int res = isToUpdate(imupre_.time, imucur_.time, updatetime);
int res = 0;
#include "common/earth.h" #include "common/rotation.h" #include "insmech.h" void INSMech::insMech(const PVA &pvapre, PVA &pvacur, const IMU &imupre, const IMU &imucur) { // perform velocity update, position updata and attitude update in sequence, irreversible order // 依次进行速度更新、位置更新、姿态更新, 不可调换顺序 std::cout<<imucur.time<<std::endl; std::cout<<imucur.dtheta<<std::endl; std::cout<<imucur.dvel<<std::endl; std::cout<<imucur.dt<<std::endl; velUpdate(pvapre, pvacur, imupre, imucur); posUpdate(pvapre, pvacur, imupre, imucur); attUpdate(pvapre, pvacur, imupre, imucur); } void INSMech::velUpdate(const PVA &pvapre, PVA &pvacur, const IMU &imupre, const IMU &imucur) { Eigen::Vector3d d_vfb, d_vfn, d_vgn, gl, midvel, midpos; Eigen::Vector3d temp1, temp2, temp3; Eigen::Matrix3d cnn, I33 = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity(); Eigen::Quaterniond qne, qee, qnn, qbb, q1, q2; Eigen::Vector2d rmrn = Earth::meridianPrimeVerticalRadius(pvapre.pos(0)); Eigen::Vector3d wie_n, wen_n; wie_n << 0, 0, 0; wen_n << 0, 0, 0; double gravity = 9.8; temp1 = imucur.dtheta.cross(imucur.dvel) / 2; temp2 = imupre.dtheta.cross(imucur.dvel) / 12; temp3 = imupre.dvel.cross(imucur.dtheta) / 12; d_vfb = imucur.dvel + temp1 + temp2 + temp3; temp1 = (wie_n + wen_n) * imucur.dt / 2; cnn = I33 - Rotation::skewSymmetric(temp1); d_vfn = cnn * pvapre.att.cbn * d_vfb; gl << 0, 0, gravity; d_vgn = (gl - (2 * wie_n + wen_n).cross(pvapre.vel)) * imucur.dt; midvel = pvapre.vel + (d_vfn + d_vgn) / 2; temp3 = (wie_n + wen_n) * imucur.dt / 2; cnn = I33 - Rotation::skewSymmetric(temp3); d_vfn = cnn * pvapre.att.cbn * d_vfb; gl << 0, 0, gravity; d_vgn = (gl - (2 * wie_n + wen_n).cross(midvel)) * imucur.dt; pvacur.vel = pvapre.vel + d_vfn + d_vgn; } void INSMech::posUpdate(const PVA &pvapre, PVA &pvacur, const IMU &imupre, const IMU &imucur) { Eigen::Vector3d temp1, temp2, midvel, midpos; Eigen::Quaterniond qne, qee, qnn; // 重新计算中间时刻的速度和位置 // recompute velocity and position at k-1/2 midvel = (pvacur.vel + pvapre.vel) / 2; midpos = pvapre.pos + Earth::DRi(pvapre.pos) * midvel * imucur.dt / 2; // 重新计算中间时刻地理参数 // recompute rmrn, wie_n, wen_n at k-1/2 Eigen::Vector2d rmrn; Eigen::Vector3d wie_n, wen_n; rmrn = Earth::meridianPrimeVerticalRadius(midpos[0]); wie_n << WGS84_WIE * cos(midpos[0]), 0, -WGS84_WIE * sin(midpos[0]); wen_n << midvel[1] / (rmrn[1] + midpos[2]), -midvel[0] / (rmrn[0] + midpos[2]), -midvel[1] * tan(midpos[0]) / (rmrn[1] + midpos[2]); // 重新计算 k时刻到k-1时刻 n系旋转矢量 // recompute n-frame rotation vector (n(k) with respect to n(k-1)-frame) temp1 = (wie_n + wen_n) * imucur.dt; qnn = Rotation::rotvec2quaternion(temp1); // e系转动等效旋转矢量 (k-1时刻k时刻,所以取负号) // e-frame rotation vector (e(k-1) with respect to e(k)-frame) temp2 << 0, 0, -WGS84_WIE * imucur.dt; qee = Rotation::rotvec2quaternion(temp2); // 位置更新完成 // position update finish qne = Earth::qne(pvapre.pos); qne = qee * qne * qnn; pvacur.pos[2] = pvapre.pos[2] - midvel[2] * imucur.dt; pvacur.pos = Earth::blh(qne, pvacur.pos[2]); } void INSMech::attUpdate(const PVA &pvapre, PVA &pvacur, const IMU &imupre, const IMU &imucur) { Eigen::Quaterniond qne_pre, qne_cur, qne_mid, qnn, qbb; Eigen::Vector3d temp1, midpos, midvel; Eigen::Vector3d wie_n, wen_n; wie_n << 0.000, 0.000, 0.000; wen_n << 0.000, 0.000, 0.000; temp1 = -(wie_n + wen_n) * imucur.dt; qnn = Rotation::rotvec2quaternion(temp1); temp1 = imucur.dtheta + imupre.dtheta.cross(imucur.dtheta) / 12; qbb = Rotation::rotvec2quaternion(temp1); pvacur.att.qbn = qnn * pvapre.att.qbn * qbb; pvacur.att.cbn = Rotation::quaternion2matrix(pvacur.att.qbn); pvacur.att.euler = Rotation::matrix2euler(pvacur.att.cbn); }
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #打开结果文件 with open("/home/workspace/KF-GINS/dataset/KF_GINS_Navresult.nav","r") as f: datas = f.readlines() #先把速度提出来 dv = [] for data in datas: data_split = data.split(" ") data = [float(i) for i in data_split if i != "" and i != "\n"] dv.append([data[1],data[5],data[6],data[7]]) dv = np.array(dv) x = np.zeros(3,) sx = [] sy = [] sz = [] for i in range(len(dv)-1): pre_data = dv[i] cur_data = dv[i+1] v0 = pre_data[1:] dt = cur_data[0] - pre_data[0] if dt == 0: a = 0 else: a = (cur_data[1:]-v0)/dt dx = v0 * dt + 0.5 * a *dt **2 x += dx sx.append(x[0]) sy.append(x[1]) sz.append(x[2]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d") ax.scatter(sx,sy,sz) ax.set_xlabel("X Label") ax.set_ylabel("Y Label") ax.set_zlabel("Z Label") ax.set_title("3D scatter plot") plt.show()
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