能源系统需要去碳化,以便将全球变暖限制在安全范围内。虽然全球土地规划者承诺将更多地球上的有限空间用于风能和太阳能光伏发电,但关于目前基础设施的位置的信息却很少。最近的研究大多使用土地对风能和太阳能的适用性,加上技术和社会经济限制,作为实际位置数据的替代。在这里,我们解决了这个缺陷。利用容易获得的OpenStreetMap数据,我们提出了,据我们所知,第一个全球性的、开放的、统一的风能和太阳能装置的空间数据集。我们还包括用户友好的代码,使用户能够轻松地创建新版本的数据集。最后,我们还包括对装置的发电能力的一阶估计。我们预计这些数据将在全球能源系统去碳化的未来潜力和权衡的研究中产生广泛的兴趣。前言 – 床长人工智能教程
数据可从figshare下载。Harmonised global datasets of wind and solar farm locations and power
Data Citation¶
Dunnett, S. Harmonised global datasets of wind and solar farm locations and power. figshare. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.11310269 (2020)
Paper Citation¶
Dunnett, S., Sorichetta, A., Taylor, G. et al. Harmonised global datasets of wind and solar farm locations and power. Sci Data 7, 130 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0469-8
Earth Engine Snippet¶
- var wind_farms = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/global_wind_farms_2020");
- var solar_farms = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/global_solar_farms_2020");
Property Mapping¶
Name | Detail |
X | X coordinate (.csv only) |
Y | Y coordinate (.csv only) |
x_id | unique identifier for data record |
GID_0 | ISO3 country code |
panels | number of panels |
turbines | number of turbines |
panel.area | total panel area in km2 (p_area for .gdb files) |
landscape.area | landscape area in km2 (l_area for .gdb files) |
water | binary response indicating whether data record is classified as water |
urban | binary response indicating whether data record is classified as urban centre |
power | estimated power capacity in MW |
Data adapted or built on OpenStreetMap data are required to be distributed under the same licence. These data are therefore made available under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Personal figshare accounts cannot currently present data under this licence so the data are currently (incorrectly) presented under a CC0 licence as a stopgap until this changes.
Created by: Dunnett et al.
Curated by: Samapriya Roy
Keywords: solar, wind, energy, renewable
Last updated: 2021-08-31
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