2、下载高德地图离线2.0JS API,高德地图离线地图api地址。
- //初始化
- async initData() {
- //定义地图
- const base_url = "../../";
- const layers = [new AMap.TileLayer({
- getTileUrl: function (x, y, z) {
- return `${base_url}MAP_zxy/${z}/${x}/${y}.png`;
- },
- opacity: 1,
- zIndex: 99,
- })]
- this.map = new AMap.Map('container', { // 设置地图容器id
- zoom: 10,
- resizeEnable: true,
- rotateEnable: true,
- pitchEnable: true,
- // center: [104.96824,33.375687],
- center: [103.847998, 36.067468],
- defaultCursor: 'pointer',
- showLabel: true, //是否显示文字标注
- layers: layers
- })
- //聚合打点
- this.addCluster();
- //定义鼠标框选工具
- this.mouseTool = new AMap.MouseTool(this.map);
- const that = this;
- this.mouseTool.on('draw', function (event) {
- that.markerForFigure = [];
- that.mouseTool.close(false);
- // 获取所有点
- var allMarkers = that.map.getAllOverlays('marker');
- var eObject = event.obj;//obj覆盖物对象。
- allMarkers.forEach((marker => {
- var markerInPolygon = eObject.contains(marker.getPosition());//是否包含marker
- if (markerInPolygon) {
- that.markerForFigure.push(marker)
- }
- }));
- console.log(that.markerForFigure, "被选中的标记")
- });
- },
- addCluster() {
- let pointers = [];
- if (this.rawData) {
- this.rawData.map((value, index) => {
- if (value.longitude !== undefined && value.latitude !== undefined) {
- pointers.push({
- weight: 1,
- lnglat: [
- this.toFixedDigit(value.longitude - 0, 5),
- this.toFixedDigit(value.latitude - 0, 5),
- ],
- deviceId: value.deviceId,
- deviceCode: value.channelId,
- deviceName: value.channelName,
- orgCode: value.orgCode,
- isOnline: value.psOnlineState,
- manufacture: value.manufacture,
- });
- this.allPointers = pointers;
- }
- });
- }
- if (this.cluster && this.cluster != null) { //1. 如果存在 cluster 说明已经初始化过了,直接使用,变更它的点的内容就可以了。
- this.cluster.setData(pointers);
- } else {//2. 如果没有 cluster 就进行初始化。
- this.infoWindow = new AMap.InfoWindow({ closeWhenClickMap: true, offset: new AMap.Pixel(0, -30) });
- this.cluster = new AMap.MarkerCluster(
- this.map, // 地图实例
- pointers, // 海量点数据,数据中需包含经纬度信息字段 lnglat
- {
- gridSize: 60,// 设置网格像素大小
- // renderClusterMarker: this.renderClusterMarker, // 自定义聚合点样式
- renderMarker: this.renderMarker, // 自定义非聚合点样式
- }
- )
- }
- this.cluster.on('click', (item) => {
- //此处是通过包含点的数量判断是否是聚合点,不是聚合点就执行上方单个点的点击方式
- if (item.clusterData.length <= 1) {
- return;
- }
- //这里是计算所有聚合点的中心点
- let alllng = 0, alllat = 0;
- for (const mo of item.clusterData) {
- alllng += mo.lnglat.lng;
- alllat += mo.lnglat.lat;
- }
- const lat = alllat / item.clusterData.length;
- const lng = alllng / item.clusterData.length;
- //这里是放大地图,此处写死了每次点击放大的级别,可以根据点的数量和当前大小适应放大,体验更佳
- this.map.setZoomAndCenter(this.map.getZoom() + 4, [lng, lat]);
- });
- },
- //格式化经纬度
- toFixedDigit(num, n) {
- //保留n位
- if (typeof num != "number") {
- return false;
- }
- num = num.toString();
- var result = "";
- var zeroResult = function (n) {
- var zero = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- zero += "0";
- }
- return zero;
- };
- if (num % 1 == 0) {
- //整数
- result = num + "." + zeroResult(n);
- } else {
- //小数
- var num1 = num.split(".");
- if (num1[1].length < n) {
- result = num1[0] + "." + num1[1] + zeroResult(n - num1[1].length);
- } else {
- result = num1[0] + "." + num1[1].substring(0, n);
- }
- }
- return result;
- },
- //自定义非聚合点样式
- renderMarker(context) {
- const { marker, data } = context;
- let iconOn = new AMap.Icon({
- size: new AMap.Size(66, 80), // 图标尺寸
- image: require(`../../assets/images/video-online.png`), // Icon的图像
- imageSize: new AMap.Size(38, 50), // 根据所设置的大小拉伸或压缩图片
- });
- let iconOff = new AMap.Icon({
- size: new AMap.Size(66, 80), // 图标尺寸
- image: require(`../../assets/images/video-offline.png`), // Icon的图像
- imageSize: new AMap.Size(38, 50), // 根据所设置的大小拉伸或压缩图片
- });
- if (data[0].isOnline == '1') {
- marker.setIcon(iconOn)
- } else if (data[0].isOnline == '0') {
- marker.setIcon(iconOff)
- }
- marker.on("click", (e) => {
- this.singleData = [];
- console.log(this.$refs.infoWindow);
- this.allPointers.forEach(item => {
- if (item.deviceId == data[0].deviceId) {
- this.singleData.push(item)
- }
- })
- console.log(this.singleData);
- this.$nextTick(()=>{
- this.openInfoWindow(e)
- })
- });
- },
- openInfoWindow(e) {
- this.infoWindow = new AMap.InfoWindow({
- isCustom: true,
- autoMove: true,
- avoid: [20, 20, 20, 20],
- content: this.$refs.infoWindow,
- closeWhenClickMap: true,
- offset: new AMap.Pixel(16, -40)
- })
- this.infoWindow.open(this.map, e.target.getPosition())
- },
- // 线段
- drawPolyline() {
- this.mouseTool.polyline({
- strokeColor: "#3366FF",
- strokeOpacity: 1,
- strokeWeight: 6,
- // 线样式还支持 'dashed'
- strokeStyle: "solid",
- // strokeStyle是dashed时有效
- // strokeDasharray: [10, 5],
- })
- },
- // 多边形
- drawPolygon() {
- this.mouseTool.close(true)
- this.mouseTool.polygon({
- strokeColor: "#FF33FF",
- strokeOpacity: 1,
- strokeWeight: 6,
- // strokeOpacity: 0.2,
- fillColor: '#1791fc',
- fillOpacity: 0.4,
- // 线样式还支持 'dashed'
- strokeStyle: "solid",
- // strokeStyle是dashed时有效
- // strokeDasharray: [30,10],
- })
- },
- // 矩形
- drawRectangle() {
- this.mouseTool.close(true)
- this.mouseTool.rectangle({
- strokeColor: 'red',
- strokeOpacity: 0.5,
- strokeWeight: 6,
- fillColor: 'blue',
- fillOpacity: 0.5,
- // strokeStyle还支持 solid
- strokeStyle: 'solid',
- // strokeDasharray: [30,10],
- })
- },
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