python 创建neo4j 数据通常使用py2neo,但是这个包 官方声明已经停止更新,根据neo4j网站推荐使用neomodel
neomodel 使用起来很想django 中的orm,如果有django基础的上手很简单,而且neomodel 支持 neo4j 5.X版本更新维护的也较及时
用于neo4j图形数据库的对象图形映射器 (OGM) ,基于很棒的neo4j_driver构建
如果您需要 neomodel 方面的帮助,请在https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neomodel/上的 GitHub 存储库上创建问题。
从 pypi 安装(推荐):
pip install neomodel
config.DATABASE_URL = "bolt://用户名:密码@ip地址:7687"
config.DATABASE_NAME = "neo4j"
results = db.cypher_query("match (n) return n")
from neomodel import (config, StructuredNode, StringProperty, IntegerProperty, UniqueIdProperty, RelationshipTo) config.DATABASE_URL = 'bolt://neo4j_username:neo4j_password@localhost:7687' class Country(StructuredNode): code = StringProperty(unique_index=True, required=True) class City(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty(required=True) country = RelationshipTo(Country, 'FROM_COUNTRY') class Person(StructuredNode): uid = UniqueIdProperty() name = StringProperty(unique_index=True) age = IntegerProperty(index=True, default=0) # traverse outgoing IS_FROM relations, inflate to Country objects country = RelationshipTo(Country, 'IS_FROM') # traverse outgoing LIVES_IN relations, inflate to City objects city = RelationshipTo(City, 'LIVES_IN')
如果是已有数据库 可以上述生成模型
$ neomodel_inspect_database -db bolt://neo4j_username:neo4j_password@localhost:7687 --write-to yourapp/models.py
jim = Person(name='Jim', age=3).save() # Create
jim.age = 4
jim.save() # 更新, (with validation)
jim.refresh() # reload 从数据库中reload 属性
jim.element_id # 查看id
with db.transaction:
people = Person.create(
{'name': 'Tim', 'age': 83},
{'name': 'Bob', 'age': 23},
{'name': 'Jill', 'age': 34},
people = Person.create_or_update(
{'name': 'Tim', 'age': 83},
{'name': 'Bob', 'age': 23},
{'name': 'Jill', 'age': 34},
more_people = Person.create_or_update(
{'name': 'Tim', 'age': 73},
{'name': 'Bob', 'age': 35},
{'name': 'Jane', 'age': 24},
create_or_update() 方法用于原子性地创建或更新节点。在使用此方法时,Neomodel 会根据提供的属性来判断是否应该创建新节点还是更新现有节点。具体来说,Neomodel 会按照以下步骤进行操作:
class Dog(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty(required=True) owner = RelationshipTo('Person', 'owner') class Person(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty(unique_index=True) pets = RelationshipFrom('Dog', 'owner') bob = Person.get_or_create({"name": "Bob"})[0] bobs_gizmo = Dog.get_or_create({"name": "Gizmo"}, relationship=bob.pets) tim = Person.get_or_create({"name": "Tim"})[0] tims_gizmo = Dog.get_or_create({"name": "Gizmo"}, relationship=tim.pets) # not the same gizmo assert bobs_gizmo[0] != tims_gizmo[0]
# Return all nodes all_nodes = Person.nodes.all() # Returns Person by Person.name=='Jim' or raises neomodel.DoesNotExist if no match jim = Person.nodes.get(name='Jim') # Will return None unless "bob" exists someone = Person.nodes.get_or_none(name='bob') # Will return the first Person node with the name bob. This raises neomodel.DoesNotExist if there's no match. someone = Person.nodes.first(name='bob') # Will return the first Person node with the name bob or None if there's no match someone = Person.nodes.first_or_none(name='bob') # Return set of nodes people = Person.nodes.filter(age__gt=3)
class Person(StructuredNode):
car = RelationshipTo('Car', 'OWNS', cardinality=One)
class Car(StructuredNode):
owner = RelationshipFrom('Person', 'OWNS', cardinality=One)
对象定义的。RelationshipTo, RelationshipFrom 还可以指定允许遍历关系的方向。在这个特定的例子中, Country 对象可以通过 Person 对象访问,但不能反过来。
是在类定义中的一个上使用 Relationship 。在所有这些情况下,可导航性对于在 Python 中定义的模型更为重要。在 Neo4J 中将建立一个关系,但在 Relationship 的情况下,将可以查询任一方向。
cardinality关系的约束如下 属性值如下
如果现有的数据违反了基数约束,则会抛出一个 CardinalityViolation 异常。
class FriendRel(StructuredRel): since = DateTimeProperty( default=lambda: datetime.now(pytz.utc), index=True ) met = StringProperty() # Uniqueness constraints for relationship properties # are only available from Neo4j version 5.7 onwards meeting_id = StringProperty(unique_index=True) class Person(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty() friends = RelationshipTo('Person', 'FRIEND', model=FriendRel) rel = jim.friends.connect(bob) rel.since # datetime object rel = jim.friends.connect(bob, {'since': yesterday, 'met': 'Paris'}) print(rel.start_node().name) # jim print(rel.end_node().name) # bob rel.met = "Amsterdam" rel.save()
Z = neomodel.db.cypher_query("MATCH (:BasePerson)-[r:FRIENDS_WITH]->(:BasePers>(:BasePon) RETURN r", resolve_objects=True)
注意这里 resolve_objects 被设置为 True ,这使得返回的对象能够自动解析为它们的“本地”数据模型对应物。
class SupplierRel(StructuredRel):
since = DateTimeProperty(default=datetime.now)
class Supplier(StructuredNode):
name = StringProperty()
delivery_cost = IntegerProperty()
coffees = RelationshipTo('Coffee', 'SUPPLIES')
class Coffee(StructuredNode):
name = StringProperty(unique_index=True)
price = IntegerProperty()
suppliers = RelationshipFrom(Supplier, 'SUPPLIES', model=SupplierRel)
# nodes with label Coffee whose price is greater than 2
java = Coffee.nodes.get(name='Java')
except Coffee.DoesNotExist:
print "Couldn't find coffee 'Java'"
过滤器方法借用了带有双下划线前缀操作符的相同 Django 过滤器格式:
Q(year=2005) | Q(year=2006)
has 方法检查(一个或多个)关系的存在,在这种情况下,它返回一组具有供应商的 Coffee 节点:
#suppliers 为model上的关系属性
这可以通过设置 suppliers=False 来否定,以找到没有供应商的 Coffee 节点。
通过特定的属性对结果进行排序是通过 order_by 方法完成的:
要从之前定义的查询中移除排序,可以通过将 None 传递给 order_by 来实现:
# Sort in descending order
suppliers = Supplier.nodes.order_by('-delivery_cost')
# Don't order; yield nodes in the order neo4j returns them
suppliers = suppliers.order_by(None)
class PersonLivesInCity(StructuredRel): some_num = IntegerProperty(index=True, default=12) class CountryOfOrigin(StructuredNode): code = StringProperty(unique_index=True, required=True) class CityOfResidence(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty(required=True) country = RelationshipTo(CountryOfOrigin, 'FROM_COUNTRY') class PersonOfInterest(StructuredNode): uid = UniqueIdProperty() name = StringProperty(unique_index=True) age = IntegerProperty(index=True, default=0) country = RelationshipTo(CountryOfOrigin, 'IS_FROM') city = RelationshipTo(CityOfResidence, 'LIVES_IN', model=PersonLivesInCity)
Then, paths can be retrieved with:
q = db.cypher_query("MATCH p=(:CityOfResidence)<-[:LIVES_IN]-(:PersonOfInterest)-[:IS_FROM]->(:CountryOfOrigin) RETURN p LIMIT 1",
resolve_objects = True)
from neomodel import db
with db.transaction:
def update_user_name(uid, name):
user = Person.nodes.filter(uid=uid)[0]
user.name = name
from pytest import raises from neomodel import (StructuredNode, StringProperty, IntegerProperty, UniqueIdProperty, RelationshipTo, RelationshipFrom) from neomodel.exceptions import UniqueProperty, DeflateError class UniqueUser(StructuredNode): uid = UniqueIdProperty() name = StringProperty() age = IntegerProperty() def test_unique_id_property_batch(): users = UniqueUser.create( {'name': 'bob', 'age': 2}, {'name': 'ben', 'age': 3} ) assert users[0].uid != users[1].uid users = UniqueUser.get_or_create( {'uid': users[0].uid}, {'name': 'bill', 'age': 4} )
def pre_save(self): HOOKS_CALLED['pre_save'] += 1 def post_save(self): HOOKS_CALLED['post_save'] += 1 class Badger(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty(unique_index=True) friend = Relationship('Badger', 'FRIEND', model=FriendRel) hates = RelationshipTo('Stoat', 'HATES', model=HatesRel) class Stoat(StructuredNode): name = StringProperty(unique_index=True) hates = RelationshipTo('Badger', 'HATES', model=HatesRel) def test_either_connect_with_rel_model(): paul = Badger(name="Paul").save() tom = Badger(name="Tom").save() # creating rels new_rel = tom.friend.disconnect(paul) new_rel = tom.friend.connect(paul) assert isinstance(new_rel, FriendRel) assert isinstance(new_rel.since, datetime) # updating properties new_rel.since = datetime.now(pytz.utc) assert isinstance(new_rel.save(), FriendRel)
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