShowPartitionsParam.newBuilder().withCollectionName(collectionName).build();
- List<ByteString> byteStrings = milvusClient.showPartitions(searchParam).getData().getPartitionNamesList().asByteStringList();
- List<String> partitionList = Lists.newLinkedList();
- byteStrings.forEach(s -> {
- partitionList.add(s.toStringUtf8());
- });
- return partitionList;
- }
- public void loadCollection(String collectionName) {
- LoadCollectionParam loadCollectionParam = LoadCollectionParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .build();
- R<RpcStatus> response = milvusClient.loadCollection(loadCollectionParam);
- log.info("loadCollection {} is {}", collectionName, response.getData().getMsg());
- }
- public void releaseCollection(String collectionName) {
- ReleaseCollectionParam param = ReleaseCollectionParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .build();
- R<RpcStatus> response = milvusClient.releaseCollection(param);
- log.info("releaseCollection {} is {}", collectionName, response.getData().getMsg());
- }
- public void loadPartitions(String collectionName, List<String> partitionsName) {
- LoadPartitionsParam build = LoadPartitionsParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withPartitionNames(partitionsName)
- .build();
- R<RpcStatus> rpcStatusR = milvusClient.loadPartitions(build);
- log.info("loadPartitions {} is {}", partitionsName, rpcStatusR.getData().getMsg());
- }
- public void releasePartitions(String collectionName, List<String> partitionsName) {
- ReleasePartitionsParam build = ReleasePartitionsParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withPartitionNames(partitionsName)
- .build();
- R<RpcStatus> rpcStatusR = milvusClient.releasePartitions(build);
- log.info("releasePartition {} is {}", collectionName, rpcStatusR.getData().getMsg());
- }
- public boolean isExitCollection(String collectionName) {
- HasCollectionParam hasCollectionParam = HasCollectionParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .build();
- R<Boolean> response = milvusClient.hasCollection(hasCollectionParam);
- Boolean isExists = response.getData();
- log.info("collection {} is exists: {}", collectionName, isExists);
- return isExists;
- }
- public Boolean creatCollection(String collectionName) {
- // 主键字段
- FieldType fieldType1 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.ID)
- .withDescription("primary key")
- .withDataType(DataType.Int64)
- .withPrimaryKey(true)
- .withAutoID(true)
- .build();
- // 文本字段
- FieldType fieldType2 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.CONTENT)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- // 向量字段
- FieldType fieldType3 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.CONTENT_VECTOR)
- .withDataType(DataType.FloatVector)
- .withDimension(Content.FEATURE_DIM)
- .build();
- // 创建collection
- CreateCollectionParam createCollectionReq = CreateCollectionParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withDescription("Schema of Content")
- .withShardsNum(Content.SHARDS_NUM)
- .addFieldType(fieldType1)
- .addFieldType(fieldType2)
- .addFieldType(fieldType3)
- .build();
- R<RpcStatus> response = milvusClient.createCollection(createCollectionReq);
- log.info("collection: {} is created ? status: = {}", collectionName, response.getData().getMsg());
- return response.getData().getMsg().equals("Success");
- }
- public Boolean dropCollection(String collectionName) {
- DropCollectionParam book = DropCollectionParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .build();
- R<RpcStatus> response = milvusClient.dropCollection(book);
- return response.getData().getMsg().equals("Success");
- }
- public void createPartition(String collectionName, String partitionName) {
- CreatePartitionParam param = CreatePartitionParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withPartitionName(partitionName)
- .build();
- R<RpcStatus> partition = milvusClient.createPartition(param);
- String msg = partition.getData().getMsg();
- log.info("create partition: {} in collection: {} is: {}", partition, collectionName, msg);
- }
- public Boolean createIndex(String collectionName) {
- // IndexType
- final IndexType INDEX_TYPE = IndexType.IVF_FLAT;
- // ExtraParam 建议值为 4 × sqrt(n), 其中 n 指 segment 最多包含的 entity 条数。
- final String INDEX_PARAM = "{\"nlist\":16384}";
- long startIndexTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- R<RpcStatus> response = milvusClient.createIndex(CreateIndexParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withIndexName(Content.CONTENT_INDEX)
- .withFieldName(Content.Field.CONTENT_VECTOR)
- .withMetricType(MetricType.L2)
- .withIndexType(INDEX_TYPE)
- .withExtraParam(INDEX_PARAM)
- .withSyncMode(Boolean.TRUE)
- .withSyncWaitingInterval(500L)
- .withSyncWaitingTimeout(30L)
- .build());
- long endIndexTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- log.info("Succeed in " + (endIndexTime - startIndexTime) / 1000.00 + " seconds!");
- log.info("createIndex --->>> {} ", response.toString());
- GetIndexBuildProgressParam build = GetIndexBuildProgressParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .build();
- R<GetIndexBuildProgressResponse> idnexResp = milvusClient.getIndexBuildProgress(build);
- log.info("getIndexBuildProgress --->>> {}", idnexResp.getStatus());
- return response.getData().getMsg().equals("Success");
- }
- public ReplyMsg insert(String collectionName, List<InsertParam.Field> fields) {
- InsertParam insertParam = InsertParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withFields(fields)
- .build();
- R<MutationResult> mutationResultR = milvusClient.insert(insertParam);
- log.info("Flushing...");
- long startFlushTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- milvusClient.flush(FlushParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionNames(Collections.singletonList(collectionName))
- .withSyncFlush(true)
- .withSyncFlushWaitingInterval(50L)
- .withSyncFlushWaitingTimeout(30L)
- .build());
- long endFlushTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- log.info("Succeed in " + (endFlushTime - startFlushTime) / 1000.00 + " seconds!");
- if (mutationResultR.getStatus() == 0){
- long insertCnt = mutationResultR.getData().getInsertCnt();
- log.info("Successfully! Total number of entities inserted: {} ", insertCnt);
- return ReplyMsg.ofSuccess("success", insertCnt);
- }
- log.error("InsertRequest failed!");
- return ReplyMsg.ofErrorMsg("InsertRequest failed!");
- }
- public List<List<SearchResultVo>> searchTopKSimilarity(SearchParamVo searchParamVo) {
- log.info("------search TopK Similarity------");
- SearchParam searchParam = SearchParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(searchParamVo.getCollectionName())
- .withMetricType(MetricType.L2)
- .withOutFields(searchParamVo.getOutputFields())
- .withTopK(searchParamVo.getTopK())
- .withVectors(searchParamVo.getQueryVectors())
- .withVectorFieldName(Content.Field.CONTENT_VECTOR)
- .withParams(searchParamVo.getParams())
- .build();
- R<SearchResults> respSearch = milvusClient.search(searchParam);
- if (respSearch.getData() == null) {
- return null;
- }
- log.info("------ process query results ------");
- SearchResultsWrapper wrapper = new SearchResultsWrapper(respSearch.getData().getResults());
- List<List<SearchResultVo>> result = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < searchParamVo.getQueryVectors().size(); ++i) {
- List<SearchResultsWrapper.IDScore> scores = wrapper.getIDScore(i);
- List<QueryResultsWrapper.RowRecord> rowRecords = wrapper.getRowRecords();
- List<SearchResultVo> list = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int j = 0; j < scores.size(); ++j) {
- SearchResultsWrapper.IDScore score = scores.get(j);
- QueryResultsWrapper.RowRecord rowRecord = rowRecords.get(j);
- long longID = score.getLongID();
- float distance = score.getScore();
- String content = (String) rowRecord.get(searchParamVo.getOutputFields().get(0));
- log.info("Top " + j + " ID:" + longID + " Distance:" + distance);
- log.info("Content: " + content);
- list.add(SearchResultVo.builder().id(longID).score(distance).conent(content).build());
- }
- result.add(list);
- }
- log.info("Successfully!");
- return result;
- }
- public Boolean creatCollectionERP(String collectionName) {
- // 主键字段
- FieldType fieldType1 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.ID)
- .withDescription("primary key")
- .withDataType(DataType.Int64)
- .withPrimaryKey(true)
- .withAutoID(true)
- .build();
- // 文本字段
- FieldType fieldType2 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.CONTENT)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- // 向量字段
- FieldType fieldType3 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.CONTENT_VECTOR)
- .withDataType(DataType.FloatVector)
- .withDimension(Content.FEATURE_DIM)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType4 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.CONTENT_ANSWER)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType5 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.TITLE)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType6 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.PARAM)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType7 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.TYPE)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- // 创建collection
- CreateCollectionParam createCollectionReq = CreateCollectionParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withDescription("Schema of Content ERP")
- .withShardsNum(Content.SHARDS_NUM)
- .addFieldType(fieldType1)
- .addFieldType(fieldType2)
- .addFieldType(fieldType3)
- .addFieldType(fieldType4)
- .addFieldType(fieldType5)
- .addFieldType(fieldType6)
- .addFieldType(fieldType7)
- .build();
- R<RpcStatus> response = milvusClient.createCollection(createCollectionReq);
- log.info("collection: {} is created ? status: = {}", collectionName, response.getData().getMsg());
- return response.getData().getMsg().equals("Success");
- }
- public Boolean creatCollectionERPCLIP(String collectionName) {
- // 主键字段
- FieldType fieldType1 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.ID)
- .withDescription("primary key")
- .withDataType(DataType.Int64)
- .withPrimaryKey(true)
- .withAutoID(true)
- .build();
- // 文本字段
- FieldType fieldType2 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.CONTENT)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- // 向量字段
- FieldType fieldType3 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.CONTENT_VECTOR)
- .withDataType(DataType.FloatVector)
- .withDimension(Content.FEATURE_DIM_CLIP)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType4 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.CONTENT_ANSWER)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType5 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.TITLE)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType6 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.PARAM)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType7 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.TYPE)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType8 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.LABEL)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- // 创建collection
- CreateCollectionParam createCollectionReq = CreateCollectionParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withDescription("Schema of Content ERP")
- .withShardsNum(Content.SHARDS_NUM)
- .addFieldType(fieldType1)
- .addFieldType(fieldType2)
- .addFieldType(fieldType3)
- .addFieldType(fieldType4)
- .addFieldType(fieldType5)
- .addFieldType(fieldType6)
- .addFieldType(fieldType7)
- .addFieldType(fieldType8)
- .build();
- R<RpcStatus> response = milvusClient.createCollection(createCollectionReq);
- log.info("collection: {} is created ? status: = {}", collectionName, response.getData().getMsg());
- return response.getData().getMsg().equals("Success");
- }
- public Boolean creatCollectionERPNLP(String collectionName) {
- // 主键字段
- FieldType fieldType1 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.ID)
- .withDescription("primary key")
- .withDataType(DataType.Int64)
- .withPrimaryKey(true)
- .withAutoID(true)
- .build();
- // 文本字段
- FieldType fieldType2 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.CONTENT)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- // 向量字段
- FieldType fieldType3 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.CONTENT_VECTOR)
- .withDataType(DataType.FloatVector)
- .withDimension(Content.FEATURE_DIM_CLIP)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType4 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.CONTENT_ANSWER)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType5 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.TITLE)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType6 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.PARAM)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType7 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.TYPE)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- FieldType fieldType8 = FieldType.newBuilder()
- .withName(Content.Field.LABEL)
- .withDataType(DataType.VarChar)
- .withMaxLength(Content.MAX_LENGTH)
- .build();
- // 创建collection
- CreateCollectionParam createCollectionReq = CreateCollectionParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(collectionName)
- .withDescription("Schema of Content ERP")
- .withShardsNum(Content.SHARDS_NUM)
- .addFieldType(fieldType1)
- .addFieldType(fieldType2)
- .addFieldType(fieldType3)
- .addFieldType(fieldType4)
- .addFieldType(fieldType5)
- .addFieldType(fieldType6)
- .addFieldType(fieldType7)
- .addFieldType(fieldType8)
- .build();
- R<RpcStatus> response = milvusClient.createCollection(createCollectionReq);
- log.info("collection: {} is created ? status: = {}", collectionName, response.getData().getMsg());
- return response.getData().getMsg().equals("Success");
- }
- public List<List<SearchERPResultVo>> searchERPTopKSimilarity(SearchERPParamVo searchParamVo) {
- log.info("------search ERP TopK Similarity------");
- SearchParam searchParam = SearchParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(searchParamVo.getCollectionName())
- .withMetricType(MetricType.L2)
- .withOutFields(searchParamVo.getOutputFields())
- .withTopK(searchParamVo.getTopK())
- .withVectors(searchParamVo.getQueryVectors())
- .withVectorFieldName(Content.Field.CONTENT_VECTOR)
- .withParams(searchParamVo.getParams())
- .build();
- R<SearchResults> respSearch = milvusClient.search(searchParam);
- if (respSearch.getData() == null) {
- return null;
- }
- log.info("------ process query results ------");
- SearchResultsWrapper wrapper = new SearchResultsWrapper(respSearch.getData().getResults());
- List<List<SearchERPResultVo>> result = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < searchParamVo.getQueryVectors().size(); ++i) {
- List<SearchResultsWrapper.IDScore> scores = wrapper.getIDScore(i);
- List<QueryResultsWrapper.RowRecord> rowRecords = wrapper.getRowRecords();
- List<SearchERPResultVo> list = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int j = 0; j < scores.size(); ++j) {
- SearchResultsWrapper.IDScore score = scores.get(j);
- QueryResultsWrapper.RowRecord rowRecord = rowRecords.get(j);
- long longID = score.getLongID();
- float distance = score.getScore();
- String content = (String) rowRecord.get(searchParamVo.getOutputFields().get(0));
- String contentAnswer = (String) rowRecord.get(searchParamVo.getOutputFields().get(1));
- String title = (String) rowRecord.get(searchParamVo.getOutputFields().get(2));
- log.info("Top " + j + " ID:" + longID + " Distance:" + distance);
- log.info("Content: " + content);
- list.add(SearchERPResultVo.builder().id(longID).score(distance).content(content).contentAnswer(contentAnswer).title(title).build());
- }
- result.add(list);
- }
- log.info("Successfully!");
- return result;
- }
- public List<List<SearchNLPResultVo>> searchNLPTopKSimilarity(SearchNLPParamVo searchParamVo) {
- log.info("------search ERP TopK Similarity------");
- SearchParam searchParam = SearchParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName(searchParamVo.getCollectionName())
- .withMetricType(MetricType.L2)
- .withOutFields(searchParamVo.getOutputFields())
- .withTopK(searchParamVo.getTopK())
- .withVectors(searchParamVo.getQueryVectors())
- .withVectorFieldName(Content.Field.CONTENT_VECTOR)
- .withParams(searchParamVo.getParams())
- .withExpr(searchParamVo.getExpr())
- .build();
- R<SearchResults> respSearch = milvusClient.search(searchParam);
- if (respSearch.getData() == null) {
- return null;
- }
- log.info("------ process query results ------");
- SearchResultsWrapper wrapper = new SearchResultsWrapper(respSearch.getData().getResults());
- List<List<SearchNLPResultVo>> result = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < searchParamVo.getQueryVectors().size(); ++i) {
- List<SearchResultsWrapper.IDScore> scores = wrapper.getIDScore(i);
- List<QueryResultsWrapper.RowRecord> rowRecords = wrapper.getRowRecords();
- List<SearchNLPResultVo> list = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int j = 0; j < scores.size(); ++j) {
- SearchResultsWrapper.IDScore score = scores.get(j);
- QueryResultsWrapper.RowRecord rowRecord = rowRecords.get(j);
- long longID = score.getLongID();
- float distance = score.getScore();
- String content = (String) rowRecord.get(searchParamVo.getOutputFields().get(0));
- String contentAnswer = (String) rowRecord.get(searchParamVo.getOutputFields().get(1));
- String title = (String) rowRecord.get(searchParamVo.getOutputFields().get(2));
- log.info("Top " + j + " ID:" + longID + " Distance:" + distance);
- log.info("Content: " + content);
- list.add(SearchNLPResultVo.builder().id(longID).score(distance).content(content).contentAnswer(contentAnswer).title(title).build());
- }
- result.add(list);
- }
- log.info("Successfully!");
- return result;
- }
- }
- @SpringBootTest(classes = {DataChatgptApplication.class}, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
- public class MilvusServiceERPNLPTest {
- @Autowired
- MivusService milvusService;
- @Autowired
- MilvusClient milvusClient;
- @Test
- void isExitCollection() {
- boolean mediumArticles = milvusService.isExitCollection(Content.COLLECTION_NAME_NLP);
- Assertions.assertTrue(mediumArticles);
- }
- @Test
- void creatCollection() {
- Boolean created = milvusService.creatCollectionERPNLP(Content.COLLECTION_NAME_NLP);
- Assertions.assertTrue(created);
- }
- @Test
- void createIndex(){
- Boolean index = milvusService.createIndex(Content.COLLECTION_NAME_NLP);
- Assertions.assertTrue(index);
- }
- @Test
- public void insertVector(){
- List<String> sentenceList = new ArrayList<>();
- sentenceList.add("网址是多少");
- List<String> contentAnswerList = new ArrayList<>();
- contentAnswerList.add("/home.ashx");
- List<String> titleList = new ArrayList<>();
- titleList.add("网址");
- List<String> paramList = new ArrayList<>();
- paramList.add("");
- List<String> typeList = new ArrayList<>();
- typeList.add("0");
- List<String> labelList = new ArrayList<>();
- labelList.add("操作直达");
- PaddleNewTextVo paddleNewTextVo = null;
- try {
- paddleNewTextVo = getVectorsLists(sentenceList);
- if (paddleNewTextVo == null) {
- // 获取不到再重试下
- paddleNewTextVo = getVectorsLists(sentenceList);
- }
- List<List<Double>> vectors = paddleNewTextVo.getVector();
- List<List<Float>> floatVectors = new ArrayList<>();
- for (List<Double> innerList : vectors) {
- List<Float> floatInnerList = new ArrayList<>();
- for (Double value : innerList) {
- floatInnerList.add(value.floatValue());
- }
- floatVectors.add(floatInnerList);
- }
- // 2.准备插入向量数据库
- List<InsertParam.Field> fields = new ArrayList<>();
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.CONTENT, sentenceList));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.CONTENT_VECTOR, floatVectors));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.CONTENT_ANSWER, contentAnswerList));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.TITLE, titleList));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.PARAM, paramList));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.TYPE, typeList));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.LABEL, labelList));
- // 3.执行操作
- milvusService.insert(Content.COLLECTION_NAME_NLP, fields);
- } catch (ApiException e) {
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- private static PaddleNewTextVo getVectorsLists(List<String> sentenceList) throws IOException {
- String url = ""; //paddle
- URL obj = new URL(url);
- HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
- // 设置超时时间
- con.setConnectTimeout(50000);
- con.setReadTimeout(200000);
- con.setRequestMethod("POST");
- con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
- con.setDoOutput(true);
- ObjectMapper objectParmMapper = new ObjectMapper();
- // 创建一个Map结构表示您的数据
- Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
- dataMap.put("data", sentenceList.stream()
- .map(sentence -> Collections.singletonMap("text", sentence))
- .collect(Collectors.toList()));
- String jsonData = null;
- try {
- // 将Map转换为JSON字符串
- jsonData = objectParmMapper.writeValueAsString(dataMap);
- } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
- System.err.println("Error converting to JSON: " + e.getMessage());
- }
- String data = jsonData;
- try(OutputStream os = con.getOutputStream()) {
- byte[] input = data.getBytes("utf-8");
- os.write(input, 0, input.length);
- }
- int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
- System.out.println("Response Code: " + responseCode);
- PaddleNewTextVo paddleNewTextVo = null;
- if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { // 200表示成功
- BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
- String inputLine;
- StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
- while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
- content.append(inputLine);
- }
- in.close();
- try {
- String contentStr = content.toString();
- // 直接解析JSON字符串到PaddleTextVo实例
- paddleNewTextVo = JSON.parseObject(contentStr, PaddleNewTextVo.class);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- System.err.println("Error parsing JSON: " + e.getMessage());
- }
- } else {
- System.out.println("Error Response Code: " + responseCode);
- BufferedReader errorReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getErrorStream()));
- String errorMessage;
- while ((errorMessage = errorReader.readLine()) != null) {
- System.out.println("Error Message: " + errorMessage);
- }
- errorReader.close();
- }
- return paddleNewTextVo;
- }
- @Test
- void searchTest(){
- // 0.加载向量集合
- milvusService.loadCollection(Content.COLLECTION_NAME_NLP);
- try {
- List<String> sentenceList = new ArrayList<>();
- sentenceList.add("XX列表");
- String label = "操作直达";
- // 1.获得向量
- // List<List<Float>> vectors = getVectorsLists(sentenceList);
- List<List<Float>> vectors = new ArrayList<>();
- SearchNLPParamVo searchParamVo = SearchNLPParamVo.builder()
- .collectionName(Content.COLLECTION_NAME_NLP)
- .queryVectors(vectors)
- .expr("label == '" + label + "'")
- .topK(3)
- .build();
- // 2.在向量数据库中进行搜索内容知识
- List<List<SearchNLPResultVo>> lists = milvusService.searchNLPTopKSimilarity(searchParamVo);
- lists.forEach(searchResultVos -> {
- searchResultVos.forEach(searchResultVo -> {
- System.out.println(searchResultVo.getContent());
- System.out.println(searchResultVo.getContentAnswer());
- System.out.println(searchResultVo.getTitle());
- System.out.println(searchResultVo.getLabel());
- });
- });
- } catch (ApiException e) {
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- } /*catch (IOException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- */
- }
- @Test
- public void insertTextVector() throws IOException {
- List<String> titleList = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> sentenceList = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> contentAnswerList = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> paramList = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> typeList = new ArrayList<>();
- String filePath = "src/main/resources/data/text.txt";
- try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
- new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filePath), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) {
- // 使用4个竖线(||||)作为分隔符
- String line;
- while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
- String[] parts = line.split("\\|\\|\\|\\|");
- if (parts.length >= 3) {
- titleList.add(parts[0].trim());
- sentenceList.add(parts[1].trim());
- contentAnswerList.add(parts[2].trim());
- paramList.add("");
- typeList.add("2");
- } else {
- System.out.println("Warning: Invalid format on line: " + line);
- }
- }
- // 打印或处理列表内容
- System.out.println("Title List: " + titleList);
- System.out.println("Sentence List: " + sentenceList);
- System.out.println("Content Answer List: " + contentAnswerList);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- System.err.println("Error reading file: " + e.getMessage());
- }
- try {
- // 1.获得向量
- TextEmbeddingParam param = TextEmbeddingParam
- .builder()
- .model(TextEmbedding.Models.TEXT_EMBEDDING_V1)
- .texts(sentenceList).build();
- TextEmbedding textEmbedding = new TextEmbedding();
- TextEmbeddingResult result = textEmbedding.call(param);
- List<List<Float>> vectors = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < result.getOutput().getEmbeddings().size(); i++) {
- List<Double> vector = result.getOutput().getEmbeddings().get(i).getEmbedding();
- List<Float> floatVector = vector.stream()
- .map(Double::floatValue)
- .collect(Collectors.toList());
- vectors.add(floatVector);
- }
- // 2.准备插入向量数据库
- List<InsertParam.Field> fields = new ArrayList<>();
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.CONTENT, sentenceList));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.CONTENT_VECTOR, vectors));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.CONTENT_ANSWER, contentAnswerList));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.TITLE, titleList));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.PARAM, paramList));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field(Content.Field.TYPE, typeList));
- // 3.执行操作
- milvusService.insert(Content.COLLECTION_NAME_NLP, fields);
- } catch (ApiException | NoApiKeyException e) {
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- @Test
- void ChatBasedContentTest() throws NoApiKeyException, InputRequiredException, InterruptedException {
- // 0.加载向量集合
- milvusService.loadCollection(Content.COLLECTION_NAME_NLP);
- try {
- String question = "查询订单";
- List<String> sentenceList = new ArrayList<>();
- sentenceList.add(question);
- // 1.获得向量
- TextEmbeddingParam param = TextEmbeddingParam
- .builder()
- .model(TextEmbedding.Models.TEXT_EMBEDDING_V1)
- .texts(sentenceList).build();
- TextEmbedding textEmbedding = new TextEmbedding();
- TextEmbeddingResult result = textEmbedding.call(param);
- List<Double> vector = result.getOutput().getEmbeddings().get(0).getEmbedding();
- List<Float> floatVector = vector.stream()
- .map(Double::floatValue)
- .collect(Collectors.toList());
- List<List<Float>> vectors = Collections.singletonList(floatVector);
- SearchERPParamVo searchParamVo = SearchERPParamVo.builder()
- .collectionName(Content.COLLECTION_NAME_NLP)
- .queryVectors(vectors)
- .topK(3)
- .build();
- // 2.在向量数据库中进行搜索内容知识
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- List<List<SearchERPResultVo>> lists = milvusService.searchERPTopKSimilarity(searchParamVo);
- lists.forEach(searchResultVos -> {
- searchResultVos.forEach(searchResultVo -> {
- buffer.append("问题: " + searchResultVo.getContent());
- buffer.append("答案: " + searchResultVo.getContentAnswer());
- });
- });
- // 3.进行对话
- String prompt = "请你充分理解下面的内容,然后回答问题, 要求仅返回答案[]中内容:";
- String content = buffer.toString();
- String resultQwen = streamCallWithCallback(prompt + content + question);
- // System.out.println(resultQwen);
- } catch (ApiException | NoApiKeyException e) {
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- public static String streamCallWithCallback(String content)
- throws NoApiKeyException, ApiException, InputRequiredException,InterruptedException {
- Constants.apiKey="sk-2106098eed1f43c9bde754f3e87038a2";
- Generation gen = new Generation();
- Message userMsg = Message
- .builder()
- .role(Role.USER.getValue())
- .content(content)
- .build();
- QwenParam param = QwenParam
- .builder()
- .model(Generation.Models.QWEN_PLUS)
- .resultFormat(QwenParam.ResultFormat.MESSAGE)
- .messages(Arrays.asList(userMsg))
- .topP(0.8)
- .incrementalOutput(true) // get streaming output incrementally
- .build();
- Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(0);
- StringBuilder fullContent = new StringBuilder();
- gen.streamCall(param, new ResultCallback<GenerationResult>() {
- @Override
- public void onEvent(GenerationResult message) {
- fullContent.append(message.getOutput().getChoices().get(0).getMessage().getContent());
- System.out.println(message);
- }
- @Override
- public void onError(Exception err){
- System.out.println(String.format("Exception: %s", err.getMessage()));
- semaphore.release();
- }
- @Override
- public void onComplete(){
- System.out.println("Completed");
- semaphore.release();
- }
- });
- semaphore.acquire();
- System.out.println("Full content: \n" + fullContent.toString());
- return fullContent.toString();
- }
- @Test
- void loadData() throws IOException {
- // Read the dataset file
- String content = readFileToString("src/main/resources/data/medium_articles_2020_dpr.json");
- // Load dataset
- JSONObject dataset = JSON.parseObject(content);
- List<JSONObject> rows = getRows(dataset.getJSONArray("rows"), 2);
- System.out.println(rows);
- }
- public String readFileToString(String filePath) throws IOException {
- return new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(filePath)), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
- }
- public static List<JSONObject> getRows(JSONArray dataset, int counts) {
- List<JSONObject> rows = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < counts; i++) {
- JSONObject row = dataset.getJSONObject(i);
- List<Float> vectors = row.getJSONArray("title_vector").toJavaList(Float.class);
- Long reading_time = row.getLong("reading_time");
- Long claps = row.getLong("claps");
- Long responses = row.getLong("responses");
- row.put("title_vector", vectors);
- row.put("reading_time", reading_time);
- row.put("claps", claps);
- row.put("responses", responses);
- row.remove("id");
- rows.add(row);
- }
- return rows;
- }
- @Test
- void getFileds() throws IOException {
- String content = readFileToString("src/main/resources/data/medium_articles_2020_dpr.json");
- // Load dataset
- JSONObject dataset = JSON.parseObject(content);
- List<InsertParam.Field> field = getFields(dataset.getJSONArray("rows"), 1);
- System.out.println(field);
- }
- public static List<InsertParam.Field> getFields(JSONArray dataset, int counts) {
- List<InsertParam.Field> fields = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> titles = new ArrayList<>();
- List<List<Float>> title_vectors = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> links = new ArrayList<>();
- List<Long> reading_times = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> publications = new ArrayList<>();
- List<Long> claps_list = new ArrayList<>();
- List<Long> responses_list = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < counts; i++) {
- JSONObject row = dataset.getJSONObject(i);
- titles.add(row.getString("title"));
- title_vectors.add(row.getJSONArray("title_vector").toJavaList(Float.class));
- links.add(row.getString("link"));
- reading_times.add(row.getLong("reading_time"));
- publications.add(row.getString("publication"));
- claps_list.add(row.getLong("claps"));
- responses_list.add(row.getLong("responses"));
- }
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field("title", titles));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field("title_vector", title_vectors));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field("link", links));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field("reading_time", reading_times));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field("publication", publications));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field("claps", claps_list));
- fields.add(new InsertParam.Field("responses", responses_list));
- return fields;
- }
- @Test
- void searchTopKSimilarity() throws IOException {
- // Search data
- String content = readFileToString("src/main/resources/data/medium_articles_2020_dpr.json");
- // Load dataset
- JSONObject dataset = JSON.parseObject(content);
- List<JSONObject> rows = getRows(dataset.getJSONArray("rows"), 10);
- // You should include the following in the main function
- List<List<Float>> queryVectors = new ArrayList<>();
- List<Float> queryVector = rows.get(0).getJSONArray("title_vector").toJavaList(Float.class);
- queryVectors.add(queryVector);
- // Prepare the outputFields
- List<String> outputFields = new ArrayList<>();
- outputFields.add("title");
- outputFields.add("link");
- // Search vectors in a collection
- SearchParam searchParam = SearchParam.newBuilder()
- .withCollectionName("medium_articles")
- .withVectorFieldName("title_vector")
- .withVectors(queryVectors)
- .withExpr("claps > 30 and reading_time < 10")
- .withTopK(3)
- .withMetricType(MetricType.L2)
- .withParams("{\"nprobe\":10,\"offset\":2, \"limit\":3}")
- .withConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevelEnum.BOUNDED)
- .withOutFields(outputFields)
- .build();
- R<SearchResults> response = milvusClient.search(searchParam);
- SearchResultsWrapper wrapper = new SearchResultsWrapper(response.getData().getResults());
- System.out.println("Search results");
- for (int i = 0; i < queryVectors.size(); ++i) {
- List<SearchResultsWrapper.IDScore> scores = wrapper.getIDScore(i);
- List<QueryResultsWrapper.RowRecord> rowRecords = wrapper.getRowRecords();
- for (int j = 0; j < scores.size(); ++j) {
- SearchResultsWrapper.IDScore score = scores.get(j);
- QueryResultsWrapper.RowRecord rowRecord = rowRecords.get(j);
- System.out.println("Top " + j + " ID:" + score.getLongID() + " Distance:" + score.getScore());
- System.out.println("Title: " + rowRecord.get("title"));
- System.out.println("Link: " + rowRecord.get("link"));
- }
- }
- }
- }
// 先根据向量查询语义相近的语料
List<Question> questionList = mivusService.searchNewPaddleQuestion(req.getMessage(), "1", appType);
- **
- * 根据问题进行向量查询,采用Paddle服务 采用新的文本分类方法
- * @param question 用户的问题文本
- * @return 相关的初始问题知识列表
- */
- public List<Question> searchNewPaddleQuestion(String question, String type, String appType) {
- // 0.加载向量集合
- String collection = Content.COLLECTION_NAME_NLP;
- if (appType.equals("1")) {
- collection = Content.COLLECTION_NAME_NLP_APP;
- }
- loadCollection(collection);
- List<Question> resultList = new LinkedList<>();
- PaddleNewTextVo paddleNewTextVo = null;
- try {
- List<String> sentenceList = new ArrayList<>();
- sentenceList.add(question);
- // 1.获得向量
- paddleNewTextVo = getNewNLPVectorsLists(sentenceList);
- log.info("实时向量值 : {}", paddleNewTextVo.getPredictedList());
- List<List<Double>> vectors = paddleNewTextVo.getVector();
- List<List<Float>> floatVectors = new ArrayList<>();
- for (List<Double> innerList : vectors) {
- List<Float> floatInnerList = new ArrayList<>();
- for (Double value : innerList) {
- floatInnerList.add(value.floatValue());
- }
- floatVectors.add(floatInnerList);
- }
- List<Integer> predictedList = paddleNewTextVo.getPredictedList();
- List<String> labelStrings = new ArrayList<>();
- HashSet<Integer> setType = new HashSet();
- int topK = 3;
- if(!predictedList.isEmpty()) {
- // 去重
- for (Integer number : predictedList) {
- setType.add(number);
- if (number == 2) {
- // 如何是 2
- topK = 1;
- }
- }
- for (Integer label : setType) {
- labelStrings.add("'" + label + "'");
- }
- }
- String typeResult = "[" + String.join(", ", labelStrings) + "]";
- SearchNLPParamVo searchParamVo = SearchNLPParamVo.builder()
- .collectionName(collection)
- //.expr("type == '" + type + "'")
- .expr("type in ['0','1','2']")
- //.expr("type in " + typeResult + " ")
- .queryVectors(floatVectors)
- .topK(topK)
- .build();
- // 2.在向量数据库中进行搜索内容知识
- List<List<SearchNLPResultVo>> lists = searchNLPERPTopKSimilarity(searchParamVo);
- lists.forEach(searchResultVos -> {
- searchResultVos.forEach(searchResultVo -> {
- log.info(searchResultVo.getContent());
- log.info(searchResultVo.getContentAnswer());
- Question question1 = new Question();
- question1.setQuestionId(Long.valueOf(searchResultVo.getId()));
- question1.setQuestion(searchResultVo.getContent());
- question1.setAnswer(searchResultVo.getContentAnswer());
- question1.setTitle(searchResultVo.getTitle());
- question1.setParam(searchResultVo.getParam());
- question1.setType(searchResultVo.getType());
- question1.setLabel(searchResultVo.getLabel());
- resultList.add(question1);
- });
- });
- } catch (ApiException | IOException e) {
- log.error(e.getMessage());
- }
- // 将查询到的结果转换为之前构造的 Question 的格式返回给前端
- return resultList;
- }
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