Gain Chart
. It is also called Power Curve in some other domains.
Next step : What should be the number of bad customers in each decile based on perfect model?
First step is to calculate area between current model and diagonal line. We can compute area below current model (including area below diagonal line) by using Trapezoidal Rule Numerical Integration method. The area of a trapezoid is
( xi+1 – xi ) * ( yi + yi+1 ) * 0.5
( x i+1 – x i ) is the width of subinterval and (y i + y i+1)*0.5 is the average height.
In this case, x refers to values of cumulative proportion of borrowers at different decile levels and y refers to cumulative proportion of bad customers at different decile levels. Value of x0 and y0 is 0.
Once above step is completed, next step is to subtract 0.5 from the area returned from the previous step. You must be wondering relevance of 0.5. It is the area below
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