- def api_retry(MODEL_NAME, query):
- max_retries = 5
- retry_delay = 60 # in seconds
- attempts = 0
- while attempts < max_retries:
- try:
- return call_qwen_api(MODEL_NAME, query)
- except Exception as e:
- attempts += 1
- if attempts < max_retries:
- logger.warning(f"Attempt {attempts} failed for text: {query}. Retrying in {retry_delay} seconds...")
- time.sleep(retry_delay)
- else:
- logger.error(f"All {max_retries} attempts failed for text: {query}. Error: {e}")
- raise
- def call_qwen_api(MODEL_NAME, query):
- # 这里采用dashscope的api调用模型推理,通过http传输的json封装返回结果
- messages = [
- {'role': 'user', 'content': query}]
- response = dashscope.Generation.call(
- messages=messages,
- result_format='message', # set the result is message format.
- )
- if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
- # print(response)
- return response['output']['choices'][0]['message']['content']
- else:
- print('Request id: %s, Status code: %s, error code: %s, error message: %s' % (
- response.request_id, response.status_code,
- response.code, response.message
- ))
- raise Exception()

- # 这里定义了prompt推理模版
- def get_prompt(problem, question, options):
- options = '\n'.join(f"{'ABCDEFG'[i]}. {o}" for i, o in enumerate(options))
- prompt = f"""你是一个逻辑推理专家,擅长解决逻辑推理问题。以下是一个逻辑推理的题目,形式为单项选择题。所有的问题都是(close-world assumption)闭世界假设,即未观测事实都为假。请逐步分析问题并在最后一行输出答案,最后一行的格式为"答案是:A"。题目如下:
- ### 题目:
- {problem}
- ### 问题:
- {question}
- {options}
- """
- # print(prompt)
- return prompt
- # 这里使用extract抽取模板获得抽取的结果
- def extract(input_text):
- ans_pattern = re.compile(r"答案是:(.)", re.S)
- problems = ans_pattern.findall(input_text)
- # print(problems)
- if(problems == ''):
- return 'A'
- return problems[0]
- def process_datas(datas,MODEL_NAME):
- results = []
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=16) as executor:
- future_data = {}
- lasttask = ''
- lastmark = 0
- lens = 0
- for data in tqdm(datas, desc="Submitting tasks", total=len(datas)):
- problem = data['problem']
- for id,question in enumerate(data['questions']):
- prompt = get_prompt(problem,
- question['question'],
- question['options'],
- )
- future = executor.submit(api_retry, MODEL_NAME, prompt)
- future_data[future] = (data,id)
- time.sleep(0.6) # 控制每0.5秒提交一个任务
- lens += 1
- for future in tqdm(as_completed(future_data), total=lens, desc="Processing tasks"):
- # print('data',data)
- data = future_data[future][0]
- problem_id = future_data[future][1]
- try:
- res = future.result()
- extract_response = extract(res)
- # print('res',extract_response)
- data['questions'][problem_id]['answer'] = extract_response
- results.append(data)
- # print('data',data)
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error(f"Failed to process text: {data}. Error: {e}")
- return results
- def main(ifn, ofn):
- if os.path.exists(ofn):
- pass
- data = []
- # 按行读取数据
- with open(ifn) as reader:
- for line in reader:
- sample = json.loads(line)
- data.append(sample)
- datas = data
- # print(data)
- # 均匀地分成多个数据集
- return_list = process_datas(datas,MODEL_NAME)
- print(len(return_list))
- print("All tasks finished!")
- return return_list
- def evaluate(ofn):
- data = []
- with open(ofn) as reader:
- for line in reader:
- sample = json.loads(line)
- data.append(sample)
- pse = 0
- cnt = 0
- tot = 0
- for task in data:
- for question in task['questions']:
- if MODEL_NAME in question:
- tot += 1
- cnt += question[MODEL_NAME] == question['answer']
- else:
- pse += 1
- print(cnt, tot, cnt/tot, pse)

- if __name__ == '__main__':
- a = extract("""根据欧几里得算法,逐步解析计算两个数6和7的最大公约数(gcd)的步骤如下:
- 1. 判断6和7是否相等:不相等。
- 2. 判断6和7大小关系,7 > 6,所以用更大的数7减去较小的数6得到结果1。
- 3. 现在计算6和1的最大公约数。
- 4. 6 > 1,根据算法用更大的数6减去较小的数1得到结果5。
- 5. 再计算5和1的最大公约数。
- 6. 5 > 1,用5减去1得到结果4。
- 7. 再计算4和1的最大公约数。
- 8. 4 > 1,用4减去1得到结果3。
- 9. 再计算3和1的最大公约数。
- 10. 3 > 1,用3减去1得到结果2。
- 11. 再计算2和1的最大公约数。
- 12. 2 > 1,用2减去1得到结果1。
- 13. 最后计算1和1的最大公约数,两数相等,gcd即为这两个数,也就是1。
- 因此,6和7的最大公约数是1。
- 答案是:C.""")
- print(a)
- return_list = main('round1_test_data.jsonl', 'upload.jsonl')
- def has_complete_answer(questions):
- # 这里假设完整答案的判断逻辑是:每个question都有一个'answer'键
- for question in questions:
- if 'answer' not in question:
- return False
- return True
- def filter_problems(data):
- result = []
- problem_set = set()
- for item in data:
- # print('处理的item' ,item)
- problem = item['problem']
- if problem in problem_set:
- # 找到已存在的字典
- for existing_item in result:
- if existing_item['problem'] == problem:
- # 如果当前字典有完整答案,替换已存在的字典
- if has_complete_answer(item['questions']):
- existing_item['questions'] = item['questions']
- existing_item['id'] = item['id']
- break
- else:
- # 如果当前字典有完整答案,添加到结果列表
- if has_complete_answer(item['questions']):
- result.append(item)
- problem_set.add(problem)
- return result
- return_list
- return_list = filter_problems(return_list)
- sorted_data = sorted(return_list, key=lambda x: int(str(x['id'])[-3:]))
- print(sorted_data)
- def find_missing_ids(dict_list):
- # 提取所有序号
- extracted_ids = {int(d['id'][-3:]) for d in dict_list}
- # 创建0-500的序号集合
- all_ids = set(range(500))
- # 找出缺失的序号
- missing_ids = all_ids - extracted_ids
- return sorted(missing_ids)
- # 示例字典列表
- dict_list = sorted_data
- # 找出缺失的序号
- missing_ids = find_missing_ids(dict_list)
- print("缺失的序号:", missing_ids)
- data = []
- with open('round1_test_data.jsonl') as reader:
- for id,line in enumerate(reader):
- if(id in missing_ids):
- sample = json.loads(line)
- for question in sample['questions']:
- question['answer'] = 'A'
- sorted_data.append(sample)
- sorted_data = sorted(sorted_data, key=lambda x: int(str(x['id'])[-3:]))
- with open('upload.jsonl', 'w') as writer:
- for sample in sorted_data:
- writer.write(json.dumps(sample, ensure_ascii=False))
- writer.write('\n')

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