Chessboard poses 棋盘姿态
Warped images comparison 扭曲图像比较
左侧-nfindHomography 右侧-使用根据相机位移计算的单应性扭曲图像
- Euclidean Homography:(根据相机位移计算单应性)
- [0.2215344870864446, -0.9949332344575121, 0.1140657984013492;
- 0.6776201343947539, 0.1839368762588706, -0.1530250021245755;
- 0.3300066201371719, -0.5683454599466965, 1]
- Euclidean Homography 2:(同上,但使用绝对相机姿势而不是相机位移 仅供检查)
- [0.2215344870864446, -0.9949332344575118, 0.1140657984013491;
- 0.6776201343947537, 0.1839368762588706, -0.1530250021245755;
- 0.3300066201371718, -0.5683454599466965, 1]
- findHomography H:
- [0.3290339333220099, -1.244138808862929, 536.4769088231476;
- 0.6969763913334047, -0.0893590907257152, -80.3406850408241;
- 0.0004051172959296097, -0.001079740100565012, 1]
- homography from camera displacement:(相机位移的单应性)
- [0.4160569974777896, -1.306889022263172, 553.7055455031656;
- 0.7917584238390836, -0.06341244817498765, -108.2770026444472;
- 0.0005926357279773245, -0.00102065172285972, 1]
- homography from absolute camera poses:(绝对相机姿势的单应性)
- [0.4160569974777895, -1.306889022263171, 553.7055455031656;
- 0.7917584238390833, -0.06341244817498759, -108.2770026444472;
- 0.0005926357279773244, -0.00102065172285972, 1]

- // 包含必要的库
- #include <iostream> // 用于基本输入输出
- #include <opencv2/core.hpp> // 包含OpenCV库的核心部分
- #include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> // 包含OpenCV库的图像处理部分
- #include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> // 包含OpenCV库的高级GUI部分
- #include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> // 包含OpenCV库的相机标定和3D重建部分
- using namespace std; // 使用标准命名空间
- using namespace cv; // 使用OpenCV命名空间
- namespace // 定义一个无名命名空间
- {
- enum Pattern { CHESSBOARD, CIRCLES_GRID, ASYMMETRIC_CIRCLES_GRID }; // 定义一个枚举类型Pattern,包含棋盘、圆形网格和非对称圆形网格三种模式
- void calcChessboardCorners(Size boardSize, float squareSize, vector<Point3f>& corners, Pattern patternType = CHESSBOARD)
- // 定义一个函数,用于计算棋盘角点
- {
- corners.resize(0); // 重置角点向量
- switch (patternType) // 根据模式类型进行不同的操作
- {
- for( int i = 0; i < boardSize.height; i++ ) // 遍历棋盘的每一行
- for( int j = 0; j < boardSize.width; j++ ) // 遍历棋盘的每一列
- corners.push_back(Point3f(float(j*squareSize), // 将计算得到的角点坐标添加到角点向量中
- float(i*squareSize), 0));
- break;
- for( int i = 0; i < boardSize.height; i++ ) // 遍历棋盘的每一行
- for( int j = 0; j < boardSize.width; j++ ) // 遍历棋盘的每一列
- corners.push_back(Point3f(float((2*j + i % 2)*squareSize), // 将计算得到的角点坐标添加到角点向量中
- float(i*squareSize), 0));
- break;
- default:
- CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Unknown pattern type\n"); // 如果模式类型未知,则抛出错误
- }
- }
- //! [compute-homography]
- Mat computeHomography(const Mat &R_1to2, const Mat &tvec_1to2, const double d_inv, const Mat &normal)
- // 定义一个函数,用于计算单应性矩阵
- {
- Mat homography = R_1to2 + d_inv * tvec_1to2*normal.t(); // 计算单应性矩阵
- return homography; // 返回单应性矩阵
- }
- //! [compute-homography]
- Mat computeHomography(const Mat &R1, const Mat &tvec1, const Mat &R2, const Mat &tvec2,
- const double d_inv, const Mat &normal)
- // 定义一个函数,用于计算单应性矩阵
- {
- Mat homography = R2 * R1.t() + d_inv * (-R2 * R1.t() * tvec1 + tvec2) * normal.t(); // 计算单应性矩阵
- return homography; // 返回单应性矩阵
- }
- //! [compute-c2Mc1]
- void computeC2MC1(const Mat &R1, const Mat &tvec1, const Mat &R2, const Mat &tvec2,
- Mat &R_1to2, Mat &tvec_1to2)
- // 定义一个函数,用于计算相机位移
- {
- //c2Mc1 = c2Mo * oMc1 = c2Mo * c1Mo.inv()
- R_1to2 = R2 * R1.t(); // 计算旋转矩阵
- tvec_1to2 = R2 * (-R1.t()*tvec1) + tvec2; // 计算平移向量
- }
- //! [compute-c2Mc1]
- void homographyFromCameraDisplacement(const string &img1Path, const string &img2Path, const Size &patternSize,
- const float squareSize, const string &intrinsicsPath)
- // 定义一个函数,用于根据相机位移计算单应性矩阵
- {
- Mat img1 = imread( samples::findFile( img1Path ) ); // 读取第一张图片
- Mat img2 = imread( samples::findFile( img2Path ) ); // 读取第二张图片
- //! [compute-poses]
- vector<Point2f> corners1, corners2; // 定义两个角点向量
- bool found1 = findChessboardCorners(img1, patternSize, corners1); // 在第一张图片中寻找棋盘角点
- bool found2 = findChessboardCorners(img2, patternSize, corners2); // 在第二张图片中寻找棋盘角点
- if (!found1 || !found2) // 如果在任何一张图片中都找不到棋盘角点
- {
- cout << "Error, cannot find the chessboard corners in both images." << endl; // 输出错误信息
- return; // 返回
- }
- vector<Point3f> objectPoints; // 定义一个对象点向量
- calcChessboardCorners(patternSize, squareSize, objectPoints); // 计算棋盘角点
- FileStorage fs( samples::findFile( intrinsicsPath ), FileStorage::READ); // 打开内参文件
- Mat cameraMatrix, distCoeffs; // 定义相机矩阵和畸变系数
- fs["camera_matrix"] >> cameraMatrix; // 读取相机矩阵
- fs["distortion_coefficients"] >> distCoeffs; // 读取畸变系数
- Mat rvec1, tvec1; // 定义旋转向量和平移向量
- solvePnP(objectPoints, corners1, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec1, tvec1); // 求解PnP问题
- Mat rvec2, tvec2; // 定义旋转向量和平移向量
- solvePnP(objectPoints, corners2, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec2, tvec2); // 求解PnP问题
- //! [compute-poses]
- Mat img1_copy_pose = img1.clone(), img2_copy_pose = img2.clone(); // 复制两张图片
- Mat img_draw_poses; // 定义一个用于绘制姿态的图像
- drawFrameAxes(img1_copy_pose, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec1, tvec1, 2*squareSize); // 在第一张图片上绘制坐标轴
- drawFrameAxes(img2_copy_pose, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec2, tvec2, 2*squareSize); // 在第二张图片上绘制坐标轴
- hconcat(img1_copy_pose, img2_copy_pose, img_draw_poses); // 将两张图片水平拼接
- imshow("Chessboard poses", img_draw_poses); // 显示棋盘姿态
- //! [compute-camera-displacement]
- Mat R1, R2; // 定义两个旋转矩阵
- Rodrigues(rvec1, R1); // 将旋转向量转换为旋转矩阵
- Rodrigues(rvec2, R2); // 将旋转向量转换为旋转矩阵
- Mat R_1to2, t_1to2; // 定义旋转矩阵和平移向量
- computeC2MC1(R1, tvec1, R2, tvec2, R_1to2, t_1to2); // 计算相机位移
- Mat rvec_1to2; // 定义旋转向量
- Rodrigues(R_1to2, rvec_1to2); // 将旋转矩阵转换为旋转向量
- //! [compute-camera-displacement]
- //! [compute-plane-normal-at-camera-pose-1]
- //平面法线在相机1坐标系下的坐标表示
- Mat normal = (Mat_<double>(3,1) << 0, 0, 1); // 定义法线向量
- Mat normal1 = R1*normal; // 计算第一帧的法线向量
- //! [compute-plane-normal-at-camera-pose-1]
- //! [compute-plane-distance-to-the-camera-frame-1]
- //世界坐标系原点在相机1坐标系下的坐标表示origin1
- Mat origin(3, 1, CV_64F, Scalar(0)); // 定义原点
- Mat origin1 = R1*origin + tvec1; // 计算第一帧的原点
- double d_inv1 = 1.0 / normal1.dot(origin1);
- // 计算平面到第一帧相机坐标系原点的距离的倒数
- //! [compute-plane-distance-to-the-camera-frame-1]
- //!根据相机位移(位姿变化)计算单应性 [compute-homography-from-camera-displacement]
- Mat homography_euclidean = computeHomography(R_1to2, t_1to2, d_inv1, normal1); // 计算欧几里得单应性矩阵
- Mat homography = cameraMatrix * homography_euclidean * cameraMatrix.inv(); // 计算单应性矩阵
- homography /= homography.at<double>(2,2); // 归一化单应性矩阵
- homography_euclidean /= homography_euclidean.at<double>(2,2); // 归一化欧几里得单应性矩阵
- //! [compute-homography-from-camera-displacement]
- //Same but using absolute camera poses instead of camera displacement, just for check
- Mat homography_euclidean2 = computeHomography(R1, tvec1, R2, tvec2, d_inv1, normal1); // 计算欧几里得单应性矩阵
- Mat homography2 = cameraMatrix * homography_euclidean2 * cameraMatrix.inv(); // 计算单应性矩阵
- homography_euclidean2 /= homography_euclidean2.at<double>(2,2); // 归一化欧几里得单应性矩阵
- homography2 /= homography2.at<double>(2,2); // 归一化单应性矩阵
- cout << "\nEuclidean Homography:\n" << homography_euclidean << endl; // 输出欧几里得单应性矩阵
- cout << "Euclidean Homography 2:\n" << homography_euclidean2 << endl << endl; // 输出欧几里得单应性矩阵
- //! 估计单应性矩阵H corners2 = H * corners1 [estimate-homography]
- Mat H = findHomography(corners1, corners2); // 估计单应性矩阵
- cout << "\nfindHomography H:\n" << H << endl; // 输出估计的单应性矩阵
- //! [estimate-homography]
- cout << "homography from camera displacement:\n" << homography << endl; // 输出由相机位移计算得到的单应性矩阵
- cout << "homography from absolute camera poses:\n" << homography2 << endl << endl; // 输出由绝对相机姿态计算得到的单应性矩阵
- //! [warp-chessboard]
- Mat img1_warp; // 定义一个变形后的图像
- warpPerspective(img1, img1_warp, H, img1.size()); // 对第一张图片进行透视变换
- //! [warp-chessboard]
- Mat img1_warp_custom; // 定义一个自定义的变形后的图像
- warpPerspective(img1, img1_warp_custom, homography, img1.size()); // 对第一张图片进行透视变换
- imshow("Warped image using homography computed from camera displacement", img1_warp_custom); // 显示由相机位移计算得到的单应性矩阵变形后的图像
- Mat img_draw_compare; // 定义一个用于比较的图像
- hconcat(img1_warp, img1_warp_custom, img_draw_compare); // 将两张变形后的图像水平拼接
- imshow("Warped images comparison", img_draw_compare); // 显示比较后的图像
- Mat img1_warp_custom2; // 定义一个自定义的变形后的图像
- warpPerspective(img1, img1_warp_custom2, homography2, img1.size()); // 对第一张图片进行透视变换
- imshow("Warped image using homography computed from absolute camera poses", img1_warp_custom2); // 显示由绝对相机姿态计算得到的单应性矩阵变形后的图像
- waitKey(); // 等待用户按键
- }
- const char* params
- = "{ help h | | print usage }"
- "{ image1 | left02.jpg | path to the source chessboard image }"
- "{ image2 | left01.jpg | path to the desired chessboard image }"
- "{ intrinsics | left_intrinsics.yml | path to camera intrinsics }"
- "{ width bw | 9 | chessboard width }"
- "{ height bh | 6 | chessboard height }"
- "{ square_size | 0.025 | chessboard square size }";
- // 定义一个参数列表,包含帮助信息、图像路径、内参路径、棋盘宽度、棋盘高度和棋盘方格大小
- }
- int main(int argc, char *argv[]) // 主函数
- {
- CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, params); // 定义一个命令行解析器
- if (parser.has("help")) // 如果用户请求帮助
- {
- parser.about("Code for homography tutorial.\n"
- "Example 3: homography from the camera displacement.\n"); // 输出关于信息
- parser.printMessage(); // 打印消息
- return 0; // 返回0
- }
- Size patternSize(parser.get<int>("width"), parser.get<int>("height")); // 获取棋盘的尺寸
- float squareSize = (float) parser.get<double>("square_size"); // 获取棋盘方格的大小
- homographyFromCameraDisplacement(parser.get<String>("image1"), // 调用函数,计算单应性矩阵
- parser.get<String>("image2"),
- patternSize, squareSize,
- parser.get<String>("intrinsics"));
- return 0; // 返回0
- }

Mat homography = R_1to2 + d_inv * tvec_1to2*normal.t();
solvePnP(objectPoints, corners1, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec1, tvec1);
drawFrameAxes(img1_copy_pose, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec1, tvec1, 2*squareSize);
CV_EXPORTS_W void Rodrigues( InputArray src, OutputArray dst, OutputArray jacobian = noArray() );
Mat H = findHomography(corners1, corners2);
homography 与 homography_euclidean的区别
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