Vue+Websocket 带参数使用
vue 前台
//打开一个websocket webSocket() { const wsurl = localhost:端口号 + "/deviceMonitorWebSocket/" + _self.userId +"/"+deviceId; _self.websocket = new WebSocket(wsurl); _self.websocket.onopen = _self.websocketonopen; _self.websocket.onmessage = _self.websocketonmessage; _self.websocket.onerror = _self.websocketonerror; _self.websocket.onclose = _self.websocketclose; }, //连接建立之后执行send方法发送数据 websocketonopen() { console.log("Connected to WebSocket server."); }, //连接建立失败重连 websocketonerror() { console.log("Connected to WebSocket server error"); }, //数据接收 websocketonmessage(e) {//e为websocket里面的值 if (e.data != null && e.data != undefined) { let tmp_data = JSON.parse(e.data) var productInfoList = tmp_data.devicesList; Vue.set(this, 'productList', productInfoList);//'productList'为你页面上需要websocket的值 } }, //关闭 websocketclose(e) { console.log('websocket Connection Closed. '); },
destroyed() {
java 后台
@Component //此注解相当于设置访问URL @ServerEndpoint("/deviceMonitorWebSocket/{id}/{productId}") public class DeviceMonitorWebSocket { private static CopyOnWriteArraySet<DeviceMonitorWebSocket> webSockets = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<DeviceMonitorWebSocket>(); private static Map<String, Session> sessionPool = new HashMap<String, Session>(); private Session session; @OnOpen public void onOpen(Session session, @PathParam(value = "id") String id, @PathParam(value = "productId") String productId) { this.session = session; webSockets.add(this); sessionPool.put(id, session); DeviceTask deviceTask = DeviceTask.getInstance(id, productId); deviceTask.start(); } /** * * @param session * @param error */ @OnError public void onError(Session session, Throwable error) { error.printStackTrace(); } @OnClose public void onClose() { webSockets.remove(this); DeviceTask.getInstance("", "").destroyed(); } @OnMessage public void onMessage(String message) { //JSONObject jsonObject =JSONObject.parseObject(message); } /** * 此为广播消息 * * @param message */ public void sendAllMessage(String message) { for (DeviceMonitorWebSocket webSocket : webSockets) { try { webSocket.session.getAsyncRemote().sendText(message); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * 此为单点消息 (发送文本) * * @param id * @param message */ public void sendTextMessage(String id, String message) { Session session = sessionPool.get(id); if (session != null) { try { session.getBasicRemote().sendText(message); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * 此为单点消息 (发送对象) * * @param id * @param message */ public void sendObjMessage(String id, Object message) { Session session = sessionPool.get(id); if (session != null) { try { // session.getAsyncRemote().sendObject(message); session.getBasicRemote().sendText(JSONObject.toJSONString(message)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
public class DeviceTask extends TimerTask { private DeviceMonitorWebSocket deviceMonitorWebSocket = new DeviceMonitorWebSocket(); private SysStatusService sysStatusService =(SysStatusService) ApplicationContextUtils.getBeanById("SysStatusService"); private static DeviceTask deviceTask = null; private Timer timer = null; private String userId; private String productId; public DeviceTask() { } //单例模式,保持这个对象 public static DeviceTask getInstance(String userId, String productId) { if (deviceTask == null) { //当flag == true时,为了解决,timer.cancel()后,重新创建一个timer deviceTask= new DeviceTask(); } deviceTask.setUserId(userId); deviceTask.setProductId(productId); return deviceTask; } public void start() { if (timer == null) { timer = new Timer(); } else { //从此计时器的任务队列中移除所有已取消的任务。 timer.purge(); } // myTimeTask 指定执行的线程 delay 延迟时间 timestamp 指定每格多久再次执行一次( 5min执行一次) timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(this,0, 定时的时间); } //定时执行的方法 @Override public void run() { //你需要websocket获取的什么数据 Map<String,Object> deviceMap =*****Service.方法(productId); deviceMonitorWebSocket.sendObjMessage(userId,deviceMap); } public void destroyed() { //终止此计时器,丢弃所有当前已安排的任务。(不但结束当前schedule,连整个Timer的线程(即当前的定时任务)都会结束掉) deviceTask.cancel(); deviceTask=null; timer.cancel(); timer.purge(); timer=null; } public String getUserId() { return userId; } public void setUserId(String userId) { this.userId = userId; } public String getProductId() { return productId; } public void setProductId(String productId) { this.productId = productId; } }
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