内核 :linux2.6.32.2
参考 :韦东山毕业班I2C视频教程
i2c中线是一种由 PHILIPS 公司开发的串行总线,用于连接微控制器及其外围设备,它具有以下特点。8、连接到同一总线上的IC数量只受到总线的最大电容400Pf的限制。
注意:正常数据传输时,SDA 在 SCL 为低电平时改变,在 SCL 为高电平时保持稳定。2、 s3c2440 读写流程
3、 AT24C08 读写分析
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "s3c2440.h"
- void Delay(int time);
- #define WRDATA (1)
- #define RDDATA (2)
- typedef struct tI2C {
- unsigned char *pData; /* 数据缓冲区 */
- volatile int DataCount; /* 等待传输的数据长度 */
- volatile int Status; /* 状态 */
- volatile int Mode; /* 模式:读/写 */
- volatile int Pt; /* pData中待传输数据的位置 */
- }tS3C24xx_I2C, *ptS3C24xx_I2C;
- static tS3C24xx_I2C g_tS3C24xx_I2C;
- /*
- * I2C初始化
- */
- void i2c_init(void)
- {
- GPEUP |= 0xc000; // 禁止内部上拉
- /*
- * AT24C08 两根线 I2CSCL I2CSDA 与 2440芯片相连
- * 配置2440 GPECON GPE15 GPE14引脚为I2C功能
- */
- GPECON |= 0xa0000000; // 选择引脚功能:GPE15:IICSDA, GPE14:IICSCL
- /* 开INT_IIC中断 */
- //INTMSK &= ~(BIT_IIC);
- /* bit[7] = 1, 使能ACK
- * bit[6] = 0, IICCLK = PCLK/16
- * bit[5] = 1, 使能中断
- * bit[3:0] = 0xf, Tx clock = IICCLK/16
- * PCLK = 50MHz, IICCLK = 3.125MHz, Tx Clock = 0.195MHz
- */
- IICCON = (1<<7) | (0<<6) | (1<<5) | (0xf); // 0xaf
- //IICADD = 0x10; // S3C24xx slave address = [7:1]
- IICSTAT = 0x10; // I2C串行输出使能(Rx/Tx)
- }
- void I_Write(unsigned int slvaddr, unsigned char addr, unsigned char data)
- {
- unsigned int ack;
- // 写从地址
- IICSTAT |= 0x1<<6;//主机写模式
- IICSTAT |= 0x1<<7;
- IICDS = slvaddr;//0xa0; //write slave address to IICDS
- IICCON&=~0x10; //clear pending bit
- IICSTAT = 0xf0; //(M/T start)
- while((IICCON & 1<<4) == 0);//udelay(10);//ack period and then interrupt is pending
- // 写寄存器地址
- IICDS = addr;
- IICCON&=~0x10; //clear pending bit
- while((IICCON & 1<<4) == 0);//udelay(10);//ack period and then interrupt is pending
- // 写数据
- IICDS = data;
- IICCON&=~0x10; //clear pending bit
- while((IICCON & 1<<4) == 0);//udelay(10);//ack period and then interrupt is pending
- // 发出停止信号
- IICSTAT = 0xD0; //write (M/T stop to IICSTAT)
- IICCON&=~0x10; //clear pending bit
- while((IICSTAT & 1<<5) == 1);
- }
- unsigned char I_Read(unsigned int slvaddr, unsigned char addr)
- {
- unsigned char data = 1;
- int ack;
- // 写从地址
- IICSTAT |= 0x1<<6;//主机写模式
- IICSTAT |= 0x1<<7;
- slvaddr = 0xA0;
- IICDS = slvaddr;//0xa0; //write slave address to IICDS
- IICCON&=~0x10; //clear pending bit
- IICSTAT = 0xf0; //(M/T start)
- while((IICCON & 1<<4) == 0);//udelay(10);//ack period and then interrupt is pending
- // 写寄存器地址
- IICDS = addr;
- IICCON&=~0x10; //clear pending bit
- while((IICCON & 1<<4) == 0);//udelay(10);//ack period and then interrupt is pending
- // 写从地址(读模式)
- slvaddr = 0xA1;
- IICSTAT &= ~(0x1<<6);//主机接受模式
- IICSTAT |= 0x1<<7;
- IICDS = slvaddr;
- IICCON&=~0x10; //clear pending bit
- IICSTAT = 0xb0; //(M/R Start)
- while((IICCON & 1<<4) == 0);//udelay(10);//uart_SendByte('o');//ack period and then interrupt is pending::
- // 读数据
- data = IICDS;
- //IICCON&=~0x10; //clear pending bit
- IICCON = 0x2f; //清挂起状态,并设置无应答
- while((IICCON & 1<<4) == 0);//udelay(10);//ack period and then interrupt is pending
- data = IICDS;
- //IICCON&=~0x10; //clear pending bit
- IICCON = 0x2f; //清挂起状态,并设置无应答
- while((IICCON & 1<<4) == 0);//udelay(10);//ack period and then interrupt is pending
- IICSTAT = 0x90;
- IICCON = 0xaf;
- //IICCON &= ~0x10; //clear pending bit
- while((IICSTAT & 1<<5) == 1);
- return data;
- }

- struct i2c_msg {
- __u16 addr; //从机地址
- __u16 flags;
- __u16 len; // buf 里 有多少个字节
- __u8 *buf; // 本 msg 含有的数据,可能是1个字节,可有可能是多个字节
- };
- static s32 i2c_smbus_xfer_emulated(struct i2c_adapter * adapter, u16 addr,
- unsigned short flags,
- char read_write, u8 command, int size,
- union i2c_smbus_data * data)
- {
- unsigned char msgbuf0[I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX+3];
- unsigned char msgbuf1[I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX+2];
- int num = read_write == I2C_SMBUS_READ?2:1; // 写操作两个Msg 读操作一个msg 这和我们前面分析AT24c08是一致的
- struct i2c_msg msg[2] = { { addr, flags, 1, msgbuf0 },
- { addr, flags | I2C_M_RD, 0, msgbuf1 }
- };
- msgbuf0[0] = command; // 从机地址右移1位得到的,比如AT24C08 为 0x50
- switch(size) {
- case I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA: // 单字节读写
- if (read_write == I2C_SMBUS_READ)
- msg[1].len = 1;
- /*
- * 读:
- * msgbuf0[0] = command
- * msg[1].len = 1 ,数据会读到 msgbuf0[1] 里
- */
- else {
- msg[0].len = 2;
- msgbuf0[1] = data->byte;
- /*
- * 写:
- * msgbuf0[0] = command
- * msgbuf0[1] = data->byte
- */
- }
- break;
- }
- status = i2c_transfer(adapter, msg, num);
- }

上面代码跟我们分析AT24C08的时候如出一辙,对于一个写操作,我们只需要一个2440的写流程对应于这里的一个Msg,然而对于读操作,我们需要2440的两个流程,对应于这里的两个Msg。那么,我们底层控制器驱动需要做的工作就是,取出所有的Msg,将每一个Msg里buf里的数据发送出去,如果有下一个Msg, 那么再将下一个Msg里的buf发送完毕,最后发出P停止信号。还有一点,每发送一个Msg都要先发出S开始信号。
1、当前msg.len == 0 ,如果有ACK直接发出stop信号。这种情况出现在,控制器枚举设备的时候,因为它只发送S信号以及设备地址,不发送数据。
2、根据msg->flags 为 I2C_M_RD 等信息判断读写,msg->flags 最低位为1表示读,最低位为0表示写。
#define I2C_M_TEN0x0010 /* this is a ten bit chip address */
#define I2C_M_RD0x0001 /* read data, from slave to master */
#define I2C_M_NO_RD_ACK0x0800 /* if I2C_FUNC_PROTOCOL_MANGLING */
#define I2C_M_RECV_LEN0x0400 /* length will be first received byte */
2.1 如果是读
恢复 IIC 传输,开始读就行了,在下一个中断里将寄存器数据取出,如果是最后一个要读取的数据,不能发送ACK(禁用ACK)。
2.2 如果是写
将数据写入 IICDS 寄存器,恢复 IIC 传输。
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/i2c.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/time.h>
- #include <linux/interrupt.h>
- #include <linux/delay.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/err.h>
- #include <linux/platform_device.h>
- #include <linux/pm_runtime.h>
- #include <linux/clk.h>
- #include <linux/cpufreq.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/io.h>
- #include <linux/of_i2c.h>
- #include <linux/of_gpio.h>
- #include <plat/gpio-cfg.h>
- #include <mach/regs-gpio.h>
- #include <asm/irq.h>
- #include <plat/regs-iic.h>
- #include <plat/iic.h>
- //#define PRINTK printk
- #define PRINTK(...)
- enum s3c24xx_i2c_state {
- };
- struct s3c2440_i2c_regs {
- unsigned int iiccon;
- unsigned int iicstat;
- unsigned int iicadd;
- unsigned int iicds;
- unsigned int iiclc;
- };
- struct s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data {
- struct i2c_msg *msgs;
- int msn_num;
- int cur_msg;
- int cur_ptr;
- int state;
- int err;
- wait_queue_head_t wait;
- };
- static struct s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data;
- static struct s3c2440_i2c_regs *s3c2440_i2c_regs;
- static void s3c2440_i2c_start(void)
- {
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.state = STATE_START;
- if (s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msgs->flags & I2C_M_RD) /* 读 */
- {
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iicds = s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msgs->addr << 1;
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iicstat = 0xb0; // 主机接收,启动
- }
- else /* 写 */
- {
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iicds = s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msgs->addr << 1;
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iicstat = 0xf0; // 主机发送,启动
- }
- }
- static void s3c2440_i2c_stop(int err)
- {
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.state = STATE_STOP;
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.err = err;
- PRINTK("STATE_STOP, err = %d\n", err);
- if (s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msgs->flags & I2C_M_RD) /* 读 */
- {
- // 下面两行恢复I2C操作,发出P信号
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iicstat = 0x90;
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iiccon = 0xaf;
- ndelay(50); // 等待一段时间以便P信号已经发出
- }
- else /* 写 */
- {
- // 下面两行用来恢复I2C操作,发出P信号
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iicstat = 0xd0;
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iiccon = 0xaf;
- ndelay(50); // 等待一段时间以便P信号已经发出
- }
- /* 唤醒 */
- wake_up(&s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.wait);
- }
- static int s3c2440_i2c_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap,
- struct i2c_msg *msgs, int num)
- {
- unsigned long timeout;
- /* 把num个msg的I2C数据发送出去/读进来 */
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msgs = msgs;
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msn_num = num;
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_msg = 0;
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_ptr = 0;
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.err = -ENODEV;
- s3c2440_i2c_start();
- /* 休眠 */
- timeout = wait_event_timeout(s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.wait, (s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.state == STATE_STOP), HZ * 5);
- if (0 == timeout)
- {
- printk("s3c2440_i2c_xfer time out\n");
- return -ETIMEDOUT;
- }
- else
- {
- return s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.err;
- }
- }
- static u32 s3c2440_i2c_func(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
- {
- }
- static const struct i2c_algorithm s3c2440_i2c_algo = {
- // .smbus_xfer = ,
- .master_xfer = s3c2440_i2c_xfer,
- .functionality = s3c2440_i2c_func,
- };
- /* 1. 分配/设置i2c_adapter
- */
- static struct i2c_adapter s3c2440_i2c_adapter = {
- .name = "s3c2440_100ask",
- .algo = &s3c2440_i2c_algo,
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- };
- static int isLastMsg(void)
- {
- return (s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_msg == s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msn_num - 1);
- }
- static int isEndData(void)
- {
- return (s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_ptr >= s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msgs->len);
- }
- static int isLastData(void)
- {
- return (s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_ptr == s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msgs->len - 1);
- }
- static irqreturn_t s3c2440_i2c_xfer_irq(int irq, void *dev_id)
- {
- unsigned int iicSt;
- iicSt = s3c2440_i2c_regs->iicstat;
- if(iicSt & 0x8){ printk("Bus arbitration failed\n\r"); }
- switch (s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.state)
- {
- case STATE_START : /* 发出S和设备地址后,产生中断 */
- {
- PRINTK("Start\n");
- /* 如果没有ACK, 返回错误 */
- if (iicSt & S3C2410_IICSTAT_LASTBIT)
- {
- s3c2440_i2c_stop(-ENODEV);
- break;
- }
- if (isLastMsg() && isEndData())
- {
- s3c2440_i2c_stop(0);
- break;
- }
- /* 进入下一个状态 */
- if (s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msgs->flags & I2C_M_RD) /* 读 */
- {
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.state = STATE_READ;
- goto next_read;
- }
- else
- {
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.state = STATE_WRITE;
- }
- }
- {
- /* 如果没有ACK, 返回错误 */
- if (iicSt & S3C2410_IICSTAT_LASTBIT)
- {
- s3c2440_i2c_stop(-ENODEV);
- break;
- }
- if (!isEndData()) /* 如果当前msg还有数据要发送 */
- {
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iicds = s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msgs->buf[s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_ptr];
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_ptr++;
- // 将数据写入IICDS后,需要一段时间才能出现在SDA线上
- ndelay(50);
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iiccon = 0xaf; // 恢复I2C传输
- break;
- }
- else if (!isLastMsg())
- {
- /* 开始处理下一个消息 */
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msgs++;
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_msg++;
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_ptr = 0;
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.state = STATE_START;
- /* 发出START信号和发出设备地址 */
- s3c2440_i2c_start();
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- /* 是最后一个消息的最后一个数据 */
- s3c2440_i2c_stop(0);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- case STATE_READ:
- {
- /* 读出数据 */
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msgs->buf[s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_ptr] = s3c2440_i2c_regs->iicds;
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_ptr++;
- next_read:
- if (!isEndData()) /* 如果数据没读写, 继续发起读操作 */
- {
- if (isLastData()) /* 如果即将读的数据是最后一个, 不发ack */
- {
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iiccon = 0x2f; // 恢复I2C传输,接收到下一数据时无ACK
- }
- else
- {
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iiccon = 0xaf; // 恢复I2C传输,接收到下一数据时发出ACK
- }
- break;
- }
- else if (!isLastMsg())
- {
- /* 开始处理下一个消息 */
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.msgs++;
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_msg++;
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.cur_ptr = 0;
- s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.state = STATE_START;
- /* 发出START信号和发出设备地址 */
- s3c2440_i2c_start();
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- /* 是最后一个消息的最后一个数据 */
- s3c2440_i2c_stop(0);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- default: break;
- }
- /* 清中断 */
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iiccon &= ~(S3C2410_IICCON_IRQPEND);
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
- }
- /*
- * I2C初始化
- */
- static void s3c2440_i2c_init(void)
- {
- struct clk *clk;
- clk = clk_get(NULL, "i2c");
- clk_enable(clk);
- // 选择引脚功能:GPE15:IICSDA, GPE14:IICSCL
- s3c_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2410_GPE(14), S3C2410_GPE14_IICSCL);
- s3c_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2410_GPE(15), S3C2410_GPE15_IICSDA);
- /* bit[7] = 1, 使能ACK
- * bit[6] = 0, IICCLK = PCLK/16
- * bit[5] = 1, 使能中断
- * bit[3:0] = 0xf, Tx clock = IICCLK/16
- * PCLK = 50MHz, IICCLK = 3.125MHz, Tx Clock = 0.195MHz
- */
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iiccon = (1<<7) | (0<<6) | (1<<5) | (0xf); // 0xaf
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iicadd = 0x10; // S3C24xx slave address = [7:1]
- s3c2440_i2c_regs->iicstat = 0x10; // I2C串行输出使能(Rx/Tx)
- }
- static int i2c_bus_s3c2440_init(void)
- {
- /* 2. 硬件相关的设置 */
- s3c2440_i2c_regs = ioremap(0x54000000, sizeof(struct s3c2440_i2c_regs));
- s3c2440_i2c_init();
- request_irq(IRQ_IIC, s3c2440_i2c_xfer_irq, 0, "s3c2440-i2c", NULL);
- init_waitqueue_head(&s3c2440_i2c_xfer_data.wait);
- /* 3. 注册i2c_adapter */
- i2c_add_adapter(&s3c2440_i2c_adapter);
- return 0;
- }
- static void i2c_bus_s3c2440_exit(void)
- {
- i2c_del_adapter(&s3c2440_i2c_adapter);
- free_irq(IRQ_IIC, NULL);
- iounmap(s3c2440_i2c_regs);
- }
- module_init(i2c_bus_s3c2440_init);
- module_exit(i2c_bus_s3c2440_exit);

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