本文将介绍Flink的Checkpoint机制的原理,并从源码层面了解Checkpoint机制是如何实现的(基于Flink 1.10)。
Flink的Checkpoint机制是基于Chandy-Lamport算法的思想改进而来,引入了Checkpoint Barrier的概念,可以在不停止整个流处理系统的前提下,让每个节点独立建立检查点保存自身快照,并最终达到整个作业全局快照的状态。有了全局快照,当我们遇到故障或者重启的时候就可以直接从快照中恢复,这就是Flink容错的核心。
如上图,Barrier-n跟随着数据流一起流动,当算子从输入流接收到Barrier-n后,就会停止接收数据并对当前自身的状态做一次快照,快照完成后再将Barrier-n以广播的形式传给下游节点。一旦作业的Sink算子接收到Barrier n后,会向JobMnager发送一个消息,确认Barrier-n对应的快照完成。当作业中的所有Sink算子都确认后,意味一次全局快照也就完成。
当一个算子有多个上游节点时,会接收到多个Barrier,这时候需要进行Barrier Align对齐操作。
如上图,一个算子有两个输入流,当算子从一个上游数据流接收到一个Barrier-n后,它不会立即向下游广播,而是先暂停对该数据流的处理,将到达的数据先缓存在Input Buffer中(因为这些数据属于下一次快照而不是当前快照,缓存数据可以不阻塞该数据流),直到从另外一个数据流中接收到Barrier-n,才会进行快照处理并将Barrier-n向下游发送。从这个流程可以看出,如果开启Barrier对齐后,算子由于需要等待所有输入节点的Barrier到来出现暂停,对整体的性能也会有一定的影响。
综上,Flink Checkpoint机制的核心思想实质上是通过Barrier来标记触发快照的时间点和对应需要进行快照的数据集,将数据流处理和快照操作解耦开来,从而最大程度降低快照对系统性能的影响。
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
private void configureCheckpointing() { CheckpointConfig cfg = streamGraph.getCheckpointConfig(); ...(省略部分代码,只展示核心流程,下同) // --- configure the participating vertices --- // collect the vertices that receive "trigger checkpoint" messages. // currently, these are all the sources List<JobVertexID> triggerVertices = new ArrayList<>(); // collect the vertices that need to acknowledge the checkpoint // currently, these are all vertices List<JobVertexID> ackVertices = new ArrayList<>(jobVertices.size()); // collect the vertices that receive "commit checkpoint" messages // currently, these are all vertices List<JobVertexID> commitVertices = new ArrayList<>(jobVertices.size()); for (JobVertex vertex : jobVertices.values()) { // 这里只会将Source节点加入到triggerVertices if (vertex.isInputVertex()) { triggerVertices.add(vertex.getID()); } commitVertices.add(vertex.getID()); ackVertices.add(vertex.getID()); } // settings将所有Checkpoint配置封装在一起 jobGraph.setSnapshotSettings(settings); }
public void enableCheckpointing() { ... // create the coordinator that triggers and commits checkpoints and holds the state checkpointCoordinator = new CheckpointCoordinator( jobInformation.getJobId(), chkConfig, tasksToTrigger, tasksToWaitFor, tasksToCommitTo, checkpointIDCounter, checkpointStore, checkpointStateBackend, ioExecutor, new ScheduledExecutorServiceAdapter(checkpointCoordinatorTimer), SharedStateRegistry.DEFAULT_FACTORY, failureManager); if (chkConfig.getCheckpointInterval() != Long.MAX_VALUE) { // the periodic checkpoint scheduler is activated and deactivated as a result of // job status changes (running -> on, all other states -> off) registerJobStatusListener(checkpointCoordinator.createActivatorDeactivator()); } }
public class CheckpointCoordinatorDeActivator implements JobStatusListener { private final CheckpointCoordinator coordinator; public CheckpointCoordinatorDeActivator(CheckpointCoordinator coordinator) { this.coordinator = checkNotNull(coordinator); } @Override public void jobStatusChanges(JobID jobId, JobStatus newJobStatus, long timestamp, Throwable error) { if (newJobStatus == JobStatus.RUNNING) { // start the checkpoint scheduler coordinator.startCheckpointScheduler(); } else { // anything else should stop the trigger for now coordinator.stopCheckpointScheduler(); } } }
接下来我们来看下startCheckpointScheduler,startCheckpointScheduler首先调用stopCheckpointScheduler确保之前的Checkpoint Scheduler已经停止,然后再创建一个新的ScheduledTrigger放到线程池中定时执行triggerCheckpoint方法触发Checkpoint。第3小节中提到的enableCheckpointing(interval)方法可以设置Checkpoint执行的时间间隔,背后的原理就在这里。
public void startCheckpointScheduler() { synchronized (lock) { if (shutdown) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Checkpoint coordinator is shut down"); } // make sure all prior timers are cancelled stopCheckpointScheduler(); periodicScheduling = true; currentPeriodicTrigger = scheduleTriggerWithDelay(getRandomInitDelay()); } } private ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleTriggerWithDelay(long initDelay) { return timer.scheduleAtFixedRate( new ScheduledTrigger(), initDelay, baseInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } private final class ScheduledTrigger implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { try { triggerCheckpoint(System.currentTimeMillis(), true); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception while triggering checkpoint for job {}.", job, e); } } }
// preCheckBeforeTriggeringCheckpoint是在triggerCheckpoint中调用的方法 private void preCheckBeforeTriggeringCheckpoint(boolean isPeriodic, boolean forceCheckpoint) throws CheckpointException { // abort if the coordinator has been shutdown in the meantime if (shutdown) { throw new CheckpointException(CheckpointFailureReason.CHECKPOINT_COORDINATOR_SHUTDOWN); } // Don't allow periodic checkpoint if scheduling has been disabled if (isPeriodic && !periodicScheduling) { throw new CheckpointException(CheckpointFailureReason.PERIODIC_SCHEDULER_SHUTDOWN); } if (!forceCheckpoint) { if (triggerRequestQueued) { throw new CheckpointException(CheckpointFailureReason.ALREADY_QUEUED); } checkConcurrentCheckpoints(); checkMinPauseBetweenCheckpoints(); } }
// check if all tasks that we need to trigger are running. // if not, abort the checkpoint Execution[] executions = new Execution[tasksToTrigger.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tasksToTrigger.length; i++) { Execution ee = tasksToTrigger[i].getCurrentExecutionAttempt(); if (ee == null) { throw new CheckpointException(CheckpointFailureReason.NOT_ALL_REQUIRED_TASKS_RUNNING); } else if (ee.getState() == ExecutionState.RUNNING) { executions[i] = ee; } else { throw new CheckpointException(CheckpointFailureReason.NOT_ALL_REQUIRED_TASKS_RUNNING); } } // next, check if all tasks that need to acknowledge the checkpoint are running. // if not, abort the checkpoint Map<ExecutionAttemptID, ExecutionVertex> ackTasks = new HashMap<>(tasksToWaitFor.length); for (ExecutionVertex ev : tasksToWaitFor) { Execution ee = ev.getCurrentExecutionAttempt(); if (ee != null) { ackTasks.put(ee.getAttemptId(), ev); } else { throw new CheckpointException(CheckpointFailureReason.NOT_ALL_REQUIRED_TASKS_RUNNING); } }
// we will actually trigger this checkpoint! final CheckpointStorageLocation checkpointStorageLocation; final long checkpointID; try { // this must happen outside the coordinator-wide lock, because it communicates // with external services (in HA mode) and may block for a while. checkpointID = checkpointIdCounter.getAndIncrement(); } catch (Throwable t) { ... } final PendingCheckpoint checkpoint = new PendingCheckpoint( job, checkpointID, timestamp, ackTasks, masterHooks.keySet(), props, checkpointStorageLocation, executor);
// schedule the timer that will clean up the expired checkpoints
final Runnable canceller = () -> {
synchronized (lock) {
// only do the work if the checkpoint is not discarded anyways
// note that checkpoint completion discards the pending checkpoint object
if (!checkpoint.isDiscarded()) {
failPendingCheckpoint(checkpoint, CheckpointFailureReason.CHECKPOINT_EXPIRED);
ScheduledFuture<?> cancellerHandle = timer.schedule(canceller, checkpointTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// send the messages to the tasks that trigger their checkpoint
for (Execution execution: executions) {
if (props.isSynchronous()) {
execution.triggerSynchronousSavepoint(checkpointID, timestamp, checkpointOptions, advanceToEndOfTime);
} else {
execution.triggerCheckpoint(checkpointID, timestamp, checkpointOptions);
public Future<Boolean> triggerCheckpointAsync( CheckpointMetaData checkpointMetaData, CheckpointOptions checkpointOptions, boolean advanceToEndOfEventTime) { return mailboxProcessor.getMainMailboxExecutor().submit( () -> triggerCheckpoint(checkpointMetaData, checkpointOptions, advanceToEndOfEventTime), "checkpoint %s with %s", checkpointMetaData, checkpointOptions); } private boolean triggerCheckpoint( CheckpointMetaData checkpointMetaData, CheckpointOptions checkpointOptions, boolean advanceToEndOfEventTime) throws Exception { try { ... boolean success = performCheckpoint(checkpointMetaData, checkpointOptions, checkpointMetrics, advanceToEndOfEventTime); if (!success) { declineCheckpoint(checkpointMetaData.getCheckpointId()); } return success; } catch (Exception e) { ... } }
private boolean performCheckpoint( CheckpointMetaData checkpointMetaData, CheckpointOptions checkpointOptions, CheckpointMetrics checkpointMetrics, boolean advanceToEndOfTime) throws Exception { ... final long checkpointId = checkpointMetaData.getCheckpointId(); if (isRunning) { actionExecutor.runThrowing(() -> { ... // All of the following steps happen as an atomic step from the perspective of barriers and // records/watermarks/timers/callbacks. // We generally try to emit the checkpoint barrier as soon as possible to not affect downstream // checkpoint alignments // Step (1): Prepare the checkpoint, allow operators to do some pre-barrier work. // The pre-barrier work should be nothing or minimal in the common case. operatorChain.prepareSnapshotPreBarrier(checkpointId); // Step (2): Send the checkpoint barrier downstream operatorChain.broadcastCheckpointBarrier( checkpointId, checkpointMetaData.getTimestamp(), checkpointOptions); // Step (3): Take the state snapshot. This should be largely asynchronous, to not // impact progress of the streaming topology checkpointState(checkpointMetaData, checkpointOptions, checkpointMetrics); }); return true; } else { ... return false; } }
public void executeCheckpointing() throws Exception { startSyncPartNano = System.nanoTime(); try { // 调用每一个算子的snapshotState方法 for (StreamOperator<?> op : allOperators) { checkpointStreamOperator(op); } startAsyncPartNano = System.nanoTime(); checkpointMetrics.setSyncDurationMillis((startAsyncPartNano - startSyncPartNano) / 1_000_000); // we are transferring ownership over snapshotInProgressList for cleanup to the thread, active on submit AsyncCheckpointRunnable asyncCheckpointRunnable = new AsyncCheckpointRunnable( owner, operatorSnapshotsInProgress, checkpointMetaData, checkpointMetrics, startAsyncPartNano); owner.cancelables.registerCloseable(asyncCheckpointRunnable); // 检查结果并报告JobManager owner.asyncOperationsThreadPool.execute(asyncCheckpointRunnable); } catch (Exception ex) { ... } } private void checkpointStreamOperator(StreamOperator<?> op) throws Exception { if (null != op) { OperatorSnapshotFutures snapshotInProgress = op.snapshotState( checkpointMetaData.getCheckpointId(), checkpointMetaData.getTimestamp(), checkpointOptions, storageLocation); operatorSnapshotsInProgress.put(op.getOperatorID(), snapshotInProgress); } }
public void reportTaskStateSnapshots( @Nonnull CheckpointMetaData checkpointMetaData, @Nonnull CheckpointMetrics checkpointMetrics, @Nullable TaskStateSnapshot acknowledgedState, @Nullable TaskStateSnapshot localState) { long checkpointId = checkpointMetaData.getCheckpointId(); localStateStore.storeLocalState(checkpointId, localState); checkpointResponder.acknowledgeCheckpoint( jobId, executionAttemptID, checkpointId, checkpointMetrics, acknowledgedState); }
下游的非Source节点接收到Barrier后,调用CheckpointBarrierAligner的processBarrier方法来处理。processBarrier会分别处理单个Input Channel和多个Input Channel两个不同场景,具体为:
public boolean processBarrier(CheckpointBarrier receivedBarrier, int channelIndex, long bufferedBytes) throws Exception { final long barrierId = receivedBarrier.getId(); // fast path for single channel cases if (totalNumberOfInputChannels == 1) { if (barrierId > currentCheckpointId) { // new checkpoint currentCheckpointId = barrierId; notifyCheckpoint(receivedBarrier, bufferedBytes, latestAlignmentDurationNanos); } return false; } boolean checkpointAborted = false; // -- general code path for multiple input channels -- if (numBarriersReceived > 0) { // this is only true if some alignment is already progress and was not canceled if (barrierId == currentCheckpointId) { // regular case onBarrier(channelIndex); } else if (barrierId > currentCheckpointId) { ... // abort the current checkpoint releaseBlocksAndResetBarriers(); checkpointAborted = true; // begin a the new checkpoint beginNewAlignment(barrierId, channelIndex); } else { // ignore trailing barrier from an earlier checkpoint (obsolete now) return false; } } else if (barrierId > currentCheckpointId) { // first barrier of a new checkpoint beginNewAlignment(barrierId, channelIndex); } else { // either the current checkpoint was canceled (numBarriers == 0) or // this barrier is from an old subsumed checkpoint return false; } // check if we have all barriers - since canceled checkpoints always have zero barriers // this can only happen on a non canceled checkpoint if (numBarriersReceived + numClosedChannels == totalNumberOfInputChannels) { // actually trigger checkpoint releaseBlocksAndResetBarriers(); notifyCheckpoint(receivedBarrier, bufferedBytes, latestAlignmentDurationNanos); return true; } return checkpointAborted; }
// CheckpointBarrierHandler
protected void notifyCheckpoint(CheckpointBarrier checkpointBarrier, long bufferedBytes, long alignmentDurationNanos) throws Exception {
if (toNotifyOnCheckpoint != null) {
CheckpointMetaData checkpointMetaData =
new CheckpointMetaData(checkpointBarrier.getId(), checkpointBarrier.getTimestamp());
// StreamTask public void triggerCheckpointOnBarrier( CheckpointMetaData checkpointMetaData, CheckpointOptions checkpointOptions, CheckpointMetrics checkpointMetrics) throws Exception { try { if (performCheckpoint(checkpointMetaData, checkpointOptions, checkpointMetrics, false)) { if (isSynchronousSavepointId(checkpointMetaData.getCheckpointId())) { runSynchronousSavepointMailboxLoop(); } } } catch (Exception e) { ... } }
final PendingCheckpoint checkpoint = pendingCheckpoints.get(checkpointId);
if (checkpoint != null && !checkpoint.isDiscarded()) {
switch (checkpoint.acknowledgeTask(message.getTaskExecutionId(), message.getSubtaskState(), message.getCheckpointMetrics())){
if (checkpoint.areTasksFullyAcknowledged()) {
private void completePendingCheckpoint(PendingCheckpoint pendingCheckpoint) throws CheckpointException {
// send the "notify complete" call to all vertices
final long timestamp = completedCheckpoint.getTimestamp();
for (ExecutionVertex ev : tasksToCommitTo) {
Execution ee = ev.getCurrentExecutionAttempt();
if (ee != null) {
ee.notifyCheckpointComplete(checkpointId, timestamp);
// TaskExecutor
public CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> confirmCheckpoint(
ExecutionAttemptID executionAttemptID,
long checkpointId,
long checkpointTimestamp) {
final Task task = taskSlotTable.getTask(executionAttemptID);
if (task != null) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Acknowledge.get());
} else {
// StreamTask private void notifyCheckpointComplete(long checkpointId) { try { boolean success = actionExecutor.call(() -> { if (isRunning) { for (StreamOperator<?> operator : operatorChain.getAllOperators()) { if (operator != null) { operator.notifyCheckpointComplete(checkpointId); } } return true; } ... }); } catch (Exception e) { ... } }
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