from random import choice def get_winning_ticket(possibilities): """摇出中奖组合。""" winning_ticket = [] # 中奖组合中不能包含重复的数字或字母,因此使用了 while 循环。 while len(winning_ticket) < 4: pulled_item = choice(possibilities) # 仅当摇出的数字或字母不在组合中时,才将其添加到组合中。 if pulled_item not in winning_ticket: pulled_item = choice(possibilities) # 仅当摇出的数字或字母不在组合中时,才将其添加到组合中。 if pulled_item not in winning_ticket: winning_ticket.append(pulled_item) return winning_ticket def check_ticket(played_ticket, winning_ticket): # 检查彩票的每个数字或字母,只要有一个不在中奖组合中,就返回 False。 for element in played_ticket: if element not in winning_ticket: return False # 如果代码执行到这里,就说明中奖了! return True def make_random_ticket(possibilities): """随机地生成彩票。""" ticket = [] # 彩票不能包含重复的数字或字母,因此使用了 while 循环。 while len(ticket) < 4: pulled_item = choice(possibilities) # 仅当随机生成的数字或字母不在彩票中时,才将其添加到彩票中。 if pulled_item not in ticket: ticket.append(pulled_item) return ticket possibilities = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] winning_ticket = get_winning_ticket(possibilities) plays = 0 won = False # 为避免程序执行时间太长,设置最多随机生成多少张彩票。 max_tries = 1_000_000 while not won: new_ticket = make_random_ticket(possibilities) won = check_ticket(new_ticket, winning_ticket) plays += 1 if plays >= max_tries: break if won: print("We have a winning ticket!") print(f"Your ticket: {new_ticket}") print(f"Winning ticket: {winning_ticket}") print(f"It only took {plays} tries to win!") else: print(f"Tried {plays} times, without pulling a winner. :(") print(f"Your ticket: {new_ticket}") print(f"Winning ticket: {winning_ticket}")
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