- clc;
- clear;
- close all;
- warning off;
- addpath(genpath(pwd));
- % Load the faces, vertices and weights
- faces = csvread('handfaces.txt');
- V0 = csvread('handverts.txt');
- V0=V0';
- N = size(V0,1);
- weights = csvread('handweights.txt');
- sk = loadbvh('HandBase.bvh');
- wmap = [1 2 3 4 0 15 16 17 0 5 6 7 0 8 9 10 0 11 12 13 0 14 0];
- wzero = wmap==0;
- W = sparse(weights(:,1)+1,weights(:,2)+1,weights(:,3));
- W = full(W);%W = W./repmat(sum(W,2),[1 size(W,2)]);
- W = W(:,wmap+wzero);
- W(:,wzero)=0;
- cla
- for displayWeightIndex=find(~wzero)
- h = trisurf(faces+1,V0(1,:),V0(2,:),V0(3,:),W(:,displayWeightIndex));
- axis equal; axis vis3d;
- shading interp;
- set(h,'FaceAlpha',0.5)
- axis([-200 200 -100 100 -100 500]);
- pause(0.2);
- end
- hold on
- for j=2:258
- V=V0*0;
- cla
- for i=1:length(sk)
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Display the bones
- if sk(i).parent
- s=sk(i).t_xyz(:,j); sp = sk(sk(i).parent).t_xyz(:,j);
- plot3([s(1) sp(1)],[s(2) sp(2)],[s(3) sp(3)],'r','LineWidth',5);
- end
- plot3(sk(i).t_xyz(1,j),sk(i).t_xyz(2,j),sk(i).t_xyz(3,j),'g.','MarkerSize',10);
- if sk(i).Nchannels
- plotax(sk(i).t_xyz(:,j)',sk(i).T(1:3,1:3,j)*sk(i).R0,15)
- end
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if sk(i).Nchannels
- % Takes a local bone coordinate and puts it into the new pose global position
- poseMatrix(:,:,i,j) = [(sk(i).T(1:3,1:3,j)*sk(i).R0) sk(i).t_xyz(:,j);0 0 0 1];
- % Takes a local bone coordinate and puts it into the base pose global position
- restMatrix(:,:,i) = [((sk(i).R0)) sk(i).head0 ;0 0 0 1];
- M(:,:,j) = poseMatrix(:,:,i,j)*inv(restMatrix(:,:,i));
- R = M(1:3,1:3,j);
- t = M(1:3,4,j);
- % We add the influence from every bone
- V = V + (R*V0 + repmat(t,1,length(V0))) * spdiags(W(:,i),0,length(V),length(V));
- % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- end
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Display nicely
- h = trisurf(faces+1,V(1,:),V(2,:),V(3,:),W(:,2)*0);
- axis off;
- axis equal
- shading interp;
- light
- lighting phong
- set(h,'FaceAlpha',0.8)
- drawnow
- end
- i = 20; j=2;
- T = poseMatrix(1:3,1:3,i,j); Tp = poseMatrix(1:3,1:3,i-1,j); T_0 = restMatrix(1:3,1:3,i); Tp_0 = restMatrix(1:3,1:3,i-1);
- R = (T_0')*(Tp_0)*(Tp')*(T);
- [Rx Ry Rz] = dcm2angle(R,'XYZ');
- Rx = rad2deg(-Rx); Ry = rad2deg(-Ry); Rz = rad2deg(-Rz);
- [Rx Ry Rz]
- A_100
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