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4、 [多选] 项目负责人反复抱怨,称开发团队开发的功能似乎与原始设计不一致。什么做法有助于解决这个问题?
A project owner repeatedly complains, saying that a function developed by the development team does not seem to align with the original design. What will help to solve this issue?
A :让产品负责人参加下一次迭代审查会议,以了解产品的开发状态。 Ask the product owner to sit in on the next iteration review meeting to learn more about the development status for the product.
B :要求质量保证团队识别与初始设计相比较的任何功能不匹配。 Ask the quality assurance team to identify any mismatches in functionality compared to the initial design.
C :要求开发团队重写功能,使其与项目范围相匹配。 Ask the development team to rewrite the function so that it matches with the project scope.
D : 在下一次回顾会议中安排时间讨论所有的纠正措施,并要求项目负责人参加会议。 Schedule time during the next retrospective session to discuss all corrective actions and ask the project owner to participate in the session.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P50 章节:5.2.1 回顾总结会:回顾是最重要的一个实践,原因是它能让团队学习、改进和调整其过程。 回顾会用于识别改进。A,PO本来就全程参与B,功能问题非质量问题C,需要与整个团队确认

13、 [多选] 为了确定最长的工期路径,项目团队同时考虑了任务的依赖关系和资源制约条件. 项目经理使用的是下列哪一项进度安排方法?
To determine the longest duration path,the project team considers both task dependencies and resource constraints. The project team uses which of the following scheduling methodologies ?
A : 关键链法 Critical chain method
B :关键路径法 Critical path method
C :关键评审技术 Critical evaluation and review technique
D :图形路径法 Graphical path method

正确答案:A 你的答案:B
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P210 章节: 关键路径法用于在进度模型中估算项目最短工期,确定逻辑网络路径的进度灵活性大小。关键链法就是考虑了资源约束的关键路径法

16、 [多选] 在生产了一些项目可交付成果之后,项目集经理将其中两个项目团队成员转移到优先级更高的项目中,并为你提供替换选项。新的团队成员缺乏担任角色的经验,而你意识到不再可以达到绩效测量基准。你必须采取以下哪些操作?(选择两项)
After some of the project deliverables have been produced, The program manager transfers two of the project team members to a higher priority project & provides you with replacement. The new team members lack the experience to fill in the roles. You realize that performance measurement baseline is no longer attainable. Which of the following actions you will have to take (Choose Two)
A : 提交变更请求以修改项目基准 Submit a Change request to modify project baselines
B : 修订项目团队的分配以适应人员变动 Revise the project team assignments to align with staffing changes
C :更新汲取的经验教训知识库以反映任何新的最佳实践 Update the lessons learned repository to reflect any new best practices
D :调整WBS和WBS词典以反映新的任务 Adjust the WBS and WBS dictionary to reflect new assignments

正确答案:A,B 你的答案:B,D
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P112 章节: 变更请求:通过比较实际情况与计划要求,可能需要提出变更请求,来扩大、调整或缩小项目范围与产品范围,或者提高、调整或降低质量要求和进度或成本基准 提交变更,修定基准,和资源管理计划。

17、 [多选] 在项目启动大会期间,人力资源经理沟通说,在提供详细的项目进度计划之前将不会提供资源。若要获得资源,项目经理应该怎么做?
During a project kick-off meeting, the human resource manager communicates that resources will not be provided until a detailed project schedule is available. What should the project manager do to obtain resources?
A : 将该问题上报给项目发起人。 Escalate the issue to the sponsor.
B :提交工作说明书(SOW)。 Present the statement of work (SOW).
C :创建一份详细的活动清单。 Create a detailed activity list.
D :参见责任分配矩阵(RAM)。 Refer to the responsibility assignment matrix (RAM).

正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P329 章节:9.3 不能获得项目所需的资源时,可能会影响项目进度、预算、客户满意度、质量和风险;资源或人员能力不足会降低项目成功的概率,最坏的情况可能导致项目取消。 资源经理明显对项目渐进明细的特点不了解,需要发起人介入处理

18、 [多选] 在与项目团队成员的非正式谈话中,项目经理发现某个关键部分的供应商在执行一个已获批准的产品变更时有问题。项目经理接下来应执行下列哪一项?
In informal conversations with project team members, the project manager found that a key part of the vendor was having problems executing an approved product change. Which of the following should the project manager do next?
A :实施对供应商的质量审计 Implement quality audits for suppliers
B :安排一次变更控制会议 Schedule a Change Control meeting
C : 审查供应商的工作绩效 Review suppliers work performance
D :与供应商的高级经理谈话 Talk to the senior manager of the Supplier

正确答案:C 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P498 章节: 绩效审查对照协议,对质量、资源、进度和成本绩效进行测量、比较和分析,以审查合同工作的绩效。其中包括确定工作包提前或落后于进度计划、超出或低于预算,以及是否存在资源或质量问题。 项目经理的采购绩效审查是对供应商的合同绩效进行管理的重要工具。

20、 [多选] 在项目评审会上,项目经理发现一个项目团队不能解决的问题。项目经理应该怎么做?
During a project review meeting, the project finds an issue that cannot resolved by the project team. What should the project manager do?
A : 更新问题日志。 Update the problem log.
B :提交变更请求。 Submit a change request.
C :更新相关方管理计划。 Update related party management plan.
D :请求额外的资源。 Request additional resources.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P96 章节: 问题日志可以帮助项目经理有效跟进和管理问题,确保它们得到调查和解决。作为本过程的输出,问题日志被首次创建,尽管在项目期间任何时候都可能发生问题。在整个项目生命周期应该随同监控活动更新问题日志 开会发现问题,先记录下来,下面再解决。(开会发现问题,先记录下来)

33、 [多选] 在规划阶段审查项目管理计划时,发起人表示他们希望通过删除一些需求来减少预算,项目经理应该做什么?
While reviewing the project management plan during the planning phase,the sponsor indicates that they want to decrease the budget by removing some requirements.What should the project manager do?
A : 与相关方讨论,以确定此范围变更是否可行 Discuss with stakeholders to determine if this scope change is feasible
B :签发变更请求,以减少项目范围 Issue a change request to decrease the project’s scope
C :更新计划,仅包含新的需求集 Update the plan to include only the new set of requirements
D :执行成本效益分析,以确定实际可以删除哪些需求 Perform a cost-benefit analysis to determine what requirement can actually be remove

正确答案:A 你的答案:D
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P113 章节:4.6 在基准确定之前,变更无需正式受控于实施整体变更控制过程。 先讨论,然后再做出决策。(先A,讨论决定要不要删;然后再BCD,做决策,讨论怎么删、删哪些)

39、 [多选] 项目遵循一个生命周期,其中需求定义在待办事项列表中,并且项目团队在两周的迭代中根据项目发起人的优先级交付待办事项列表。团队遵循何种类型的项目生命周期?
A project is following a life cycle where requirements are defined in a backlog, and the project team delivers the backlog items based on the priorities of the project sponsor in two-week iterations. What type of project life cycle is the team following?
A :滚动式 Rolling Wave
B : 敏捷 Agile
C :瀑布 Waterfall
D :大规模敏捷框架 Scaled Agile Framework

正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P18 章节:3.1 四种生命周期特征。 反复执行,频繁小规模交付,为敏捷型

42、 [多选] 项目经理将一个变更请求通知指导委员会这属于下列哪一项范畴?
The project manager informs the Steering Committee of a change request which of the following categories?
A : 推式沟通 Push type communication
B :纠正措施 Corrective action
C :公开沟通 Open communication
D :预防措施 Preventive measures

正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P374 章节: 推式沟通。向需要接收信息的特定接收方发送或发布信息。在推式沟通中,可以采用的沟通工件包括信件、备忘录、报告、电子邮件、传真、语音邮件、博客、新闻稿。 通知属于推式沟通

44、 [多选] 项目团队正在与客户就某个软件实施项目密切合作,客户指定一个单一联系点以促进项目活动。需要该联系人来确保构建产品,以便相关用户可以启动测试阶段,由于工作量大, 该联系人无法执行其分配的活动导致项目严重延迟。若要确保及时交付项目,项目经理首先应该做什么?
The project team is working closely with the client on a software implementation project. The client specifies a single point of contact to facilitate project activities. This contact person is needed to ensure that the product is built so that the relevant user can start the testing phase, and due to the heavy workload, the contact person cannot perform his assigned activities causing a serious delay in the project. To ensure timely project delivery, what should the project manager do first?
A :要求客户提供额外的联系点 Ask customers to provide additional points of contact
B :执行风险再评估以确保识别风险 Perform a risk reassessment to ensure that risks are identified
C : 将该问题添加到问题日志中并查找备选方案 Add the issue to the issue log and find alternatives
D :在未审产品的情况下启动测试 Initiate testing if the product is being reviewed

正确答案:C 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P110 章节: 备选方案分析用于在出现偏差时选择要执行的纠正措施或纠正措施和预防措施的组合。 遇到问题,先分析,再进一步采取措施

45、 [多选] 一位项目经理正在领导一个项目,该项目最近从预测阶段过渡到敏捷阶段,并将使用Scrumban。当开发团队审查看板面板时,他们开始争论谁将完成所需的用户描述。在僵局中,项目经理开始将用户描述分配给特定的团队成员。项目经理本可以有什么不同做法?
A project manager is leading a project that recently transitioned from a predictive phase to an agile phase that will utilize Scrumban. As

