- if strList.Strings[0] = '2' then
- begin
- try
- for I := 0 to Length(VGStocks) - 1 do
- begin
- if VGStocks[I].id = strList.Strings[1] then
- begin
- try
- strBodong := FloatToStr(VGStocks[I].smallest_fluctuation);
- except
- end;
- VGStocks[I].curr_unix_datetime := strList.Strings[2];
- VGStocks[I].curr_time := FormatDateTime('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss ',UnixToDateTime(StrToInt(strList.Strings[2])+28800)) + strList.Strings[3];
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[4]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].sell_price := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].sell_price := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[4]);
- VGStocks[I].sell_num := FormatDigital('0',strList.Strings[5]);
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[6]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].curr_price := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].curr_price := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[6]);
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[7]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].buy_price := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].buy_price := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[7]);
- VGStocks[I].buy_num := FormatDigital('0',strList.Strings[8]);
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[9]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].harden_price := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].harden_price := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[9]);
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[10]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].dropstop_price := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].dropstop_price := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[10]);
- VGStocks[I].deal_num := FormatDigital('0',strList.Strings[11]);
- VGStocks[I].position_num := FormatDigital('0',strList.Strings[12]);
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[13]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].open_price := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].open_price := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[13]);
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[14]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].close_price := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].close_price := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[14]);
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[15]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].highest_price := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].highest_price := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[15]);
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[16]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].lowest_price := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].lowest_price := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[16]);
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[17]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].average_price := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].average_price := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[17]);
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[18]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].yesterday_close_price := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].yesterday_close_price := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[18]);
- if FormatDigital('0',strList.Strings[19]) = '0' then
- VGStocks[I].yesterday_position_num := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].yesterday_position_num := FormatDigital('0',strList.Strings[19]);
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[20]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].deal_jine := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].deal_jine := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[20]);
- if StrToFloat(strList.Strings[21]) <= 0 then
- VGStocks[I].yesterday_jiesuan := '--'
- else
- VGStocks[I].yesterday_jiesuan := FormatDigital(strBodong,strList.Strings[21]);
- VGStocks[I].ups_downs := FloatToStr( StrToFloat(VGStocks[I].curr_price) - StrToFloat(VGStocks[I].yesterday_jiesuan)); {涨跌=现价-昨结算价}
- VGStocks[I].ups_downs_perc := Format('%0.2f',[StrToFloat(VGStocks[I].ups_downs) / StrToFloat(VGStocks[I].yesterday_jiesuan) * 100]) + '%';
- for J := 0 to Length(ArrMarketFuture) - 1 do
- begin
- if Assigned(ArrMarketFuture[J]) then
- ArrMarketFuture[J].refreshFutureData(I);
- end;
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