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SHT30 是瑞士盛世瑞恩生产出品的一个温湿度传感器,该SHT3X是一个系列,一共有SHT30/SHT31/SHT35这三个品类, SHT30——低成本版本,±3% RH精度;SHT31——标准版本,±2% RH精度;RH精度SHT35——高端版本,±1.5% RH;
















1、Measurement Commands for Single Shot Data Acquisition Mode

2、Readout of Measurement Results for Single Shot Mode

3、Readout of Measurement Results for Periodic Mode






1- 设计时序


2- 程序控制流程



IIC的程序调用状态机为以下几个部分(IIC的驱动程序这里不做赘述,百度可复制粘贴 >.^ ):

start → send_byte(0x88) / {7’h44,7’h00}→ wait_ack → send_byte(0x2c) → wait_ack → send_byte(0x06) → wait_ack → stop → delay_us(200) → start → send_byte(0x89) / {7’h44,7’h01} → wait_ack → read_byte(tem[15:8]) → wait_ack → read_byte(temp[7:0]) → send_ack → read_byte(crc) → send_ack → read_byte(hum[15:8]) → send_ack → read_byte(hum[7:0]) → send_ack → read_byte(crc) → send_nack → stop



3- 单芯片温湿度数据测试



① 仿真测试情况


② ILA数据读取测试情况

③ 示波器测试情况

④ 温湿度数据计算验证



所以测试的温湿度计算结果为: 21.9℃ , 40.3% RH。符合实际情况。

4- 双芯片温湿度测试


① 仿真测试情况


给ACK信号时,两个芯片的数据读取整个过程共计消耗2ms的时间(仿真中的数据模拟真实情况下,不同于上述单芯片仿真时为了尽快产生仿真结果模拟缩小后的时间,这里我称 “仿真相对论效应 ” )。


② ILA 测试情况





1- 顶层程序

  1. `timescale 1ns / 1ps
  2. //
  3. // Company:
  4. // Engineer:
  5. //
  6. // Create Date: 2023/01/11 13:45:18
  7. // Design Name: taotao
  8. // Module Name: TOP
  9. // Project Name:
  10. // Target Devices:
  11. // Tool Versions:
  12. // Description:
  13. //
  14. // Dependencies:
  15. //
  16. // Revision:
  17. // Revision 0.01 - File Created
  18. // Additional Comments:
  19. //
  20. //
  21. module TOP(
  22. input clk_p,clk_n , // 200M
  23. input rst ,
  24. output SCL_A ,
  25. inout SDA_A
  26. );
  27. wire clk_50m ;
  28. wire clk_10m ;
  29. wire locked ;
  30. wire key_ready_vio;
  31. wire [15:0] rd_data1 ;
  32. wire [15:0] rd_data2 ;
  33. clk_wiz_0 clk_wiz_0_inst
  34. (
  35. // Clock out ports
  36. .clk_out1_50m(clk_50m), // output clk_out1_50m
  37. .clk_out2_10m(clk_10m), // output clk_out2_10m
  38. // Status and control signals
  39. .reset(rst), // input reset
  40. .locked(locked), // output locked
  41. // Clock in ports
  42. .clk_in1_p(clk_p), // input clk_in1_p
  43. .clk_in1_n(clk_n)); // input clk_in1_n
  44. IOBUF #(
  45. .DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
  46. .IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), // Low Power - "TRUE", High Performance = "FALSE"
  47. .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard
  48. .SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
  49. ) IOBUF_iic_sdio_A (
  50. .O (sda_i_A), // Buffer output
  51. .IO (SDA_A), // Buffer inout port (connect directly to top-level port)
  52. .I (sda_o_A), // Buffer input
  53. .T (~sda_cs_A) // 3-state enable input, high=input, low=output
  54. );
  55. vio_0 vio_0_inst (
  56. .clk(clk_50m), // input wire clk
  57. .probe_out0(key_ready_vio) // output wire [0 : 0] probe_out0
  58. );
  59. SHT31_IIC_driver(
  60. . clk ( clk_50m ) , // 50M for SCL 6.66K
  61. . rst ( rst ) ,
  62. . I2C_SCL ( SCL_A ) ,
  63. . I2C_SDA_out ( sda_o_A ) ,
  64. . I2C_SDA_in ( sda_i_A ) ,
  65. . I2C_SDA_oe ( sda_cs_A ) ,
  66. . ready ( key_ready_vio ) , // write and read ready
  67. // . tem ( rd_data1 ) ,
  68. // . hum ( rd_data2 ) ,
  69. . dout_ack ( ) , // write data acknowledge by slave device
  70. . din_valid ( )
  71. );
  72. endmodule

2- 驱动程序

  1. `timescale 1ns / 1ps
  2. //
  3. // Company:
  4. // Engineer:
  5. //
  6. // Create Date: 2023/01/10 18:50:40
  7. // Design Name: taotao
  8. // Module Name: I2C_transmitter
  9. // Project Name:
  10. // Target Devices:
  11. // Tool Versions:
  12. // Description:
  13. //
  14. // Dependencies:
  15. //
  16. // Revision:
  17. // Revision 0.01 - File Created
  18. // Additional Comments:
  19. //
  20. //
  21. module SHT31_IIC_driver(
  22. input clk , // 50M-SCL to give scl 66.66K
  23. input rst ,
  24. output reg I2C_SCL ,
  25. output reg I2C_SDA_out ,
  26. input I2C_SDA_in ,
  27. output reg I2C_SDA_oe ,
  28. input ready , // write and read ready
  29. output reg [15:0] tem1 ,
  30. output reg [15:0] tem2 ,
  31. output reg dout_ack , // write data acknowledge by slave device
  32. // output reg [7:0] din , // for detailed data, it can be changed and given name as belows reg regcognization
  33. output reg din_valid
  34. // input [6:0] dev_addr , // device address
  35. // input [7:0] reg_addr , // register address
  36. // input rdh_wrl , // 1 is read, 0 is write
  37. // input [7:0] dout , // write data
  38. // input [3:0] dout_length , // the number of bytes of write and read data
  39. );
  40. reg [7:0] din ;
  41. reg [7:0] tem_h1 ;
  42. reg [7:0] tem_h2 ;
  43. reg [7:0] tem_l1 ;
  44. reg [7:0] tem_l2 ;
  45. reg [7:0] hum_h ;
  46. reg [7:0] hum_l ;
  47. reg [7:0] crc_tem ;
  48. reg [7:0] crc_hum ;
  49. // reg [15:0] tem ;
  50. reg [15:0] hum ;
  51. // SCL clock generator, 100MHz => 200kHz
  52. reg [11:0] I2C_SCL_counter;
  53. reg I2C_SCL_en; // enable signal, SCL only driven when this one asserted
  54. reg I2C_SCL_d;
  55. wire I2C_SCL_posedge;
  56. wire I2C_SCL_negedge;
  57. //reg [3:0] dout_length = 4'd1;
  58. reg [6:0] dev_addr1 = 7'h44 ;
  59. reg [6:0] dev_addr2 = 7'h45 ;
  60. reg addr_transfer = 1'b0 ;
  61. reg delay_en = 1'b0;
  62. //ila_8 sht_31_inst (
  63. // .clk(clk), // input wire clk
  64. // .probe0( I2C_SCL ), // input wire [0:0] probe0
  65. // .probe1( I2C_SDA_out), // input wire [0:0] probe1
  66. // .probe2( I2C_SDA_in ), // input wire [0:0] probe2
  67. // .probe3( I2C_SDA_oe ), // input wire [0:0] probe3
  68. // .probe4( ready ), // input wire [0:0] probe4
  69. // .probe5( dout_ack ), // input wire [0:0] probe5
  70. // .probe6(din_valid), // input wire [0:0] probe6
  71. // .probe7 (rst ), // input wire [0:0] probe7
  72. // .probe8 (din ), // input wire [7:0] probe8
  73. // .probe9 (tem_h1 ), // input wire [7:0] probe9
  74. // .probe10(tem_l1 ), // input wire [7:0] probe10
  75. // .probe11(tem_h2 ), // input wire [7:0] probe11
  76. // .probe12(tem_l2 ), // input wire [7:0] probe12
  77. // .probe13({addr_transfer,delay_en,crc_hum[7:2]}), // input wire [7:0] probe13
  78. // .probe14(crc_hum), // input wire [7:0] probe14
  79. // .probe15(tem1 ), // input wire [15:0] probe15
  80. // .probe16(tem2 ) // input wire [15:0] probe16
  81. //);
  82. //reg [7:0] reg_addr ;
  83. //reg rdh_wrl ;
  84. always @(posedge clk) begin
  85. if(rst | ~(I2C_SCL_en)) begin
  86. I2C_SCL_counter <= 12'd0;
  87. I2C_SCL <= 1'b1;
  88. end
  89. else if(I2C_SCL_counter < 12'd300) begin // 50M-SCL 100k
  90. // else if(I2C_SCL_counter < 12'd1500) begin // 50M-SCL 20k
  91. // else if(I2C_SCL_counter < 12'd150) begin // 50M-SCL 200K
  92. I2C_SCL_counter <= I2C_SCL_counter + 12'd1;
  93. end
  94. else begin
  95. I2C_SCL_counter <= 12'd0;
  96. I2C_SCL <= ~I2C_SCL;
  97. end
  98. end
  99. // detection of falling edge of SCL
  100. always @(posedge clk) begin
  101. I2C_SCL_d <= I2C_SCL;
  102. end
  103. assign I2C_SCL_negedge = ({I2C_SCL_d,I2C_SCL}==2'b10) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
  104. assign I2C_SCL_posedge = ({I2C_SCL_d,I2C_SCL}==2'b01) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
  105. // ready rising edge detection
  106. reg ready_d;
  107. wire ready_posedge;
  108. always @(posedge clk) begin
  109. ready_d <= ready;
  110. end
  111. assign ready_posedge = ({ready_d, ready}==2'b01) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
  112. // state machine
  113. //parameter [3:0] IDLE = 0;
  114. //parameter [3:0] START = 1;
  115. //parameter [3:0] ADDR_DEV_WRITE = 2;
  116. //parameter [3:0] ADDR_REG = 3;
  117. //parameter [3:0] REPEAT_START = 4;
  118. //parameter [3:0] ADDR_DEV_READ = 5;
  119. //parameter [3:0] WRITE = 6;
  120. //parameter [3:0] READ = 7;
  121. //parameter [3:0] ENDING = 8;
  122. localparam IDLE = 5'd00 ,
  123. START_1 = 5'd01 ,
  124. SEND_ADDR_W = 5'd02 , //0x88
  125. ACK_1 = 5'd03 ,
  126. SEND_COM_H = 5'd04 , //0x2c
  127. ACK_2 = 5'd05 ,
  128. SEND_COM_L = 5'd06 , //0x06
  129. ACK_3 = 5'd07 ,
  130. STOP = 5'd08 ,
  131. DELAY_1 = 5'd09 , //500ms
  132. START_2 = 5'd10 ,
  133. SEND_ADDR_R = 5'd11 , //0x89
  134. ACK_4 = 5'd12 ,
  135. READ_TEM_H = 5'd13 ,
  136. ACK_5 = 5'd14 ,
  137. READ_TEM_L = 5'd15 ,
  138. ACK_6 = 5'd16 ,
  139. READ_CRC_1 = 5'd17 ,
  140. ACK_7 = 5'd18 ,
  141. READ_HUM_H = 5'd19 ,
  142. ACK_8 = 5'd20 ,
  143. READ_HUM_L = 5'd21 ,
  144. ACK_9 = 5'd22 ,
  145. READ_CRC_2 = 5'd23 ,
  146. NACK = 5'd24 ,
  147. END_STOP = 5'd25 ,
  148. ENDING = 5'd26 ,
  149. DELAY = 5'd27 ;
  150. reg [4:0] state;
  151. reg [4:0] next_state;
  152. reg [3:0] I2C_SCL_count;
  153. reg [7:0] dout_buf;
  154. reg [3:0] dout_count;
  155. reg [7:0] din_buf;
  156. reg [7:0] din_buf1;
  157. reg [7:0] din_buf2;
  158. reg [12:0] end_count;
  159. reg [27:0] delay_cnt = 28'd0 ;
  160. always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
  161. if(rst) begin
  162. state <= IDLE;
  163. end
  164. else begin
  165. state <= next_state;
  166. end
  167. end
  168. always @(posedge clk) begin
  169. case(state)
  170. IDLE: begin
  171. dout_ack <= 1'b0;
  172. I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  173. din <= 8'h00;
  174. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  175. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1;
  176. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  177. // next_state <= START_1;
  178. dout_buf <= 8'h00;
  179. I2C_SCL_en <= 1'b0;
  180. dout_count <= 4'd0;
  181. end_count <= 13'd0;
  182. if(addr_transfer) begin
  183. if(delay_cnt >= 28'd25000) begin // 500us
  184. // if(delay_cnt >= 28'd2500) begin // 50us for simulation
  185. delay_cnt <= 28'd0;
  186. next_state <= START_1;
  187. end else begin
  188. delay_cnt <= delay_cnt + 1'b1;
  189. // next_state <= IDLE; // �����ڴ˴����Ӹ���䣬������ظ�ִ�и�״̬
  190. end
  191. end else begin
  192. next_state <= START_1;
  193. end
  194. end
  195. START_1: begin
  196. if(ready_posedge || addr_transfer) begin
  197. next_state <= SEND_ADDR_W;
  198. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b0;
  199. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  200. I2C_SCL_en <= 1'b1;
  201. if(!addr_transfer) begin
  202. dout_buf <= {dev_addr1, 1'b0}; // the first step is always write register address
  203. end else if(addr_transfer) begin
  204. dout_buf <= {dev_addr2, 1'b0};
  205. end
  206. // dout_buf <= {dev_addr2, 1'b0}; // IIC does not support get both data at the same time
  207. end
  208. end
  209. SEND_ADDR_W: begin
  210. if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count < 4'd8) ) begin
  211. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  212. {I2C_SDA_out, dout_buf} <= {dout_buf, 1'b0};
  213. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  214. end
  215. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd8)) begin
  216. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  217. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  218. // I2C_SDA_out<= 1'b1;
  219. end
  220. else if(I2C_SCL_posedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd9)) begin
  221. I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  222. // dout_buf <= 8'h24;
  223. dout_buf <= 8'h2c;
  224. if(~I2C_SDA_in) begin // acknowledged by device and turn to ADDR_REG state
  225. next_state <= SEND_COM_H;
  226. end
  227. else begin // not acknowledged, go to ENDING
  228. next_state <= ENDING;
  229. if(addr_transfer) begin
  230. addr_transfer <= 1'b0;
  231. end else if(!addr_transfer) begin
  232. addr_transfer <= 1'b1;
  233. end
  234. end
  235. end
  236. end
  237. SEND_COM_H: begin
  238. if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count < 4'd8) ) begin
  239. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  240. {I2C_SDA_out, dout_buf} <= {dout_buf, 1'b0};
  241. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  242. end
  243. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd8)) begin
  244. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  245. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  246. // I2C_SDA_out<= 1'b1;
  247. end
  248. else if(I2C_SCL_posedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd9)) begin
  249. I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  250. // dout_buf <= 8'h0B;
  251. dout_buf <= 8'h06;
  252. if(~I2C_SDA_in) begin // acknowledged by device and turn to ADDR_REG state
  253. next_state <= SEND_COM_L;
  254. end
  255. else begin // not acknowledged, go to ENDING
  256. next_state <= ENDING;
  257. end
  258. end
  259. end
  260. SEND_COM_L: begin
  261. if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count < 4'd8) ) begin
  262. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  263. {I2C_SDA_out, dout_buf} <= {dout_buf, 1'b0};
  264. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  265. end
  266. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd8)) begin
  267. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  268. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  269. end
  270. else if(I2C_SCL_posedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd9)) begin
  271. I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  272. if( ~I2C_SDA_in) begin // acknowledged by device and turn to read state
  273. next_state <= STOP;
  274. // I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  275. // I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1;
  276. if(!addr_transfer) begin
  277. dout_buf <= {dev_addr1, 1'b1}; // the first step is always write register address
  278. end else if(addr_transfer) begin
  279. dout_buf <= {dev_addr2, 1'b1};
  280. end
  281. end
  282. // else if(~rdh_wrl && ~I2C_SDA_in) begin // acknowledged by device and turn to write state
  283. // next_state <= WRITE;
  284. // dout_buf <= dout;
  285. // end
  286. else begin // not acknowledged, go to ENDING
  287. next_state <= ENDING;
  288. end
  289. // I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  290. end
  291. end
  292. STOP: begin
  293. // not stopped by master
  294. if(I2C_SCL_negedge) begin
  295. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  296. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b0;
  297. end
  298. else if(I2C_SCL_posedge) begin // delay 10us to make sda high
  299. I2C_SCL_en <= 1'b0;
  300. delay_en <= 1'b1;
  301. // I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1;
  302. // delay a while and pull down the SDA, indicating repeat start
  303. end else if(delay_cnt >= 28'd400) begin
  304. delay_cnt <= 1'd0;
  305. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1;
  306. delay_en <= 1'b0;
  307. end else if(delay_en) begin
  308. delay_cnt <= delay_cnt + 1'b1;
  309. end else if(~I2C_SCL_en && (end_count < 13'd5000)) begin //100us
  310. end_count <= end_count + 13'd1;
  311. end else if(~I2C_SCL_en) begin
  312. end_count <= 13'd0;
  313. I2C_SCL_en <= 1'b1;
  314. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b0;
  315. next_state <= SEND_ADDR_R;
  316. end else begin
  317. // delay_cnt <= delay_cnt + 1'b1;
  318. end
  319. end
  320. // SEND_COM_L: begin
  321. // if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count < 4'd8) ) begin
  322. // I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  323. // {I2C_SDA_out, dout_buf} <= {dout_buf, 1'b0};
  324. // I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  325. // end
  326. // else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd8)) begin
  327. // I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  328. // I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  329. I2C_SDA_out<= 1'b1;
  330. // end
  331. // else if(I2C_SCL_posedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd9)) begin
  332. // I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  333. // if(~I2C_SDA_in) begin // acknowledged by device and turn to ADDR_REG state
  334. // next_state <= STOP;
  335. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1;
  336. // I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  337. // end
  338. // else begin // not acknowledged, go to ENDING
  339. // next_state <= ENDING;
  340. // end
  341. // end
  342. // end
  343. // STOP: begin
  344. // dout_ack <= 1'b0;
  345. // I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  346. // din <= 8'h00;
  347. // din_valid <= 1'b0;
  348. // I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1;
  349. // I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  350. // next_state <= DELAY_1;
  351. // dout_buf <= 8'h00;
  352. // I2C_SCL_en <= 1'b0;
  353. // dout_count <= 4'd0;
  354. // end_count <= 8'd0;
  355. // end
  356. // DELAY_1:begin
  357. if(delay_cnt >= 28'd25_000_000) begin // 500ms
  358. if(delay_cnt >= 28'd25000) begin // 500us for tb simulation
  359. // if(delay_cnt >= 28'd2500) begin // 50us for tb simulation
  360. // delay_cnt <= 28'd0;
  361. // next_state <= START_2;
  362. // end else begin
  363. // delay_cnt <= delay_cnt + 1'd1;
  364. // end
  365. // end
  366. // START_2: begin
  367. // next_state <= SEND_ADDR_R;
  368. // dout_buf <= {dev_addr, 1'b1}; // the first step is always write register address
  369. // I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b0;
  370. // I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  371. // I2C_SCL_en <= 1'b1;
  372. // end
  373. SEND_ADDR_R: begin
  374. if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count < 4'd8) ) begin
  375. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  376. {I2C_SDA_out, dout_buf} <= {dout_buf, 1'b0};
  377. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  378. end
  379. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd8)) begin
  380. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  381. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1; // master send ack to slaver
  382. end
  383. else if(I2C_SCL_posedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd9)) begin
  384. I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  385. if(~I2C_SDA_in) begin // acknowledged by device and turn to ADDR_REG state
  386. next_state <= READ_TEM_H;
  387. // I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  388. end
  389. else begin // not acknowledged, go to ENDING
  390. next_state <= STOP;
  391. end
  392. end
  393. end
  394. READ_TEM_H: begin
  395. if(I2C_SCL_posedge && (I2C_SCL_count < 4'd8) ) begin
  396. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  397. // din_buf <= {din_buf[6:0], I2C_SDA_in};
  398. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  399. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  400. if(!addr_transfer) begin
  401. din_buf1 <= {din_buf1[6:0], I2C_SDA_in};
  402. end else if(addr_transfer) begin
  403. din_buf2 <= {din_buf2[6:0], I2C_SDA_in};
  404. end
  405. end
  406. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd8)) begin
  407. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  408. din_valid <= 1'b1;
  409. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  410. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b0; // send ack to salver
  411. if(!addr_transfer) begin
  412. din <= din_buf1; // because not assure this data, should give it detailed name like tem_h
  413. tem_h1 <= din_buf1;
  414. end else if(addr_transfer) begin
  415. din <= din_buf2; // because not assure this data, should give it detailed name like tem_h
  416. tem_h2 <= din_buf2;
  417. end
  418. end
  419. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd9)) begin
  420. I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  421. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  422. // if(dout_count == (dout_length - 4'd1) ) begin // already read enough, go to next
  423. next_state <= READ_TEM_L;
  424. dout_count <= 4'd0;
  425. // end
  426. // else begin // need more data, continue in READ state
  427. // next_state <= READ_TEM_H;
  428. // dout_count <= dout_count + 4'd1;
  429. // end
  430. end
  431. else begin
  432. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  433. end
  434. end
  435. READ_TEM_L:begin
  436. if(I2C_SCL_posedge && (I2C_SCL_count < 4'd8) ) begin
  437. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  438. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  439. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  440. if(!addr_transfer) begin
  441. din_buf1 <= {din_buf1[6:0], I2C_SDA_in};
  442. end else if(addr_transfer) begin
  443. din_buf2 <= {din_buf2[6:0], I2C_SDA_in};
  444. end
  445. end
  446. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd8)) begin
  447. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  448. din_valid <= 1'b1;
  449. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  450. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1; // send nack to salver ,and end to get temp
  451. if(!addr_transfer) begin
  452. din <= din_buf1; // because not assure this data, should give it detailed name like tem_h
  453. tem_l1 <= din_buf1;
  454. end else if(addr_transfer) begin
  455. din <= din_buf2; // because not assure this data, should give it detailed name like tem_h
  456. tem_l2 <= din_buf2;
  457. end
  458. end
  459. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd9)) begin
  460. I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  461. // I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  462. // next_state <= READ_CRC_1; // enough for temp
  463. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  464. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b0;
  465. next_state <= END_STOP;
  466. dout_count <= 4'd0;
  467. if(!addr_transfer) begin
  468. tem1 <= {tem_h1,tem_l1}; // to build this temperature after get the data of tem_h and tem_l
  469. addr_transfer <= 1'b1;
  470. end else if(addr_transfer) begin
  471. tem2 <= {tem_h2,tem_l2};
  472. addr_transfer <= 1'b0;
  473. end
  474. end
  475. else begin
  476. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  477. end
  478. end
  479. READ_CRC_1:begin
  480. if(I2C_SCL_posedge && (I2C_SCL_count < 4'd8) ) begin
  481. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  482. din_buf <= {din_buf[6:0], I2C_SDA_in};
  483. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  484. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  485. end
  486. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd8)) begin
  487. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  488. // din <= din_buf;
  489. crc_tem <= din_buf;
  490. din_valid <= 1'b1;
  491. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  492. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b0; // send ack to salver
  493. end
  494. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd9)) begin
  495. I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  496. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  497. next_state <= READ_HUM_H;
  498. dout_count <= 4'd0;
  499. end
  500. else begin
  501. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  502. end
  503. end
  504. READ_HUM_H:begin
  505. if(I2C_SCL_posedge && (I2C_SCL_count < 4'd8) ) begin
  506. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  507. din_buf <= {din_buf[6:0], I2C_SDA_in};
  508. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  509. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  510. end
  511. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd8)) begin
  512. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  513. // din <= din_buf;
  514. hum_h <= din_buf;
  515. din_valid <= 1'b1;
  516. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  517. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b0; // send ack to salver
  518. end
  519. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd9)) begin
  520. I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  521. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  522. next_state <= READ_HUM_L;
  523. dout_count <= 4'd0;
  524. end
  525. else begin
  526. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  527. end
  528. end
  529. READ_HUM_L:begin
  530. if(I2C_SCL_posedge && (I2C_SCL_count < 4'd8) ) begin
  531. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  532. din_buf <= {din_buf[6:0], I2C_SDA_in};
  533. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  534. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  535. end
  536. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd8)) begin
  537. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  538. // din <= din_buf;
  539. hum_l <= din_buf;
  540. din_valid <= 1'b1;
  541. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  542. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b0; // send ack to salver
  543. end
  544. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd9)) begin
  545. I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  546. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  547. next_state <= READ_CRC_2;
  548. dout_count <= 4'd0;
  549. hum <= {hum_h,hum_l}; // to build this temperature after get the data of hum_h and hum_l
  550. end
  551. else begin
  552. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  553. end
  554. end
  555. READ_CRC_2:begin
  556. if(I2C_SCL_posedge && (I2C_SCL_count < 4'd8) ) begin
  557. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  558. din_buf <= {din_buf[6:0], I2C_SDA_in};
  559. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  560. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b1;
  561. end
  562. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd8)) begin
  563. I2C_SCL_count <= I2C_SCL_count + 4'd1;
  564. // din <= din_buf;
  565. crc_hum <= din_buf;
  566. din_valid <= 1'b1;
  567. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  568. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1; // send nack to salver
  569. end
  570. else if(I2C_SCL_negedge && (I2C_SCL_count == 4'd9)) begin
  571. I2C_SCL_count <= 4'd0;
  572. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  573. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b0;
  574. next_state <= END_STOP;
  575. dout_count <= 4'd0;
  576. end
  577. else begin
  578. din_valid <= 1'b0;
  579. end
  580. end
  581. END_STOP:begin
  582. if(I2C_SCL_posedge) begin
  583. I2C_SCL_en <= 1'b0;
  584. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  585. delay_en <= 1'b1;
  586. // I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1;
  587. // delay a while and pull down the SDA, indicating repeat start
  588. end else if(delay_cnt >= 28'd400) begin
  589. delay_cnt <= 1'd0;
  590. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1;
  591. delay_en <= 1'b0;
  592. end else if(delay_en) begin
  593. delay_cnt <= delay_cnt + 1'b1;
  594. // delay a while and pull up the SDA, indicating the end
  595. end else if(~I2C_SCL_en && (end_count < 13'd250)) begin
  596. end_count <= end_count + 13'd1;
  597. end
  598. else if(~I2C_SCL_en) begin
  599. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  600. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1;
  601. next_state <= IDLE;
  602. end_count <= 13'd0;
  603. end
  604. end
  605. // DELAY : begin
  606. // delay_cnt <= delay_cnt + 1'd1;
  607. if(delay_cnt >= 28'd25000) begin // 500us
  608. // if(delay_cnt >= 28'd100) begin // 50us for simulation
  609. // delay_cnt <= 28'd0;
  610. // next_state <= IDLE;
  611. // end else begin
  612. // next_state <= DELAY;
  613. // end
  614. // end
  615. ENDING: begin
  616. if(I2C_SCL_posedge) begin
  617. I2C_SCL_en <= 1'b0;
  618. I2C_SDA_oe <= 1'b0;
  619. delay_en <= 1'b1;
  620. // I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1;
  621. // delay a while and pull down the SDA, indicating repeat start
  622. end else if(delay_cnt >= 28'd400) begin
  623. delay_cnt <= 1'd0;
  624. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1;
  625. delay_en <= 1'b0;
  626. end else if(delay_en) begin
  627. delay_cnt <= delay_cnt + 1'b1;
  628. // delay a while and pull up the SDA, indicating the end
  629. end else if(~I2C_SCL_en && (end_count < 13'd250)) begin
  630. end_count <= end_count + 13'd1;
  631. end
  632. else if(~I2C_SCL_en) begin
  633. I2C_SDA_out <= 1'b1;
  634. next_state <= IDLE;
  635. end
  636. end
  637. endcase
  638. end
  639. //ila_0_druver your_instance_name (
  640. // .clk(clk), // input wire clk
  641. // .probe0 (I2C_SCL ), // input wire [0:0] probe0
  642. // .probe1 (I2C_SDA_out ), // input wire [0:0] probe1
  643. // .probe2 (I2C_SDA_in ), // input wire [0:0] probe2
  644. // .probe3 (I2C_SDA_oe ), // input wire [0:0] probe3
  645. // .probe4 ( dev_addr ), // input wire [6:0] probe4
  646. // .probe5 ( reg_addr ), // input wire [7:0] probe5
  647. // .probe6 ( rdh_wrl ), // input wire [0:0] probe6
  648. // .probe7 ( ready ), // input wire [0:0] probe7
  649. // .probe8 ( dout ), // input wire [7:0] probe8
  650. // .probe9 ( dout_ack ), // input wire [0:0] probe9
  651. // .probe10 ( dout_length ), // input wire [3:0] probe10
  652. // .probe11 ( din ), // input wire [7:0] probe11
  653. // .probe12 ( din_valid ) // input wire [0:0] probe12
  654. //);
  655. endmodule

3- 仿真程序

  1. `timescale 1ns / 1ps
  2. //
  3. // Company:
  4. // Engineer:
  5. //
  6. // Create Date: 2022/12/22 16:42:31
  7. // Design Name: taotao
  8. // Module Name: tb_sht31_i2c
  9. // Project Name:
  10. // Target Devices:
  11. // Tool Versions:
  12. // Description:
  13. //
  14. // Dependencies:
  15. //
  16. // Revision:
  17. // Revision 0.01 - File Created
  18. // Additional Comments:
  19. //
  20. //
  21. module tb_sht31_i2c();
  22. reg clk ;
  23. reg rst ;
  24. reg I2C_SDA_in ;
  25. reg ready ;
  26. initial begin
  27. clk = 1'b0 ;
  28. rst = 1'b1 ;
  29. I2C_SDA_in = 1'b1 ;
  30. ready = 1'b0 ;
  31. #200
  32. rst = 1'b0 ;
  33. #500
  34. ready = 1'b1 ;
  35. #200
  36. ready = 1'b0 ;
  37. #100
  38. I2C_SDA_in = 1'b0 ; // if ack
  39. // I2C_SDA_in = 1'b1 ; // if nack
  40. end
  41. always #10 clk = ~clk;
  42. SHT31_IIC_driver SHT31_IIC_driver_inst(
  43. .clk ( clk ) ,
  44. .rst ( rst ) ,
  45. .I2C_SCL ( I2C_SCL ) ,
  46. .I2C_SDA_out ( I2C_SDA_out ) ,
  47. .I2C_SDA_in ( I2C_SDA_in ) ,
  48. .I2C_SDA_oe ( I2C_SDA_oe ) ,
  49. .ready ( ready ) , // write and read ready
  50. .dout_ack ( dout_ack ) , // write data acknowledge by slave device
  51. // .din ( din ) ,
  52. .din_valid ( din_valid )
  53. );
  54. endmodule

