3 5 96 99 100 101
25 60 68 120 150
采用教材《Introduction to Information Retrieval》第37页Figure 2.10中所描述的基于跳表指针(skip pointers)的倒排记录表(postings lists)合并算法,请问:
1、与3 5 96 99 100 101进行合并操作:
2、与25 60 68 120 150进行合并操作:
1、与3 5 96 99 100 101进行合并操作:13次
p1 | p2 | 比较次数 |
3 | 3 | 1(Line 3是否相等) |
5 | 5 | 1(Line 3是否相等) |
9 | 96 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
15 | 96 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
24 | 96 | 3(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于、Line 8是否能跳) |
24->75 | 96 | 1(Line 9 while循环中是否能跳),能跳 |
75->92 | 96 | 1(Line 9 while循环中是否能跳),能跳 |
92->115 | 96 | 1(Line 9 while循环中是否能跳),不能跳 |
92 | 96 | 3(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于、Line 8是否能跳) |
96 | 96 | 1(Line 3是否相等) |
97 | 99 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
100 | 99 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
100 | 100 | 1(Line 3是否相等) |
115 | 101 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
2、与25 60 68 120 150进行合并操作:10次
p1 | p2 | 比较次数 |
3 | 25 | 3(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于、Line 8是否能跳) |
3->24 | 25 | 1(Line 9 while循环中是否能跳),能跳 |
24->75 | 25 | 1(Line 9 while循环中是否能跳),不能跳 |
24 | 25 | 3(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于、Line 8是否能跳) |
39 | 25 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
39 | 60 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
60 | 60 | 1(Line 3是否相等) |
68 | 68 | 2(Line 3是否相等) |
75 | 120 | 3(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于、Line 8是否能跳) |
75->92 | 120 | 1(Line 9 while循环中是否能跳),能跳 |
92->115 | 120 | 1(Line 9 while循环中是否能跳),能跳 |
115 | 120 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
1、与3 5 96 99 100 101进行合并操作:18次
p1 | p2 | 比较次数 |
3 | 3 | 1(Line 3是否相等) |
5 | 5 | 1(Line 3是否相等) |
9 | 96 | 1(Line 3是否相等) |
15 | 96 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
24 | 96 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
39 | 96 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
60 | 96 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
68 | 96 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
75 | 96 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
81 | 96 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
84 | 96 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
89 | 96 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
92 | 96 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
96 | 96 | 1(Line 3是否相等) |
97 | 99 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
100 | 99 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
100 | 100 | 1(Line 3是否相等) |
115 | 101 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
2、与25 60 68 120 150进行合并操作:18次
p1 | p2 | 比较次数 |
3 | 25 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
5 | 25 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
9 | 25 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
15 | 25 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
24 | 25 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
39 | 25 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
39 | 60 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
60 | 60 | 1(Line 3是否相等) |
68 | 68 | 1(Line 3是否相等) |
75 | 120 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
81 | 120 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
84 | 120 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
89 | 120 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
92 | 120 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
96 | 120 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
97 | 120 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
100 | 120 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
115 | 120 | 2(Line 3是否相等、Line 7是否小于) |
angels: 2: <36,174,252,651>; 4: <12,22,102,432>; 7: <17>;
fools: 2: <1,17,74,222>; 4: <8,78,108,458>; 7: <3,13,23,193>;
fear: 2: <37,87,704,722,901>; 4: <13,43,113,433>; 7: <18,328,528>;
in: 2: <3,37,76,444,851>; 4: <12,20,110,470,500>; 7: <5,15,25,195>;
rush: 2: <3,66,194,321,702>; 4: <9,69,149,429,569>; 7: <4,14,404>;
to: 2: <47,86,234,999>; 4: <14,24,774,944>; 7: <199,319,599,709>;
tread: 2: <57,94,333>; 4: <15,35,155>; 7: <20,320>;
where: 2: <67,124,393,1001>; 4: <11,41,101,421,431>; 7: <16,36,736>;
angels: 2: <36,174,252,651>; 4: <12,22,102,432>; 7: <17>;
fear: 2: <37,87,704,722,901>; 4: <13,43,113,433>; 7: <18,328,528>;
angels: 2: <36,174,252,651>; 4: <12,22,102,432>; 7: <17>;
fear: 2: <37,87,704,722,901>; 4: <13,43,113,433>; 7: <18,328,528>;
to: 2: <47,86,234,999>; 4: <14,24,774,944>; 7: <199,319,599,709>;
tread: 2: <57,94,333>; 4: <15,35,155>; 7: <20,320>;
①将“angels fear to thread”拆分成“angels fear”、“fear to”、“ to thread”,分别搜索这三个词条的文档位置;
to: 2: <47,86,234,999>; 4: <14,24,774,944>; 7: <199,319,599,709>;
- 先检查文档号
docID(fear) = 4与docID(to) = 4,检查对应的位置索引;发现没有符合条件的词条,跳过;
docID(fear) = 4与docID(to) = 4,检查对应的位置索引;经过检查,发现:
fear : 4<13>;
to : 4<14>;
docID(fear) = 4与docID(to) = 4,检查对应的位置索引;发现没有符合条件的词条,跳过;
fear : 4<13>;
to : 4<14>;
to : 4<14>;
Thread :2: <57,94,333>; 4: <15,35,155>; 7: <20,320>;
DocId(to) = 4 和docId(thread) = 4,检查对应的位置索引;经过检查,发现:
to : 4<14>;
thread : 4<15>;
fear : 4<13>;
to : 4<14>;
thread : 4<15>;
因为“angels fear to thread”只存在于文档4,所以只在文档4中对“fools rush in”进行查找;
·“fools rush”
fools: 2: <1,17,74,222>; 4: <8,78,108,458>; 7: <3,13,23,193>;
rush: 2: <3,66,194,321,702>; 4: <9,69,149,429,569>; 7: <4,14,404>;
- docID(fools) = 2与docID(rush) = 2进行检查,发现没有符合题意的索引,跳过;
- docID(fools) = 4与docID(rush) = 4进行检查,发现:
fools: 4: <8>;
rush: 4: <9>;
- docID(fools) = 7与docID(rush) = 7进行检查,发现:
fools:4: <8>; 7: <3,13>;
rush: 4: <9>; 7: <4,14>;
·“rush in”
rush: 4: <9>; 7: <4,14>;
in: 2: <3,37,76,444,851>; 4: <12,20,110,470,500>; 7: <5,15,25,195>;
- docID(rush) = 2与docID(in) = 2进行检查;发现没有符合题意的索引,跳过;
- docID(rush) = 4与docID(in) = 4进行检查;发现没有符合题意的索引,跳过;
- docID(rush) = 7与docID(in) = 7进行检查;发现:
rush:7: <4,14>;
in: 7: <5,15>;
fools:7: <3,13>;
rush: 7: <4,14>;
in : 7: <5,15>;
综上所述:“fools rush in”在文档7;“angels fear to thread”在文档4;
- class docID{
- private int docID;//顾名思义,就是docID
- private int hasSkip;//是否含有跳转指针,如果有,置skip步数;如果没有,置0;
- public docID(int docID,int hasSkip){
- this.docID = docID;
- this.hasSkip = hasSkip;
- }
- //获取跳转指针信息
- public int getHasSkip(){
- return this.hasSkip;
- }
- //获取对应的docID
- public int getDocID(){
- return this.docID;
- }
- }
- class SkipAnd {
- private ArrayList<docID> Inversion_Form1;//倒排索引表1
- private ArrayList<docID> Inversion_Form2;//倒排索引表2
- public SkipAnd(int[] arr1, int[] arr2,int skip1,int skip2){
- //初始化两个含有跳表指针的倒排记录表
- docID t;
- Inversion_Form1 = new ArrayList<>();
- Inversion_Form2 = new ArrayList<>();
- //初始化表1,因为表1中含跳表指针,所以要进行特判
- for(int i=0;i<arr1.length;i++){
- int skip = 0;
- //当当前位置等于跳表指针的整数*步长时
- if(skip1!= 0 && i%skip1==0 && i != arr1.length-1)
- skip = skip1;//将该位置的跳表指针设置为跳表指针的步长
- t = new docID(arr1[i],skip);
- Inversion_Form1.add(t);
- }
- //表2同理
- for(int i=0;i<arr2.length;i++){
- int skip = 0;
- if(skip2!= 0 && i%skip2==0 && i != arr2.length-1)
- skip = skip2;
- t = new docID(arr2[i],skip);
- Inversion_Form2.add(t);
- }
- }
- public ArrayList<Integer> IntersectWithSkip(){
- ArrayList<Integer> answer = new ArrayList<>();
- int p1 = 0;//表1的指针
- int p2 = 0;//表2的指针
- int size1 = Inversion_Form1.size();//记录下表1的长度
- int size2 = Inversion_Form2.size();//记录下表2的长度
- while( p1 < size1 && p2 < size2 ){
- //为了避免类间子函数调用影响速率,在这里进行储存
- int doc1 = Inversion_Form1.get(p1).getDocID();//p1指向表1的文档序号
- int doc2 = Inversion_Form2.get(p2).getDocID();//p2指向表2的文档序号
- int skip1 = Inversion_Form1.get(p1).getHasSkip();//p1指向的表1的跳表指针
- int skip2 = Inversion_Form2.get(p2).getHasSkip();//p2指向的表2的跳表指针
②当doc1 == doc2 时,即p1指向的表1的文档序号
- //当p1指向的docID = p2指向的docID时,p1&p2均++;
- if(doc1 == doc2){
- answer.add(doc1);
- p1++;
- p2++;
③当doc1 < doc2 时,当对应的doc1 < doc2时, 此时观察doc1是否有跳表指针,此时先不进行跳转,观察跳表后的doc1是否比doc2大
-> 如果满足,跳完继续上述操作;
-> 没有,单纯的p1++即可;
- }else if(doc1 < doc2){
- //此时观察doc1是否有跳表指针,此时先不进行跳转,观察跳表后的doc1是否比doc2大
- if(skip1 !=0 && Inversion_Form1.get(p1+skip1).getDocID() <= doc2){
- while(skip1 !=0 && Inversion_Form1.get(p1+skip1).getDocID() <= doc2){
- p1 = p1 + skip1;//指针进行跳转
- skip1 = Inversion_Form1.get(p1).getHasSkip();
- }
- p1++;
- }else
- p1++;
④ 当 doc1 > doc2 时,观察 doc2 是否有对应的跳表指针,与上述操作类似;最后返回参数 answer;
- }else{
- if(skip2 !=0 && Inversion_Form2.get(p2+skip2).getDocID() <= doc1){
- while(skip2 !=0 && Inversion_Form2.get(p2+skip2).getDocID() <= doc1){
- p2 = p2 + skip2;
- skip2 = Inversion_Form2.get(p2).getHasSkip();
- }
- p2++;
- }else
- p2++;
- }
- }
- return answer;
- }
- }
- public class TheThird{
- public static void test1(){
- int []arr1 = {3,5,9,15,24,39,60,68,75,81,84,89,92,96,97,100,115};
- int []arr2 = {3,5,96,99,100,101};
- int skip1 = 4;//跳表指针的间隔距离
- int skip2 = 0;
- SkipAnd skipAnd = new SkipAnd(arr1,arr2,skip1,skip2);//建立一个新类
- ArrayList<Integer> answer = skipAnd.IntersectWithSkip();
- for(int i=0;i<answer.size();i++){
- int t = answer.get(i);
- System.out.print(t + "->");
- }
- }
- public static void test2(){
- int []arr1 = {3,5,9,15,24,39,60,68,75,81,84,89,92,96,97,100,115};
- int []arr2 = {25,60,68,120,150};
- int skip1 = 4;
- int skip2 = 0;
- SkipAnd skipAnd = new SkipAnd(arr1,arr2,skip1,skip2);
- ArrayList<Integer> answer = skipAnd.IntersectWithSkip();
- for(int i=0;i<answer.size();i++){
- int t = answer.get(i);
- System.out.print(t + "->");
- }
- }
- public static void main(String []args){
- //test1();
- test2();
- }
- }
- class Token{
- public String word;//词项
- public HashMap<Integer,LinkedList<Integer>> LocationIndex;//记录词项的docID以及对应的
- public Token(String word){
- this.word = word;
- this.LocationIndex = new HashMap<>();
- }
- public void addIndex(int docID,LinkedList<Integer> Indexes){
- LocationIndex.put(docID,Indexes);//
- }
- public String toString(){
- String tmp = "";
- tmp += word + ":";
- for(int i: LocationIndex.keySet()){
- tmp += i +":"+LocationIndex.get(i)+" ";
- }
- return tmp;
- }
- }
- class Documents {
- HashMap<String,Token> tokens;//词项
- HashMap<Integer, String> documentsWithId;//保存文档以及编号
进行构造函数的建立,在构造函数里对两个参数进行 new 操作,并读取文件,(因 为涉及到异常处理,所以写在 try 中),将每行文档拆解出来,放入对应的 domentsWithId 中;
- public Documents() {
- try {
- this.documentsWithId = new HashMap<>();
- this.tokens = new HashMap<>();
- FileInputStream inFile = new FileInputStream("G:\\大二\\大二下\\信息检索\\HW2.txt");
- BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inFile));
- String str = null;
- int lineNum = 0;
- //读取文件;
- while ((str = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
- //System.out.println(str);
- lineNum++;
- documentsWithId.put(lineNum, str);
- }
- //关闭文件
- inFile.close();
- bufferedReader.close();
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- //检查文档读取结果
- for (Integer i : documentsWithId.keySet()) {
- System.out.println(i + " " + documentsWithId.get(i));
- }
- }
第二步就要进行词项的分割以及对应的位置索引的保存操作;首先按序号大小读取文 档,与此同时将文档给转化成小写,使用正则化分割操作,将每个文档分割成一个个的 token;
对于每个文档中单词和该单词在文档中位置,采用 terms 进行存取;如果从未读到过该单词,就在 terms 中新建一个词项,并将刚刚遍历到的位置存取进去;如果曾经在这个文档中读取过,就将将刚刚遍历到的位置放进对应的 LinkedList 中;
- public void Partition(){
- for (Integer i : documentsWithId.keySet()) {
- String str = documentsWithId.get(i).toLowerCase();//同时转化成小写
- System.out.println(i+":"+str);
- //使用一个HashMap数据结构对每一个文档中的word以及对应的位置进行存储;
- HashMap<String,LinkedList<Integer>> terms = new HashMap<>();
- int index = 0;//单词在文档中的位置
- //将每份文档提取出来,进行词项,并记录下每个词项在文档中的位置
- for(String eval :str.split("\\s+|: |, |\n")){
- index ++;
- //如果从未到这个单词,就新建一个;
- if(!terms.containsKey(eval)){
- terms.put(eval,new LinkedList<Integer>());
- }
- //读取到了就把对应的位置放进去
- terms.get(eval).add(index);
- }
- for(String eval: terms.keySet()){
- System.out.println(eval+":"+terms.get(eval));
- }
当这个文档读取完成后,再将刚刚的 terms 进行遍历,观察 tokens 中是否读取过这 些单词,如果读取过,则将刚刚的文档编号以及文档编号对应下的位置索引存入 terms 对应单词下;如果未读取过,则新建一个,再进行读取;
- for(String eval: terms.keySet()){
- Token one = new Token(eval);
- //当词项存储结构中不含对应的单词时,就新建一个对应的
- if(tokens.isEmpty() || !tokens.containsKey(eval)){
- tokens.put(eval,one);
- }
- tokens.get(eval).addIndex(i,terms.get(eval));
- }
- }
- for(String eval: tokens.keySet()){
- Token term = tokens.get(eval);
- System.out.println(term);
- }
- }
最后一个函数,就是对应的 k 词近邻搜索函数 Intersect;该函数传入参数有 4 个,分 别为两个单词,多少个词之内,以及左边右边还是两边都含;
首先写出了左右都含的情况下的算法,在此基础上,如果第一个词只能在第二个词的 左边,则 answer 中只保存第一个词的位置小于第二个词的情况,否则,保存第一个词的位置大于第二个词的情况;最后对结果进行输出;
- public void Intersect(String p1,String p2,int k,int bias){
- ArrayList<Position> answer = new ArrayList<>();//存储答案的位置
- Token token1 = tokens.get(p1);
- Token token2 = tokens.get(p2);
- for(int i:token1.LocationIndex.keySet()){
- int pp1 = 0;//token1位置索引中的指针
- int pp2 = 0;//token2位置索引中的指针
- //如果token2含有相等的文档Id,则进行查找,是否符合条件
- if(token2.LocationIndex.containsKey(i)){
- LinkedList<Integer> tokenList1 = token1.LocationIndex.get(i);//对应文档编号下的位置
- LinkedList<Integer> tokenList2 = token2.LocationIndex.get(i);//对应文档编号下的位置
- LinkedList<Integer> l = new LinkedList<>();
- while(pp1 < tokenList1.size()){
- while(pp2 < tokenList2.size()){
- if (abs(tokenList1.get(pp1) - tokenList2.get(pp2) )<= k){
- l.add(tokenList2.get(pp2));
- }else if(tokenList1.get(pp1) > tokenList2.get(pp2) ){
- break;
- }
- pp2++;
- }
- while(!l.isEmpty() && abs(l.get(0)-tokenList1.get(pp1))>k){
- l.remove(0);
- }
- for (int eval:l){
- int docId = i;
- if (bias == 0)
- answer.add(new Position(docId,tokenList1.get(pp1),eval));
- else if (bias == -1){
- if(tokenList1.get(pp1)<eval)
- answer.add(new Position(docId,tokenList1.get(pp1),eval));
- }else{
- if(tokenList1.get(pp1)>eval)
- answer.add(new Position(docId,tokenList1.get(pp1),eval));
- }
- }
- pp1++;
- }
- }
- }
- System.out.println("---------------------------------------");
- System.out.print("("+p1 + ","+ p2 + ",");
- if(bias < 0){
- System.out.println(k*bias + ")");
- }else if (bias == 0){
- System.out.println( k + ")");
- }else{
- System.out.println("+"+ k + ")");
- }
- for(Position eval:answer){
- System.out.println(eval);
- }
- }
- }
- public class TheFourth {
- public static void test(){
- Documents mydoc = new Documents();
- mydoc.Partition();
- mydoc.Intersect("recommendation", "bias", 2,0);
- mydoc.Intersect("ranking", "filtering", 3,-1);
- mydoc.Intersect("ranking", "filtering", 5,-1);
- mydoc.Intersect("ranking", "filtering", 4,-1);
- mydoc.Intersect("ranking", "filtering", 7,-1);
- mydoc.Intersect("heterogeneous", "learning", 3,1);
- }
- public static void main(String []args){
- test();
- }
- }
建立 Distance 类,里面包含两个参数:字符串 1 和字符串 2:并建立构造函数对两个字符串进行初始化;
- class Distance{
- String s1;//字符串1
- String s2;//字符串2
- public Distance(String s1,String s2){
- this.s1 = s1;
- this.s2 = s2;
- }
在该类中建立函数 EditDistance。函数中建立矩阵 m,行数为第一个字符串长度+1,列 数为第二个字符串长度+1;
- public void EditDistance(){
- int [][] m= new int[s1.length()+1][s2.length()+1];
对于第一行和第一列进行赋值,然后开始对于整个矩阵的赋值,有第二行开始,如果 对应的字符相等,则左上方的值+0;否则左上方值+1;因为要进行字符更改;同时,左边数字进行+1,表明进行 s2 进行了字符添加;上方数字进行+1,表明 s1 进行字符添加;
- for(int i=1;i<=s1.length();i++)
- m[i][0] =i;
- for (int j=1;j<=s2.length();j++)
- m[0][j]=j;
- for(int i=1;i<=s1.length();i++)
- for(int j = 1; j <= s2.length() ; j++){
- m[i][j] = min(m[i-1][j-1] + (s1.charAt(i-1)==s2.charAt(j-1)?0:1),m[i-1][j] + 1);
- m[i][j] = min(m[i][j],m[i][j-1]+1);
- }
- for(int i=0;i<=s1.length();i++)
- {
- for(int j = 0; j <= s2.length() ; j++){
- System.out.print(m[i][j] + " ");
- }
- System.out.println("");
- }
- System.out.println();
- System.out.println(s1 + " 和 "+s2 + "的编辑距离为"+m[s1.length()][s2.length()]);
- System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------");
- }
- }
- public class TheFifth {
- public static void test1(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("business", "buissness");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test2(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("committee", "commmitee");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test3(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("conscious", "conncious");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test4(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("definitely", "definnately");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test5(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("fluorescent", "florescente");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test6(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("forty", "fourty");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test7(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("government", "govement");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test8(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("idiosyncrasy", "idiosyncracy");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test9(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("immediately", "immediatly");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test10(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("millennium", "milleniume");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test11(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("noticeable", "notisable");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test12(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("tendency", "tendance");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test13(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("truly", "truely");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test14(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("weird", "wierd");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void test15(){
- Distance myTerm = new Distance("privilege", "privledge");
- myTerm.EditDistance();
- }
- public static void main(String []args){
- test1();
- test2();
- test3();
- test4();
- test5();
- test6();
- test7();
- test8();
- test9();
- test10();
- test11();
- test12();
- test13();
- test14();
- test15();
- }
- }
计算得到的 15 组单词的编辑距离如下:
(business, buissness):2
(committee, commmitee):2
(conscious, conncious):1
(definitely, definnately):2
(fluorescent, florescente):2
(forty, fourty):1
(government, govement):2
(idiosyncrasy, idiosyncracy):1
(immediately, immediatly):1
(millennium, milleniume):2
(noticeable, notisable):2
(tendency, tendance):2
(truly, truely):1
(weird, wierd):2
(privilege, privledge):2
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