# tfrecord 文件读写 tf.train.Example tf.train.Features tf.train.Feature tf.train.BytesList tf.train.FloatList tf.train.INt64List tf.train.Example.SetializeTostrain() tf.train.Example.FromString tf.io.TFRecordWriter() tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter() tf.data.experimental.TFRecordWriter() tf.data.TFRecordDataset() tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices() tf.data.Dataset.from_generator() dataset.take(1) dataset.map() # apply a function to each element of a Dataset. tf.io.parse_single_example() # parse one data tf.parse_example() # parse the whole batch at once # 构建数据集 td.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices() dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames) # filenames be a string, a list of strings, or a tf.Tensor of strings. dataset = dataset.map() dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=10000) dataset = dataset.repeat(10) dataset = dataset.batch(32) sess.run(iterator.initializer)
tfrecord 用于存储二进制序列数据的一种范式,按顺序存,按顺序取,十分搞笑。里面存的每一条数据都是一个 byte-string, 最常用的转byte-string的方式是tf.train.Example 。tf.train.Example (or protobuf) 以字典{“string”: value}形式存储消息,这种消息存储机制可读性高。
将用户数据需要转化为 tfrecord 约定的格式,才能使用 tfrecord 格式存储数据。
step1: python数据转换 成 tfrecord数据,tfrecord支持写入三种格式的数据:string、int64、float32,对应的tdrecord 数据类型分别 tf.train.BytesList、tf.train.Int64List、tf.train.FloatList
step2: tf.train.BytesList、tf.train.Int64List、tf.train.FloatList 写入 tf.train.Feature
step3: 以 tf.train.Feature 构成 特征字典tf.train.Feautures (Features message)
step4: tf.train.Feautures 转 tf.train.Example
step5: 每一条 tf.train.Example序列化后,io write tf recoed.
# part1: python数据类型转 tf数据类型 # tf.train.BytesList:string、byte # tf.train.FloatList:float (float32)、double (float64) # tf.train.Int64List :bool、enum、int32、uint32、int64、uint64 value = 1 value_ed = tf.train.Int64List(value=[value]) # part2: tf.train.BytesList tf.train.FLoatList tf.train.Int64List 装进 tf.train.feature. # 以下为scalar 转 tf.train.Feature 的快捷函数, not scalar 数据需要用np.array().tobytes()/tf.io.serialize_tensor转换成binary-strings,再调用接口函数封装成 tf.train.Feature def _bytes_feature(value): """ Args: value string/byte, 可以通过np.array(data, dtype=np.float32).tobytes()转换得到byte类型的数据 Returns: tf.train.Feature """ if isinstance(value, type(tf.constant(0))): value = value.numpy() # BytesList won't unpack a string from an EagerTensor. return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[value])) def _float_feature(value): """ Args: Returns: tf.train.Feature from a float_list of a float / double. """ return tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=[value])) def _int64_feature(value): """ Returns: tf.train.Feature from an int64_list of a bool / enum / int / uint. """ return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=[value])) print(_bytes_feature(b'test_string')) print(_bytes_feature(u'test_bytes'.encode('utf-8'))) print(_float_feature(np.exp(1))) print(_int64_feature(True)) print(_int64_feature(1)) feature = _float_feature(np.exp(1)) feature.SerializeToString() # tf.train.Feature 也可以序列h化 # part3: 单一类型数据dump tfrecord demo, value can be a num / list / array pybyte_value = np.array(value).tobytes() # 0.转Python字节数据 tfbyte_value = tf.train.BytesList(value=[pybyte_value]) # 1.转tf.train 字节数据 feature_dict[key] = tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tfbyte_value)# 2.转tf.train.Feature()注意是tf.train.Feature()没有s .......... feature_example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=tffeature_dict))# 3.转tf.train.Example() 注意tf.train.Features()s exmp_serial = feature_example.SerializeToString() # 序列化feature_example tf_writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(tfrecord_path) # 构建tf写句柄 tf_writer.write(exmp_serial) # 写入tf文件 tf_writer.close() # 关闭句柄 # part4:最后存入tfrecord中每一条record的格式 uint64 length uint32 masked_crc32_of_length byte data[length] uint32 masked_crc32_of_data # 【 Note that the tf.train.Example message is just a wrapper around the Features message:】
有此往下demo 数据集: 包含10000个观测数据,每条数据包含4个特征:[bool, label_index, lable_string, random_score]。
# part5 用serialize_example()封装组合类型数据存盘 n_observations = int(1e4) # The number of observations in the dataset. feature0 = np.random.choice([False, True], n_observations) # Boolean feature, encoded as False or True. feature1 = np.random.randint(0, 5, n_observations) # Integer feature, random from 0 to 4. strings = np.array([b'cat', b'dog', b'chicken', b'horse', b'goat']) # String feature. feature2 = strings[feature1] feature3 = np.random.randn(n_observations) # Float feature, from a standard normal distribution. def serialize_example(feature0, feature1, feature2, feature3): """ Creates a tf.train.Example message ready to be written to a file. Create a dictionary mapping the feature name to the tf.train.Example-compatible data type. Create a Features message using tf.train.Example. """ feature = { 'feature0': _int64_feature(feature0), 'feature1': _int64_feature(feature1), 'feature2': _bytes_feature(feature2), 'feature3': _float_feature(feature3), } example_proto = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=feature)) return example_proto.SerializeToString() # tf.train.Example 序列化 # example_proto 序列化成 binary-string serialized_example = serialize_example(False, 4, b'goat', 0.9876) print(serialized_example) # binary-string 反序列化成 example_proto example_proto = tf.train.Example.FromString(serialized_example) print(example_proto) # 输出如下 b'\nR\n\x14\n\x08feature2\x12\x08\n\x06\..... features { feature { key: "feature0" value { int64_list { value: 0 } } } feature { key: "feature1" value { int64_list { value: 4 } } } feature { key: "feature2" value { bytes_list { value: "goat" } } } feature { key: "feature3" value { float_list { value: 0.9876000285148621 } } } }
binary-string 逐条存盘
## 存盘
filename = 'test.tfrecord'
with tf.io.TFRecordWriter(filename) as writer:
for i in range(n_observations):
example = serialize_example(feature0[i], feature1[i], feature2[i], feature3[i])
## 读盘
filenames = [filename]
raw_dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames)
for raw_record in raw_dataset.take(1):
example = tf.train.Example()
神经网络数据集 支持:迭代,随机shuffle,batch获取等操作。tf.data.TFRecordDataset()提供多种接口函数用于完成tf 数据集构建工作,并且能够将整个tf数据集序列化后存盘。
# part6: 从numpy array 中构建tf dataset features_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((feature0, feature1, feature2, feature3)) for f0, f1, f2, f3 in features_dataset.take(1): print(f0, f1, f2, f3) break # 对于自定义的序列化操作函数serialize_example,为了使其成为TensorFlow graph 的节点,需要使用一下两种方式进行元素映射。 # part6.1:元素操作1--tf.data.Dataset.map() + tf_funciotn()封装序列化 def tf_serialize_example(f0, f1, f2, f3): tf_string = tf.py_function( serialize_example, (f0, f1, f2, f3), # Pass these args to the above function. tf.string) # The return type is `tf.string`. return tf.reshape(tf_string, ()) # The result is a scalar. serialized_features_dataset = features_dataset.map(tf_serialize_example) # part6.2:元素操作2--generator封装,序列化 def generator(): for features in features_dataset: yield serialize_example(*features) serialized_features_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator( generator, output_types=tf.string, output_shapes=()) ## 6.3 serialized_features_dataset整个数据集存盘 filename = 'test.tfrecord' writer = tf.data.experimental.TFRecordWriter(filename) writer.write(serialized_features_dataset)
# 1. tf.io.TFRecordWriter(), pure-Python functions for reading and writing TFRecord files. with tf.io.TFRecordWriter(filename) as writer: example = serialize_example(feature0[i], feature1[i], feature2[i], feature3[i]) writer.write(example) # 2. tf.data.experimental.TFRecordWriter( writer = tf.data.experimental.TFRecordWriter(filename) writer.write(serialized_features_dataset) # 官方文档说明 # To write TFRecords to disk, use `tf.io.TFRecordWriter`. # To save and load the contents of a dataset, use `tf.data.experimental.save` and `tf.data.experimental.load` # 3. tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(tfrecord_path) tf_writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(tfrecord_path) # 构建tf写句柄 tf_writer.write(exmp_serial) # 写入tf文件 tf_writer.close() # 关闭句柄
feature_description = { # description provide info to build data shape and type signature, tf.data.Datasets use graph-execution 'feature0': tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64, default_value=0), 'feature1': tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64, default_value=0), 'feature2': tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string, default_value=''), 'feature3': tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.float32, default_value=0.0), } def _parse_function(example_proto): # Parse the input `tf.train.Example` proto using the dictionary above. return tf.io.parse_single_example(example_proto, feature_description) # case1 tf.data.TFRecordDataset() + feature_description + map() file_name = 'test.tfrecord' filenames = [file_name] raw_dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames) # 从tfrecord中载入的是binary-string parsed_dataset = raw_dataset.map(_parse_function) # apply func to each element of a dataset # Use eager execution to display the observations in the dataset. # 看不到具体数据值 for parsed_record in parsed_dataset.take(10): print(repr(parsed_record)) break # case2 tf.data.TFRecordDataset() + tf.train.Example.ParseFromString(), returns a tf.train.Example, 没有实验成功 raw_dataset2 = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames) for raw_record in raw_dataset2.take(1): example = tf.train.Example() # example.ParseFromString(raw_record.numpy()) # AttributeError: "'Tensor' object has no attribute 'numpy' # example.ParseFromString(raw_record) # expected a readable buffer object # example.features.feature is the dictionary 转 dictionary of NumPy arrays result = {} for key, feature in example.features.feature.items(): # The values are the Feature objects which contain a `kind` which contains: # one of three fields: bytes_list, float_list, int64_list kind = feature.WhichOneof('kind') result[key] = np.array(getattr(feature, kind).value) # case3: tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator() record_iterator = tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(path=file_name) for string_record in record_iterator: example = tf.train.Example() example.ParseFromString(string_record) print("cyy", example) # Exit after 1 iteration as this is purely demonstrative. break
参考资料:TFRecord and tf.train.Example
Dataset.output_types 指明components中 每个元素的数据类型
Dataset.output_shapes指明components中 每个元素的数据shape
td.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices() 把tensor的第0个轴作为数据个数
""" tf.data 支持建立大规模、复杂的数据流pipelines tf.data.Dataset() 构建数据集 tf.data.Iterator() 迭代数据集 Iterator.get_next() yields the next element of a Dataset when executed, 两种迭代模式 Dataset 数据集中的每一个数据称为一个elements, 一个elements可能由single tensor, a tuple of tensor, a nested tuple of tensor构成, every tensor calls components """ dataset1 = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.random_uniform([4, 10])) print(dataset1.output_types) # ==> "tf.float32" print(dataset1.output_shapes) # ==> "(10,)" dataset2 = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices( (tf.random_uniform([4]), tf.random_uniform([4, 100], maxval=100, dtype=tf.int32))) print(dataset2.output_types) # ==> "(tf.float32, tf.int32)" print(dataset2.output_shapes) # ==> "((), (100,))" dataset3 = tf.data.Dataset.zip((dataset1, dataset2)) print(dataset3.output_types) # ==> (tf.float32, (tf.float32, tf.int32)) print(dataset3.output_shapes) # ==> "(10, ((), (100,)))" # 给 conponents每个元素赋予名字,方便读取 dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices( {"a": tf.random_uniform([4]), "b": tf.random_uniform([4, 100], maxval=100, dtype=tf.int32)}) print(dataset.output_types) # ==> "{'a': tf.float32, 'b': tf.int32}" print(dataset.output_shapes) # ==> "{'a': (), 'b': (100,)}" # Dataset.amp(), Dataset.flat_map(), Dataset.filter() 将指定的变换操作 应用于 每个元素
# one-shot iterator dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(5) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() # 可以一次迭代吧,又不用训练 next_element = iterator.get_next() # tf.Session.run() get data, push iter to next data sess = tf.Session() for i in range(100): value = sess.run(next_element) print("dataset1", i, value) assert i == value break # initialible 可以支持数据集的多次迭代, iterator.initializer before each iteration, # 支持placeholder指定数据集元素的尺寸, feed different data max_value = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[]) dataset2 = tf.data.Dataset.range(max_value) iterator2 = dataset2.make_initializable_iterator() next_element2 = iterator2.get_next() # reinitializable # Initialize an iterator over a dataset with 10 elements. sess.run(iterator2.initializer, feed_dict={max_value: 10}) for i in range(10): value = sess.run(next_element2) print("dataset2", i, value) assert i == value break # Initialize the same iterator over a dataset with 100 elements. sess.run(iterator2.initializer, feed_dict={max_value: 100}) for i in range(100): value = sess.run(next_element2) print("dataset3", i, value) assert i == value break # A feedable iterator can be used together .......
If iterator reaches the end of the dataset, executing sess.run(next_element) will raise a tf.errors.OutOfRangeError.
the iterator will be in an unusable state, must initialize it again if you want to use it further.
dataset4 = tf.data.Dataset.range(5) iterator4 = dataset4.make_initializable_iterator() next_element4 = iterator4.get_next() # Typically `result` will be the output of a model, or an optimizer's training operation. # travel to the dataset ends result = tf.add(next_element4, next_element4) sess.run(iterator4.initializer) print(sess.run(result)) # ==> "0" print(sess.run(result)) # ==> "2" print(sess.run(result)) # ==> "4" print(sess.run(result)) # ==> "6" print(sess.run(result)) # ==> "8" try: sess.run(result) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print("End of dataset") # ==> "End of dataset" # wrap trianing loop sess.run(iterator4.initializer) epoch = 0 while True: try: data = sess.run(result) print("dataset4", epoch, data) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: # one-shot dataset don't sopport reinitialization, so it can't wrap the training loop sess.run(iterator4.initializer) epoch += 1 if epoch == 3: break # nested structure for Iterator.get_next() feature1 = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.random_uniform([4, 10])) feature2 = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((tf.random_uniform([4]), tf.random_uniform([4, 100]))) dataset5 = tf.data.Dataset.zip((feature1, feature2)) iterator5 = dataset5.make_initializable_iterator() sess.run(iterator5.initializer) next1, (next2, next3) = iterator5.get_next() # sess.run() any of these tensors will advance the iterator for all components
# Parsing tf.Example protocol buffer messages # Transforms a scalar string `example_proto` into a pair of a scalar string and a scalar integer, representing an image and its label, respectively. def _parse_function(example_proto): features = {"image": tf.FixedLenFeature((), tf.string, default_value=""), "label": tf.FixedLenFeature((), tf.int64, default_value=0)} parsed_features = tf.parse_single_example(example_proto, features) return parsed_features["image"], parsed_features["label"] # Creates a dataset that reads all of the examples from two files, and extracts the image and label features. filenames = ["/var/data/file1.tfrecord", "/var/data/file2.tfrecord"] dataset6 = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames) dataset6 = dataset6.map(_parse_function) # Decoding image data and resizing it..... # Applying arbitrary Python logic with tf.py_func() # Batching dataset elements, Dataset.batch()-- stacks n consecutive elements of a dataset into a single element. # Simple batching inc_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(100) dec_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(0, -100, -1) dataset7 = tf.data.Dataset.zip((inc_dataset, dec_dataset)) # zip output is typle batched_dataset = dataset7.batch(4) iterator7 = batched_dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() next_element7 = iterator7.get_next() print(sess.run(next_element7)) # ==> ([0, 1, 2, 3], [ 0, -1, -2, -3]) print(sess.run(next_element7)) # ==> ([4, 5, 6, 7], [-4, -5, -6, -7]) print(sess.run(next_element7)) # ==> ([8, 9, 10, 11], [-8, -9, -10, -11]) data7 = sess.run(next_element7) # data7[0].shape = (4, ), data7[1].shape = (4, ) # Batching tensors with padding ........
dataset.batch(B) 使 data 增加一个batch 维度 [P, V, F] -> [B, P, V, F]
# Batching dataset elements, Dataset.batch()-- stacks n consecutive elements of a dataset into a single element.
# Simple batching
inc_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(100)
dec_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(0, -100, -1)
dataset7 = tf.data.Dataset.zip((inc_dataset, dec_dataset)) # zip output is typle
batched_dataset = dataset7.batch(4)
iterator7 = batched_dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
next_element7 = iterator7.get_next()
print(sess.run(next_element7)) # ==> ([0, 1, 2, 3], [ 0, -1, -2, -3])
print(sess.run(next_element7)) # ==> ([4, 5, 6, 7], [-4, -5, -6, -7])
print(sess.run(next_element7)) # ==> ([8, 9, 10, 11], [-8, -9, -10, -11])
data7 = sess.run(next_element7) # data7[0].shape = (4, ), data7[1].shape = (4, )
# Batching tensors with padding ........
# Processing multiple epochs, # way1 Dataset.repeat(n), no arguments will repeat the input indefinitely filenames = ["/var/data/file1.tfrecord", "/var/data/file2.tfrecord"] dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames) dataset = dataset.map(...) dataset = dataset.repeat(10) dataset = dataset.batch(32) # way2, try-except, Compute for 100 epochs. filenames = ["/var/data/file1.tfrecord", "/var/data/file2.tfrecord"] dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames) dataset = dataset.map(...) dataset = dataset.batch(32) iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator() next_element = iterator.get_next() for _ in range(100): sess.run(iterator.initializer) while True: try: sess.run(next_element) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break # Dataset.shuffle() - Randomly shuffling input data ## it maintains a fixed-size buffer and chooses the next element uniformly at random from that buffer. filenames = ["/var/data/file1.tfrecord", "/var/data/file2.tfrecord"] dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames) dataset = dataset.map(...) dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=10000) dataset = dataset.batch(32) dataset = dataset.repeat()
# # Reading input data # # Consuming NumPy arrays # # Consuming TFRecord data: tf.data.TFRecordDataset enable you to stream over the contents of one or more TFRecord files as part of an input pipeline. # filenames = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[None]) # dataset6 = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames) # dataset6 = dataset6.map(...) # Parse the record into tensors. # dataset6 = dataset6.repeat() # Repeat the input indefinitely. # dataset6 = dataset6.batch(32) # iterator6 = dataset6.make_initializable_iterator() # # You can feed the initializer with the appropriate filenames for the current phase of execution, e.g. training vs. validation. # # Initialize `iterator` with training data. # training_filenames = ["/var/data/file1.tfrecord", "/var/data/file2.tfrecord"] # sess.run(iterator6.initializer, feed_dict={filenames: training_filenames}) # # Initialize `iterator` with validation data. # validation_filenames = ["/var/data/validation1.tfrecord", ...] # sess.run(iterator6.initializer, feed_dict={filenames: validation_filenames}) # tf2.x 无需session.run() 即可获取数据 # data_iterator = dataset.as_numpy_iterator() # data_iterator.next() #
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